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11 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Store owners that go out of their way to make their "gift" incredibly difficult to find --- teeny tiny box tucked into a corner behind some partition.

Creators have forgotten that a nice gift is sooo helpful to their brand. It attracts new residents and bloggers who promote nice gifts. Word of mouth or in our cases word in type is still the best.

I don't remembers when gifts became something not given freely and visible became the norm . New residents are doing hunts and joining groups, even seasoned residents do them. As a blogger I do them. WOM don't forget it.

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12 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Shinigami Eyes has him in red ☹️


(Shinigami Eyes is a browser plugin that highlights transphobic / anti LGBTQ users on social media sites)


Edit .. and I found out why. OMFG.

Edited by Coffee Pancake
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On 10/27/2022 at 8:32 PM, PheebyKatz said:

Major Freakin PEEVE: When someone I've had to block, and have abandoned an entire section of the forum to avoid, decides to quote me in a post so they can correct me. When them doing nothing but quoting me in posts to try and convince me I'm wrong is why I blocked them in the first place.

It feels like someone sneaking up and breathing on me in the bathroom.

I swear, I could FEEL it when they quoted me. *shudder*


On 10/28/2022 at 12:58 AM, PheebyKatz said:

Additional Peeve: Asking the person to stop tagging my posts, so they react to my post, so I have to see their name in my post. You know, if I told someone I was diabetic and asked them to please not mess with my insulin, and they knew I couldn't see them, and they messed with my insulin anyway, and then left a note to show me they did it, I'd have no other way of seeing it than to think they were actually trying to do something to me. And be a jerk.

If you know someone has a condition, and you intentionally do things that make it worse, when asked to stop, what does that say to the person you did it to? It's like someone asking you to give them some space, and you get right up on them and demand to know what all of this need for space is about while they're having a panic attack.

And people get confused as to why I stop talking to them. Maybe it's because they don't care about me, and let me know it all the time.


I knew I wasn't imagining things.

So yeah, that's definitely a peeve but I've learned to tune it completely out.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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21 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

Yeah, except nobody bothers with using any of it, they just go ah, this is where it ended up, and then leave it laying out to be ruined again.

A kitchen piled up with clothes nobody wears, junk they found on the sidewalk and kept because they felt like it but have no intention of doing anything with, piles of tangled wire that keep being shoved into corners and cabinets that are supposed to hold all the stuff that's scattered all over because the cabinets are full of junk... well, hopefully someone gets the idea, and realizes I'm not taking people's prized and cherished items and keeping them from using them.

It's all clutter, the kind of clutter hoarders wallow in, but nobody else can use for anything. So, I need to be able to move around in the kitchen and find things so I can feed these people who never pick up the trash they throw on the floor or flush the toilet or put their dirty dishes in the sink, and I make space to put things away that actually get used.

And when the teenager gets bored and starts dragging all of the broken bikes out yet again and leaves them in the yard, scatters all of my tools in the dirt and leaves them there, and then starts sorting through the piles of unused-for-several-years crap that's in the shed because there's no room on the kitchen table for 500 pounds of clutter, yeah, I might be a tad justified in being peeved.

Everyone here has their own space, and could keep their treasured items there. Keeping the common areas clean and clutter-free is my job. It's why I have a place to stay. The shed is the designated place for anything that doesn't go in someone's room, or in the common areas.

I'm not just stupidly throwing people's heirlooms and cherished photographs and hobbies in a pile somewhere, it's crap. Crap that nobody will throw away, because people are warped like that, and encrust themselves in garbage for comfort.

Do you cherish old grocery sacks, pants with poop in them that nobody washed for three years, broken shoes, pliers that are rusted shut and can't be opened, and chairs with only three out of four legs still on them? If you do, you might be a hoarder.

It goes in the shed because that's where it belongs. The shed would be empty, and the house would be full of junk, otherwise. I'm doing what I'm supposed to.

If that makes me the "bad guy", oh well. Bad Pheeby, bad! House is clean, bad! Shed things go in shed, bad! Hoarders can't whine because at least their stuff is still intact, and they know where it is, because I was nice enough not to throw it all out, bad! Bad Pheeby!

New PEEVE: When people who have no idea what my living conditions are like talk about me like I'm an unfeeling idiot, because they assume that everyone's lives are the same, and everyone's clutter they deal with is somehow valuable, and I just don't get that.

EDIT: And no, I'm not tagging anyone personally, and no, it's not so serious I froth at the mouth about it (though being dramatic about it helps reduce it to ridiculosity, and makes it all easier to bear). You just kinda have to be in my situation to understand my situation, is all.

Extra Peeve: When I take a single evening off from cleaning the kitchen, and let someone else do the cooking for the evening, and in the morning the kitchen looks like someone blew up a henhouse. And then scraped it all around to make sure it was thoroughly mixed. And then wet it all down so it could stink in the morning.

In SL.

Except for the poopy pants, I am so there. Recently, the idea of finding a place I can afford alone is becoming more and more appealing.

And that's another peeve. Decent affordable housing for one person.

Edited by Silent Mistwalker
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5 hours ago, Silent Mistwalker said:

And that's another peeve. Decent affordable housing for one person.

Oh, the good old days. I remember when you could work at a burger joint and buy a sports car. Without having to be the regional manager.


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Ok, so . . . we've recently heard it opined here that spelling "Hallowe'en" with an apostrophe is "pretentious" or "pompous" or something like.

And we've been told, now, that spelling "Halloween" without an apostrophe is "incorrect."

Good god, where is a girl to turn???


I think some people need a hobby.

Oh. Wait . . .

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Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Ok, so . . . we've recently heard it opined here that spelling "Hallowe'en" with an apostrophe is "pretentious" or "pompous" or something like.

And we've been told, now, that spelling "Halloween" without an apostrophe is "incorrect."

Good god, where is a girl to turn???


I think some people need a hobby.

Oh. Wait . . .

Doesn't matter, as long as it's over. Speaking of which...is it over yet? I feel like it's been around for 3 months already.

Peeve: Holidays that don't ever go away. 😩



*Disclaimer: I may be grumpy today!

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5 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Doesn't matter, as long as it's over. Speaking of which...is it over yet? I feel like it's been around for 3 months already.

Peeve: Holidays that don't ever go away. 😩



*Disclaimer: I may be grumpy today!

And as soon as it is over tonight, it will be Christmas all over SL for the next two months.


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38 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Ok, so . . . we've recently heard it opined here that spelling "Hallowe'en" with an apostrophe is "pretentious" or "pompous" or something like.

And we've been told, now, that spelling "Halloween" without an apostrophe is "incorrect."

Good god, where is a girl to turn???


I think some people need a hobby.

Oh. Wait . . .

I always consider the source.

The word Hallowe'en began to lose its apostrophe in the 18th century, though we still have some evidence for the apostrophized version. (by pompous and pretentious people)

Edited by Rowan Amore
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43 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And we've been told, now, that spelling "Halloween" without an apostrophe is "incorrect."

As long as there is candy, horror movies, and spirits (especially in my glass) I am okay with spelling it either way. We can add a bunch of apostrophes, if that results in more candy though.  

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48 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Ok, so . . . we've recently heard it opined here that spelling "Hallowe'en" with an apostrophe is "pretentious" or "pompous" or something like.

And we've been told, now, that spelling "Halloween" without an apostrophe is "incorrect."

Good god, where is a girl to turn???


I think some people need a hobby.

Oh. Wait . . .

Just a detour from a comedian who does a pretty funny rendition of a very pretentious Chloe Sevigny lol The pronunciation kills.


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49 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:


From the article:


The same person who wouldn`t dream of asking one to bathe more frequently seems to find nothing wrong with addressing an adult in a manner generally reserved for children and small dogs.....



Gentle Reader--Allow Miss Manners to correct you: Many people do indeed dream of instructing others in such matters as frequency of bathing.

/me raises hand.  I not only dream of it, I have actually made said suggestion to people.

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