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300.000 "Elements" in your inventory?

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I have been in Second Life 12 years.  I started working on inventory organization when I was about 2 months old, having gone to a inventory management class at Caledon and one and Happy Hippos.   I am ***** about my inventory.  *****.  I work on my inventory daily.  I keep nothing in my objects folder.  That is reserved for purchases, and emptied asap.  Trash is emptied almost on a daily basis.  Nothing is kept in Lost & Found.  My inventory is sitting at 42,000.  That is pretty much just clothing for my avatar.  There are shoes, jewelry, hair etc...all for my avatar. The Originals are all neatly stored in Prim storage boxes.  All labeled so I can find them easily.  I keep no Home & Garden in my inventory.  It is all neatly store in storage boxes as well.  If everything was out of the storage boxes, my inventory would be pushing 300K easily I think.  Maybe more?   I know where everything is in those storage boxes, and if I need something I can go to said storage box and pull it out.  This might not be for everyone, but it has worked for me for almost 12 years.  I would be overwhelmed with 300K in my inventory, especially if it was not organized.

Edited by Cougar Sangria
***** is not accepted...so can I say butthole? Really? ***** is not allowed? Laughs and laughs.
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1 hour ago, Cougar Sangria said:

***** is not accepted...so can I say butthole? Really? ***** is not allowed? Laughs and laughs.

You could try analysis.  The censors must have dirty minds.  *****-retentive is a medical term used in psychology. 


Edited by Jaylinbridges
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The people working support aren't the most knowledgeable of the Lab's staff. If SL Support is like many places low cost people are hired and given a quick course in how to fix the basics. So believing them is optional. Most of what support people usually know comes from a fix-it recipe book... well now a knowledge database.

The SL Wiki in LIMITS has no limit on inventory. I think that makes sense. The SL economy and a good portion of the Lab's income is based on selling things. A limit would limit their income. I am pretty sure the Lab's management would consider that a bad idea.

Newer than the SL Wiki is the SL Knowledge-base. Its section on inventory is here. No mention of a limit.

12 years of attending server, viewer, and scripting meetings where the question of whether there was a limit on inventory came up a number of times, the answer from the Linden engineers has always been 'There is no limit and you can screw it up."

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Did somebody just say ANOLE? cos I coulda sworn I heard somebody say ANOLE.

LOL, I empty my trash about 20-30 times a day. I have one big folder named "Attic", and it has maybe 5 subfolders for things I use semi-regularly but not daily. The "Things I Use A Lot" folder has about 5 folders. And Objects has whatever is handed off to me during the day, and my Backups folder, which is full of boxes full of all of my boxable inventory.

I've been able to keep it down to (technically) less than 15,000 items for over 6 years, I think I'm doin okay.

I build, make textures, upload a LOT of stuff, and I can still usually find things okay. So yay~!

And never, ever feel bad about being ANOLE. If more people were, the world would be a much better-organized place.

ANOLE people could even form SECTS. Imagine, the entire grid covered in people participating in ANOLE SECTS~!

Edited by PheebyKatz
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Anyone that organizes, deletes, and packs their inventory "elements" has too much time on their hands.  

A prior partner had an inventory of 260,000 after 14 years, mostly duplicates of clothing folders, and a flatter Main folder than a pancake.  It would take her 2 minutes to log on.  Her solution was to switch to another alt that only had 5K inventory.  In a year that inventory was 80K and growing.  

I estimated it would take me 6 months of 8 hour days/ 7 days a week doing nothing else, to fix it, and there was always something more interesting than sorting inventory in SL to do.   I am getting behind in my own now too, up to 82K in 12 years. If I ever clean up the junk from the SLB** gifts and hunts, I can get it back to 50K, where it was for my first 10 years.

Edited by Jaylinbridges
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16 minutes ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Anyone that organizes, deletes, and packs their inventory "elements" has too much time on their hands.

And yet I still find time to build cities. Amazing, I know.

\o/ Sooooper bilderrrrrrr~!

EDIT: And play dress up!

Edited by PheebyKatz
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There are times I go looking for something I KNOW I own, a texture I've already used to build with, or an item, say a sofa - and the items are not there. I've been able to use the texture UUID from an existing build to texture the new item, but I can't get the item (say the sofa) back, especially if there is no vendor/ I don't remember the creator, etc..

Does anybody else get this unintentional inventory pruning?

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Thanks for all the answers... 🙏

I guess there is no limit then....But yes I will clean up a little. Maybe between 5000-10.000 Elements in total.

But wonder if it can be like that, that it all depends on what settings you have here, or if it depends on your
computers performance? Anyway...it felt good that some people have more in their inventories, even a lot more than me.

If kept organized and taking cared of, ones inventory can actually be smooth to handle, even with "a lot" of elements inside it.



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8 hours ago, Jaylinbridges said:

Anyone that organizes, deletes, and packs their inventory "elements" has too much time on their hands.  

Anyone who kept their inventory organised from the beginning doesn't need to spend more than a few minutes a day sorting the day's purchases.  My rule is to never log off without putting away what I've bought. And by "putting away" that does not mean "toss it into a folder called New stuff".

5 hours ago, Eirynne Sieyes said:

There are times I go looking for something I KNOW I own, a texture I've already used to build with, or an item, say a sofa - and the items are not there. I've been able to use the texture UUID from an existing build to texture the new item, but I can't get the item (say the sofa) back, especially if there is no vendor/ I don't remember the creator, etc..

Does anybody else get this unintentional inventory pruning?

Yes. There have been a few ocasions when I remember an outfit I own but it's not in my inventory; I know I've bought it because I can find it on Caspervend redelivery or Marketplace redelivery. 

Edited by Maitimo
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6 hours ago, Eirynne Sieyes said:

There are times I go looking for something I KNOW I own, a texture I've already used to build with, or an item, say a sofa - and the items are not there. I've been able to use the texture UUID from an existing build to texture the new item, but I can't get the item (say the sofa) back, especially if there is no vendor/ I don't remember the creator, etc..

Does anybody else get this unintentional inventory pruning?

My giant drawbridge I made for the Arkham sim before it poofed was in a folder with all of my road and sidewalk pieces, etc.

Since beginning to rebuild Arkham, I have been completely unable to find the folder, any of my building parts in it, or my drawbridge.

That thing took me days to make, I was so proud of it, and now it's gone forever. And I have no idea how it happened. T-T

Edited by PheebyKatz
LOL, it's "any", not "and"
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On 6/29/2022 at 6:12 PM, Love Zhaoying said:

Wouldn't "moving objects into other object's inventories", then deleting the originals, also work?  (Sounds dangerous, I know.)

Also - if this happened "all of a sudden", then was that due to some change LL made (part of the inventory effort we were told about)?

We were just talking about this in the Zen inventory thread like last week.. We were wondering if they had did anything yet because the couple of us talking about it didn't notice any changes..

If I remember right, they said something about June 20th and having inventories organized or some may notice things in different places in their inventory..

That it wouldn't impact everyone, but sounded more towards those with less organized inventory..

I'm just really going off scattered memory of what was said, and all that I can remember.. It didn't sound good though.


That  might be like you said and having something to do with this.

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22 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

We were just talking about this in the Zen inventory thread like last week.. We were wondering if they had did anything yet because the couple of us talking about it didn't notice any changes..

If I remember right, they said something about June 20th and having inventories organized or some may notice things in different places in their inventory..

That it wouldn't impact everyone, but sounded more towards those with less organized inventory..

I'm just really going off scattered memory of what was said, and all that I can remember.. It didn't sound good though.


That  might be like you said and having something to do with this.

I came to the conclusion that from the OP's posts about what LL told them, LL did not do a very good job explaining the inventory issue to them. 

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Blush at 13 years 10 months has an inventory of 89,300 and Debi at 18 years 8 months has an inventory of 30,900.

Blush is a creator and thus her inventory is larger and harder to manage. But I have gotten to the point that I hate opening Blush's inventory so I'm about to do a major cleaning of her inventory. For those things I can't bear to delete, I'll box them up and store them in my "archive" folder. At least items boxed up this way streamline my inventory greatly. Since I just went Premium Plus I'm going to make pics of items going into those archive boxes so I know what each box contains. So if I really want to find something in one of those boxes having a pic will make it much easier.

Debi's inventory is much easier to handle. I am ruthless when it comes to her inventory and hitting the delete key is a joy and not a painful experience. Honestly, I've actually been thinking about deleting a lot of her clothing ... like anything over 2 years old and just starting over. And really so much of the clothes that are over 2-5 years old I just don't like anymore and keeping them is a waste of space. With the way I shop it won't be long before I'll have another batch of clothing that needs to be deleted. 

Edited by Blush Bravin
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46 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I came to the conclusion that from the OP's posts about what LL told them, LL did not do a very good job explaining the inventory issue to them. 

I know I tried finding the link about the inventory change and for the life of me couldn't find it..

If it wasn't for someone coming in here saying something, I'd a never known about it..

But from the sound of it, my inventory is so low and sub directoried to death , that I didn't have much to worry about anyways..

Still it would have been nice to know something like that was gonna happen, maybe have a popup in world show up with a link to the blog, like they do with region restarts..

If we don't catch a blog or luck out with someone posting something up with a thread, we're pretty much out of the loop on important things..

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34 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I know I tried finding the link about the inventory change and for the life of me couldn't find it..

If it wasn't for someone coming in here saying something, I'd a never known about it..

But from the sound of it, my inventory is so low and sub directoried to death , that I didn't have much to worry about anyways..

Still it would have been nice to know something like that was gonna happen, maybe have a popup in world show up with a link to the blog, like they do with region restarts..

If we don't catch a blog or luck out with someone posting something up with a thread, we're pretty much out of the loop on important things..

I can probably find the post, if not the link..


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1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I know I tried finding the link about the inventory change and for the life of me couldn't find it..

Quote: Starting Tuesday, June 21st, Support will implement a process to stabilize only those inventories affected.  For the small group of Residents this affects, you may see a change to the organization of your inventory, but all your objects are still there.  If you encounter any difficulty with your inventory, please reach out to our Support Team https://support.secondlife.com


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1 minute ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Quote: Starting Tuesday, June 21st, Support will implement a process to stabilize only those inventories affected.  For the small group of Residents this affects, you may see a change to the organization of your inventory, but all your objects are still there.  If you encounter any difficulty with your inventory, please reach out to our Support Team https://support.secondlife.com


Thank you Love, I finally have closure!! \o/

That was driving me nuts not being able to find it..



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I've been trimming mine down each time I go on.. Any time I get around 50k I start getting rid of things..

A lot of mine is probably from having an outfit version for every mesh body.. I bet if I clipped a lot of those I could bring mine down pretty good..

I'm at I believe around 42k now.. I knocked down like around 3k just putting my textures and photos on like 17 note cards..

It's gonna take forever to trim my items that are in different versions for each body.. That's a lot of folders to trim hehehe

Still it'll be 16 years on the last day of this month.. So I'm gonna shoot for the low 30's High 20ks .. Any lower and I'd be getting rid of things I want to keep.. hehehehe



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It is a short time since I deleted so many thousand items. Like 30 k.

I got my inventory nice down to around 75 k, but now it threaten to pass 100 k. Again.

It is too many sales.

And I delete several times a year. Thousands of items. I was not old in SL when I deleted a lot of freebies. Things I have deleted: All landmarks. Almost all instruction notecards, but some have very complicated instructions, maybe I keep 20 or so. All unpacker scripts. All thank you's and other notecards. No calling cards anymore.

In my huge largest purge I deleted all items for bodies I no longer use and will not buy. I deleted all TMP, all Slink, all Belleza and whatever the other bodies is called. It took me hours. I found some duplicates I unpacked several times. I tried to pack original containers so I will not lose them if I have to unpack again. I deleted, deleted, deleted. I hope I did not delete things of personal value. Older things in my object folder I selected pages, closed my eyes and deleted them. I make sure I have no demos. Old system clothes, almost gone. Just some tights and underwear kept. Old mesh with standard sizes, almost all gone. Some costumes and other special mesh I keep, not many. Old hair gone. Whole folders of them deleted. Old skins gone. And so on, and so on.

It is impossible to keep mine under 100 k and I really struggle with it. I can not imagine having 20 K - It is like my alts inventories, they only get stuff at sales and good freebies.

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10 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

My giant drawbridge I made for the Arkham sim before it poofed was in a folder with all of my road and sidewalk pieces, etc.

Since beginning to rebuild Arkham, I have been completely unable to find the folder, any of my building parts in it, or my drawbridge.

That thing took me days to make, I was so proud of it, and now it's gone forever. And I have no idea how it happened. T-T

@PheebyKatzContact the Lindens. There have been a few times in the past when they were able to restore a few things.

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