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8 hours ago, archangel969 said:

Haha, I could do that but here I love to see what others have done and experienced and for me to share what I do with my land. The storytelling I use more in the land itself. before I furnish the houses I first tell myself a story about the person who lives there. What is the gender? How old? What is the family like? What is the background story? What is the friend circle like? Only if I told myself the story behind the person or persons I can begin furnishing. Then furnishing starts to be something natural, it's not forced, I just look for things that fits the person and fits in the story. That can be things I would never have chosen before I told the persons story. So I avoid working only decorative and naturally gives your sim a heart and depth.

LOL I could write a whole essay, or even a book about furnishing a land with the use of storytelling. If I only I had the time. And people wanting to read that of course :-).


8 hours ago, archangel969 said:

By the way, my opinion is what you are sharing here IS storytelling. Little stories, somtimes funny, sometimes naughty, and always amusing.

Thank you!!!

I think we are "projecting" a bit onto each other (in a positive way). You are looking at it from a third person perspective, (which I had forgotten). Thinking about someone other than yourself living in the places you build. My SL is fully first person.The Island Caitlin and I have is about where, and in what, we would want to live if we were RL married. It's a fantasy world of course, so we aren't encumbered by physical and (to a degree) financial limitations. What I write and show pics of is actually what happens in my SL life. Caitlin named it "The Wren Island Refuge", because she said it was her refuge from reality. When I show a pic with a caption like "Cat and I discussing RL stuff", then we actually WERE discussing RL things. The images and captions I post are more of an SL diary than a story. But all that said, there IS a storytelling involved. It's meant for others to see and read. Not just notes and pictures in my personal diary.

And btw, I would be happy to read an essay or book you write about how you furnish land in SL with storytelling!!! Count me in!!!



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Me in my "Sandy" AV, and my "ex" Mysteria (with the dark hair), having a nice conversation together on the Island. Of course, there WAS some kink in the conversation. We are still good friends.

Mysteria and Sandy from Photscape X Sandor.png

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Posted (edited)

Me with someone who IM'd me out of the blue when she saw me on a SIM, and had forgotten that we had once met in a rather "cough" kinky situation on the island. She wanted me to turn her into a living statue, so I did. But then we got talking a bit, and I was questioning if she had told her partner (who I know as an acquaintance), and she hadn't. I really didn't want to be a part of it at that point, but she logged off before I could release her. Well, there IS always turning RLV off...

Sandor and Kristin Lavender sandor.png

Edited by Bagnu
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17 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

She wanted me to turn her into a living statue, so I did. But then we got talking a bit, and I was questioning if she had told her partner (who I know as an acquaintance), and she hadn't. I really didn't want to be a part of it at that point

Good call. It's better to avoid that type of conflict.

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I'm trying to get a long island iced tea again, unfortunately, I couldn't find a boat to my favorite bartender "Triple M" so I went back to Helios and begged Anubis and of course, he declined 😭


Here I am asking.


Just frustrated at this point, he never listens..  the heartless jerk!

Bards from far away lands have heard of my tale, and generated a song for me.


And a death metal rendition.


(courtesy of Suno, I love this generative song creator)

Defeated, I went back to gambling, and won a few coins


And now, I'm back to collecting flowers to get my boopsie crab :D




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17 hours ago, Bagnu said:


Thank you!!!

I think we are "projecting" a bit onto each other (in a positive way). You are looking at it from a third person perspective, (which I had forgotten). Thinking about someone other than yourself living in the places you build. My SL is fully first person.The Island Caitlin and I have is about where, and in what, we would want to live if we were RL married. It's a fantasy world of course, so we aren't encumbered by physical and (to a degree) financial limitations. What I write and show pics of is actually what happens in my SL life. Caitlin named it "The Wren Island Refuge", because she said it was her refuge from reality. When I show a pic with a caption like "Cat and I discussing RL stuff", then we actually WERE discussing RL things. The images and captions I post are more of an SL diary than a story. But all that said, there IS a storytelling involved. It's meant for others to see and read. Not just notes and pictures in my personal diary.

And btw, I would be happy to read an essay or book you write about how you furnish land in SL with storytelling!!! Count me in!!!



I can relate to that. Sometimes it is a refuge from reality. But then again when you have an imagitive mind you can always take refuge. You can think of it as a work of art that you are creating together. It is fantasy and real at the same time. That's why Second Life is called that way and is not called 'Fantasy world' or something like that. It is part a fantasy world but it's also real because it's created by real people who partly living their life in SL. Not to mention all those creators who make their money in SL. I think it's amazing how smoothly people in SL can deal with those realities.

Edited by archangel969
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5 hours ago, archangel969 said:

I can relate to that. Sometimes it is a refuge from reality. But then again when you have an imagitive mind you can always take refuge. You can think of it as a work of art that you are creating together. It is fantasy and real at the same time. That's why Second Life is called that way and is not called 'Fantasy world' or something like that. It is part a fantasy world but it's also real because it's created by real people who partly living their life in SL. Not to mention all those creators who make their money in SL. I think it's amazing how smoothly people in SL can deal with those realities.

Very true!!! I think of it as living in an interactive movie with no script sometimes. Where admission can be somewhat expensive, if one chooses to buy premium tickets.

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Posted (edited)

OK....So... @Cinnamon Mistwood is shopping right now. She prefers shopping alone, so we aren't together...And ...she buys me THIS!!! I had no idea what it was until I unpacked it. Of course she wouldn't tell me.

She knows I wouldn't be caught dead in THIS!!!

I don't know who was laughing harder, ME or HER!!!

Sandor In Cuddly top from Cinnamon.png

Edited by Bagnu
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My good friend Frannie took the Tiny Explorers round New Toulouse yesterday.  I didn't manage to take photos then so I went round again today and took what I could using my chat log as a guide.  This is Lafitte's Old Primsmith Bar which was one of the first builds there, recently rebuilt in mesh. Many of the builds are still old-school prims but the whole place has a fascinating atmosphere.

Tour to New Toulouse - Primsmith Bar


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