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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

On an unrelated note: where in the name of all that is holy are the mods????

Sorry.  I've been doing wholely molely stuff and letting @Quartz Mole do the heavy lifting in the forums this afternoon.  Besides, with a few exceptions the forum rowdies have been elsewhere (playing with RL fireworks?) today. I thought that you wouldn't notice I was AWOL.

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9 minutes ago, Dyna Mole said:

Sorry.  I've been doing wholely molely stuff and letting @Quartz Mole do the heavy lifting in the forums this afternoon.  Besides, with a few exceptions the forum rowdies have been elsewhere (playing with RL fireworks?) today. I thought that you wouldn't notice I was AWOL.


Now, don't I feel awful!!

I hope you've been enjoying your moley stuff -- it must be a lovely break from us!! You deserve it! (As does Quartz!)

And yeah, today is pretty quiet really, and the rowdies are probably all letting off fireworks on buses and stuff.

Just ignore me! Really. Most people do!

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11 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


Now, don't I feel awful!!

I hope you've been enjoying your moley stuff -- it must be a lovely break from us!! You deserve it! (As does Quartz!)

And yeah, today is pretty quiet really, and the rowdies are probably all letting off fireworks on buses and stuff.

Just ignore me! Really. Most people do!

What did you do, tag her?



Peeve: When you totally give up, then a Moderator finally comes, but it's hopeless. Beyond hopeless. 



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11 hours ago, Marigold Devin said:

Peeve: The BBC weather forecast v the actual weather. Laughably they predict ten days ahead when they can't even get the next hour right most of the time. 

They’re just guessing 9_9 I bet if you put some weather forecasters up against tarot readers for a month, and asked both for their weather predictions, the accurate predictions would be identical!

The best UK weather forecasts were by Jeremy Paxman :D



Edited by Rat Luv
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15 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

What did you do, tag her?

I did nothing of the sort! I asked where the mods were!

And, you know, probably quietly wished under my breath that Dyna could be here to share this lovely day with us.

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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
23 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

What did you do, tag her?

I did nothing of the sort! I asked where the mods were!

And, you know, probably quietly wished under my breath that Dyna could be here to share this lovely day with us.

Who knows then, perhaps they get notified when the word "Mole" is used in a post.  Or, Dyna Mole reads this particular thread (because WE ARE TEH AWESOME!1!!) and saw your shout-out.

Peeve: Not knowing.

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Just now, Love Zhaoying said:

Who knows then, perhaps they get notified when the word "Mole" is used in a post.  Or, Dyna Mole reads this particular thread (because WE ARE TEH AWESOME!1!!) and saw your shout-out.

Peeve: Not knowing.

I think she just missed us.

No really.

I'm being serious.


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2 hours ago, Dyna Mole said:

Sorry.  I've been doing wholely molely stuff and letting @Quartz Mole do the heavy lifting in the forums this afternoon.  Besides, with a few exceptions the forum rowdies have been elsewhere (playing with RL fireworks?) today. I thought that you wouldn't notice I was AWOL.

That was the bit I was specifically laughing at and the fact you have a nickname for them. 

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3 minutes ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Imagining a newly formed Forum Rowdies group holding their first inworld meeting which is to see who actually turns up.

I'd show up, just to totally demolish the group's street cred before it even got off the ground.

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17 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Imagining a newly formed Forum Rowdies group holding their first inworld meeting which is to see who actually turns up.

   Hrmpf, my invite must have gotten lost in the mail!

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8 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Hrmpf, my invite must have gotten lost in the mail!

My excuse is, that I thoroughly hate meetings. 

And asking for a friend: Will there be fireworks?

Edited by Sid Nagy
Disguising my true intentions.
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6 hours ago, Missy Starchild said:

Trying out a skin only to find out it has extremely badly done shine/gloss that completely ruins it. Whyyyy do creators do this?

I’m afraid it might get worse under PBR lighting so I’m going to wait a bit to shop for any new skins. 

unreasonable peeve: I want First Life summer to be over but I also want the next Linden Homes that were teased as ‘Thousand Island’ to be a tropical paradise AND released before the US winter holidays! 😎

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Peeve: Missed the successful conclusion of a thread last night.

OTOH: So glad it was successful!

Peeve: When finally testing a script with a lot of hope, * cue sad trombones * realized I was looking for data before creating the data.

OTOH: Spent a lot of the holiday weekend working on scripting!

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15 hours ago, Missy Starchild said:

Trying out a skin only to find out it has extremely badly done shine/gloss that completely ruins it. Whyyyy do creators do this?

Some people think that if an option becomes available it has to be used on every single part they create.
One normally gets the best results when very sparsely used. It is quickly overdone.

Same goes for make up IMHO (RL and SL), applied the right way it makes a face more beautiful, but when overdone it makes it a walking painting.

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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Peeve: Missed the successful conclusion of a thread last night.

OTOH: So glad it was successful!

Peeve: When finally testing a script with a lot of hope, * cue sad trombones * realized I was looking for data before creating the data.

OTOH: Spent a lot of the holiday weekend working on scripting!

I lost respect for several people in that thread. 

Your time was better spent scripting imho

Peeve: people. Specifically today people who put the wrong type of rubbish into the recycling bins so now they haven't been emptied and are overflowing. Again. 

Edited by Marigold Devin
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On 7/1/2023 at 5:59 PM, Sammy Huntsman said:

I don't really use Twitter or its competitors.

I don't think of Mastodon as a "competitor" for Twitter, being a) non-profit and b) a decentralized "loose confederation of instances" (you have to choose one to "join".


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