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Not registering to vote

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38 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

I really hope you reconsider this. It isn't a big surprise to anyone reading the Forums for the past years that I believe there is a truly Evil in office. I understand "not being thrilled" with either (or any candidate), but it simply comes down to "lesser of two evils." I am not a H. Clinton fan, or even close, but I voted for her because I knew what a nightmare the alternative was. (How much of one, no one could foresee.) In 2016 some people saw voting for the crazy person as a "funny" thing to do (there were a lot of young people who did that), or there were IDIOTS who were Bernie fans and so miffed that Bernie didn't get it that in their crazy logic saw voting for Trump as "better" than voting for Clinton... and so on. Your vote counts.

People say Clinton won the popular vote in 2016. She did not. Who won the popular vote in 2016? "Not voted." (<<< said in part to make a point, but mostly to keep this comment on topic)


I couldn't bring myself to vote for either of them in 2016.. My heart hasn't changed this time either..

When in My own eyes, I see a lessor evil and one that is worthy of my vote,They'll get it..

Until then, I'll be voting the under dogs.. I'm not throwing my vote away, but if I went mainstream, I would feel like I was..

I'm not gonna live with that on my head.

Lets just say, I'm voting against both of them.;)


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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24 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I couldn't bring myself to vote for either of them in 2016.. My heart hasn't changed this time either..

When in My own eyes, I see a lessor evil and one that is worthy of my vote,They'll get it..

Until then, I'll be voting the under dogs.. I'm not throwing my vote away, but if I went mainstream, I would feel like I was..

I'm not gonna live with that on my head.

Lets just say, I'm voting against both of them.;)


When looking at just the 2 main parties, it has been the 'lesser of two evils' for a long time. 

If more people weren't so afraid of voting for the other parties, the other parties would actually become more feasible.  IMO, that would ultimately give people more hope than our current system, and might even help people to feel more like their vote really does matter.

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27 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Until then, I'll be voting the under dogs.. I'm not throwing my vote away, but if I went mainstream, I would feel like I was..

I'm not gonna live with that on my head.

Ceka I don't like either party either -- for ages the Democrats have thrown the poor people, the underdogs, under the bus. But for this election, the Democrats are providing more protections for the underdogs you're claiming to care about -- in the form of continued health insurance.  Why isn't this enough to vote for them?  No party will ever be perfect, but one party, in this election, will save lives.

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1 minute ago, Luna Bliss said:

Ceka I don't like either party either -- for ages the Democrats have thrown the poor people, the underdogs, under the bus. But for this election, the Democrats are providing more protections for the underdogs you're claiming to care about -- in the form of continued health insurance.  Why isn't this enough to vote for them?  No party will ever be perfect, but one party, in this election, will save lives.

We all have our areas we look at harder than others.. We all have our own reasons for doing what we do..We all have our own histories with these parties..

I'll make my congress votes and my state and local votes.. I'll be voting for a presidential candidate, but it won't be republican or democrat..

People can like it or hate it, like me or hate me..  It's my vote and all the hate fear or guilt in the world can't change that..



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46 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:
1 hour ago, Luna Bliss said:

Ceka I don't like either party either -- for ages the Democrats have thrown the poor people, the underdogs, under the bus. But for this election, the Democrats are providing more protections for the underdogs you're claiming to care about -- in the form of continued health insurance.  Why isn't this enough to vote for them?  No party will ever be perfect, but one party, in this election, will save lives.

We all have our areas we look at harder than others.. We all have our own reasons for doing what we do..We all have our own histories with these parties..

I'll make my congress votes and my state and local votes.. I'll be voting for a presidential candidate, but it won't be republican or democrat..

People can like it or hate it, like me or hate me..  It's my vote and all the hate fear or guilt in the world can't change that..

I would never want someone to change because of hate or fear. I'd want them to change because they listen to my experience in Social work and get a glimpse of the suffering that will ensue if the ACA goes away -- -- the child dying because their health insurance had a cap and would not pay for any more treatments (The ACA, by the way, eliminated those caps) -- the mothers dying and leaving a child without a mother because she didn't have health insurance that would pay for the needed kidney transplant -- the woman who suffered needlessly from her illness because she had the pre-existing condition of PREGNANCY so could not qualify for affordable insurance ( allowed before ACA protections). I could go on, and on, and freaking on....and if you had any feelings at all you'd be asking your husband to go buy more kleenex and begging me to stop.

You do understand that what the Democrats are offering is a public option for those who can't afford to pay, and it's not mandatory so would not affect the health insurance you and your husband have, right? It would likely even drive down health care costs overall for everyone.
I know you said you hated the government like your dad did, and you've expressed how you would not want govt health care because it would be slow. Thinking of our previous discussions, there were times you didn't seem to comprehend that people die without health insurance too and felt a Covid crisis relief package was more important to focus on (I felt both could be dealt with at the same time).

Sure, we all have our areas we look at harder than others, and our reasons. Maybe you haven't looked beyond the cozy spot you are in, next to a huge factory unlikely to close and leave you without health insurance enjoyed by you and your husband, and protecting your children. But everybody can't have that.
Maybe you and your family never experienced a major health crisis and so can't imagine the pain this causes?
If you have reasons more compelling than what I've described that would cause you to contribute to a party winning that will cause so many to suffer needlessly, what are they?  Maybe you have some valid reasons but I can't imagine any equaling the death of thousands caused by lack of affordable health care.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

When looking at just the 2 main parties, it has been the 'lesser of two evils' for a long time. 

If more people weren't so afraid of voting for the other parties, the other parties would actually become more feasible.  IMO, that would ultimately give people more hope than our current system, and might even help people to feel more like their vote really does matter.

This sounds good but not enough would do it in this election to make it worth allowing the ACA protections to lapse and cause thousands to die. A vote for a 3rd party is one less vote that could eliminate Trump.

In the future, yes, I could see dissing the 2 main parties when so many vital issues are not on the line (the erosion of democracy we continue to see with Trump as well as the ACA protections I've mentioned).

Edited by Luna Bliss
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6 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I couldn't bring myself to vote for either of them in 2016.. My heart hasn't changed this time either..

When in My own eyes, I see a lessor evil and one that is worthy of my vote,They'll get it..

Until then, I'll be voting the under dogs.. I'm not throwing my vote away, but if I went mainstream, I would feel like I was..

I'm not gonna live with that on my head.

Lets just say, I'm voting against both of them.;)


I truly "get" that.

I "know" you well enough, through reading your posts for years, that you are not a casual thinker.

I haven't been happy with a choice in eons. Well, I was fine with Obama. But it is rare that I get the opportunity to support someone who I actually support. There were a few in the Democratic primary early days, but... yeah, no, didn't happen. Surprise.

I would love to see something not: White, male, 70+, of dubious mental agility. For me, a pot-smoking 6-legged tarantula would be better than Trump, so Biden is the obvious choice. In this case it is Trump, personally, and then that he is GOP. The guy is evil, imho.

We do need viable 3rd and 4th parties.

Until all that happens, and I think you'll agree it would be unwise to hold our collective breaths until that happens, ffs I don't think our country can stand 4 more years of whatever-this-is. 

Anyway, I'm not arguing. I'm trying not to go too far off topic. I still wish you'd change your mind. I understand very well your reasons not to, mostly. 

Edited by Seicher Rae
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15 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

We all have our areas we look at harder than others.. We all have our own reasons for doing what we do..We all have our own histories with these parties..

I'll make my congress votes and my state and local votes.. I'll be voting for a presidential candidate, but it won't be republican or democrat..

People can like it or hate it, like me or hate me..  It's my vote and all the hate fear or guilt in the world can't change that..

Actually that's a fair and respected approach, although i live in another country my approach is a bit different.
Back in 1999 i decided to just let my fellow citizens vote any politicians they like, i have faith in their wisdom, after all they are choosing the best for themselves and of course their children, that choice should be good for me too.
But since i am a person who values integrity a lot i have also decided that i will personally go and vote any politicians who ask to be reelected (regardless of their gender, party, whatever) and during their previous 4 years they have done everything they had promised to my wise fellow citizens .
(still haven't voted anyone.)
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One perennial set of philosophical questions concerns the nature of values, norms and reasons. Are they objective, universal, mind-independent realities, or merely subjective, relative, mind-dependent human constructions? Normative non-naturalists claim that there are universal, objective, mind-independent facts about value, reason and morality that are not specific to any particular human culture, nor even to human nature in general. Any suitably sophisticated moral agent would perceive the same moral facts and be motivated by them. This strong objectivism is a minority position in contemporary ethics, but one that is gaining respectability – thanks in particular to recent work by the philosophers Thomas Nagel, T M Scanlon and the late Derek Parfit.


I sexually Identify as an “orange man bad” post. Ever since I was a child, I've dreamed of being posted 20 times in a row to subreddits such as r/MurderedByWords, r/CleverComebacks, r/politics, r/PoliticalHumor, r/Art, r/atheism, and many more so I could turn those places into giant political dumpster fires, while earning thousands of upvotes and awards. People say to me that not everything has to revolve around Donald Trump being owned super epic style™️ and please at least talk about something else for once, but I don't care. I'm an enlightened and intelligent Democrat, not a brainwashed nazi fascist Republican. I'm having a plastic surgeon install Putin x Trump memes and Jeff Tiedrich’s cringey clapbacks on my body. From now on, I want you guys to call me "orange man bad” and respect my right to spam social media and create wars in the comments. If you can't accept me, you're an orangemanbadphobe and you need to check your ability-to-critically-think privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.

I'm so smert like every other politically correct user on this thread 

Edited by nlbrn4
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25 minutes ago, Nick0678 said:
Actually that's a fair and respected approach, although i live in another country my approach is a bit different.
Back in 1999 i decided to just let my fellow citizens vote any politicians they like, i have faith in their wisdom, after all they are choosing the best for themselves and of course their children, that choice should be good for me too.
But since i am a person who values integrity a lot i have also decided that i will personally go and vote any politicians who ask to be reelected (regardless of their gender, party, whatever) and during their previous 4 years they have done everything they had promised to my wise fellow citizens .
(still haven't voted anyone.)

Myself, when it comes to the president, I never vote for a party, I always vote for the candidate.

Every election year, there is always people trying to guilt or scare or hate on undecided voters to vote for their party..

I don't ever tell anyone but my husband who I'm voting for..I'm sure not gonna tell the internet.. hehehehe

The whole Kanye thing was me just playing around, because I happen to do that a lot in the forums..

look how serious it got when people seen I'm not going their way..

Now I have a cushy life that someone probable just handed to me out of the blue like winning the lotto, My life experience is worth crap, I'm a mass murderer and an idiot, all before dinner time.. hehehehe

It's gonna take a heck of a lot more than that to put a chip in my armor..

It's the same thing every election year, especially on the internet..

There is no doubt that one of those two are going to win.. But there is not a way in hell I would ever vote for either of them, I don't care how many Mother Teresa's show up to make the judgment call..




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On 10/8/2020 at 2:18 AM, Garnet Psaltery said:

Has Linden Lab forgotten that not all of the residents in Second Life pass their actual lives within the borders of the United States?  The latest blog entry called 'Register to Vote' blithely tells me that my voice matters, that I can register to vote online, and to check if my state requires identification.  Well, no, my voice doesn't matter in this instance, I'm not qualified to vote, and I do not live in a state.  I understand where this is coming from; I imagine the blog writer found it hard not to display a political bias.  Now is it so hard for them to open their mind so far as to realise that for a good portion of residents, this blog entry is saying we are irrelevant?  All it required was a simple disclaimer that the intended audience was U.S. only but we don't merit even that.  If Linden Lab wishes to enjoy an international presence it needs to acknowledge its international residents' reality.

Maybe because LL is actually located in the US. But, I do think if they are not allowing us to display our political choices in world they need to keep their posts non political as well.

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4 hours ago, Tarina Sewell said:

Maybe because LL is actually located in the US. But, I do think if they are not allowing us to display our political choices in world they need to keep their posts non political as well.

Are you saying you are not allowed to express yourself politically because of the restrictions on disturbing or in some cases literally CPTSD-triggering politispam?

Edited by Chroma Starlight
typo correction
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1 hour ago, Tarina Sewell said:

Maybe because LL is actually located in the US. But, I do think if they are not allowing us to display our political choices in world they need to keep their posts non political as well.

You can display your political choices in world, what you can't do is express them in the form of an ad farm.

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