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4 minutes ago, JuliaFina said:

Reported for personal attacks and bullying. This is not the place for it.  Not that anywhere is. 

The only one doing any trolling here is you. You keep throwing bait out and you expect people to not take it? Same MO as another person who got themselves banned from the platform for harassing people about 2 years ago. You're heading the same direction.

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2 minutes ago, JuliaFina said:

Reported. I never posted that. Making up lies about  what others have posted is prob against the TOS.

You're going to need a new mouse soon, Julia.

I mean this very genuinely, with the best intentions. Step back from this thread. Go make a cup of tea or something. Binge on Netflix. Whatever. This can't be good for you.

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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

This thread has gone from "OMG, I can't believe someone actually said something so awful aloud and in public!" to . . . "This is the most inane and pointless argument I've ever read here."

I don't think "locking" is good enough for it.

Kill it with fire, and then salt the ground.

Yeah, locking is good enough. It needs to be preserved for posterity if no other reason.

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3 hours ago, JuliaFina said:

Yes to me it is. It is opening a conversation window. The subconscious message there is I am open to talk to you. That I want to talk to them. I'm lonely or whatever. I just assume avatars with male names are male rl so I assume you are male rl. But I don't care what people are rl unless I am in a romantic relationship with them. I think oh they made a male first cause they are male rl....thus the male name.... then they switched to playing a female as it is more fun. 


3 hours ago, JuliaFina said:

You don't have to admit what you are in rl to anyone! Well unless you want to. Rowan is also a historically male name of Irish and English origins. I am the only rl female in this thread lol. I figure males make a male avatar with a male name when they are new, get too much non-transfer stuff to make a avatar with a female name so they just go for it lol. RP a female with a male name. 


3 hours ago, JuliaFina said:


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I agree with Scylla.
I may be mistaken in thinking someone with such a high IQ would enjoy the to & fro.
It is becoming apparent there may be other issues at play here.
I like pushing things to the limit, but don't really intend any harm.
I am seeking not to be purposely goaded into any further replies.

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  • Moles

OK, time out!  Everyone, take a step back from the keyboard.  Then take a very deep breath, close your eyes, and count to ten.....

Then, contemplate the words of the Community Participation Guidelines, which have carefully-chosen language about what we are supposed to be avoiding, like

Interpersonal disputes or personal negative commentary

Hostile or disruptive posts, or messages intended to incite an angry response

Off topic content

Frivolous or malicious use of the abuse report feature

This is a nice, spirited thread.  (OK, maybe "spirited" is putting a bit of a spin in it, but it has been engaging.)  It does not deserve to go down in flames. 

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5 hours ago, JuliaFina said:

Everyone is different. I show I'm not interested by not talking to them. No mixed messages that way.  Most times I never even open my IM's to see what was said or by whom. I'm usually too busy doing my own stuff to notice what others are saying. I also don't see them lol. You literally have to zoom and turn your camera to look at someone most times. Normally I'm zoomed in on my own face lol. I would not see anyone right next to me. Sometimes I go to privacy tab/IM's from friends only...turn off sound too. I'm not sure why people open or answer unsolicited IM's? I rarely do. They don't bug me. If I was bored and opened up a bunch of my random IM's I just find it interesting what they say. I don't care what they say. We can't control other people or what they say. Why care? 

It's not like an IM is auto read. You have to click a bunch of buttons to see what it said. I wonder if most people go into their chat settings and see all the options. There are tons! Everything from sound, pop ups and on and on. Tons of options. Oh you can turn off other avatars from rendering too! Be funny if they added a setting where you could not see or hear various types of avatars. So you could turn off all interactions with males or robots or females or whatever you wanted. 


By "not interested" do you mean not interested in communicating with people? I don't see how someone saying "Hello" or complimenting one's avatar could be interpreted as a sexual advance or trolling.  🧟‍♂️ 😈

When I read an IM from a group or an individual, it's as most 2 clicks. One to scroll over past the one that's visible, or one to open the messages window, then one to read messages from a group or individual. 💻 🖱️

If I only wanted to look at my own avatar all the time I would just stay in my skybox, but that would be boring. I can understand if you think your avatar is a very pretty girl, you might like doing that, but some of us want to buy clothes and stuff, explore the sims other people have built, and actually talk with other people too.  👧 👚

I don't always see everyone immediately around me either though. When I get a random IM I usually wonder who is sending it and why. If they just said "Hi", I'll say hello back, then check my People window to see if they're close by. If they don't seem to be close by and are continuing the conversation, I'll look at their profile to see if they have any groups in common with me and might be IMing me because they just saw me posting something in a shared group that caught their interest. Then I'll probably say something like, "Are you in the XYZ group?", because I'm trying to figure out what we have in common and whether they're hitting on me or might actually have something of interest to discuss. I've had some good conversations start with someone randomly saying hello like this. Sometimes I've added them to my friends list too. If they're new in SL, I may even tell them to IM me if they need help finding good freebies or with something else.  👓 🔍

I guess this may sound like alot of work, but this is one way that people socialize in a virtual world. 👵 🧑‍🤝‍🧑

Edited by Persephone Emerald
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38 minutes ago, Persephone Emerald said:

By "not interested" do you mean not interested in communicating with people? I don't see how someone saying "Hello" or complimenting one's avatar could be interpreted as a sexual advance or trolling.  🧟‍♂️ 😈

When I read an IM from a group or an individual, it's as most 2 clicks. One to scroll over past the one that's visible, or one to open the messages window, then one to read messages from a group or individual. 💻 🖱️

If I only wanted to look at my own avatar all the time I would just stay in my skybox, but that would be boring. I can understand if you think your avatar is a very pretty girl, you might like doing that, but some of us want to buy clothes and stuff, explore the sims other people have built, and actually talk with other people too.  👧 👚

I don't always see everyone immediately around me either though. When I get a random IM I usually wonder who is sending it and why. If they just said "Hi", I'll say hello back, then check my People window to see if they're close by. If they don't seem to be close by and are continuing the conversation, I'll look at their profile to see if they have any groups in common with me and might be IMing me because they just saw me posting something in a shared group that caught their interest. Then I'll probably say something like, "Are you in the XYZ group?", because I'm trying to figure out what we have in common and whether they're hitting on me or might actually have something of interest to discuss. I've had some good conversations start with someone randomly saying hello like this. Sometimes I've added them to my friends list too. If they're new in SL, I may even tell them to IM me if they need help finding good freebies or with something else.  👓 🔍

I guess this may sound like alot of work, but this is one way that people socialize in a virtual world. 👵 🧑‍🤝‍🧑


Love the illustrations. 


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18 hours ago, JuliaFina said:

Oh like how you can play dances locally or in world, so seen by others or not, they could probably make it so only you see how you look, since you're not looking good for anyone else. Might be a nice feature to add for folks who just try to look good for themselves.

This feature sort of exists now, but it works the other way around. People can choose not to render you, or render you as a featureless jelly doll. But as far as I'm concerned, I don't want them to! I go to considerable lengths to look nice, and I want people to notice.

The proper response, though, is not a demand for voice verification or a crude come on. The proper response is, "Hi, Lindal, you're looking fabulous today!"


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18 hours ago, Karl Herber said:

Well I am glad I read the whole thread before chiming in, otherwise I would not have known to go Muppet. 😁  Team Cookie Monster!


just want to correct,

cookie monster from sesame street ( for kids)

muppet for adult


Edited by Kalegthepsionicist
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