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Premium Plus and Linden Homes

Teresa Firelight
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13 minutes ago, Sam1 Bellisserian said:

Very good editing skills. No child talks like this.

Maybe it's an evil conspiracy to implant aliens into childlike meat suits and convince the human race that we have something to smile about for a few simple moments a day.

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13 minutes ago, Teresa Firelight said:

I have a request for a future perk that would cost LL next to nothing to implement:

Make it possible for the PP resident to be able to get the content creation packs for all home styles rather than just the home they are in atm.

I agree, though it should be available to all Premium members, not just Premium Plus, as both can currently get all packs if they are willing to house swap for a couple of days.  Since they wouldn't be giving us anything that we can't already get, I don't know why they don't make it easier to get them all. 

Countless suggestions for how to accomplish it without requiring too much time have been suggested multiple times.   If it were me, I would simply include all themes in a single pack, and make that pack distributable in the same manner it is done now.  It should only require swapping each theme's content pack with the new pack on the server side.  Maintaining one pack has to be easier than maintaining several.  

Edited by Matthieu Quander
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It gladdens me to see that some folks who haven't gotten LHs they wanted in the past have claimed places they love.  I'm enjoying seeing the pics of the parcels folks have chosen.

As for those who are not Premium Plus yet:

/me looks at all the regions on her watch list and finds that it can now be much shorter, since Premium Plus members have made their choices, lol!

I freed up someone to hop before being retired next week, and without the GOH folks being active 2 of the 5 homes at the top of the queues today were the same ones as yesterday.  No keepers.  It's a different world!

For me, it's time to settle in.  I've divested of all non-LH except for one 1024 on mainland. I have not been able to spend much time inworld lately, but am hoping to spend time decorating and exploring as PP sorts out and new options are released for existing themes.  Will check on GOH now and then, as alt memberships run out.  And will keep an eye on new mole developments (my favorite spectator sport) tho generally not share them, as per Abnor's request.

With any luck, will wean from the forums as well.  I started to, then fell off the wagon in recent weeks. Bad Nika!

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I have one hopper.  I spent hours exploring all the Belliserian themes yesterday.  I thought if I found something I really really wanted, I would pay for the premium plus and claim it.  I didn't find anything that I wanted.  I checked around all the inland lakes, all the shores, all the west coasts (because I like sunsets), all the cliffside homes, anything that looked like it might have privacy or an interesting plot to decorate.  Nothing.  Then I explored the mainland to see if there were any parcels within my price range that would be something I would be interested in to use up the included tier in PP.  Again, I found nothing I wanted.  Is there an easier way of finding an unoccupied Linden Home than just randomly flying around checking "about land" to see if it's available?  There were several times I was checking on the map to see if homes were labeled LH, just to get there and it was owned and is named something that didn't show up when clicking around on the map.

Anyway, maybe I am just too picky, but I couldn't find anything that wasn't already owned that I wanted.  I'll go back to random Hopping and Hoping (H&H) in the GoH with my regular premium membership.

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33 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

For me, it's time to settle in.  I've divested of all non-LH except for one 1024 on mainland. I have not been able to spend much time inworld lately, but am hoping to spend time decorating and exploring as PP sorts out and new options are released for existing themes.  Will check on GOH now and then, as alt memberships run out.  And will keep an eye on new mole developments (my favorite spectator sport) tho generally not share them, as per Abnor's request.

I'm going the opposite direction, and am starting to move my attention almost exclusively back to Mainland. Any divesting I do is going to be getting rid of a few hoppers I have been using to check on LHs.

I bought a very choice Mainland parcel this morning, and to me, that is a much better value for my money than PP could ever be. :D 

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6 minutes ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Is there an easier way of finding an unoccupied Linden Home than just randomly flying around checking "about land" to see if it's available?  There were several times I was checking on the map to see if homes were labeled LH, just to get there and it was owned and is named something that didn't show up when clicking around on the map.

You can try using a HUD, like the one I use a lot: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ti-Land-Survey-HUD/6775289

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I've decided to try P+ for 6 months (the account I've used expires in December); by the end of the year, I'll set it back to regular Premium.

In general, the features are nice but not for me, apart from the possibility of chosing a specific LH. Whitney Linden was kind enough to set one up for me on a Saturday, just a few hours after opening the ticket.

I was all frustrated because I couldn't get a nice Sakura home, and I lost the only nice one I got; now I've got it, so to me, it's been worthy.

My question is, is there any limit on the number of LH one can request? I've read all the FAQs and posts, but I couldn't find anything about it.

Thank you

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1 hour ago, Elena Core said:

I've decided to try P+ for 6 months (the account I've used expires in December); by the end of the year, I'll set it back to regular Premium.

In general, the features are nice but not for me, apart from the possibility of chosing a specific LH. Whitney Linden was kind enough to set one up for me on a Saturday, just a few hours after opening the ticket.

I was all frustrated because I couldn't get a nice Sakura home, and I lost the only nice one I got; now I've got it, so to me, it's been worthy.

My question is, is there any limit on the number of LH one can request? I've read all the FAQs and posts, but I couldn't find anything about it.

Thank you

not sure but i think as long as you do not have a LH home at time of request it is ok to request numerous times. But am going to watch for other responses in case i am totally wrong. 

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My prediction is that soon LL parcels that are a great find when house hunting will be a thing of the past bc those with PP will be able to simple send in a ticket and request them. As we have seen so far after just a few days of it being implemented.  So the question is what is the point of regular premium?? A caste system for ppl on different Premium memberships. Fascinating.

I get "perks" but when you make those perks so drastically different from those who are also paying for premium memberships it becomes a question of why am I doing this again? We all want nice LL parcels but now the playing field is dramatically uneven and those who either can't afford or don't want to pay $250 are bearing the brunt of it.  

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30 minutes ago, EnchantrixLisa said:

My prediction is that soon LL parcels that are a great find when house hunting will be a thing of the past bc those with PP will be able to simple send in a ticket and request them. As we have seen so far after just a few days of it being implemented.  So the question is what is the point of regular premium?? A caste system for ppl on different Premium memberships. Fascinating.

I get "perks" but when you make those perks so drastically different from those who are also paying for premium memberships it becomes a question of why am I doing this again? We all want nice LL parcels but now the playing field is dramatically uneven and those who either can't afford or don't want to pay $250 are bearing the brunt of it.  

If Forum posts are any indication, those addicted to home "trading" won't hold onto homes very long. Squirrel!

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43 minutes ago, EnchantrixLisa said:

My prediction is that soon LL parcels that are a great find when house hunting will be a thing of the past bc those with PP will be able to simple send in a ticket and request them. As we have seen so far after just a few days of it being implemented.  So the question is what is the point of regular premium?? A caste system for ppl on different Premium memberships. Fascinating.

I get "perks" but when you make those perks so drastically different from those who are also paying for premium memberships it becomes a question of why am I doing this again? We all want nice LL parcels but now the playing field is dramatically uneven and those who either can't afford or don't want to pay $250 are bearing the brunt of it.  

I hear you Lisa -- but on the other hand, SL is a business.  Most entertainment have Tiers of membership, with more perks going to the most expensive plans. Why would we expect SL to be any different? Why wouldnt SL's the top tier have more perks than the lower tier?

Consider this... there is a limited supply of "great" locations.. with all the folks upgrading to Plus, there is gonna come a time when new Plus members wont have much of a selection to choose from.

I do agree with you that it will be harder for us Premium members to find best-of-the-best spots in the existing releases, as more and more new Premium Plus members grab the available nice spots.

But there was a time, a mere 18 months ago when almost no Linden Homes were available at all and you were lucky to get one, period. We have been spoiled in recent time with an abundance of nice choices, but that wasn't always the case. I remember a 3 or 4 month period where basically none (of any style) were available any time I checked the land page. Now (at least) we have several choices.

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8 minutes ago, Kylie Jaxxon said:

It will be interesting to see how this works out when a new theme is released....they will most likely be bombarded with requests, so will see how fast things happen in that case.


I am not sure, but I think the next release will be the 2048 Linden homes, available ONLY to PP members.

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37 minutes ago, Teresa Firelight said:

I am not sure, but I think the next release will be the 2048 Linden homes, available ONLY to PP members.

I as under the impression that the next theme would come with the option of larger lots, but still be available as 1024.  Similar to the Newbrookes and Sakuras.  I may be wrong, but that was the impression I got from all the information given.

I feel like creating an entire theme that excludes "regular" premium members would be a mistake on the part of LL.

I could be totally wrong about my assumptions though.

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5 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

Anyway, maybe I am just too picky, but I couldn't find anything that wasn't already owned that I wanted.  I'll go back to random Hopping and Hoping (H&H) in the GoH with my regular premium membership.

A lot of the desirable parcels were picked up with the ticket system in the last few days. I looked around to see if there was anything I would consider dumping a house I already had for and I did not find anything. There are still some nice Sakura spots and  more will come along, but I already got a perfect one when the theme was released. I have come to the conclusion that, for me, the best way to get a place I love is to wait for abandons and roll.

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59 minutes ago, Teresa Firelight said:

I am not sure, but I think the next release will be the 2048 Linden homes, available ONLY to PP members.

Will they be available only to PP members?   I'd have thought any premium member would be able to apply for one, provided they don't already have a Linden Home and are willing to pay for the extra tier, in rather the same way I have to pay for extra tier to cover my Newbrooke house because I already own various Mainland parcels.

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2 hours ago, EnchantrixLisa said:

My prediction is that soon LL parcels that are a great find when house hunting will be a thing of the past bc those with PP will be able to simple send in a ticket and request them. As we have seen so far after just a few days of it being implemented.  So the question is what is the point of regular premium?? A caste system for ppl on different Premium memberships. Fascinating.

Watching PP roll out IS fascinating.  In the short term, it may result in a dearth of great parcels available to Premiums and a glut of just OK ones, but I think we should wait and see what steady state for PP turns out to be.  Consider:

> Eventually, PP parcels will (hopefully) be abandoned into the queues (altho presumably their holders could attempt to transfer them to other PP friends, but while possible that is quite unnecessary because those PP friends can request whatever parcel they want).  Personally, I would like it if they posted those parcels in the  "When did you last see..." thread.

> If LL wants to be sure that regular Premiums get a whack at some nice new parcels, they can always return to what they used to do - change new regions to "Linden Home" moments before releasing them.  Probably that would result in all the best spots claimed via the "Assigner" before support tickets can be filled.

> Long term, I don't know if most PP members who are only interested in the Linden Homes will remain that way.  Personally, I might become PP right before a new theme, stay that way for 2 months and get a great new spot, and drop back to Premium.  Why not?

> To me, compared to rolling the dice 5x/day on the land page, scouting endlessly for a nice parcel to submit a ticket on is boring and time-consuming.  Parcel searching is a very different activity than random exploring, more tedious.

> I'm not sure, but I think that the future feature of increasing the number of tries you can take on the land page/day is meant to be just for Premium Plus.  But ... that makes no sense to me.  Why bother with the land page, if you can just claim the best of whatever you want?  Really, it's the regular Premium accounts that should get more tries, given what Premium Plus is so far doing to the quality of parcels available on the land page!

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3 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

Watching PP roll out IS fascinating.  In the short term, it may result in a dearth of great parcels available to Premiums and a glut of just OK ones, but I think we should wait and see what steady state for PP turns out to be.  Consider:

> Eventually, PP parcels will (hopefully) be abandoned into the queues (altho presumably their holders could attempt to transfer them to other PP friends, but while possible that is quite unnecessary because those PP friends can request whatever parcel they want).  Personally, I would like it if they posted those parcels in the  "When did you last see..." thread.

> If LL wants to be sure that regular Premiums get a whack at some nice new parcels, they can always return to what they used to do - change new regions to "Linden Home" moments before releasing them.  Probably that would result in all the best spots claimed via the "Assigner" before support tickets can be filled.

> Long term, I don't know if most PP members who are only interested in the Linden Homes will remain that way.  Personally, I might become PP right before a new theme, stay that way for 2 months and get a great new spot, and drop back to Premium.  Why not?

> To me, compared to rolling the dice 5x/day on the land page, scouting endlessly for a nice parcel to submit a ticket on is boring and time-consuming.  Parcel searching is a very different activity than random exploring, more tedious.

> I'm not sure, but I think that the future feature of increasing the number of tries you can take on the land page/day is meant to be just for Premium Plus.  But ... that makes no sense to me.  Why bother with the land page, if you can just claim the best of whatever you want?  Really, it's the regular Premium accounts that should get more tries, given what Premium Plus is so far doing to the quality of parcels available on the land page!

But would you be aallow to keep the 2048 parcel if you go back to the basic premium? And I agreed BP ppl should be allowed more tries. 

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24 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

Will they be available only to PP members?   I'd have thought any premium member would be able to apply for one, provided they don't already have a Linden Home and are willing to pay for the extra tier, in rather the same way I have to pay for extra tier to cover my Newbrooke house because I already own various Mainland parcels.

I think that in general, the process would be to become PP for a short time (only PP members can use the support ticket process to apply for a home, and I'm betting the same restriction would hold for 2048 parcels on the land page), then go back to Premium once you've ensured that you have the tier available to hold the 2048 parcel.  

8 minutes ago, EnchantrixLisa said:

But would you be aallow to keep the 2048 parcel if you go back to the basic premium? And I agreed BP ppl should be allowed more tries. 

Yes, I asked a broader version of that question and Patch answered it earlier in this thread.  I think that if you can cover the tier, you'd be allowed to keep it, and if that's not true it would be nice to be corrected.  I thought that was an exploit, but it seems it is a feature! 

Edited by Nika Talaj
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33 minutes ago, Innula Zenovka said:

Will they be available only to PP members?   I'd have thought any premium member would be able to apply for one, provided they don't already have a Linden Home and are willing to pay for the extra tier, in rather the same way I have to pay for extra tier to cover my Newbrooke house because I already own various Mainland parcels.

Agree 100%

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