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10 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I'll have to look at this more carefully...I don't know a whole lot about the WHO issue but did form an opinion early on that they made mistakes.

However, not using the resources they provide could be worse in the long run!  And  I don't like the general tendency of Trump, which is to wall off the US from the rest of the world, an unhealthy Nationalism.  We need boundaries, sure, but we need to cooperate as well...and Trump slants too far in one direction.

Okay, look into it please.  But don't be advocating for the rich man, the very ones many people seem to hate, simply because Trump is involved.

This is how twisted this can really get.

Look at the dates from those who were sick.  There was a person from Wuhan, China in California in the Winter of 2019.  

I personally don't think the rich WHO people should be paid, not now and not ever.   Look into the EU too.  I never really liked the EU.  It's a horrible idea that has nearly bankrupted some countries - Greece, Italy, others.  

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11 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

Okay, look into it please.  But don't be advocating for the rich man, the very ones many people seem to hate, simply because Trump is involved.

I personally don't think the rich WHO people should be paid. 

Can you point me to the article(s) where the wealth of WHO members is discussed?

No doubt you are right in that many will automatically oppose anything that Trump proposes, because they hate him.  For myself, I don't know. I'd have to examine it more. Like I said before, I suspect Trump is wrong because he acts like the US should be an island , very separate from the rest of the world. He has withdrawn us from many important organizations (thinking mainly of the climate change one).  But it could very well be he found major mistakes and corruption and so best we leave WHO.

Oh, one other thing I suspect....could it be Trump is trying to shift the blame off of himself because so many are blaming the beginning Covid errors on him?  He does that a lot, blames others for his mistakes,but of course that is not PROOF he's doing it here.

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23 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I think some people just give Trump too much power.  Power that he doesn't even have.  This is not all about Trump but people feed on every word, every word without even knowing the power he has or doesn't have.

However, I will say that the economic recovery started to take shape under the Obama Administration and the Trump Administration followed through with it.  

The Obama Administration needs some respect here too with Republicans.  Some of those banks were insolvent and had to go.  Now our banks, that I need (I'm going to speak for myself on this one), are bankrupt.

This is not all about Trump.  He has a whole team.  His power is not that vast.  

As far as suing the WHO, I think we should as a possibility.  But pay them?  Absolutely not.  But, Trump haters will think we should pay them just because Trump says not too.  


He has more power than you may think. Sure, he can't literally compel Governors to open their respective States, or simply cancel the US debt to China (it's actually in your Constitution that America obligates itself to paying off their debts).

His power is a different kind, though: the kind that's given to him. I'm pretty sure almost all Republican Senators know, deep down in their hearts (or not so deep), that the man is crooked, corrupt to the bone, dirty, and likely guilty of everything he's been accused of. But he keeps the GOP in power, sends them huge tax breaks, gets right-wing Judges appointed, caters to anti pro-choice movement; ergo, it's all good to them. He doesn't actually have the power, but they simply let him get away with everything.

Basically, from my perspective, your country currently exists in a state of 'soft coup,' as I like to dub it. With Kavanaugh appointed to SCOTUS, your Supreme Court is now perverted (in every sense of the word), and Replicans now have absolute power. Supoena's sent by the House are simply ignored; there are several hundred (!) pending proposals for legislation, made by the House, ALL not even accepted for consideration by the Senate,  by Mitch Mcconnell. Republicans have quite literally committed a coup, even though no force was used. And now they're in the process of firing all Government Oversight officials.

I'd say you have a bigger problem at hand than the WHO.

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13 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Can you point me to the article(s) where the wealth of WHO members is discussed?

No doubt you are right in that many will automatically oppose anything that Trump proposes, because they hate him.  For myself, I don't know. I'd have to examine it more. Like I said before, I suspect Trump is wrong because he acts like the US should be an island , very separate from the rest of the world. He has withdrawn us from many important organizations (thinking mainly of the climate change one).  But it could very well be he found major mistakes and corruption and so best we leave WHO.

Oh, one other thing I suspect....could it be Trump is trying to shift the blame off of himself because so many are blaming the beginning Covid errors on him?  He does that a lot, blames others for his mistakes,but of course that is not PROOF he's doing it here.

Oh, I'm sure they are quite rich, Luna.  It's The World Health Organization.  These people are millionaires undoubtedly.  But, this does not mean I hate rich people...why should I hate rich people?  I was just sayin', and it wasn't even really directed at you or anyone here...but just regarding the fact about the wealthy and Trump in general.  

As far as my health.  I've been sick for five months now because of this.  I think California has some good ideas right now about giving us a chest x-ray.  We need to check for walking pneumonia and what ever else doctors may be looking for.  We've all signed a paper here for consent to have a chest x-ray.  I hope soon.  Other tests besides tests for COVID-19 itself need to be done as well as just our overall health is important too and it's time for California to start checking into it.  

As far as making us an island, I don't get politics all that much, so I've never heard that.  

But, just take your time in looking into it.  We, here in California, do need some further studies too, however.  Someone must have suggested chest x-rays.  Whom, I don't know.  But, somebody is finally taking a lead towards helping, I hope.  I hope.  I think I need to write my State Congressperson, Luna.  


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31 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

The WHO endangered my life and to ask for reforms and pay them is not really understanding those who are sick from this, imo.  


You're just peddling Trump's craziness now, about the WHO not having immediately closed down all international traffic (and thus being hugely to blame for your illness). Reality is, it's not that simple. Directly closing all international traffic tends to have... the exact opposite effect. Because there's always a small grace period for ppl to return home from abroad. And that's the real kicker: during such immediate voluntary repatriation, with everyone suddenly leaving the foreign country they're in, it actually helps to spread the disease. (Which is partly what happened when Trump acutely closes all traffic from Europe... except for American citizens who wanted to come home).

People have actually thought about these things, Fairre; actual scientists. But if it helps you to blame China, or the EU even, more power to ya!

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2 minutes ago, kiramanell said:


You're just peddling Trump's craziness now, about the WHO not having immediately closed down all international traffic (and thus being hugely to blame for your illness). Reality is, it's not that simple. Directly closing all international traffic tends to have... the exact opposite effect. Because there's always a small grace period for ppl to return home from abroad. And that's the real kicker: during such immediate voluntary repatriation, with everyone suddenly leaving the foreign country they're in, it actually helps to spread the disease. (Which is partly what happened when Trump acutely closes all traffic from Europe... except for American citizens who wanted to come home).

People have actually thought about these things, Fairre; actual scientists. But if it helps you to blame China, or the EU even, more power to ya!

I don't know Kiramanell because I am one who is sick, not you, not that you've shared anyways.

I think I need to write a letter to my heads of State, of the State of California.  Trump isn't even on my mind.  

As far as China, I did not blame them ever.  As far as the EU, I do not like it.  I never have.  But, I never blamed them for COVID-19.  However, it is an organization under the EU.  

I'd rather follow my own local leaders and not pay for EU stuff in general.   I think it was a big mistake to do so.  

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11 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

However, it is an organization under the EU.  

I'd rather follow my own local leaders and not pay for EU stuff in general.   I think it was a big mistake to do so.

WHO is an agency of the United Nations, not of the European Union. The US is not, and never has, been on the hook for "EU stuff," in general or in specific terms.

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28 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

But, just take your time in looking into it. 

I will, though so far I just see the usual back and forth between left and right.

We need to know who is responsible for what and how we can improve, as no doubt we'll have more pandemics in the future.

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14 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

WHO is an agency of the United Nations, not of the European Union. The US is not, and never has, been on the hook for "EU stuff," in general or in specific terms.

Okay, thanks...because I'm just reading this while fuming here because I've been sick for five months.  Then, I think it was an article about the EU urging us to pay of which I misunderstood.   The EU should stay out of it then.  This isn't even a time for politics.  It's a time for doctors to be responsible and I need to contact my heads of State.   Five months is a long time.  

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17 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I will, though so far I just see the usual back and forth between left and right.

We need to know who is responsible for what and how we can improve, as no doubt we'll have more pandemics in the future.

I don't know, Luna.  I'm not coming from any political angle whatsoever.  But, if someone may have been a culprit in making us all sick here on this forum, I can't see us paying, to make an example.  

First, we need doctors to look into and help.  Second, then we discuss the issue of staying with the organization or not and weigh the pros and cons.  But, people come first.  

I want my locals to take care of me, Luna and not be hindered by any organization that may have failed.  I don't want any hindrance from outside sources.  I want my doctors in my local State to decide what to do and not abandon us as I feel they have.  I want Dr. Fauci to lead more as well.

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1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

It doesn't matter Lyssa.  I and much of California and others were sick weeks before the WHO declared anything.  So, why should I care?  Do you want me to give those dates to a lawyer or something?  I'm sure lawyers already know (sarcasm).  

What's the date of your positive COVID-19 test you're going to provide your attorney?

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38 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

This isn't even a time for politics.

Since 2016, the US has withdrawn from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the Paris Accords, The TPP, the UN Human Rights Council, the UN Educational and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Iran Nuclear Deal (which included many international signatories), to name just some of its more important treaties and international obligations. The administration has also questioned the utility of NATO, and wants to remake the G7, which currently consists only of democratic governments, by bringing in Russia.

The withdrawal from WHO needs to be seen within this larger context. No one was surprised by this: the US administration has been complaining about WHO for years, and Covid-19 in some respects merely provides a convenient pretext for what was inevitably coming anyway.

The rest of the world -- all roughly 6.7 billion of us -- have become acutely aware of the US determination to essentially abandon its role, not merely as "World Policeman," but as active and engaged international partner, period. As a rule, we -- most other nations -- no longer count on the US as a reliable friend. Threats and bullying have replaced negotiation, even with regard to nations that were once close friends of America -- including Canada and the EU. When the US administration ordered 3M to stop exporting N95 masks to Canada and other countries in early April, it became pretty clear how much we could rely on the legacy of over a century of cooperation and friendship between our nations.

Frankly, we no longer trust you.

This editorial cartoon, published in the wake of the joint decision by the US and Canadian governments to extend the closing of our mutual border by 30 days, pretty accurately captures the attitude of Canadians now. Even my own premier, an unashamed Americanophile and Trump fan, publicly declared of Americans that "we don't want them here right now."

It's desperately sad, really. There have been many reasons to criticize, sometimes vehemently, American foreign policy over the past several decades, but at least there was a sense before that the US saw itself as a "world citizen."

And frankly, the more you demonstrate, by way of removal from international agencies such as WHO, that you don't much care about us, the less we're going to worry about you.


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
Corrected one factual error
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Sigh. It is really sad, and greatly annoying, when a Dutch and a Canadian know more about US politics and policies than an American who allegedly votes. And this, dear friends, is how we got the Cheeto in the first place.

HOWEVER, that's about as far in as I'm going to delve, because you see, this is like deja vu all over again, from when I first ran into Mis Information. It was a little thread about depression and mental health, and a very good one... until it wasn't. How did it become awful? Mis Information made an erroneous statement about mental health. I, stupidly, but very gently and politely said, "Not so!" That was on something like page 2 or 3. Probably 40 pages later, when sane and logical minds had either given up, screamed themselves hoarse, or given themselves concussions with all the head to desking, the thread was shut down because that person could never drop it. Ever. She was still typing when the lock came in. Hell, she's still probably typing over there. There was no reasoning (sound familiar?), her posts kept getting edited and re-edited ad infinitum and they STILL didn't make sense and they were STILL wrong even after all of the do overs. It frustrates me no end to see it happening over and over in new threads, and here it is again now. I do learn from my mistakes and I simply no longer read or post to Mis Information. YMMV. Here to offer a demonstration...



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26 minutes ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

What's the date of your positive COVID-19 test you're going to provide your attorney?

I don't have an attorney, Lyssa.  I was being sarcastic. 

However, there are reports 80% who have COVID-19 are asymptomatic and are testing negative.  Now, granted the media circus and their publishing changes from day-to-day so what do I really know.  This is why I said I need to write my state leaders because being sick for five months is horrible.  I've been left like this with this whole sinus clogging issue since I became sick with a flu-like illness in January of 2020.  Doctors need to test beyond the preliminary COVID-19 testings.  They are going to be checking for walking pneumonia here at my building.  What else doctors may be looking for in chest x-rays I am not privy to that information at this time.   But, it's about time this is taken seriously beyond the WHO.  A break may be very beneficial as doctors were practically held hostage in hospitals here in California and private offices shut, E.R.'s for the symptomatic only with even heart surgeries cancelled for awhile.  

I think those on this forum who may have some real knowledge of our health and how COVID-19 may effect those other than the ones who died are not currently in this thread unfortunately (and there are two people I am thinking of specifically).   If they decide to pipe in here, I'd be grateful because I guess I'm a lone bird here with being sick since January 2020 with a date far prior to the one WHO declared.  

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51 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

Mis Information made an erroneous statement about mental health. I, stupidly, but very gently and politely said, "Not so!"

I saw that thread, and you misinterpreted what she said.

* Most bizarre thing I ever witnessed.  The one you're starting to gang up against, yet again, simply wanted to give us some information about how exercise and light boxes helped her with depression and could help others.  But because those in the thread who experience clinical (as opposed to situational) depression took it to mean she was one of the insensitive people out in society who just say "oh, go for a walk and you'll feel better", you mercilessly went after her, scapegoated her, as if SHE was one of these people from your past.  She was never trying to tell you that ONLY exercise could COMPLETELY cure clinical depression.  

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14 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

Sigh. It is really sad, and greatly annoying, when a Dutch and a Canadian know more about US politics and policies than an American who allegedly votes. And this, dear friends, is how we got the Cheeto in the first place.


As a proud American citizen involved in politics at all levels of the local and Federal government, and a great appreciator of Cheetos, I think come November I'm going to get myself another 4 year supply.  Stock up so to say. . .  Yummy. 

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34 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And frankly, the more you demonstrate, by way of removal from international agencies such as WHO, that you don't much care about us, the less we're going to worry about you.

You'd better worry about us a lot more. I'm concerned The Sun King might not die of COVID-19, or enough of his worshipers will vape themselves to death with bleach between now and November and we might get stuck with four more years of the idiot.

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20 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:
34 minutes ago, Gatogateau said:

Mis Information made an erroneous statement about mental health. I, stupidly, but very gently and politely said, "Not so!"

Luna Bliss said:   I saw that thread, and you misinterpreted what she said.

Yeah, that's why I was out of politics for awhile.  My sister didn't want to speak, didn't want to eat, didn't want to drink, didn't want to bathe for almost seven years and was suicidal.  Then, my step-daughter hurts her back, loses her job and is put on anti-depressants and is suicidal for two years; then her husband is depressed and put on anti-depressants and is suicidal for years; then my sister's husband is depressed and put on anti-depressants and is suicidal.

I was a bit busy with really horrible stuff going on in my family that needed my immediate attention as it was dire.    

As though you really care because all you ever believe Gato is that only you are right and politics is everything to you.  Well, it's very corrupt to put it mildly and not everyone thinks like you do although you keep insisting they are dumb instead of actually reading.  All doctors will tell you the number one thing to do is exercise whether you choose to take an anti-depressant or not.  Because the chemicals and hormones associated with depression do not come from a pill; the chemicals and hormones come from our own body.   The pill is trying to force the production of those chemicals and hormones.  Exercise can do the same thing this is why doctor's recommend it as the number one thing to do across the board as not everyone goes on medicines right away and may not at all.  But, even if you are on medicine; doctors are going to tell you to be active and exercise.  But, you see the world only through your eyes.  

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11 minutes ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

You'd better worry about us a lot more. I'm concerned The Sun King might not die of COVID-19, or enough of his worshipers will vape themselves to death with bleach between now and November and we might get stuck with four more years of the idiot.

Oh we do.

I don't want him dead. I don't want anyone dead, in truth.

But I do want to see America come to its senses again, and embrace a politics of compassion and engagement, as it once at least tried to. I want to see it rediscover what Lincoln called the "angels of our better nature," rather than a politics built upon fear, hatred, and division.

And that requires a conscious choice by the American people, in November. Changing the face of the leadership without addressing the underlying malaise that put him in office is unlikely to do much good.

I have faith: America has been, for all of its troubles and mistakes, a general force for good in the world. I think most Americans want it to be again.

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3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And that requires a conscious choice by the American people, in November. Changing the face of the leadership without addressing the underlying malaise that put him in office is unlikely to do much good.

Sadly, I'm not sure a new face in the oval office will do much good. I'm thinking unregulated capitalism has to implode in order to address the "underlying malaise", as you say, before real change can occur. Reading History, that's how all major changes happened.   The people rose up and demanded better, and it was bloody and generally awful.

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