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1 hour ago, Arielle Popstar said:

the 3 version rule they placed on the FS team that the others don't have to abide by. 

That was not mandated by LL, it was decided upon by the FS team and not just the devs. Support was involved as well since they're the ones who have to put up with resident BS.

AS long as the features do not affect other resident's use of SL the devs can add the feature. It's only when it does affect others that they have to get approval from LL.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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4 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:


Hmm! That's interesting, I wouldn't have seen Silent's reply if you didn't quote her.

Does that sound like a "real thing", that if people quote your post, it boosts your post count?!?

I was only aware that people's "reactions" boost your "reputation" count!

Peeve: I am too lazy to use emoji's from the PC - so if you ever see emojis from me, I'm using my phone.

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19 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


When did SL start preventing you from organizing your outfits in the "Outfits" folder using subfolders?



14 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I had not even noticed.  Now I'm PEEVED.


Ditto to LittleMe's. (All of her response, actually.)

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4 hours ago, InnerCity Elf said:

Of course, it could be, but in case you want to think less about it - it could also just be that there are more people like me who read the forum on their phone, are a bit clumsy, forgot their glasses,... and accidentally land on someone's profile, while they actually just wanted to click the latest comment in some thread from the thread list... I know it happened to me several times... 😊

This, only a desktop/laptop version of "oops how did I get here?" stuff. 99.82% of the time, if I hit someone else's personal profile page it is due to some typing error or my glasses being used as a headband instead of for my eyes. I do sometimes pop in on purpose to see if someone in particular has posted somewhere, as it is my lazy way of "following" a person. I even do that to Da5id.

Or I'm probably doing it to watch my post count go up, or boost someone else's? Or something? Because that's a thing here, right? Because: prizes and fame and fortune? (Versus "Gawd I'm bored and don't want to wash dishes, so I'll babble on the Forum" post counts.)

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44 minutes ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

That's not how it works. FS has to adapt some code, but they are not fixing mistakes. If you haven't actually worked for a TPV, please don't presume you know how they do things. You don't.

I cannot believe you are attempting to teach Zalificent anything. Didn't you ever get told not to try and teach grandma how to suck eggs?



Edited by Marigold Devin
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26 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Hmm! That's interesting, I wouldn't have seen Silent's reply if you didn't quote her.

Does that sound like a "real thing", that if people quote your post, it boosts your post count?!?

I was only aware that people's "reactions" boost your "reputation" count!

Peeve: I am too lazy to use emoji's from the PC - so if you ever see emojis from me, I'm using my phone.

No, not at all.

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14 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Or I'm probably doing it to watch my post count go up, or boost someone else's? Or something? Because that's a thing here, right? Because: prizes and fame and fortune? (Versus "Gawd I'm bored and don't want to wash dishes, so I'll babble on the Forum" post counts.)

My real reason for being an over-poster is that I get enjoyment form interacting with you all.


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5 hours ago, Enola2017 said:

sometimes I see a message that someone is looking at me (or at my profile), I have everyone disabled - so I don't know - who. and I think - what a mess - I wrote something wrong again on the forum - or I mistranslated what I meant - hehheheh... probably my fans

Don't worry. I don't think anyone dislikes you here. It's easy to click on the wrong link, especially when using a mobile phone. Because you don't post often, people may also be looking at your profile to learn more about you.

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3 hours ago, Enola2017 said:

I don't see exactly what that person's nickname is doing on me - (and when everyone is turned off - I see only messages - now everyone can see you) that is, like this))

great comments and I'm in a good mood! best in many days - thank you!! embrace)


"Now everyone can see you" just means you've rezzed for others and are not just a cloud.

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10 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Because you don't post often, people may also be looking at your profile to learn more about you.

Assuming this is all about Forum profiles..

Something I am not understanding is - how could they "know" someone looked at their profile, unless they look at their own profile often to see "who is looking at my profile"?

To my knowledge, there is no "notification" that says, "so-and-so looked at your profile!"  You only find out if you view your own profile - where it shows recent profile visitors.

Please help me understand!


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15 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Assuming this is all about Forum profiles..

Something I am not understanding is - how could they "know" someone looked at their profile, unless they look at their own profile often to see "who is looking at my profile"?

To my knowledge, there is no "notification" that says, "so-and-so looked at your profile!"  You only find out if you view your own profile - where it shows recent profile visitors.

Please help me understand!


On the mysecondlife.com site, it shows and will notify you when someone 'follows' you there.  I thought LL was doing away with that whole web profile thing anyway.   It freaked me out the first time I got a notification that so and so was following me until I saw it was from the website and not inworld.  Honestly, it was kind of a creepy function IMO.

ETA...If you have notifications on for the forums, you can also get a notice when someone follows you here...


Edited by Rowan Amore
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11 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Assuming this is all about Forum profiles..

Something I am not understanding is - how could they "know" someone looked at their profile, unless they look at their own profile often to see "who is looking at my profile"?

To my knowledge, there is no "notification" that says, "so-and-so looked at your profile!"  You only find out if you view your own profile - where it shows recent profile visitors.

Please help me understand!

I think that forum notice shows while we're looking at our own profile - and the following notice Rowen mentioned. "So and so is viewing your profile," "So and so is now following you".

OT - Soandso would be a good avatar name, e.g. "Soandso Mole".

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5 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

On the mysecondlife.com site, it shows and will notify you when someone 'follows' you there.  I thought LL was doing away with that whole web profile thing anyway.   It freaked me out the first time I got a notification that so and so was following me until I saw it was from the website and not inworld.  Honestly, it was kind of a creepy function IMO.

ETA...If you have notifications on for the forums, you can also get a notice when someone follows you here...

Ok, so perhaps they are being told that someone is "following" them not just "viewing" them..could be a translation issue.

People "following" them by accident seems pretty unlikely compared to just "viewing" their profiles.

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Ok, so perhaps they are being told that someone is "following" them not just "viewing" them..could be a translation issue.

People "following" them by accident seems pretty unlikely compared to just "viewing" their profiles.

I shut all that off here too.  Gives me a Twitter vibe if someone I don't know follows me.  :(

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2 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

"So and so is viewing your profile,"

Guess I've not seen this. Perhaps it doesn't work with Chrome..?

Or, perhaps I have "notifications" turned off for the website - and these are website "notifications".

That makes more sense, but I have notifications turned "on" for one of my PC's.  I guess nobody looks at my profile as much as they post replies. (I think the site "notifications" are not that reliable, at least with Chrome. But then again, I mostly use phone where notifications don't seem to work.)

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Just now, Rowan Amore said:

I shut all that off here too.  Gives me a Twitter vibe if someone I don't know follows me.  :( 

You KNOW it hurts me - injures me grievously - that I can't see all your posts!  <= This part is joking

I found the workaround, if I just view your profile i can see your recent activity! <= This part is serious

Peeve: Liking someone and missing some of their posts! (The Anti-Peeve would be, when you see their posts in "Unread"!)


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11 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

I think that forum notice shows while we're looking at our own profile - and the following notice Rowen mentioned. "So and so is viewing your profile," "So and so is now following you".

OT - Soandso would be a good avatar name, e.g. "Soandso Mole".

I have it disabled. It's on the profile page in the left column.


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2 hours ago, Phil Deakins said:

I already told you that LL produces the viewers that everyone uses. There is no competition. All TPVs are is LL's viewer with a few mods. Or do you actually think that TPVs are created by other people? If you do, then you're wrong. If LL was actually competing, they'd ban TPVs altogether.

Well when Oz was still here he didn't seem overly happy about Firestorm being used by such a large percentage of the residents. Can quibble about whether that translates to being a competition or not but guess it all depends on the perspective one looks at it with.

1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

That was not mandated by LL, it was decided upon by the FS team and not just the devs. Support was involved as well since they're the ones who have to put up with resident BS.

AS long as the features do not affect other resident's use of SL the devs can add the feature. It's only when it does affect others that they have to get approval from LL.

From conversations with FS devs and Jessica herself, Firestorm was under pressure to adopt the 3 version rule or use the Lab's immediate updates upon a new release.

Why block old versions?

Firstly, we are under pressure by Linden Lab to do this, and we can either do it ourselves or adopt LL’s update system which allows them to do it instead. Either we update you or LL does, but either way, folks, updating is quite inevitable. 


I personally hate blocking old versions, and many others on our team do as well.


Sounded pretty mandated to me and only applied to Firestorm of the TPV's.

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1 hour ago, Arielle Popstar said:

Well when Oz was still here he didn't seem overly happy about Firestorm being used by such a large percentage of the residents. Can quibble about whether that translates to being a competition or not but guess it all depends on the perspective one looks at it with.

From conversations with FS devs and Jessica herself, Firestorm was under pressure to adopt the 3 version rule or use the Lab's immediate updates upon a new release.

Why block old versions?

Firstly, we are under pressure by Linden Lab to do this, and we can either do it ourselves or adopt LL’s update system which allows them to do it instead. Either we update you or LL does, but either way, folks, updating is quite inevitable. 


I personally hate blocking old versions, and many others on our team do as well.


Sounded pretty mandated to me and only applied to Firestorm of the TPV's.

Cherry picking from 2016 doesn't work with me. Notice the first word is Fourth. That means there are 3 other points above this. People really should read the whole thing instead of cherry picking. 

Looks to me more like Jess is not happy with users not updating when they've had more than a year to prepare for it.

My point is the updates are on LL, not FS so we agree on that.


Fourth, the alternative to Firestorm implementing blocks according to our own system is us implementing blocks according to Linden Lab’s system. We don’t see this as a better option. Linden Lab want us to use their auto-updater code, which works as follows:
LL issues a viewer update. LL Forced updateWhen you go to launch the viewer you see the following. You are then forced to download and install the update before you can move forward. If for some reason that update does not work for you, you’re stuck; there is no going back to an older version. Even if you reinstall the older version you will be hit with that same forced update as soon as you launch it again. We don’t agree with this approach and feel that folks should have some level of grace period and an alternative they can switch back to if the update does not work for them, at least so they can get back inworld and ask for help. So we decline to use LL’s updater in favor of our own system of blocking versions, which will give users an average of nine months’ grace period before they have to update. And in the case of the current blockage? A year, folks… we gave you more than a year.

I personally hate blocking old versions, and many others on our team do as well. I would be much happier to use LL’s updater, and folks can then direct their frustration toward LL instead of me and the Firestorm team. But I would rather absorb the backlash for applying blocks after a considerable grace period than to cause users to be stuck and unable to log in because an update doesn’t work for them.

4.6.9 was released in December 2014, which makes this version well over a year old. If we do not implement our blocks, then we risk LL forcing us to use their updater. It is for all the above reasons that we block old versions of our viewer.

Today we have to block version 4.6.9 - Firestorm Viewer - The Phoenix Firestorm Project Inc.

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