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Future of the metaverse, and all that


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9 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

But... but... I want pink and purple polka dots with green and yellow stripes. :(

Even better!  New avatars should be festively colored eggs!

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On 3/11/2020 at 12:17 AM, animats said:

"It helps when you can grow by letting your most imaginative and obsessive fans chip in."


I love this quote, but These people aren’t always going to be the ones that will optimize the content very well though, and that’s what a lot of the complaining is about lately so there’s two big things that are at odds with each other. Doubtless the optimizers will say “oh but the creators could And should learn to optimize” and many of the creators are going to say “muh hobby, no fun”. So that’s a little chunk. Then there are the people who only care about “their thing” in second life and to hell with anybody else’s thing, it’s really obvious in their posts, so that’s another chunk. and that’s just two examples that I can think of off the top of my head.

So many chunks in search of a single metaverse that needs them all.

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52 minutes ago, Ardy Lay said:

Even better!  New avatars should be festively colored eggs!

There’s nothing wrong with that...they could hatch and evolve. I’m in. 🥚 🐣 🐥 🐓 

𝕴𝖓 𝖔𝖛𝖔 𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖒𝖚𝖒 𝖘𝖆𝖕𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖆


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As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, people all over the world who are isolated at home are going to need ways to occupy their time and to escape, as well as working, learning, shopping and socialising remotely.

I see this situation as an opportunity for the world and humanity to transition to a different way of life, based around use of increased use of digital platforms for these purposes, as well as attending arts and cultural events, or just to escape from their surroundings and experiencing different places and cultures.

Besides the current need for social distancing to slow the spread of Cov-19, a major long term benefit of working and socialising remotely reduces carbon emissions and air pollution through less people commuting to and from work or for leisure activities.

Second Life combining the 3D gaming experience with social interaction offers a way to experience a simulation of all of these activities mentioned above, as well as contribute to creating an alternate world,  especially where people have a headset and can turn it into an immersive experience. 

So I do firmly believe platforms like SL are going to be at the cutting edge of how humanity uses modern technology to evolve.

Edited by Merlina21
word omission
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On 3/21/2020 at 5:36 AM, Merlina21 said:

SL are going to be at the cutting edge of how humanity uses modern technology to evolve.

It's a bit late for SL.

And no, humans eliminating all in person social contact is not a good thing. Humans need to be able to come in contact with others physically. Babies are not the only ones that require human touch. Adults do as well. Of course, there will always be those few who have a revulsion to being touched. I'm not including them since that isn't exactly the "norm'.

No, I think I will keep my human trait of needing occasional physical contact. It keeps me human. So if I reach out and put my hand on your arm while I am talking to you, don't freak out. I'm just making that contact we all need even if we don't like it. Don't be like that one guy I had to work with and literally flip out over it. A simple, "Please, don't touch me. It bothers me." is sufficient. You don't need to keep repeating "DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME!" over and over. Give people a moment to process and understand.  Yeah, been there done that. I refused the t-shirt.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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4 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

It's a bit late for SL.

And no, humans eliminating all in person social contact is not a good thing. Humans need to be able to come in contact with others physically. Babies are not the only ones that require human touch. Adults do as well. Of course, there will always be those few who have a revulsion to being touched. I'm not including them since that isn't exactly the "norm'.

No, I think I will keep my human trait of needing occasional physical contact. It keeps me human. So if I reach out and put my hand on your arm while I am talking to you, don't freak out. I'm just making that contact we all need even if we don't like it. Don't be like that one guy I had to work with and literally flip out over it. A simple, "Please, don't touch me. It bothers me." is sufficient. You don't need to keep repeating "DON'T TOUCH ME! DON'T TOUCH ME!" over and over. Give people a moment to process and understand.  Yeah, been there done that. I refused the t-shirt.

I wasn't suggesting that SL would replace face to face contact - and I understand the benefits of physical contact, as I've been in environments where hugging is the norm, and even recorded a video on 'how to hug' !.  But a lot of social interaction does not involve any physical contact - meetings, working, and in social situations.  I just heard today that in China since the Coronavirus outbreak and lockdown, carbon emissions have been reduced by 50%!  Reducing the daily commute to work and also some travel for social purposes will have an impact on the physical environment, so we can all enjoy interacting in a less polluted environment when we do interact in 'real life', not to mention avert the destructive effect of climate change.

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19 minutes ago, Merlina21 said:

I wasn't suggesting that SL would replace face to face contact - and I understand the benefits of physical contact, as I've been in environments where hugging is the norm, and even recorded a video on 'how to hug' !.  But a lot of social interaction does not involve any physical contact - meetings, working, and in social situations.  I just heard today that in China since the Coronavirus outbreak and lockdown, carbon emissions have been reduced by 50%!  Reducing the daily commute to work and also some travel for social purposes will have an impact on the physical environment, so we can all enjoy interacting in a less polluted environment when we do interact in 'real life', not to mention avert the destructive effect of climate change.

You're preaching to the choir here. The indigenous people of this country have been screaming at the people of the US for more than 200 years about it. Maybe the rest of the world should have listened, not just heard, instead of slaughtering us and stealing our land.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The Metaverse article mentioned above appeared in the Washington Post. Mainstream interest is picking up.

Metaverse panel coming up at GamesBeat late this month. (It's an online conference this year, but they still want people to pay. That lets you chat. You can watch for free.) Philip Rosedale is speaking. Nobody from Linden Lab is on the program.

It's strange. I read all this "metaverse" stuff, and SL is routinely ignored or dismissed. The people hyping the metaverse don't want to hear "oh, we did that already". SL has such low visibility within the industry. Marketing needs to get the word out within the game industry.


Edited by animats
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10 minutes ago, animats said:

Philip Rosedale is speaking. Nobody from Linden Lab is on the program

Philip Rosedale is probably on the panel to speak about the need for metaverse open standards, like account and asset identity, from the been there, done that perspective

and probably not a good idea for Linden to front at these types of events at this time, given the recent Sansar divestment

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On 3/13/2020 at 5:14 AM, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Very protective.  In the bar we own there was a large sign showing Mickey holding a beer and a rifle --- the sign dates from WWII.  It's been there long before we evern bought the place.  Recently Disney's legal team told us to take it down.  Now it's in the store room.

Couldn't you argue statute of limitations or something???  That's a shame.

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1 hour ago, Lindal Kidd said:
On 3/13/2020 at 2:14 AM, Kimmi Zehetbauer said:

Very protective.  In the bar we own there was a large sign showing Mickey holding a beer and a rifle --- the sign dates from WWII.  It's been there long before we evern bought the place.  Recently Disney's legal team told us to take it down.  Now it's in the store room.

Being an antiques and collectibles dealer, that sounds very bizarre to say the least.  Most of the "old signs" are considered a part of history and this would be part of Americana.  I wouldn't leave it in the store room...I'd try an see if I could sell it on Ebay or check with a local "antiques" store if you have one and ask the people who work at the antique store if they know any more info about this and what you should do.  If you are happy leaving it in the store room because you don't want to deal with it, then just leave it.   But, it could be worth quite a lot of money *if* it's not a reproduction.   



To Address the OP:   

As far as the future of the metaverse...it's gonna need to be a whole lot cheaper.  You need to realize U.S. Oil Companies are saying they are bankrupt.  Banks are most likely bankrupt.  What isn't bankrupt across the whole globe is not even known yet.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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The Atlantic (!) just published a long article on, of all things, Animal Crossing. Animal Crossing is having a boom during lockdown. What's interesting is why.

"Amid social and economic chaos, with most people holed up inside, the days having melted into a shapeless slurry, Animal Crossing serves up unexpected consolation by offering surrogate habits—a structured, if fictional, alternative to normal life. ... Animal Crossing is a political hypothesis about how a different kind of world might work—one with no losers. Millions of people already have spent hours in the game stewing on that idea since the coronavirus crisis began."

Somewhere in there is a marketing opportunity for LL.

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On 4/21/2020 at 10:21 AM, Lindal Kidd said:

Couldn't you argue statute of limitations or something???  That's a shame.

We tried, but Disney said they would seek further action if we didn't remove it.  The company (Disney) is a whole lot different now then when Walt was in charge.

On 4/21/2020 at 11:35 AM, FairreLilette said:

Being an antiques and collectibles dealer, that sounds very bizarre to say the least.  Most of the "old signs" are considered a part of history and this would be part of Americana.  I wouldn't leave it in the store room...I'd try an see if I could sell it on Ebay or check with a local "antiques" store if you have one and ask the people who work at the antique store if they know any more info about this and what you should do.  If you are happy leaving it in the store room because you don't want to deal with it, then just leave it.   But, it could be worth quite a lot of money *if* it's not a reproduction.  

It's been in the bar since it opened in 1963 --- belonged to the original people who built the place and came with the business when we bought it a few years ago. I believe it is from California or something although our bar is in Saskatchewan. Since I posted that --- we took it home and it's in my man's train room. We did have someone look at it and was worth more then 3K.

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  • 4 weeks later...

More metaverse news:

  • Roblox just raised US$150 million to work on their approach to a "metaverse". Not quite sure what they're doing, but they have money to do it with.
  • NVidia CEO says "We’re going to have a whole bunch of metaverses. Each one is going to be based on the stories you like. There will be some based on Minecraft, Fortnite, Battlefield, or based on Call of Duty. There are all kinds of styles and personalities. You’ll see one based on The Witcher, one based on Warcraft, and all kinds of genres. There will be hundreds of metaverses. That’s the exciting part of it." This is a recurrent theme - virtual worlds which are tied to comfortable, familiar entertainment franchises. It's a way to avoid SL's "what do I do now" problem? Most people already in SL are past that, but much of the population seeks more structure.
  • Dean Takahashi from Yale (who is not from the academic side, but from the money-management side), in "It's time to hurry up and build the Metaverse", comments "You have to have a big audience that you can lead across the desert into the promised land of the Metaverse." He's thinking Fortnite, etc. While Fortnite Party Royale isn't that great, it's one click away from tens of millions of Fortnite players, and that matters.
  • The usual guy from Forbes is plugging GTA V Online as a possible foundation for the Metaverse. His point is that in GTA V you build up assets and become committed to the world. GTA V Online and Second Life have about the same number of concurrent users, in the 50,000 range.

And none of these articles even mentions Second Life.

Somehow, SL needs to get the word out. And get better, technically. Before someone with a zillion dollars gets this figured out.


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100s of metaverses? When I read that I wonder who will fill that with content.

If you combine a metaverse and a game - you have the players and some content to start with and some things to do. If it includes the freedom of SL and some build tools (which don't exist in SL) - that could work.

Anything else - is another empty metaverse - it will not progress on it's own.

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On 3/11/2020 at 1:12 PM, Beth Macbain said:

Being surrounded by Chipmunk-sounding tiny furries is not my idea of fun. I get that it's your entertainment, but it's rather insulting to say that having no desire to be surrounded by Chipmunk-sounding tiny furries means I, or anyone else, doesn't like fun*. The beauty of Second Life, and something that is being discussed through multiple threads, is the diversity and all the niche interests that are able to be explored in SL. 

*...unless we get to hunt the Chipmunk-sounding tiny furries and serve them for dinner... now THAT would be fun...

Tinies in Raglan Shire are a super fun loving long-standing and well-developed Community that welcome all for visiting and fun but yep, I admit I turn off gesture sounds when I go. I’ve participated in their annual Art Walk several times and found them very kind, easygoing and inclusive, not at all fraught or pedantic iykwim? Just saying ‘not all tinies’...😉

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7 hours ago, animats said:
  • NVidia CEO says "We’re going to have a whole bunch of metaverses. Each one is going to be based on the stories you like. There will be some based on Minecraft, Fortnite, Battlefield, or based on Call of Duty. There are all kinds of styles and personalities. You’ll see one based on The Witcher, one based on Warcraft, and all kinds of genres. There will be hundreds of metaverses. That’s the exciting part of it."



A zoologist walks up to a wolf in the wild and asks a question.

"So, does your pack have an alpha male?"

The wolf replies, "We have a whole bunch of alpha males!"

An answer like that suggests that you're dealing with someone who doesn't really understand the term you're using. However, unlike the wolf, the nVidia CEO probably is used to human language, meaning they don't have as much of an excuse.


Edited by Theresa Tennyson
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More mainstream press coverage of "metaverse" type stuff. Forbes: Has the pandemic launched us into the age of the metaverse?

"The metaverse is defined as the collective, virtual and shared space created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space, including the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality and the internet. .. always relatively niche, and until now, hasn’t reached a majority audience. But events on the technological scene suggest that we could be close to moving from this relatively marginal use to more significant levels of adoption, particularly as a way of dealing with the pandemic and the new realities it has generated."

There's unfocused enthusiasm for a metaverse in the trade press and VC communities. It's not focused on any one system; it's the general idea that seems to be gaining speed. LL needs to be exploiting this more.

(Roblox and Minecraft are making metaverse noises and have had a big bump in usage during lockdown. People really want to build. Two major college graduations were held in Minecraft. Wrong tool for the job, but SL's technical problems prevent SL being used for that as much as it should be.)


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Remember when virtual worlds would solve every problem there was ... and then virtual reality promised the same, then augmented reality .. 'meta-verse' is the exact same thing, with a new buzz word, promising all the same, all over again.

Should be pretty obvious by now, that any technology proclaiming to help solve all problems (rather than a specific problem), are just technologies with out a real purpose and we all better be throwing ideas at the wall to see what might stick. If nothing sticks, lets have a new word in a few years time and try again.

I for one am waiting for blast processing to come back.

21 minutes ago, animats said:

Two major college graduations were held in Minecraft. Wrong tool for the job, but SL's technical problems prevent SL being used for that as much as it should be.

No, the perfect tool for the job. Lot of people all in one place, a simplistic stylized look, only requires people have an account and can spend a few minutes on a skin website. (the reality being, most everyone already has an account with a skinned avatar).

Now look at this for SL. Not a lot of people in one place, the account is free but good luck getting socially acceptable pixels from scratch with no idea what you're doing in 20 minutes, event falls apart due to lag and flying *********** copters raining ***** on **** then **** took ***** in the ******** and it was a complete ******* show. SL's woes aren't technical.

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