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22 hours ago, Casidy Silvercloud said:

I understand why a lot of kids have them, although these kids really are too young to be bringing them to school (and some definitely should not have them at all). I do get it being a necessity on some levels, for certain occasions. Math class isn't the time nor place for tik tok, though. Some high school aged siblings also managed to convince some of them that they don't have to know (or know how to figure out) the answer to anything, they can just look it up. 

It's the whole dependency on it that bugs me the most. They see their parents attached 24/7, at home they probably spend a lot of time in front of a screen too.  Not to mention social media teaches them that kids, people really, around the world have their phones with them all the time, even in school. 

If I had kids of my own, they would NOT have a phone at this age. The internet is vast, and not entirely safe, especially for children. My classroom is a safe place where they can ask for help, not know the answers and spend time being the children they are while developing good educational habits! A phone is such a big responsibility for such little kids. 

Honestly, I feel if a child needs a phone then it should just be a phone.. A child doesn't need a phone with internet access.. They don't need an Iphone 15 1500 dollar cell phone or whatever they cost nowadays, probably 2000.00 by now..

They have light phones that are basically just for making  and receiving phone calls..  I keep hearing the excuses that , what if they are out somewhere and in trouble and need to make a call.. There is cell phone cell phone..

As far as them having Iphoes, I don't see it as any different than letting the tv or video games become the babysitter..


Our boys have to ask to get on the internet and they don't have accounts of any kind.. If they need an email made for some  reason, we have a joint family email just for that reason..

Our outlook is this.. We want our boys to be of legal age and old enough to put their own identities out there on their own.. We don't want our children already all over the internet regretting things they did or said on the internet, before they are moved out of the house.. Let alone  it's just not a safe place for kids to be wandering around.. The most childish adults in the world hang out and spam themselves all over the internet..

There are a lot of reasons really.. But these are what is spiking in my mind at the moment.. I could fill a page..

How ever someone else wants to raise their children is their concern and not mine or my husbands.. But we get a lot of flak from outsiders Because of how we want to raise our children..

My kids read books they eat dinner at the dinner table  they play outside and come in dirty all the time, they kiss their mom when they get home and before they leave every day.. We have family time and watch shows together..

I just wonder how many do those things if they do them at all without their heads slumped over in a phone actually not being in the room with their families other than just their body being there..

I feel really fortunate these days to be honest..


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3 hours ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Pretty similar for me, except I didn't lose interest.

You probably weren't the kid everyone shunned and picked on because different.

As for IQ, that's another "she's a girl!" story. Let's just say that one brother tested at genius level but mine turned out to be higher.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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7 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I assume they'd have a tablet.  You know, for reading and stuff.


We use chromebooks in class for some things, mainly because we have to and its just that day and age. I'm far from opposed to technology use, even for children. I lean heavily on the promotion of responsible use, though. Kids this age don't exactly understand responsibility fully, let alone how to regulate it on their own.

They try to convince me to let them use the chromebooks for other things, lmao. None of my classes, or students, has ever come up with a compelling reason. They couldn't anyway as they're set up to only allow certain apps to run.  We use them very minimally, mainly just for the experience of using them. When they get into upper grades a large amount of the work is done on them, both in class and at home. I don't give them their homework on them, which is why they don't get to leave the classroom. 

 I am very much a hands on, paper, pencil, textbooks and workbooks sort of teacher. It gets some snark from other teachers, but that's ok. My kids can still do their work when the internet is down, a device breaks, or the power is out (if they needed to anyway).

I don't care how well students can type, my kids are still practicing cursive writing! 



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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

You probably weren't the kid everyone shunned and picked on because different.

I wasn't picked on by everyone, just by the bullies who probably resented me for some reason or another. I was still different, the loner who befriended the other kids who were picked on, because I had been picked on too.

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Peeves mixed with good news:

I have a job interview tomorrow. I need to fill out an online application for it, even though they already have my resume. I'm tired from clearing out my storage unit this afternoon. My car is full of the stuff I moved out of my storage unit. Tomorrow I have to drive 25 miles to another town for the interview, and I'm worried I won't have money to buy more gas when I get back.

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Peeve: people who try to censor by pointing out what a piece of furniture is capable of in a pic, and insist it is inappropriate when the author has made no statement about any functionality, and there is nothing inappropriate within the image itself. 

More peeve:  Some insist the author of the pic has made a statement of something offensive simply by having said furniture in an image. Especially when such furniture is not recognizable to the general population.

Ultra Major peeve: The assumption others make that the owner of a piece of furniture finds EVERY function of it palatable and desirable.

Edited by Bagnu
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1 hour ago, Randall Ahren said:

You're so cruel.

   Hm, well there's the whole thing about how it helps develop cognitive function and fine motor skills, and how handwriting increases information retention compared to typing, and how it's proven to develop better language skills. So very cruel of educators to be all pedagogic and stuff. It's almost as if they were trying to give their students the best possible conditions to learn - how dare they!

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5 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Honestly, I feel if a child needs a phone then it should just be a phone.. A child doesn't need a phone with internet access.. They don't need an Iphone 15 1500 dollar cell phone or whatever they cost nowadays, probably 2000.00 by now..

They have light phones that are basically just for making  and receiving phone calls..  I keep hearing the excuses that , what if they are out somewhere and in trouble and need to make a call.. There is cell phone cell phone..

As far as them having Iphoes, I don't see it as any different than letting the tv or video games become the babysitter..


Our boys have to ask to get on the internet and they don't have accounts of any kind.. If they need an email made for some  reason, we have a joint family email just for that reason..

Our outlook is this.. We want our boys to be of legal age and old enough to put their own identities out there on their own.. We don't want our children already all over the internet regretting things they did or said on the internet, before they are moved out of the house.. Let alone  it's just not a safe place for kids to be wandering around.. The most childish adults in the world hang out and spam themselves all over the internet..

There are a lot of reasons really.. But these are what is spiking in my mind at the moment.. I could fill a page..

How ever someone else wants to raise their children is their concern and not mine or my husbands.. But we get a lot of flak from outsiders Because of how we want to raise our children..

My kids read books they eat dinner at the dinner table  they play outside and come in dirty all the time, they kiss their mom when they get home and before they leave every day.. We have family time and watch shows together..

I just wonder how many do those things if they do them at all without their heads slumped over in a phone actually not being in the room with their families other than just their body being there..

I feel really fortunate these days to be honest..


I did this as a kid, but I also had gaming time and stuff. Which was an hour alloted to me. Whether it be a computer game or a console game. But this was when things were like 32 bit. Lol. But I had family time, I ate at the kitchen table and did what I felt as normal stuff you do as a kid. 

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47 minutes ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

I did this as a kid, but I also had gaming time and stuff. Which was an hour alloted to me. Whether it be a computer game or a console game. But this was when things were like 32 bit. Lol. But I had family time, I ate at the kitchen table and did what I felt as normal stuff you do as a kid. 

That's not using gaming or tv or a phone as a baby sitter.. That's moderation and me time which is a good thing..

  If cellphones were alcohol, we'd be talking about world wide alcoholism, kids included.

If a teen loses their phone or it breaks for some reason, they don't just lose their phone, they lose their mind and don't know what to do without  it.. That's scary.

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4 hours ago, Sammy Huntsman said:

What is so bad about today? It's like any other day. 

Don't be silly, it's a FRIDAY, so weekend sales officially start today, makes it totally different from mere mid week sales days.

Also, 13... Wooooo Spooky! Unsucky for some, the XXX Sale event opens on the 13th of each month!

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Peeve: When people say they don't read profiles and try to present it as "UwU I'm too good for this." Like ew, no. Lotta people have do's and don'ts in their profiles and it seems like a sneaky way to evade people's boundaries by claiming ignorance. Like "teehee I'm sorry I was sexual with you without your consent I don't read profiles 0w0." Very gross energy.

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24 minutes ago, Cold Shiver said:

Peeve: When people say they don't read profiles and try to present it as "UwU I'm too good for this." Like ew, no. Lotta people have do's and don'ts in their profiles and it seems like a sneaky way to evade people's boundaries by claiming ignorance. Like "teehee I'm sorry I was sexual with you without your consent I don't read profiles 0w0." Very gross energy.

^^^ THIS!

Especially the "teehee" and "0w0"!!

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13 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

^^^ THIS!

Especially the "teehee" and "0w0"!!

And then if you call them out they'll tell you "I'm sorry you feel that way :o"

Perhaps its an overreaction but I'm actually at the point where if I see someone use ":o" or ":3" emojis I almost immediately have my guard up.

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1 minute ago, Cold Shiver said:

And then if you call them out they'll tell you "I'm sorry you feel that way :o"

Perhaps its an overreaction but I'm actually at the point where if I see someone use ":o" or ":3" emojis I almost immediately have my guard up.

Are kitties OK?




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People CAN read profiles. Nobody can be forced to do so. Nobody should expect that people do.
I never read profiles.
Only to find info about creators. I'm not interested in family stuff, the expected do and don't.
If people feel so self important that they expect others to study their profiles first, it is their problem not mine.
If I want to start talking to someone I don't know, I just start and take it from there, just like in RL. Sue me.

And I guess, what you use or don't use in your profile is up to you, Love, but don't expect that everybody is fluent in kitties talk or whatever other typonese..

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