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26 minutes ago, Orwar said:


I really should use in-world stores more often than I do, for lots of reasons. And traffic is one of them: we should be encouraging creators to have a physical presence in-world.

I would be much more inclined to do so were those stores better organized than they tend to be. Many of them seem to be a weird hodge-podge, with little organization, and/or little guidance in how to find one's way around. And area search is only so useful when looking for a particular kind of item.

In even a medium sized store, it can take 20 to 30 minutes just to find what one is looking for. Assuming that they actually have it.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Oh yes, the dress I accidentally bought (twice) is fine. It's beautiful, in a Scarlet O'Hara kind of way ("As God is my witness, I'll never buy without demoing again!"), and this creator produces very reliably well-made clothing. I am sure I'll be able to put it to some good use. 

Honestly, my dirty little shopping secret is I buy without demos all the time. One of my absolute favoritestest designers doesn't make them because, frankly, it'd be a nightmare for her to do so. Her outfits have everything from flowing water to BOM to particles to animated bits and pieces - sometimes skins and hair included, so I kind of get why it'd be a pain in the butt. I took a chance on her once and now, I'll drop 500L or more per outfit without even thinking about it. The stuff is just too unique and well made to care, and some of the pieces are mod (usually), which means I can add or subtract or recolor and omg, gimme. There are a few others I'll do this with, too. Yolo. Watch this space as I may come back peeved one day when that stops working out for me, but so far, so good. No ragretz.😄


2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Now if I can only work out how to wear two copies of it at the same time in a meaningful way . . .

On your head, naturally. Omg, imagine?


No real peeves of my own today, except for the fact that I decided to return to World of Warcraft for the first time in a decade for a little R&R and got it in my head to try out the Classic Hardcore server. Gee, trying to make it to level 60 in classic WoW on one single life as a squishy mage, of all things, isn't stressful AT ALL. 😳😵

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6 hours ago, Missy Starchild said:

Be me, who regularly searches for things on the MP. See an item that looks pretty good, but suddenly:

"Demo is at our store!"

Pass. Moving on.


Lazy Sunday is an interesting sale (Marketplace only) but... I keep encountering this there but you see it all over Marketplace. I'm more likely to take the lazy-risk on a discount sale item but still, just put the demo up. I know it costs, they can charge L$1 for it though, I'll pay that for a marketplace demo if necessary.

"Demo in world" means I'm likely to say no unless it's a brand I know already.



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Peeve: Got yelled and cussed out at just now for walking my dogs past someone's house.

Because their dog was out, I guess.

I'm just venting, this particular issue is a recurring theme in my neighborhood.

The real Peeve is that I shouldn't feel bad because someone else has issues controlling THEIR dog. And, being cussed at, for something that's not my fault, shouldn't affect my mood.


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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I really should use in-world stores more often than I do, for lots of reasons. And traffic is one of them: we should be encouraging creators to have a physical presence in-world.

   In principle I agree, it's nice if stuff in Second Life is, well, in Second Life. But with how traffic works it's really not an indication of anything, bots have gotten a lot of blame but there are other traffic gaming methods which are much more complex to combat - it's easy enough to bump up traffic with fishing buoys or sploder-esque things that reward hanging around, there's shopping malls full of badly textured mesh prefabs with better traffic than many clothing stores that actually make quality stuff because of people camping a quarter-hourly chance of L$1.

   The MP is a lot easier to browse than store-hopping in-world (especially if you just search for 'Clothes' and go down the list by traffic), and I think that on some level we may just have to accept that these days people just prefer browsing galleries in a browser (whether Flickr streams, MP listings, or Seraphim galleries) and then go to the location - or grab a demo off the MP. I don't mind demos being in-world only, personally; that is however assuming that the store is navigable. 

   Besides, with most new releases being at some event rather than the actual store .. Eh. I don't know, the more I think about it the more ambivalent I feel towards it. I guess it's nice to have some place to collect group gifts? lol

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I really should use in-world stores more often than I do, for lots of reasons. And traffic is one of them: we should be encouraging creators to have a physical presence in-world.

I would be much more inclined to do so were those stores better organized than they tend to be. Many of them seem to be a weird hodge-podge, with little organization, and/or little guidance in how to find one's way around. And area search is only so useful when looking for a particular kind of item.

In even a medium sized store, it can take 20 to 30 minutes just to find what one is looking for. Assuming that they actually have it.

[ slightly sarcastic mode]
Thankfully all creators/merchants have unlimited time and resources at hand, to achieve all the wanted extras in world, on the marketplace, at fairs and sales. Everywhere.
[ /slightly sarcastic mode]

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16 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

but I couldn't find the buttons for demos. For ANYTHING. I even used area search. I waited for . . . 5 minutes? . . . for them to rez, and they just didn't.


16 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

THEN I noticed that, at last, the "Demo" button had rezzed.

I have had lots of issues over the past many, many months with random things NOT rezzing at locations.  Sometimes a TP out and back fixes it, but I've had other times where it took a relog.  I honestly don't know what the F is up with rezzing in SL these days.  It has been a problem for quite a while now.  It is frustrating, to say the least.

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7 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Now if I can only work out how to wear two copies of it at the same time in a meaningful way . .

Luckily, double purchase is the one thing that you can normally get a refund on -- assuming you can actually get the merchant to respond to your notecard.

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Elon Musk's mum DMed me on Twitter.

"She" wanted to thank me for staying loyal to her son's platform. It means the world to her and him, apparently.

(It actually IS from her account, but yes of course it's an automated thing. I have less than 200 followers there.)

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Elon Musk's mum DMed me on Twitter.

"She" wanted to thank me for staying loyal to her son's platform. It means the world to her and him, apparently.

You should send her back a "Golly Gee Gosh, THANKS SO MUCH" message


Maybe even add a cute little 'thanks' gif


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20 minutes ago, Eddy Vortex said:

They call this flat. LMAO


Ya rather than actually rig to fit,  they  reshape something already rigged to get it as close as they can get it before it starts to clip somewhere..

That happens a lot with many sellers, selling for 10 and 11 bodies..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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16 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Ya rather than actually rig to fit,  they  reshape something already rigged to get it as close as they can get it before it starts to clip somewhere..

That happens a lot with many sellers, selling for 10 and 11 bodies..

I noticed some creators do the same with CZ slim clothes. One store did this with a pair of pants where the waistband fits okay but the booty area has some extra junk in there.

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8 hours ago, JUSTUS Palianta said:

2.FAILED TELEPORTS     .... then you have to reboot

This one is infuriating. In the middle of a conversation and someone wants to TP me which I accept? Boom, random hang and inevitable crash for absolutely no reason. And it happens SO often.

Edited by Missy Starchild
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It's a 3-peeve day.

1) An SL friend of over a decade didn't like it when I disagreed with him, so he unfriended me without a word, left his land, and hasn't been in touch since.

2) My gas boiler has finally given out.

3) I have two belts, and they're both hiding, and since I lost a bit of weight my trousers slip down without one.


On the plus side.

1) The friend was high-maintenance and we didn't have much in common any more.

2) The repairman has promised to come round within 24 hours.

3) I have a tool belt that seems to be doing the trick, even if it looks a bit funny.

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6 hours ago, Missy Starchild said:

This one is infuriating. In the middle of a conversation and someone wants to TP me which I accept? Boom, random hang and inevitable crash for absolutely no reason. And it happens SO often.

It's one of SL's most serious bugs and the most worrying part of it - if you follow what is happening as far as fixing it - they seem to have next to no idea of why it happens.

It wouldn't be quite so annoying (still very annoying) if the viewer could just reconnect without restarting but of course it can't.. for unknown reasons. This bug is so bad that you develop the habit of always detatching/reattaching anything after you have modded it or changed anything about it in a HUD etc since if the TP bug happens and you don't then you lose it all.


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8 hours ago, Eddy Vortex said:

They call this flat. LMAO


Is that the Maitreya Flat body? looks different.

I have played a little with Maitreya Flat and there is a chest of sorts, it's actually kinda masculine in the muscle definition which I'm not so keen on. Could be better! the flat chest mods in general seem to be geared towards a more masculine chest look rather than just being flat breasted though.

I find some Maitreya Petite clothes are a poor fit as well though, I suspect some of them are just quickly re-rigged from standard Maitreya and you often get quite a poor fit in the chest as a result. It varies a lot though.



Edited by AmeliaJ08
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11 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I have had lots of issues over the past many, many months with random things NOT rezzing at locations.  Sometimes a TP out and back fixes it, but I've had other times where it took a relog.  I honestly don't know what the F is up with rezzing in SL these days.  It has been a problem for quite a while now.  It is frustrating, to say the least.

There is definitely a bug that appeared a couple of versions back now. I believe it was mentioned at the time but I can find a surprising lack of discussion about it.

As you say the bug is just that some mesh fails to rez. Often teleporting out and back in to a region is enough to fix it and the items appear. You notice it most keenly in stores where you will see small mesh items fail to rez on shelves etc but I assume it happens everywhere.

Doesn't seem to happen reliably anywhere so hard to replicate and as mentioned if you tp out/in you often find it fixed. Can't tell if it's a viewer bug or something wrong with the asset server. It also seems to get better and worse in waves, haven't noticed it for a couple of weeks for example but have changed nothing as far as what I'm doing.

Normally it is just the visible mesh that is missing, the physics mesh seems to always be there as far as I have seen so invisible objects can be bumped into etc despite not being able to see them.


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14 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I honestly don't know what the F is up with rezzing in SL these days.  It has been a problem for quite a while now.  It is frustrating, to say the least.

   It's been terrible, even with draw distance pushed as low as it goes, starting at a vendor stall for 30 minutes, teleporting out and back, trying the wireframe trick, and relogging doesn't always manage to fix it. Even when there's nothing else within camera view, the loading indicator flashes red like it's having a stroke and nothing happens.

   On the bright side, being unable to go shopping saves me money, I guess. 

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Peeve: Just wanted to do a search for a nice bra for a top I found earlier today.. So I jump on the MP and see one that fits nicely under the top, but also start seeing so much stuff that I want to get now too..

I have 30 freaking demos of outfits I want to get now, all because of a simple little bra shopping..

Their things are only in the price ranges of 399 to 599 and all fatpacks.. but still, it's just more stuff that I want rather than need.. Grrr! \o/


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Peeve.   Creators that ignore constructive criticism...I sent a note with a picture when this skin first came out.  Loved the skin but couldn't not see the glaring issue between the top and bottom sections.  I was at the store today helping someone and I noticed their vendor photo shows the exact same damn issue I showed them!  Am I the only one bothered and peeved by this?  It doesn't show on the lighter skins but it's uber obvious on the darker shades.  



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