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When Did it Become Acceptable to Bring Politic of Hate into SL?

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5 hours ago, Cam Mode said:

Funny people are called "they" when not agreed with , as if they all are the monolith thinkers.  Each person is that , one.

It is when you clump them and ignore their individualism you end up in very dark places. The mob frenzy is scary.





What kind of bullcrap is this? Who is this "monolith thinking they" you speak of?

Mob frenzy? What mob? What frenzy? Where? 

Seems someone has some butt hurt over the truth and it isn't me.

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19 hours ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Nuclear power is one of the worst things that have ever happened to this planet and its occupants, both ambulatory and stationary.

Off-topic but worth a thought: Nuclear is 4 times cleaner than solar. Even when accounting for nuclear catastrophies, the negative effects are absolutely negligible. (10:00)


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14 hours ago, Cam Mode said:

Funny people are called "they" when not agreed with , as if they all are the monolith thinkers.  Each person is that , one.

It is when you clump them and ignore their individualism you end up in very dark places. The mob frenzy is scary.

Oh, good. We have a fierce American individualist putting his two cents in. We hadn't had one yet and didn't know we needed one. 

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1. "Politik? Ich mache keine Politik mehr. Es widrigt mich an!" - Adolf Hitler. 

To stop debating politics is to stop negotiation. To stop negating is a choice withholding the willingness to compromise which can lead to it's very own detriment. 

2. God is NOT great - Christopher Hitchens ( not a quote but recommended reading ) 

Edited by TDD123
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6 hours ago, TDD123 said:

"Politik? Ich mache keine Politik mehr. Es widrigt mich an!" - Adolf Hitler. 

To stop debating politics is to stop negotiation. To stop negating is a choice withholding the willingness to compromise which can lead to it's very own detriment.

Exactly. Also to stop following politics leads to the end of the discussion also. I don't know how anyone, in these days, can avoid politics. We're bombarded by it. For me, for my own mental health (such as it is), I have to limit my exposure to the bombardment, but I'm still fairly current in the daily surrealism. Trump-guy said he didn't pay attention to politics. It wasn't part of his life. And you know what? For a while I gave him a pass on that because I have been that person. It was a while ago, but yeah, I didn't follow politics. As a result I made some bad voting decisions! But obviously Trump-guy was following enough to get the party line Kool-Aid about things like, oh, I dunno, Biden being a pedo**ile. :/ And my guess he's representing a lot of Trump supporters out there. THAT stops the discussion! THAT stops the debate. And that is a very dangerous thing.

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56 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

 THAT stops the discussion! THAT stops the debate. And that is a very dangerous thing.

Not sure if I quite follow, but that's not hate. It's sounds like political desperation. I mean this is actually a tactic of Trump and his supporters in both RL and SL ?

I honestly do think that the social part of my region specifically unwelcomes poltical discussion for a good reason .. :|


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I'm more interested in local politics more than the 3 ring circus going on nation wide..

The extreme left and extreme right make it so much easier to concentrate locally more than ever before in my life..

A lot of my favorite shows I don't watch anymore because they've become so saturated with political manipulation..

It's a free country and they can do what they want with their show,just as it's my right to change the channel..






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20 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I'm more interested in local politics more than the 3 ring circus going on nation wide..

The extreme left and extreme right make it so much easier to concentrate locally more than ever before in my life..

A lot of my favorite shows I don't watch anymore because they've become so saturated with political manipulation..

It's a free country and they can do what they want with their show,just as it's my right to change the channel..


More people should pay attention to local politics. That really tends to be ignored, from my observations anyway.

Just saying though, there are extremes locally, too. Not sure if the national stuff trickles down or the local stuff trickles up. But it all matters. The national stuff may be mind numbing (no "may" about it, it is mind numbing) but city governments don't drop bombs on people (yet), set policy for safety nets and insurance (whether they should or not is a moot point, today...they do). Etc.

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8 minutes ago, janetosilio said:



I don't think it's ever been more important to talk about politics, understood in the broadest sense: what we are doing as individuals, as communities, as cultures, and as nations. It feels like there is so much at stake these days.

The problem is that we are, for the most part, really bad at doing it. And too often we find ourselves just parroting party lines. We're ill-served, too, by a badly polarized media, and by the affordances of social media that all seem designed to keep us safely insulated from new ideas.

But if we could just talk. I mean, actually talk, rather than polemicize . . .

Who knows what we might be able to accomplish?

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9 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


I don't think it's ever been more important to talk about politics, understood in the broadest sense: what we are doing as individuals, as communities, as cultures, and as nations. It feels like there is so much at stake these days.

The problem is that we are, for the most part, really bad at doing it. And too often we find ourselves just parroting party lines. We're ill-served, too, by a badly polarized media, and by the affordances of social media that all seem designed to keep us safely insulated from new ideas.

But if we could just talk. I mean, actually talk, rather than polemicize . . .

Who knows what we might be able to accomplish?

We’re Canadian, we love politics. This forum just isn’t the place for it from my experience.

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12 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But if we could just talk. I mean, actually talk, rather than polemicize . . .

Who knows what we might be able to accomplish?

Sadly, very little, has been my experience. How often has anyone's mind been changed by an Internet discussion? I'm sure it happens, but it has to be pretty uncommon. I'm pretty sure no minds were changed in this thread, and I didn't expect them to be. Sometimes ya just hafta howl.

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3 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

We’re Canadian, we love politics. This forum just isn’t the place for it from my experience.

This forum is a place for it. "This forum" meaning the GD and assuming that people keep it to TOS and the rules of the place, ie relatively civil. But as I said to Scylla just now, I don't think anyone should believe that the discussion actually changes minds, other than "Well, that's someone I don't want to hang out with in SL."

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28 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

More people should pay attention to local politics. That really tends to be ignored, from my observations anyway.

Just saying though, there are extremes locally, too. Not sure if the national stuff trickles down or the local stuff trickles up. But it all matters. The national stuff may be mind numbing (no "may" about it, it is mind numbing) but city governments don't drop bombs on people (yet), set policy for safety nets and insurance (whether they should or not is a moot point, today...they do). Etc.

I used to live in Chicago in the inner city,which when it comes to chicago ,inner city means, the forgotten.. i still pay attention to that city and still go up there from time to time to see family..

I've yet to hear anyone  in national politics come close to hitting the nail on what's going on there..I hear lots of mythology and wishful thinking of what they would like things to be the problem or answer, but they don't come close..

Where now My local politics are in a town where just about everyone knows just about everyone or someone that knows someone that you know...hehehehe

It's much easier to to deal with I think,when you can bump into a local politician at the grocery store..hehehehe


ETA: I had to add this because it's kind of funny for a small town to have all of this,because it may sound like we wouldn't have much politics going on..But our town has

3 schools,1 college.we also have state,county and local police stations, 1 jailhouse and one prison.

We're what they call a county seat..

When we first moved here I couldn't believe they packed all that into this little town.. hehehehe




Edited by Ceka Cianci
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2 hours ago, Seicher Rae said:

But obviously Trump-guy was following enough to get the party line Kool-Aid about things like, oh, I dunno, Biden being a pedo**ile. :/ And my guess he's representing a lot of Trump supporters out there. THAT stops the discussion! THAT stops the debate. And that is a very dangerous thing.

Exactly. The little political discussion I have had with them was like this — absurd lies propogated by their choice news source and lying, conspiracy-spreading politicians. There’s no way to have a discussion with steadfastly ignorant people.


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13 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

This forum is a place for it. "This forum" meaning the GD and assuming that people keep it to TOS and the rules of the place, ie relatively civil. But as I said to Scylla just now, I don't think anyone should believe that the discussion actually changes minds, other than "Well, that's someone I don't want to hang out with in SL."

This, so much. I highly doubt anyone is changing their minds due to the forum discussions on politics. I have no desire to understand the side of someone who supports the large baby in the White House, because to me there is no justification. I’ve cut out RL family members for parroting his toxic hate. But, reading the forum discussions do help me to know who I should avoid. 

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10 minutes ago, janetosilio said:

We’re Canadian, we love politics. This forum just isn’t the place for it from my experience.

Well, can we at least talk about The Beard? I mean, seriously, wtf?

If by this you mean, is this a good place to talk about Trump, or Trudeau or Boris Johnson, or should we thrash out immigration policy or the threat to social services . . . yes, I agree.

But politics happens at a much much more local level too. To slightly misuse an old phrase, the personal is political: how we engage with individuals in our everyday lives reflects our most profound, and often unacknowledged, political beliefs. I've seen people who are passionate about social justice walk past a homeless person without a glance, and some who are deeply committed social conservatives show a compassion and concern for people whom their "official" political stance would leave to die in the cold.

I'm increasingly convinced that we should understand politics as working from the bottom up, from the personal to the public, rather than from the top down, imposing policy positions on how we actually behave to other people. In other words, how can I, personally, and in my everyday life, take responsibility for the injustices and issues I see around me, or have learned about? What kind of actual positive action can I take? That might involve no more than acknowledging those injustices, or recognizing the shared humanity of someone whose lifestyle or ideas seem antithetical to my own -- but that's a huge start.

18 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

Sadly, very little, has been my experience. How often has anyone's mind been changed by an Internet discussion? I'm sure it happens, but it has to be pretty uncommon. I'm pretty sure no minds were changed in this thread, and I didn't expect them to be. Sometimes ya just hafta howl.

Well, sometimes, yeah. Your experience with Trump-guy seems a case in point.

But, to follow up on what I said above, and elsewhere in this thread, I think that merely speaking up for the things in which you believe in a way that reconciles passion with reason and generosity, can make a difference. I don't fool myself that I've ever changed the way that someone votes through my discussion here. But if I've helped humanize the discourse by demonstrating to someone who comes from a different perspective that those who believe differently are not cardboard cutouts merely spouting nonsense or evil, I've achieve something, I think. And, speaking from personal experience, it has had that effect on me: I'm genuinely more open to alternate perspectives, and the people who articulate them, as a result of being here. Again, it hasn't changed the way I vote, but it has impacted on how I think.

I'm going to bet that, whether it was evident or not, you actually had something of that effect yourself on Trump-guy.

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24 minutes ago, Seicher Rae said:

But as I said to Scylla just now, I don't think anyone should believe that the discussion actually changes minds, other than "Well, that's someone I don't want to hang out with in SL."

Agree 100%. Not only that but, the “discussion” will just be skipping around any salient point, cherry picking some straw man points and really bad attempts at “shredding” someone else.

In other words, not a discussion.

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If you agree with Republican policies you're agreeing with abuse. I can agree to disagree on so many issues, but not about this one. When Republicans come into power programs for the poor are always cut. This means more children go hungry, more homeless sleep on the street,  and more lives are wasted without the resources to have a better life.

I realize many who vote Republican aren't aware of the cuts for the poor when they come into power, but it's easy to look up the stats. 
Even worse are those who believe the stratification is fair, who believe in a distorted 'might makes right' Darwinism where the poor deserve their plight.

I don't want friends who believe it's perfectly okay to abuse others.

Jerfferson quote on politics.jpg

Edited by Luna Bliss
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