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I'm listening to a little Great Van Fleet.. I guess Robert Plant even gave his stamp of approval of them.. He enjoys the lead singers voice because it's not something trying to imitate  but came natural to  him..

They definitely have their sound in their music as well as some of the others  have a taste of Rush.. I guess when you are brought up on that music, something is bound to rub off..


I have to say, it's a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of the music that is so cookie cutter these days..


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I am putting the link to the audio version of this remake of a Genesis song here because the other visual version is too graphic and distracts from what the band have actually done with the music. I love the more punchy introduction to it. 

Important to note though is this is not a stab at religion or those with religious beliefs, rather those who may use it for their own narcissistic ends. 



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The Eurovision songcontest is just around the corner.
The Netherlands have 2 major problems:
1 The song is lame by itself.
2 The singers can't sing live. they simply lack the needed skills IMHO.  😭


Edited by Sid Nagy
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