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13 minutes ago, Modulated said:

Same. i don't use discord for anything , no desire to do so, and will not use it just for SL group chat things.

I have an account because it seems to have become the standard for a lot of groups, such as for the Alchemy viewer, it is there where I can find links to the latest beta viewer and read about updates.  As far as using Discord for chatting, I haven't had a need for it.  

For regular chatting I still just use SL, because the few times I do chat regarding SL is when I am in SL and having a separate window open gets to be tedious.  Plus I prefer the format of the forum over chat for socializing,  so I usually just post here.

As with @sanne FootmanI prefer to keep SL in SL, as self contained as possible.  I'm like that with most of the web, isolation from other sites, not having one identity spread out among a multitude of different sites and services - which while convenient places us in a vulnerable position, easier to manipulate through various algorithms, targets for unscrupulous scammers, and advertisers.  For Discord I have another identity unrelated to my SL one.  

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I'll do just about anything to spend time with my kids,  so Discord it is!   We meet up (like Facetime) and chat and play something called table games.  To me,  it's just like Yahoo used to be and Skype still is - just more popular with the young folk.


Peeve:   Not getting to spend more time with my kids these days!   


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1 hour ago, Coffee Pancake said:

Communities move and shift around, this is normal.

Refusing to do the new thing so you can moan about the new thing is self defeating and just makes the inevitable begrudging move even harder.


Agreed, I do go there to keep the 'manager' of the club happy.  I enjoy Flickr, it offers things SL doesn't.

I just wish someone could say "knock it off" and have peeps listen and ... Knock (nock for those archers among us) it off.  Oddly they won't listen to a short redhead.  The Screaming Chipmunk. (Sounds like a pub.)

I have a disdain for Discord however.  And it's growing.


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Peeve: Got an email today that the ISP / Cable company is sending me another new modem, and the old one will stop working 11/15.

Hope that goes well.

At least they told me this time, and are sending a new modem proactively.

Last time, it was me: "Whu'? Where's my innerwebs!?"

Them: "So sorry. Your old modem won't work with our upgrade. Here's a new modem."


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14 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

I've always had almost every group chat disabled so I'd not have need of Discord either.  Most group chat is just unnecessary noise to me.  

Yes! I'd chat with y'all though, that would be freaky and fun. 

Like if we were all at the Forum Hangout.

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1 hour ago, Rowan Amore said:

I've always had almost every group chat disabled so I'd not have need of Discord either.  Most group chat is just unnecessary noise to me.  

^^ This

There are only 2 of my groups that I've ever engaged in Chat in and they are still working mostly okay within SL.  Thus I don't need to suck it up and move with the times and embrace Discord (yes, I know those were not the words used, but it does seem to be the sentiment).

By the same token, I seldom actually talk to other people anyway - even one on one chatting.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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   I use Discord a lot. And, sure, a lot of servers I'm in, including most of the SL ones, are muted and has notifications turned off. I chat with people in DMs all the time, both with SL friends and with RL siblings and former classmates and workmates, and there are a handful of smaller servers for groups of friends and my SL family where I'm actively staying on top of things - which is great, considering people's time zones are all over, so even if I'm not around, I can partake in the conversations - much like on the forums, communication can be at a much slower pace. 

   Sure, it has its annoyances, like people communicating in cretinous KEKW-spam and general sh!teposting. But that's not a Discord issue, that's a people issue - just like SL's gesturbation and tummytalkers. But you don't, by any means, 'need' to be in any Discord communities, you can just use it for 1 on 1 communication, or make group chats with a handful of friends. And, because I have Discord on my phone, I can keep chatting with friends and family even if I'm in the workshop or out of town, or if the router sneezes the wrong way and needs a bit to recover, still got 4G connection on my phone if the WiFi keels over. 

   If you don't want to use Discord, fair do's, that's your prerogative. But at this point it's a stance similar to people not wanting 'the wireless' in their homes. 

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20 hours ago, Orwar said:

   I had a speck on my monitor which just so happened to be pretty much perfectly aligned to, seemingly, turn my commas and periods to semicolons and colons. After knocking about the keys on my keyboard for a bit trying to figure out why it was typing the wrong symbol, I noticed that typing a few commas resolved it on the following ones. Aha, I thought, it must be some sort of auto-correct I've accidentally kicked off somehow - so I'll just copy a comma 'manually' and paste it in place. 

   .. Which obviously resulted in it being pasted to form a semicolon on my screen. A bit of head-scratching and squinting later, I decided to just use a semicolon. And then I saw that it came out with a regular old comma. And that the upper part of the semicolon was still in my chat box. And that I could erase it with my thumbnail. Gah! 

Boil that dust speck!


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6 hours ago, Cali Souther said:

I'll do just about anything to spend time with my kids,  so Discord it is!   We meet up (like Facetime) and chat and play something called table games.  To me,  it's just like Yahoo used to be and Skype still is - just more popular with the young folk.


I disagree.

At least in YIM I could easily find the chats I wanted. I can't find anything that isn't roleplay or a bunch of school kids.

Discord is nothing like YIM, Skype or even MS Messenger. It's a major PITA.

And that's my peeve.

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"Meta Horizon leverages core strengths with scalability and redundancy to maximize asset equity and take your enterprise solutions to the next level."

...is all that goes through my mind when I see something called something like Meta Horizon.


EDIT: Jeez, I really should see what page I'm on if I'm not replying with a quote.

Bad Pheeby, bad!


EDIT AGAIN: I won't quote it, because seeing the picture once was enough to scar me for an eternity, and remind me that OMG TELETUBBIES ARE FREAKIN CREEPY.

I made the mistake once of watching television while in an highly altered state, and ended up having to witness the little girl Teletubby having the vacuum cleaner (Noo-Noo?) clean crumbs out of her lap. They were both enjoying it way too much, and it really sorta gave me a messed-up trip, so to speak.

Years later I had to rewatch it just to reassure (if that word can apply in this case) myself that it wasn't all simply a psychotic hallucination. It wasn't. I'm so grateful other shows took its place (nevermind how awful most of those were) before my daughter could end up  watching something like that. I tend towards apoliticality, but can't help but take a bit of a conservative stance on things like media normalization of titillating lap-suckings between alien organisms and household appliances, however sentient they may be.

I'm sure it was consensual, but even National Geographic and Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom never really spent that long focused on what passes consensually between organisms on our planet. If you want to document the lives of extraterrestrial beings, at least try to keep their private lives somewhat private, or next thing you know, it'll be all the rage in human society.

Next thing they'll be making kids watch Elmo wax his butt, or watch Mister Rogers take a duke. Save that stuff for grownup shows like Jerry Springer, or Dallas, or Days Of Our Lives, or something.

Edited by PheebyKatz
Bad Pheeby is bad.
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   Peeved. I've had my photo platform in my Belli home at a certain altitude for ages and ages, ever since I moved into this lot. Today when I got up there, my immediate next door neighbour had put up a gargantuan skybox on the exact same altitude, with a huge cube of sky shaders and stuff. And, sure, I can derender it, but was it really totally necessary to butt it up against the edge of my platform? Couldn't have put it 100 meters up or down to avoid being an utter pest? 

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16 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Carrying on from my Linden house peeve...it CLEARLY says 10 loads...



You owe me SO MANY free loads to make up from all my stolen ones!!!!

The text on that is surely out of date anyway unless the limit is really only for Trad and Houseboat options.  Considering that they most likely didn't update the text for new themes, perhaps they lowered the limit too and just forgot to update the text for that too.

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2 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

The text on that is surely out of date anyway unless the limit is really only for Trad and Houseboat options.  Considering that they most likely didn't update the text for new themes, perhaps they lowered the limit too and just forgot to update the text for that too.

ack @ you making all kinds of reasonable sense when I just wanna peeve!!

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5 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

Sorry, you peeve away :)

No more peeving!  I FINALLY got the house I wanted...and its EXACTLY like the one I just left, go I am SO GLAD I took all my furniture back in groups so I could just rez the whole lot out by room!!  Took me over a year to furnish the first linden house...and 10 mins to do this one!!

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