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14 minutes ago, benchthis said:

Dealing with perpetual retaliation for speaking out about concerns I have. I'm not going there. Ever again. I'm not opening my mail box ever again. 

Annotation 2023-05-03 101604.png

You can shut that off altogether if it helps.    Go to your inbox and Disable Inbox at the bottom of the list of messages.


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2 hours ago, benchthis said:

Dealing with perpetual retaliation for speaking out about concerns I have. I'm not going there. Ever again. I'm not opening my mail box ever again. 

Annotation 2023-05-03 101604.png

If you are getting messages in your mailbox from users with the last name "Linden" or "Mole", you may want to read the messages! 


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After all of my years in SL, stores/events still insist on labeling items that cost more than 1L as "gifts."   I noticed that a recently opened event has very carefully not labeled the area as gifts, but some of the stores have still labeled them as such.  Anything that costs linden dollars is NOT A GIFT, people!  It's a discounted item.  Don't insult customers by calling it a gift.   

Secondary gripe:  Some of the 50L "gifts" are clothing items with NO DEMOS!  I noticed at least one designer who did include a demo, but the vast majority did not.  Guess what? I'm not going to throw away my lindens for even a discount item if it has no demo.  

Guess what, guilty store owners! I am putting you on my permanent Won't Shop There (tm) list.  I'm also not spending 50L a piece on a bunch of cheap chokers which is apparently the low-effort "gift" du jour (and always has been). 


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Unless a user is bombarding you using more than one account ... You can block a user from sending you DM/PMs here on the forum and block them from sending you IMs in world as well.

after that all you need to do is open your inbox one last time and delete/close the existing messages.

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So, a man friend -- not a close one, but I know and like him -- just visited my Virtual Toxic exhibit.

And then proceeded to explain what was wrong with it -- why it was not "tough" or "brutal" enough, and why was I dancing around the issue of misogyny, etc.? Apparently my feminism is insufficiently . . . I dunno, manly?

And really, I just can't even.

Anyway I'm just complaining about it so that I can post this GIF, which I find hilarious.



And I promise to do better on my next exhibit. 😏

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8 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

So, a man friend -- not a close one, but I know and like him -- just visited my Virtual Toxic exhibit.

And then proceeded to explain what was wrong with it -- why it was not "tough" or "brutal" enough, and why was I dancing around the issue of misogyny, etc.? Apparently my feminism is insufficiently . . . I dunno, manly?

And really, I just can't even.

Anyway I'm just complaining about it so that I can post this GIF, which I find hilarious.



And I promise to do better on my next exhibit. 😏

Nothing like having misogyny mansplained to you! Irony, much?

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1 hour ago, Incognita Clarity said:

After all of my years in SL, stores/events still insist on labeling items that cost more than 1L as "gifts."   I noticed that a recently opened event has very carefully not labeled the area as gifts, but some of the stores have still labeled them as such.  Anything that costs linden dollars is NOT A GIFT, people!  It's a discounted item.  Don't insult customers by calling it a gift.   

Secondary gripe:  Some of the 50L "gifts" are clothing items with NO DEMOS!  I noticed at least one designer who did include a demo, but the vast majority did not.  Guess what? I'm not going to throw away my lindens for even a discount item if it has no demo.  

Guess what, guilty store owners! I am putting you on my permanent Won't Shop There (tm) list.  I'm also not spending 50L a piece on a bunch of cheap chokers which is apparently the low-effort "gift" du jour (and always has been). 


Seeing that 1L is .004 of a penny, I see that as a gift.   The 50L is .20  I'm perfectly ok with it. I've gotten a lot of nice things for 50L and if one or two end up being duds then that's fine.  

I get that people have  a choice on how to spend their money but the less work the creator does the less money it should cost, imo. Start adding demo's and the price might go up.  

If you don't want cheap stuff, don't buy it (as you've stated here you won't) 

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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Nothing like having misogyny mansplained to you! Irony, much?

Well, yeah.

In my particular professional and social circles, I run across a lot of this. It sort of goes with the territory. A man will join in on a discussion about misogyny, and trip over himself trying to demonstrate how "on side" he is, and how committed an ally, with the result that he often ends up dominating a discussion that is about . . . women.

The thing is . . . they mean well. The entire point of mansplaining in these instances is to make it clear that they are "on your side," they "get it," they're "not like other men." And I believe them, and value them for that. So I try to moderate my response accordingly. I don't want to be mean to them, because they're trying so hard.

But it does sort of highlight the cultural divide that still exists, and the degree to which a bit of self-awareness really helps.

Anyway, I'd rather work with an army of sympathetic mansplainers and white knights than deal with the ones who really don't get it. If you can get them to stop talking long enough to listen, the former are capable of learning. The latter, not so much.

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16 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Well, yeah.

In my particular professional and social circles, I run across a lot of this. It sort of goes with the territory. A man will join in on a discussion about misogyny, and trip over himself trying to demonstrate how "on side" he is, and how committed an ally, with the result that he often ends up dominating a discussion that is about . . . women.

The thing is . . . they mean well. The entire point of mansplaining in these instances is to make it clear that they are "on your side," they "get it," they're "not like other men." And I believe them, and value them for that. So I try to moderate my response accordingly. I don't want to be mean to them, because they're trying so hard.

But it does sort of highlight the cultural divide that still exists, and the degree to which a bit of self-awareness really helps.

Anyway, I'd rather work with an army of sympathetic mansplainers and white knights than deal with the ones who really don't get it. If you can get them to stop talking long enough to listen, the former are capable of learning. The latter, not so much.

Don't get me wrong, but I hope it's worse in your country than in the US! Definitely sounds um, retrograde.

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26 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

The thing is . . . they mean well. The entire point of mansplaining in these instances is to make it clear that they are "on your side," they "get it," they're "not like other men." And I believe them, and value them for that. So I try to moderate my response accordingly. I don't want to be mean to them, because they're trying so hard.

If you can get them to stop talking long enough to listen, the former are capable of learning. 

You're a saint, because this would drive me absolutely bonkers. 😄


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3 hours ago, Incognita Clarity said:

After all of my years in SL, stores/events still insist on labeling items that cost more than 1L as "gifts."   I noticed that a recently opened event has very carefully not labeled the area as gifts, but some of the stores have still labeled them as such.  Anything that costs linden dollars is NOT A GIFT, people!  It's a discounted item.  Don't insult customers by calling it a gift.   

Secondary gripe:  Some of the 50L "gifts" are clothing items with NO DEMOS!  I noticed at least one designer who did include a demo, but the vast majority did not.  Guess what? I'm not going to throw away my lindens for even a discount item if it has no demo.  

Guess what, guilty store owners! I am putting you on my permanent Won't Shop There (tm) list.  I'm also not spending 50L a piece on a bunch of cheap chokers which is apparently the low-effort "gift" du jour (and always has been). 


This is becoming more and more common. 

Not only that, but the various Hunts are now allowing the store to not put out a normal L$0-L$5 prize, but to have a special "25L Exclusive" - I even saw a few "50L Exclusive" prizes in one of the recent hunts I did.

You know how we sometimes feel like we are being nickeled and dimed to death in RL?  Some places in SL are now giving off that save vibe.

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When I see something I really like on Flickr and the creator is doing the "like/leave your name, be in to win it" thing and has a winners chosen date, so I like and leave my name hoping to win.  I go to the store doing my usual weekend sales shop and see that item is in the sale, so think to myself that I'll just wait and see if I win first.  If not I'll go back to buy it at the reduced price.

Peeve: Forgetting to go back to buy it!!!

Don't put one day sales items as prizes on Flickr!!!


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11 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But it does sort of highlight the cultural divide that still exists, and the degree to which a bit of self-awareness really helps.

Hey hey, it's your rapier tongued sass and class diva \o/ It was really lovely to catch up with you recently. Of course I had a nice trip down memory lane afterwords. We were quite the intellectual scrappers back then OMG! I wouldn't last a week here with the current cultural divide...although, I would like to drag up some old archived discussions and see the response. mhm I'm still bad *grins

I hope all is well with you and are enjoying the life you richly deserve. I was gong to post a nice vid but like trying to change my profile pic...some things never change :) Love ya sister! ♥


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9 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

This is becoming more and more common. 

Not only that, but the various Hunts are now allowing the store to not put out a normal L$0-L$5 prize, but to have a special "25L Exclusive" - I even saw a few "50L Exclusive" prizes in one of the recent hunts I did.

You know how we sometimes feel like we are being nickeled and dimed to death in RL?  Some places in SL are now giving off that save vibe.

Where exactly in the ToS is stated that every item entered in a hunt needs to be free?The merchants make the rules they use to play the market. The customer decides if it is a good deal for them or not.
Two different worlds, each with their own thoughts behind it.

Merchants put a lot of time in their product before it hits the market.
Is it really so strange that they want some L$ back in return?  People that are not even willing to pay a few L$ are not the target market for merchants. They will never buy the full price stuff or the fat packs.


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6 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

Where exactly in the ToS is stated that every item entered in a hunt needs to be free?The merchants make the rules they use to play the market. The customer decides if it is a good deal for them or not.
Two different worlds, each with their own thoughts behind it.

Merchants put a lot of time in their product before it hits the market.
Is it really so strange that they want some L$ back in return?  People that are not even willing to pay a few L$ are not the target market for merchants. They will never buy the full price stuff or the fat packs.


Sorry Sid. You are incorrect in this case. If an item is supposed to be a gift, it is not something the receiver should be paying for. That is not what a gift is. 

Do you (general) pay for the birthday gifts other people give you? No.

Do you pay for the Christmas gifts other people give you? No. 


Gift, a thing willingly given without payment.



If you have to pay for it, even with Ls, it is not free and not a gift. What these particular merchants are doing is not being honest when they label something as free and/or a gift and then the consumer has to PAY for the thing to obtain it. That is false advertising, and it is illegal in the US.




When the Federal Trade Commission finds a case of fraud perpetrated on consumers, the agency files actions in federal district court for immediate and permanent orders to stop scams; prevent fraudsters from perpetrating scams in the future; freeze their assets; and get compensation for victims.When consumers see or hear an advertisement, whether it’s on the Internet, radio or television, or anywhere else, federal law says that ad must be truthful, not misleading, and, when appropriate, backed by scientific evidence. The FTC enforces these truth-in-advertising laws, and it applies the same standards no matter where an ad appears – in newspapers and magazines, online, in the mail, or on billboards or buses. The FTC looks especially closely at advertising claims that can affect consumers’ health or their pocketbooks – claims about food, over-the-counter drugs, dietary supplements, alcohol, and tobacco and on conduct related to high-tech products and the Internet. The FTC also monitors and writes reports about ad industry practices regarding the marketing of alcohol and tobacco. During the recent coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the FTC has been sending warning letters to companies that may be violating the FTC Act, to warn them that their conduct is likely unlawful and that they can face serious legal consequences, such as a federal lawsuit, if they do not immediately stop.


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16 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

This is becoming more and more common. 

Not only that, but the various Hunts are now allowing the store to not put out a normal L$0-L$5 prize, but to have a special "25L Exclusive" - I even saw a few "50L Exclusive" prizes in one of the recent hunts I did.

You know how we sometimes feel like we are being nickeled and dimed to death in RL?  Some places in SL are now giving off that save vibe.

It's been happening for years in SL. I noticed it way back in the early days and have watched it grow since. In RL, it started long before I ever graduated high school in '77.

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1 hour ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

Sorry Sid. You are incorrect in this case. If an item is supposed to be a gift, it is not something the receiver should be paying for. That is not what a gift is. 

Do you (general) pay for the birthday gifts other people give you? No.

Do you pay for the Christmas gifts other people give you? No. 


Gift, a thing willingly given without payment.



If you have to pay for it, even with Ls, it is not free and not a gift. What these particular merchants are doing is not being honest when they label something as free and/or a gift and then the consumer has to PAY for the thing to obtain it. That is false advertising, and it is illegal in the US.




I wouldn't call it a gift either when I would charge for it.
But LittleMe was talking about '25L$ Exclusive' and such offerings during a hunt.
I don't see the problem with that at all.
If you don't want to spend money, leave the product where it is and move on to the next store.
There is no law or TOS that enforces that everything in a hunt should be free.

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55 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

I wouldn't call it a gift either when I would charge for it.
But LittleMe was talking about '25L$ Exclusive' and such offerings during a hunt.
I don't see the problem with that at all.
If you don't want to spend money, leave the product where it is and move on to the next store.
There is no law or TOS that enforces that everything in a hunt should be free.

I think you are completely missing the point. 

I remember when hunt gifts were completely free. Now we have to pay for many that are labeled gifts that ARE NOT GIFTS. If they are not a gift (FREE aka NO CHARGE) then DO NOT LABEL THE ITEM AS A GIFT.

Those merchants have not gotten my money in over a decade now since they started slapping a price on something THEY labeled as a GIFT.

If it has a price, it is NOT A GIFT. Do NOT label it as a GIFT.


Stop trying to force me to spend money. It won't work.

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10 hours ago, Sid Nagy said:

Where exactly in the ToS is stated that every item entered in a hunt needs to be free?The merchants make the rules they use to play the market. The customer decides if it is a good deal for them or not.
Two different worlds, each with their own thoughts behind it.

Merchants put a lot of time in their product before it hits the market.
Is it really so strange that they want some L$ back in return?  People that are not even willing to pay a few L$ are not the target market for merchants. They will never buy the full price stuff or the fat packs.


Most hunts do charge L$1-5 for the prizes.  The purpose of participating in the hunts, IMO, is to get traffic to your store and to showcase your work to folks so that they can decide if they want to buy items from you.  For almost all of SL's existence, up until the last few years, many merchants participated in hunts where the prize cost was limited to just a few L$.  

Hunt items don't ever come with a demo first and many of them don't even provide a picture of the item.  I'm not about to pay any merchant L$25 or more for a hunt item because there is no demo and thus (based on previous hunts for more than a decade) the chance of me throwing the item away is very high.

Yes, merchants are free to do hunts the way they want to, but the ones that charge higher prices for a hunt item leave a bad taste in my mouth and thus I'm unlikely to buy from them in the future.

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43 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Most hunts do charge L$1-5 for the prizes.  The purpose of participating in the hunts, IMO, is to get traffic to your store and to showcase your work to folks so that they can decide if they want to buy items from you.  For almost all of SL's existence, up until the last few years, many merchants participated in hunts where the prize cost was limited to just a few L$.  

Hunt items don't ever come with a demo first and many of them don't even provide a picture of the item.  I'm not about to pay any merchant L$25 or more for a hunt item because there is no demo and thus (based on previous hunts for more than a decade) the chance of me throwing the item away is very high.

Yes, merchants are free to do hunts the way they want to, but the ones that charge higher prices for a hunt item leave a bad taste in my mouth and thus I'm unlikely to buy from them in the future.

I stopped doing hunts years ago when I'd end up with maybe one or two items worth my time.  I woman really doesn't need 4756638 tank dresses in mint green or lilac.  😆

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I mostly do hunts with photo guides/keys. Most I've participated in have been really good. In the fantasy hunt I did a few days ago, I snagged two free heads and a skin fatpack, so it was definitely worth it. And I like how ViSion did their most recent one - you hunted for store credit so you could buy your own stuff.

My only hunt-related peeves are when stores get a bit TOO creative with their hiding spots (girl, why do you have me looking in the lighting fixtures way up high?!) and when they mix in fake hunt items for lols. Nu uh!

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