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Is Lara "done"?


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As a designer, if you don't include Matreya Lara (female) or Gianni (male) you are a thief from your own wallet.
They both corner a huge part of the market.
Even I as a totally non fashionista notices that inworld and on the marketplace.

If I had plans to get Elsa (my female alter ego in my early SL days) out of her box again, I'd go for Matreya for her, simply because of the availability of stuff.
And yes, it is the main reason I wear Gianni myself as well.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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On 8/31/2022 at 12:58 AM, Blaise Glendevon said:

The complaints I do have (the spaghetti arms and shoulders) would need fixes that broke 7 years of clothes - and are, therefore, not worth it. 

Not necessarily. The shoulders are only a problem when they are exposed. We need two versions of the body, one with improved shoulder-arm shape for use with clothing that bares them, and one with unchanged shoulders for use with clothing that covers them. Of course, going forward, creators could make all clothing for the improved version.

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5 hours ago, TimKoul said:

Apparently there is a lot of confusion regarding my comment here. Allow me to explain for the blind and ignorant. Maitreya users tend to have a stuck up attitude towards others who don't wear their preferred body. It's noticable in this thread and even moreso inworld. 

You're the ones with the body with the most clothes and the first to complain when your fav clothing creator does an exclusive for another body.

You talk crap about the kupra butt (even though you're not wrong) and other body proportions while running around with football shoulders, no hips, and shrunken heads thinking you actually look good. I literally see this everywhere in-world.

You are the largest body group who have not updated to BoM, but buy a BoM product thinking its an applier and yell at the creator for it.

I don't care if you like the body. The body itself isn't the problem. It has its own flaws. The problem is people think and act like it's the only body and should be the only body. 

That's uh stretch for what has been going on in this thread.  It's a thread about if Maitreaya is still being supported and still popular.   Seriously that is a pretty extreme reaction for what is going on in this thread. If you are that upset by people who wear Maitreya then perhaps you should stay out of threads that are about the body and the people who use it.

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1 hour ago, MillyWH said:

That's uh stretch for what has been going on in this thread.  It's a thread about if Maitreaya is still being supported and still popular.   Seriously that is a pretty extreme reaction for what is going on in this thread. If you are that upset by people who wear Maitreya then perhaps you should stay out of threads that are about the body and the people who use it.

I know what the thread is about. No, Maitreya isn't going to die. Don't be so defensive, its just pixels. Horribly crafted pixels, but pixels nontheless. As I said in my first comment that was magically deleted, I hope the body really does die off so peoples attitudes can die with it.

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40 minutes ago, TimKoul said:

I know what the thread is about. No, Maitreya isn't going to die. Don't be so defensive, its just pixels. Horribly crafted pixels, but pixels nontheless. As I said in my first comment that was magically deleted, I hope the body really does die off so peoples attitudes can die with it.

I'm not being defensive. Like what you like. Don't like what you don't like. I just pointed out I've seen some people who wear Reborn or Kupra be pretty horrid about other bodies or about Maitreya.  I don't go around hoping those bodies will fail or something. I honestly don't get it-- there are different aspects about the various mesh bodies (and mesh heads) that people like or don't like and it gets turned into this...thing...where people have to be insulting or rude because they don't like a certain body or head or do like it and somehow feel like it means they have to hate on others.

Dude it's pixels. If it gets you so upset ..then like mute people or stay out of threads where people talk about it and black list everyone in SL who wears Maitreya. Life is too damn short to deal with people's crappy attitudes about a second life mesh bodies.


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In terms of is Lara "done", I have a feeling it won't ever be "done" because of the large amount of people still wearing Lara - far above the numbers of any of the other bodies - and because of the large number of creators rigging for it.  

I'm still waiting for Slink Physique Original to be "done", yet there are creators still rigging for it.  I just bought several outfits from an event this morning rigged for it, and another monthly event usually has at least one original mesh creator who rigs for it.

So, I imagine it's going to take much, much longer for a body as popular as Lara to finally (if ever) reach a point where it could be considered "done".

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1 hour ago, TimKoul said:

I know what the thread is about. No, Maitreya isn't going to die. Don't be so defensive, its just pixels. Horribly crafted pixels, but pixels nontheless. As I said in my first comment that was magically deleted, I hope the body really does die off so peoples attitudes can die with it.

I'm in the mind set of, the more the merrier.. Keep adding more bodies that will stick.. It gives good variety for different looks and more to work with.. I can't help but get excited when a new body is on it's way.. I'm hoping Prima will fall in that range of Maitreya and Belleza and Legacy part of the market.. something where we get a body in that part of the market that can maybe add some range in the parts that people are buying mods for..

Myself, my biggest heartbreak has been over the Erika body not sticking much better than it did.. I would be in that body all the time if i could find a good variety of things for it..

I kind of settled for Reborne because  it has a wider range of things made for it..

I think people arguing over what other people are wearing or should be wearing is just silly to be honest.. 

It comes off as uppity fashionistas sitting around brunch gossiping about other people walking passed so they can be overheard to dump a little peer pressure on people.

Letting them get to you is probably what they want.


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30 minutes ago, MillyWH said:

I'm not being defensive. Like what you like. Don't like what you don't like. I just pointed out I've seen some people who wear Reborn or Kupra be pretty horrid about other bodies or about Maitreya.  I don't go around hoping those bodies will fail or something. I honestly don't get it-- there are different aspects about the various mesh bodies (and mesh heads) that people like or don't like and it gets turned into this...thing...where people have to be insulting or rude because they don't like a certain body or head or do like it and somehow feel like it means they have to hate on others.

Dude it's pixels. If it gets you so upset ..then like mute people or stay out of threads where people talk about it and black list everyone in SL who wears Maitreya. Life is too damn short to deal with people's crappy attitudes about a second life mesh bodies.


I was never upset to begin with, was merely pointing out the obvious based on my own observations. I don't know why you're targeting what I said and making it into some huge issue. Theres Maitreya users who actually attacked other bodies right in this thread (which proves my point). If you don't like what I say, I suggest you take your own advice.

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A troll is a troll is a troll.  It would help if we didn't respond at all.  Really.  Stop responding.

I chose Lara and Gianni simply because they had the most support and were the most popular mesh bodies.  I knew I would not want to buy a second expensive body and learn a new HUD.  I don't think either body is going anywhere anytime soon.

I don't think Lara is "done" just because some creators wanted fast money on the latest body craze and quickly got items out for them.

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3 hours ago, TimKoul said:

I know what the thread is about. No, Maitreya isn't going to die. Don't be so defensive, its just pixels. Horribly crafted pixels, but pixels nontheless. As I said in my first comment that was magically deleted, I hope the body really does die off so peoples attitudes can die with it.

You know, I had forgotten about the earlier comments that called people who use Reborn or Kupra looking like balloon animals. So my apologies. I should have gone back and reread things before I did.


Considering that the super curvy large hips/butt shape has been popular in SL since before mesh bodies I think people wouldn't be surprised that it's popular now.  The "invisible pony rider" shape that was popular and then disparaged by many is essentially the same idea, just pre mesh. And then there were Lolas and mesh breasts that people used  to both get a more natural look AND to have larger breasts than the system body allowed. 


From what I can tell from being in SL all this time: There are going to be trends in fashion and body shape that some people embrace and some people hate.  People get weirdly defensive, protective and also insulting about various brands whether it's clothing brands, mesh bodies, mesh body add ons, or mesh heads.  And there are people who are very staunchly -- SL avatars should have realistic proportions and others who don't really care at all -- and that leads to lots of posts complaining about the lack of realistic proportions and gnashing of teeth. And then groups of people end up throwing insults about and people get hurt over stuff.


I'm pretty sure that there could be an entirely new system of bodies that leave the current ones in the dust and we'd still be seeing these same kind of arguments and things because that seems to be the nature of SL.

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4 hours ago, TimKoul said:

I know what the thread is about. No, Maitreya isn't going to die. Don't be so defensive, its just pixels. Horribly crafted pixels, but pixels nontheless. As I said in my first comment that was magically deleted, I hope the body really does die off so peoples attitudes can die with it.

You're familiar with the expression about if you meet assholes all day long?

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2 hours ago, TimKoul said:

I was never upset to begin with, was merely pointing out the obvious based on my own observations. I don't know why you're targeting what I said and making it into some huge issue. Theres Maitreya users who actually attacked other bodies right in this thread (which proves my point).

You’re not wrong. There are threads like « what did you eat for breakfast today ? » where someone will randomly go off on Kupra or lately Ebody and for a long time before that it was little shots at people that wore Freya. It’s a little weird and nobody really says anything when they do it.

The truth is, some people get really defensive about their body of choice; sometimes it’s not even solicited. There was another thread about this same topic and someone simply said « do we need another thread about this? » because at that point it was about the second or third one in the same week. That turned into a little tiff. People generally don’t tend to change their avatars that often, particularly on this forum. Since Second life has become more about how your avatar looks above everything, this is what you end up with…body wars. It’s a little strange that you would have that in an environment where you can look however you want but we bring our flawed humanity with us when we log on and that includes tribalism.

Is Maitreya going anywhere anytime soon? Not really. Are creators starting to drop it from their clothing lineup? It’s at a point where it’s noticeably obvious. Nothing in Secondlife stays on top forever. It’s probably a couple years off before it gets unseated, but people are going to keep talking about it in the meantime. You’re going to keep seeing those odd rants until then, which is why nobody really says anything when they happen.  I remember a few years ago there were posters that refused to go mesh and were very vocal about it. Even though it was clear that was the direction SL was going in. I don’t think this is quite the same thing, but something is happening.

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4 hours ago, MillyWH said:

I'm not being defensive. Like what you like. Don't like what you don't like. I just pointed out I've seen some people who wear Reborn or Kupra be pretty horrid about other bodies or about Maitreya.  I don't go around hoping those bodies will fail or something. I honestly don't get it-- there are different aspects about the various mesh bodies (and mesh heads) that people like or don't like and it gets turned into this...thing...where people have to be insulting or rude because they don't like a certain body or head or do like it and somehow feel like it means they have to hate on others.

Dude it's pixels. If it gets you so upset ..then like mute people or stay out of threads where people talk about it and black list everyone in SL who wears Maitreya. Life is too damn short to deal with people's crappy attitudes about a second life mesh bodies.


Do people do this in RL? Do they get this upset about which sneakers or jeans people wear? Do some people have a need to create drama over matters that shouldn't really matter to them? This is just weird. 😕

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15 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Do people do this in RL? Do they get this upset about which sneakers or jeans people wear? Do some people have a need to create drama over matters that shouldn't really matter to them? This is just weird. 😕

If Maitreya users push back at all it's probably because non-Maitreya users have been doing the same for awhile.  Apparently, everyone still wearing Maitreya is a boomer which I have heard and seen quite often over the past couple of years.  That's the nicest thing I've heard said about Maitreya users so I guess some have just had enough?

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38 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

You’re not wrong. There are threads like « what did you eat for breakfast today ? » where someone will randomly go off on Kupra or lately Ebody and for a long time before that it was little shots at people that wore Freya. It’s a little weird and nobody really says anything when they do it.

The truth is, some people get really defensive about their body of choice; sometimes it’s not even solicited. There was another thread about this same topic and someone simply said « do we need another thread about this? » because at that point it was about the second or third one in the same week. That turned into a little tiff. People generally don’t tend to change their avatars that often, particularly on this forum. Since Second life has become more about how your avatar looks above everything, this is what you end up with…body wars. It’s a little strange that you would have that in an environment where you can look however you want but we bring our flawed humanity with us when we log on and that includes tribalism.

Yeah. I wasn't trying to start anything and getting called an ahole and troll for pointing out the obvious by "adults" isn't really my cup of tea. Probably why this place doesn't have more people.

Anyways, I am sure we can all agree that the Maitreya body isn't dying or going anywhere anytime soon. It has all the clothes and attachments and other cool stuff that makes it an attractive body despite its obvious flaws. 

Have a good night, everyone.

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55 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

Do people do this in RL? Do they get this upset about which sneakers or jeans people wear? Do some people have a need to create drama over matters that shouldn't really matter to them? This is just weird. 😕

Ya, I remember it happening a lot in middle school and high school.. hehehehe

It was actually causes of actual fights.. hehehe

Some people grew out of it , but some never do and still live by brand names being so important that they pass that same attitude onto their kids.


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41 minutes ago, Rowan Amore said:

If Maitreya users push back at all it's probably because non-Maitreya users have been doing the same for awhile.  Apparently, everyone still wearing Maitreya is a boomer which I have heard and seen quite often over the past couple of years.  That's the nicest thing I've heard said about Maitreya users so I guess some have just had enough?

I have to admit, when Legacy first came around and people were trying to tell me how much better the Legacy body was than Maitreya.. I pushed back..

The big reason was not because of what they were saying, but because of being a stranded by the side of the road TMP owner and unloading that frustration out  from that.. Nobody was talking me into a Legacy after what they did before..

I might have been like that for like a year after they came back.. I had it in my mind, like the nerve of these guys coming back for another run after what they did..

All that's in the past now..But ya, it was festering back then.. hehehehe

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