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What the Hell is wrong with SL?

Nikita Neuman

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I experience that since a few Weeks, i teleport and as soon , i leave the 3rd or 4th SHop to my Home Land, i get this:

You were logged out from Second Life

Wtf, my FPS were on 70, this should be enough for that tiny TP Home, also when i dress something, mostly Mesh Clothes/Outfits, it needs endless until they r on my Body.

So i dunno what the Hell LL is doing or who ever causes that?

Has anyone experienced that too and what is this causing?


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3 minutes ago, Nikita Neuman said:

I experience that since a few Weeks, i teleport and as soon , i leave the 3rd or 4th SHop to my Home Land, i get this:

You were logged out from Second Life

Wtf, my FPS were on 70, this should be enough for that tiny TP Home, also when i dress something, mostly Mesh Clothes/Outfits, it needs endless until they r on my Body.

So i dunno what the Hell LL is doing or who ever causes that?

Has anyone experienced that too and what is this causing?


Not having those issues at all.  Have you checks the Stats (Ctrl + Shift + 1) to confirm your Ping time and Packet Loss are not a problem?

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2 minutes ago, Jordan Whitt said:

Have you updated your viewer recently?

The last few updates of the LL viewer have included fixes for crash issues, but those will not appear in third-party viewers like Firestorm until the next time their own developers do an update.  I was having regular TP crash failures until the last LL update ( to version ), but haven't had a problem since Thanksgiving.

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16 hours ago, Nikita Neuman said:

I experience that since a few Weeks, i teleport and as soon , i leave the 3rd or 4th SHop to my Home Land, i get this:

You were logged out from Second Life

Wtf, my FPS were on 70, this should be enough for that tiny TP Home, also when i dress something, mostly Mesh Clothes/Outfits, it needs endless until they r on my Body.

So i dunno what the Hell LL is doing or who ever causes that?

Has anyone experienced that too and what is this causing?


What you describe matches what happens when a firewall is dropping messages between your viewer and the simulator. Check your antivirus and windows firewall. 

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4 hours ago, Dano Seale said:

The latest firestorm update has been causing some people a lot of trouble. However, they're still going ahead with forcing all users to update to it very soon....go figure!

The latest release, that many are having problems with, is and the version they will be blocking is  

They are not blocking the most recent previous release ( or the one before that ( 

Thus they are not forcing all users to update any time soon........... go figure.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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35 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

The latest release, that many are having problems with, is and the version they will be blocking is  

They are not blocking the most recent previous release ( or the one before that ( 

Thus they are not forcing all users to update any time soon........... go figure.


This has always been the way they do the blocks. The only time the team had to force people to update was when Emerald went down in flames and Phoenix arose from the ashes. That is, when LL said that EM would be blocked from the grid so PH/FS did it before LL did. FS does not block older versions until they are at least 3 versions old.

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So, i got the newest Update from Firestorm 6.4.12 and since that the Problems are more than on the FS before, like Garnet said, Mesh Clothes rezz  after 5-7 Minutes n more, The Mesh Body no matter which one "please hooold the Line", its terrible.

Firewall, hmm, i dont use any Antivirus, i got that, whats in Windows 10 64 Bit included, some Kind of Protection.

I use Firestorm, cause with that i can lower the Cam behind me, what LL Viewer isnt able to, idk why.

Btw as i looked yesterday my Packet Loss was by 0%.


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