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How to AR an out of theme build?

Karl Herber

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28 minutes ago, Teresa Firelight said:

Not all expand past parcel boundary builds are considered illegal. I have on multiple time extended the ground cover (phantom so people can walk on it easily) past my parcel boundary to the linden fence surrounding my parcel. My understanding is that is not illegal because it doesnt block off the area from others.. people can still (if they so choose) easily walk on it. I just cant imagine why anyone would want to.

Thanks for the explanation. The situation I AR'd is different then your scenario and far more extending then up to a fence or tree overhang. 

Edited by Betth Ashbourne
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21 minutes ago, Teresa Firelight said:

Not all expand past parcel boundary builds are considered illegal. I have on multiple time extended the ground cover (phantom so people can walk on it easily) past my parcel boundary to the linden fence surrounding my parcel. My understanding is that is not illegal because it doesnt block off the area from others.. people can still (if they so choose) easily walk on it. I just cant imagine why anyone would want to.

When there is fencing surrounding one's parcel, I don't think having a few objects extend past the parcel boundary - but not past the fencing - should be considered a problem.  Your ground cover seems no different to me than having a tree hanging over a boundary line. As long as you're not impeding movement, blocking your neighbors' view, or making your parcel look out of theme, go ahead and hang over the parcel line a little. 

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My old Trad had a bit of pathway from the front door to the sidewalk, which crossed the parcel border by about half a metre. I had that there for 11 months and as far as I'm aware, no-one ever noticed. 

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  • Moles

We've never looked at the parcel line as a black and white hard line of "legal/illegal". We look at it like "not a problem/problem". A path crossing from the parcel to the road or few bushes a tiny bit between your parcel and a wall or a hedge is generally not a problem. Hanging things waaaay over the parcel line halfway to or even up to or into your neighbors parcel is a problem. Rooting huge waves or rocks or extending docks or islands outside your parcel is a problem (obviously even moreso if they are not phantom*). That sometimes even goes for things that might not seem like a problem in one location, but become a problem if everyone decided to do the same... like a boat that is simply far far too big for houseboat parcel but the part that sticks out is not immediately blocking anything. (That is what we call the "so how come they can do it and I can't?" problem.) 

So how do you know if it is a problem or not? Usually asking yourself if your next door neighbor did that would you consider it irksome? If so, then it most likely would be a problem. ;)

*I returned two of those belonging to people who seemed to be engaged in "surf wars" and were blocking the only access channel to an entire bay

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to make a suggestion for the Second Life University topics - "Being a Good Linden Homes Neighbor"

I'm really getting tired of coming across covenant violations with neighbors at almost every Linden Homes location I've had. I grant that some of these are likely related to ignorance of the covenant, but clearly some are not.

  • Breedables beyond the limit
  • Builds/Expansions that are clearly out of theme or violate the covenant, or are clear nuisances to neighbors (for example, that rooftop disco with the light show)
  • Explicit content outside the house
  • Caspertech redelivery devices
  • ...and so on


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44 minutes ago, Trinity1776 said:

I'd like to make a suggestion for the Second Life University topics - "Being a Good Linden Homes Neighbor"

I'm really getting tired of coming across covenant violations with neighbors at almost every Linden Homes location I've had. I grant that some of these are likely related to ignorance of the covenant, but clearly some are not.

  • Breedables beyond the limit
  • Builds/Expansions that are clearly out of theme or violate the covenant, or are clear nuisances to neighbors (for example, that rooftop disco with the light show)
  • Explicit content outside the house
  • Caspertech redelivery devices
  • ...and so on


The good neighbor would not do these things anyway. So it would make no difference.

I can not believe people who do most of this are really nice people who are ignorant. I think they don't care.

They do not lack information, and are not very helpful, friendly and emphatic persons. If they are told this is bothering their neighbor, or are not allowed, they get angry. 

And as long as stuff are not returned, they don't care. If it gets returned, they put it back.

Edited by Marianne Little
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I was just thinking in the context of a few breedables - more than two but say less than 7 or 8, or an out of theme addition that isn't super obnoxious. I do believe there are a lot of people who don't bother reading the fine print. I have no doubt that most of the worst offenders do know they are violating covenant.

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The worst offenders probably have a sense of entitlement and don't really care how other users view them. The Majority of offenders seem to be either ignorant of Covenant details, had trouble interpreting them, or just didn't realize their object had flown off to where it was. 

Some people seem to go as close as they can to the covenant rules, but stay technically within them. I keep thinking of this one house in Newbrook that looks like a porn studio inside. They've encased the whole house in a larger shell that still kind of fits with the Newbrook theme, but also has bright lights inside that must irritate the neighbors.

Others might have a tank in their front yard or a helicopter landing pad on top of their house. Is that in theme? Others may have a skybox below the 2000 m limit or an invisible box over their house that hinders flying over it. Some have security orbs that allow less than 15 seconds to escape.

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In all of our interactions with residents and explaining the Covenant the vast majority simple were not aware. A small percentage wanted to argue against some of the provisions. In which case we would sometimes suggest they might be happier using their premium tier to buy a parcel on the mainland (which does not have a covenant) or even rent land on a private estate (with its own covenant that may be more to their liking). In only a tiny handful of cases would the person then knowingly and willfully defy the Covenant. 

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I still have a BDSM playground in a deck outdoor near one Belli home. Again, I don't care about others lifestyle, but respect the covenant of the place, I think  they know what they are doing and don't care, and maybe they are right because I've ARed it 3 times now (and yes from the official viewer too).

Said deck has:

A BDSM cross, a cage, a couple of slave pillows, BDSM toolbox, shackles, a tip jar, an open-collar vendor. 

I'm starting to think it is better to get my stuff and move to an bigger island plot, I really hate when covenants aren't respected


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Oh!  Do AR's from Firestorm not work as well as AR's from LL's viewer?

9 minutes ago, Tary Allen said:

 I've ARed it 3 times now (and yes from the official viewer too).

That might explain the fantasy home next to mine with a bunch of temp-rez stuff, many breedables, and commercial vendors.  I've only AR'd it once a month or so ago, but I thought it was a pretty clear case, and that some of the stuff would at least get returned, but no.  I did the AR from Firestorm, would really like to know if that makes a difference.  I only AR'd it once because I thought LL said that filing multiple ARs on a single property was counterproductive?

Edited by Nika Talaj
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44 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

Oh!  Do AR's from Firestorm not work as well as AR's from LL's viewer?

That might explain the fantasy home next to mine with a bunch of temp-rez stuff, many breedables, and commercial vendors.  I've only AR'd it once a month or so ago, but I thought it was a pretty clear case, and that some of the stuff would at least get returned, but no.  I did the AR from Firestorm, would really like to know if that makes a difference.  I only AR'd it once because I thought LL said that filing multiple ARs on a single property was counterproductive?

I don't know, but someone told me AR would work better from LL viewer. And I Ared it first in May 2, then May 22 and now in July. I know these things can take time but if more than 2 weeks pass I believe it would go ignored. Before that I only Ared  a couple low skyboxes also near my places, (very low, my viewer is normally at 176) and another BDSM playground (what is with these people, can't they take it inside their homes? or mainland?), and all were resolved in some days. 

Oh and some kind of breedables (around 20)



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40 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

Oh!  Do AR's from Firestorm not work as well as AR's from LL's viewer?

That might explain the fantasy home next to mine with a bunch of temp-rez stuff, many breedables, and commercial vendors.  I've only AR'd it once a month or so ago, but I thought it was a pretty clear case, and that some of the stuff would at least get returned, but no.  I did the AR from Firestorm, would really like to know if that makes a difference.  I only AR'd it once because I thought LL said that filing multiple ARs on a single property was counterproductive?

I've only ever sent ARs via the Firestorm viewer.  Some of the problems were corrected, others were not, others I didn't check.

My take is that there are only so many Moles, Lindens and work hours available for them, so they just don't have the resources to respond to every report. They're probably doing triage and only responding to what they perceive to be the worst offences.

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Yes, I know, Belli is big and not everything has the same importance, honest, most of the stuff I shrug and move on. 

BUt then there is those things that make a great place look bad like the 100m high skyboxes, and honest,  that gets on my nerves :)

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Submitting AR should not make a difference of what viewer it is submitted from. Most viewers are written on top of the opensource SL viewer code and I dont think any of them have modified the AR portion of the code.

However, the Firestorm viewer does offer you one feature that SL Viewer doesnt have yet.. Derender & Blacklist. It is a feature that we all HOPE SL Viewer will add to their code.

The easiest way to use it to derender&blacklist several objects at once is to use it in conjunction with area search, as follows

1- Edit one object to get owner name

2- select "owner" in the Find tab and fill in that owner name

3- hit search to get all objects owned by that avatar

4- "Select All" in results panel (right click in the panel and "select all")

5- "Blacklist" in results panel (Right click the the highlighted entries and select "Blacklist")

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About half of the blatant Belli infractions I have AR'd have been taken down. The worst one, a HUGE skybox over protected Belli land was finally taken down after a few months.  

We know there is an enforcement shortage, but what does this staffing problem do to mainland? There is one neighbor I've AR'd more than once whose growing build sits on stilts on protected land in a large lake. It's not horrible, but is in a lovely neighborhood where the landowners respect the shoreline boundaries. And now others are following suit and encroaching.

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28 minutes ago, Tary Allen said:

I was wondering if the covenant is only in English, lets face it, not everybody understands or speaks English, is it translated somewhere to other languages?

The Linden Home Covenant is here https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/linden-home-covenant-r1123/

I was unable to find this information in any other language. Note that the URL has "english" in the path, implying that there might be translations. Hope so. If not, perhaps Linden Lab might join the thousands of other companies that have known about Internationalization (I18N) for decades and provide localized products.

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I checked the locations for ARs I've initiated since April - mostly in Bellisseria and all on Firestorm. Well over half of the infractions I reported were corrected, especially if they were for large visible objects such as giant box prims covering a house or for excessive breedables. The ones that were not corrected were for a 10 second and a 0 second security orb on Bellisseria, an invisible box over a house that's too high, a giant palm tree (I admit I have a personal dislike of palm trees), and a flickering, double-rezzed houseboat for which I ARed Abnor Mole. (Sorry, but he's the owner).

I just ARed some mega prim rotating clouds in Zorn (Satori). They may not seem like an eyesore to others, but they're using prims from an Abandoned Land parcel, are over several regions, and I think they're ugly. 

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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4 hours ago, MoiraKathleen said:

The knowledge base is available in a number of other languages, though the largest number of articles are in the English version. 

The knowledge base has sections for English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Italian, Russian, and Turkish.

Some, but not all, sections have a Linden Homes article which contains a summary of the covenant and instructs residents as follows


To view the covenant, choose World > Region / Estate, then click the Covenant tab or right-click on the ground and choose About Land then click on the COVENANT tab.

I have no idea if viewers used in non-English speaking countries have their text localized.

Edited by diamond Marchant
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