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Pics of Nude Avatars as wall art inside a Bellisaria home - violation?

Pussycat Catnap

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So Bellisaria is M-land. I've been living on A-land for so long I'd not thought about this before setting up my build...

But thinking about what a neighbor was up to with a skybox on their roof has me thinking about whether or not my own build is fine...

I've had pictures that are snapshots of my avatar and some alts as nude art on the inside walls of my home.

In the images here, I've blacked them all out - which lets you see how visible they are (and why most of these shots were taken from outside the windows)... and begs the question...


These are renders, not photos. The policy for M is about photo (real/realistic)-nudes publicly displayed.

So the two questions I would have is... if I put the images back, is this:

1. A violation of the maturity rating for M-land (nudes, not sex-acts)

2. Ok, but still in bad form for the 'general nature' of the Bellisaria community


The nature of these is singular nude avatars standing or sitting in a scenic location, unlike what I've got on my A-land... O.o







Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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1 minute ago, Beth Macbain said:

Nudity is fine. Nude art is fine. 

Pornography is not fine. 

Thanks. That's what I've been hoping is the case.

There's also the extremely subjective test of... "would I be a public nuissance to my neighbors if I put these pics back..." but only time and feeling the place out will answer that...

For now I'm also going through my collection to see what I'd like to have there that isn't a nude pic.


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Just now, Pussycat Catnap said:

Thanks. That's what I've been hoping is the case.

There's also the extremely subjective test of... "would I be a public nuissance to my neighbors if I put these pics back..." but only time and feeling the place out will answer that...

For now I'm also going through my collection to see what I'd like to have there that isn't a nude pic.

If people don't want to see your nude art, then they shouldn't be camming inside your place. 

Photography is art. Nudity is not inherently sexual. 

Just don't have sex without turning your parcel privacy on. 

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Nudity in a portrait can be artistic, there is nothing wrong with a naked body. Actually, it is the most natural and beautiful thing on Earth. As mentioned, pornographic and unpleasant portraits would be an issue, but you are talking about something different 😉

Edited by Elena Core
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14 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

Nudity is fine. Nude art is fine. 

Pornography is not fine. 

When long time ago I had stumbeled over some really horrid photos of real people inside a house by sort of accidentally caming through the walls (because I wanted to check if there was furniture inside) you seemed to be of another opinion, ;)

I had just enquired if perhaps I aught to notify LL about these RL hardcore porn PHOTOS that someone had plastered all walls of his house with ... and what I got was a xxxstorm about how I could DARE to intrude into this persons privacy and how he could have whatever he chose inside his house.

Edited by Leora Jacobus
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From what I remember, the policy for mature land is that both nudity and more explicit stuff is perfectly okay "behind closed doors", I.e if you make sure nobody will accidentally see it. For mainland this is generally taken to mean behind solid walls with no way to see the "offensive" material through a window or whatnot, as well as restricting access to strangers (by, for example, locking your doors - banlines aren't necessary).

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Within your privacy of your home from what i read is fine. I do know that when i lived in the first generation home one of the neighbors had a porn video going non stop and with windows no closed or shuttered  facing the windows so no doubt it was  for show  . I chose to move . there was another who chose to post their nude pics in the window so all could see , moved again . From what i was told that was a violation.  In theory   as long as it is not a in your face to your neighbor you should be fine .If in doubt check with support 

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16 hours ago, Beth Macbain said:

If people don't want to see your nude art, then they shouldn't be camming inside your place. 

Photography is art. Nudity is not inherently sexual. 

Just don't have sex without turning your parcel privacy on. 

Lol, I have to agree with you people if you plan on camming into other people properties deal with what you find that is inside their home not yours I say it is only a problem when it is sitting outside for view by all. This is why I turn on as much privacy settings as I can when in my home, I restrict sounds and voice also because I know things can be annoying to others you may enjoy a certain sound but may irritate someone else.

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1 hour ago, Leora Jacobus said:

When long time ago I had stumbeled over some really horrid photos of real people inside a house by sort of accidentally caming through the walls (because I wanted to check if there was furniture inside) you seemed to be of another opinion, ;)

I had just enquired if perhaps I aught to notify LL about these RL hardcore porn PHOTOS that someone had plastered all walls of his house with ... and what I got was a xxxstorm about how I could DARE to intrude into this persons privacy and how he could have whatever he chose inside his house.

Oh, Leora! I'm so glad you brought this up! I wanted to, but my better angel ( @Sylvia Tamalyn ) convinced me not to! But since you asked, well, it would be tacky of me to not answer. I'd love to revisit the Great Teddy Bear Scandal of 2019!

I'm about to go into a meeting, but rest assured, as soon as I'm done, I'll respond. 

This is going to be such a fun day! Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Cinos Field said:

From what I remember, the policy for mature land is that both nudity and more explicit stuff is perfectly okay "behind closed doors"

On Mature regions, nudity in the street is okay also. Just saying. For the streakers and exhibitionists out there: you're all GTG.

@Pussycat Catnap - Inside your parcel on any Mature-rated region (private estates notwithstanding) - as long as you make good-faith effort to make it private (hide avatars in this parcel, etc.) - then you can treat that inside of your parcel as Adult-rated and do anything allowed in Adult-rated regions.

Edited by Alyona Su
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3 hours ago, Leora Jacobus said:

When long time ago I had stumbeled over some really horrid photos of real people inside a house by sort of accidentally caming through the walls (because I wanted to check if there was furniture inside) you seemed to be of another opinion, ;)

I had just enquired if perhaps I aught to notify LL about these RL hardcore porn PHOTOS that someone had plastered all walls of his house with ... and what I got was a xxxstorm about how I could DARE to intrude into this persons privacy and how he could have whatever he chose inside his house.

I'll mostly leave this to @Beth Macbain to address since you replied to her, but I must mention that as I recall, you not only "sort of accidentally" cammed... umm, wait....how is it "accidental" if you admit in the same sentence that you wanted to check to see if there was furniture inside, and why in the world was THAT any of your business??

Anyway, as I recall, you not only "accidentally" (LOL) saw some things you did not like, you also attempted to ENTER THE HOME to get a better look. Have a seat, Mrs. Kravitz. 

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18 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

2. Ok, but still in bad form for the 'general nature' of the Bellisaria community

I think quantity and visibility from the path and from the neighbours' parcels matters. Some of your examples above show views through the windows with quite a few photos blacked out. How much will be visible from outside your parcel? Depending on which style houseboats your neighbours have chosen, it could be very little. Or perhaps not.

This is in no means anti-nudity or anti-nude art. It is simply putting forward the suggestion that positioning within the house factors in. How much will the neighbours see? Is it mixed up with a lot of other art and visuals? Is there a way to arrange it that's pleasing to you, and allows you everything you want but offers more neutral views to passersby and those living next door?


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one option is to keep  blinds lowered or get curtains that no one can see in from the outside but you can still see outside  from inside your home that way people walking by would have no reason to complain and if they did they would have had to cam in. IF you are going to be part of the open house thinggy if that is still going on where people can tour the homes well thats a different situation   i guess ,,,

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I would try to exercise common sense and trust my gut instincts in this regard.  In my opinion... if you feel concerned that you may offend others by something in your home to the extent that it interferes with your enjoyment of that thing... remove it and replace it with something else you enjoy.  

Personally I don’t feel qualified to judge the intentions of others personal taste(s) in their own private space for the same reason that I don’t feel others are qualified to judge the intentions of my personal taste in my private space.  If I was approached by a neighbour and asked to remove something I would have to decide if their personal opinion of something in my private space adversely affected my enjoyment of that thing and probably ignore their request with a polite reminder to review LL’s ToS.  (Hopefully that will keep their time occupied doing research until they lose interest or decide to file a Support ticket or an Abuse Report)

Edited by BJoyful
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