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  1. One perennial set of philosophical questions concerns the nature of values, norms and reasons. Are they objective, universal, mind-independent realities, or merely subjective, relative, mind-dependent human constructions? Normative non-naturalists claim that there are universal, objective, mind-independent facts about value, reason and morality that are not specific to any particular human culture, nor even to human nature in general. Any suitably sophisticated moral agent would perceive the same moral facts and be motivated by them. This strong objectivism is a minority position in contemporary ethics, but one that is gaining respectability – thanks in particular to recent work by the philosophers Thomas Nagel, T M Scanlon and the late Derek Parfit. I sexually Identify as an “orange man bad” post. Ever since I was a child, I've dreamed of being posted 20 times in a row to subreddits such as r/MurderedByWords, r/CleverComebacks, r/politics, r/PoliticalHumor, r/Art, r/atheism, and many more so I could turn those places into giant political dumpster fires, while earning thousands of upvotes and awards. People say to me that not everything has to revolve around Donald Trump being owned super epic style™️ and please at least talk about something else for once, but I don't care. I'm an enlightened and intelligent Democrat, not a brainwashed nazi fascist Republican. I'm having a plastic surgeon install Putin x Trump memes and Jeff Tiedrich’s cringey clapbacks on my body. From now on, I want you guys to call me "orange man bad” and respect my right to spam social media and create wars in the comments. If you can't accept me, you're an orangemanbadphobe and you need to check your ability-to-critically-think privilege. Thank you for being so understanding. I'm so smert like every other politically correct user on this thread
  2. Who's taking away money from black people? If you're talking about slavery, that's irrelevant because no one today is a slave.
  3. Okay fine. wrong parallel. Replace germany with hong kong. been there once but we'll count that as negligible. again, i don't speak the language, don't know the people, never lived there but i'm the same ethnicity as the locals there. according to this logic, i can proudly call myself hong kongese without having any clue about the culture or language. my point still stands.
  4. I can't quote for some reason. heritage is the keyword, except people are saying they can be called german without being to germany. "it doesn't matter what anyone likes or not" nope, I'm not going to forcefully stop people from falsely identifying themselves but this is a discussion on whether i agree with that or not.
  5. so by all you've just said, i can proudly call myself german despite never visiting there, not knowing a single german, not speaking german. Germany is laughing at anyone who thinks they can get away with this. Face it, not every country is like america where you can be american with a snap of your fingers.
  6. I speak chinese, if i took a dna test it would probably show i'm 100% chinese, i eat chinese food everyday for breakfast, lunch and dinner but I've don't say i'm chinese. Just face it people, you're american and nothing else. just because your great great grandpa was german doesn't mean you have any claim to identifying as german. Can't wait for all the triggered replies.
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