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3 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Found a good one! 

A blonde woman was taking helicopter lessons. The instructor said:

"I'll radio you every 1,000 feet to see how you're doing."

At 1,000 feet, the instructor radioed her and said she was doing great. At 2,000 feet, he said she was still doing well.

Right before she got to 3,000 feet, the propeller stopped, and she twirled to the ground. The instructor ran to where she crashed and pulled her out of the helicopter. He asked her,

"What went wrong?"

The blonde said: "At 2,500 feet, I started to get cold, so I turned the big fan off."

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/61ms8g/a_blonde_woman_was_taking_helicopter_lessons/


As a blonde, I must say that I am offended!  On the other hand, I had a dear friend years ago who made it a hobby to collect blonde jokes wherever she stumbled over them or found them rotting in the mud..........  🤗

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16 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Found a good one! 

A blonde woman was taking helicopter lessons. The instructor said:

"I'll radio you every 1,000 feet to see how you're doing."

At 1,000 feet, the instructor radioed her and said she was doing great. At 2,000 feet, he said she was still doing well.

Right before she got to 3,000 feet, the propeller stopped, and she twirled to the ground. The instructor ran to where she crashed and pulled her out of the helicopter. He asked her,

"What went wrong?"

The blonde said: "At 2,500 feet, I started to get cold, so I turned the big fan off."

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Jokes/comments/61ms8g/a_blonde_woman_was_taking_helicopter_lessons/


In this day and age, even blonde jokes are considered not politically correct because there are plenty of true blondes out there that are actually smart.

Or is it okay to still offend some groups of people?


Truth is, you pretty much cannot tell a joke about any person or group of people.  Have to stick to animals and objects.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

In this day and age, even blonde jokes are considered not politically correct because there are plenty of true blondes out there that are actually smart.

Or is it okay to still offend some groups of people?

Exactly, you got the point!

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31 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

As a blonde, I must say that I am offended!  On the other hand, I had a dear friend years ago who made it a hobby to collect blonde jokes wherever she stumbled over them or found them rotting in the mud..........  🤗

That is what I seen too where the best blonde jokes came from true blondes who had a sense of humour!

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Well, your picture is not funny for air\marine force pilots.

See: There is always something to complain about a joke (every joke) if one starts to split hairs.

We should simply not go there, or this thread is doomed.
Heck, Comedy is doomed... 99.9% is always somehow at the expense of someone or a group.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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5 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I will explain it: Someone saying their requirement for a woman is they have XY chromosomes is not funny, because it means they do not believe Transwomen are women. This is not funny.

I understood already where the pain came from.
But there is always someone who can feel pain with any given joke.
Dad jokes:  all dad's who are not totally stupid and all people who wanted to be a dad but for some reason could not.
Blond jokes: see above.
Knock-knock jokes: People with hearing loss might not hear the knocking, people who lost their hands in an accident ......
Political jokes:  Obvious if it is about the party or ideology one prefers, one can feel offended.
Adult jokes: Do you know how offended asexuals might be over these, or conservative religious people?

Whatever joke you will post, I could point out who you might have offended. Not that I'm going there, but I could, I'm sure about that.

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3 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

I understood already where the pain came from.
But there is always someone who can feel pain with any given joke.
Dad jokes:  all dad's who are not totally stupid and all people who wanted to be a dad but for some reason could not.
Blond jokes: see above.
Knock-knock jokes: People with hearing loss might not hear the knocking, people who lost their hands in an accident ......
Political jokes:  Obvious if it is about the party or ideology one prefers, one can feel offended.
Adult jokes: Do you know how offended asexuals might be over these, or conservative religious people?

Whatever joke you will post, I could point out who you might have offended. Not that I'm going there, but I could, I'm sure about that.

Granted, but some of your examples are silly. I hope you agree! 🙂 

This does not make it "ok" to demean a "marginalized" group. Dads, Blondes, and "people who don't like adult jokes" aren't "marginalized". They may not like being joked about. Sorry if you don't agree, possibly due to not understanding the nuance.

There is general disagreement in society over "marginalization"; this is often because people who are "in power" would rather use a distraction then admit they are targeting a marginalized group. 

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Granted, but some of your examples are silly. I hope you agree! 🙂


1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Granted, but some of your examples are silly. I hope you agree! 🙂 

This does not make it "ok" to demean a "marginalized" group. Dads, Blondes, and "people who don't like adult jokes" aren't "marginalized". They may not like being joked about. Sorry if you don't agree, possibly due to not understanding the nuance.

There is general disagreement in society over "marginalization"; this is often because people who are "in power" would rather use a distraction then admit they are targeting a marginalized group. 

I'm in a marginalized group, being an asexual.
And yes, when I'm at a party and the sex jokes time starts, I feel totally uncomfortable about that deep down inside. But one just has to grow some skin. So I laugh or I don't, but I don't complain ever at parties or wherever the joke comes from.

And what for one looks silly, can be severe for others. Who is to judge?
You and Eddy found it clearly offensive others didn't, looking at the responses the picture post got.

And it is not only about people in marginal groups. People in majority groups can be offended too.
Mileages vary, even from person to person.

If one starts to think about it, comedy is impossible all together. It is always at the expense of someone or something, so there always might be people offended or hurt. We have to accept that principle or abandon comedy all together. The joke teller can never look inside the heads of people who hear, see or read the joke.

So I will not crack a joke to stay on topic.
Last post for me in this thread for now. I don't want to keep a discussion going in a grandfathered non SL thread here on the forums of Second Life.

Edited by Sid Nagy
Added a few. Changed bits.
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1 hour ago, Sid Nagy said:

I'm in a marginalized group, being an asexual.
And yes, when I'm at a party and the sex jokes time starts, I feel totally uncomfortable about that deep down inside. But one just has to grow some skin. So I laugh or I don't, but I don't complain ever at parties or wherever the joke comes from.

The point you seem to be missing, is that the jokes are not "about" you; you are not a "target" or "subject" of the jokes, you merely find them offensive or they make you uncomfortable. There's a BIG difference.

Blonde jokes are "about" blondes.

Gay jokes are "about" gays.

Trans jokes are "about" Trans people.

"Old people jokes" are "about" old people.

I'm sure you get what I mean now. I'll not argue further on it. 

I don't care about derailing this thread - it is truly worth it when someone points offensive jokes that target a marginalized community.

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5 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I don't care about derailing this thread - it is truly worth it when someone points offensive jokes that target a marginalized community.

You don't care?  Well that rather wets a blanket for everyone.  Just look at that joke as being about a man who is so biased and/or stupid that he can't accept anything else*.  Feel better now? :/  No, please don't reply; I'm going to throw this to the mods to clean it up.

* This is not my point of view; I was just trying to be helpful.

Edited by Garnet Psaltery
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Okay then, a smart blonde joke ...


An elegant, coiffed, well-dressed blonde woman walks into a branch of her bank in downtown NYC. Asks to see the manager. She gets invited and sits down in his office, "How may we help you?" he asks.

"I need to borrow $100,000 for a week" she replies.

"Ms Smith, do you have any collateral to secure that amount?"

"I have my ninety-three limited edition Bentley out front, would that do?"

The manager checks the value, her ownership, and with a smile, agrees. He transfers $100,000 into her account and takes the keys and has the car moved to the secure underground parking garage as the blonde woman leaves. He asks, "May we offer you a lift home or in the city somewhere?"

She looks playfully confused for a brief moment, but manages to say, "The airport?"

A week later, the blonde returns, with money in hand, carrying a number of bags from Paris clothing stores, and clutching an Air France ticket in her hand, meeting the manager again.

"I have your $100,000 here and what's the interest?" she asks.

"Umm, for the week that would be $54.57" as he hands her keys back and provides directions to where the car is parked and how to get out of the garage. She hands over the extra $54.57 to the man.

"But, may I ask why you borrowed and returned the $100,000 in a mere week?"

She smiles.

"I flew to Paris and went shopping. But do you have any idea how much they charge to park your car at the airport these days?"

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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2 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Okay then, a smart blonde joke ...

A Blonde, a Brunette, and a Redhead are sentenced to death..

The Brunette replied, “I’ll take the electric chair.”

She was led away by two other guards to the electric chair. She was strapped in and the executioner flipped the switch. The Brunette flinched before noticing that nothing happened. Not even a spark.

“Nothing’s happening,” cried the Brunette.

“What? That’s impossible! How?!” yelled the executioner.

“I don’t know, but maybe it’s a sign?” The Brunette replied.

“A sign from above! This must be divine intervention! Release her!”

The guards followed the executioner’s orders and unstrapped the Brunette, leading her back out. She passed the Red Head as she walked back. She leans towards the Red Head.

“The chair’s not working.” she whispered. The Red Head nodded and she watched as the Brunette was led away. The main guard approaches the Red Head. “I present to you the same choice. Which will it be?”

The Red Head replied, “I’ll do the electric chair.”

She was led away by the two other guards to the electric chair. Like the Brunette before her, she was strapped in and the executioner flipped the switch. The Red Head flinched but again, nothing happened, not even a spark.

“It didn’t do anything,” cried the Red Head.

“Again? Impossible!” yelled the executioner.

“Who knows, it could be a sign?” The Red Head replied.

“Another sign! Divine intervention again! Release her!”

The guards followed the executioner’s orders and unstrapped the Red Head, leading her back out. She passed the Blonde as she walked back. She leans towards the Blonde.

“The chair’s not working.” she whispered. The Blonde nodded and she watched as the Red Head was led away. The main guard approaches the Blonde. “I present to you the same choice. Which will it be?”

The Blonde replied, “Well, since the chair is broken, I guess I’ll do the firing squad.”

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3 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I will explain it: Someone saying their requirement for a woman is they have XY chromosomes is not funny, because it means they do not believe Transwomen are women. This is not funny.

You do realize that not everyone has the same opinion about this as you do right?  Most of the population believes that there are two sexes, male and female. That's it. What you are  born with is what you are.  I don't have the same opinion that transwomen are women and found the  joke funny.  I'm sorry but you don't have the right to squash my belief's and opinion because you are offended.  

It like when we talk about abortion.  I vehemently support the right for women to have total control over their body and that includes deciding if they want to have an abortion.  I'd be the first one to support abortion rights.  I, however personally find that it is wrong.  

It's XX not XY.

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  • Moles

It would be best if we could find a way to keep this long-running thread alive.  At the moment, though, it's on a bumpy road.  When the humor stops being funny, the thread is headed off topic.  Please try very hard not to post offensive jokes and not to be too quick to see offense in something that bothers you. Sensitivity and apologies are more likely to keep the thread alive than arguments are.

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