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We've  been doing something recently that we used to do the other way around.. We used to always watch an original version of a move before watching the newer versions..

Now we're finding it really enjoyable watching the newer versions before seeing the originals..

Last week it was these two which are both just amazing well made movies.. I can't imagine how hard it had to be  to have made the original as it seems like it would have been so far ahead of anything else in it's time.. There was so much detail that went into the making of it and it still just looks so well made today.. It has held up the test of time I guess is what I mean. I was amazed by the sets and the wardrob and details and the size of everything..

The newer one having  a feeling of more , I don't know really, maybe more detail in story and more realism  in a way, but still very well made as well.. I liked the newer way they did it where they seemed more human than like reading from books with the language, although I do enjoy that as well from the first movie..

Anyways enough gabbing about these two..

Here is the newer and then the older trailer, in the order that we watched them..

Exodus: Gods and Kings


The 10 Commandments


Then this weekend  We found both of these for $5.00 each on the site we stream movies from.

Both versions of  The Magnificent Seven, which are based on the original story of the Seven Samaria, which i want to see also if we can find it. because the weekend isn't over yet. hehehe

But this post is about the westerns really..

I loved the first one and had never seen the older version until last night..

I enjoyed both movies and it was kind of exciting seeing some of the same things said in each one of them..

I'm kind of biased for the newer one though since Chris Pratt and Denzel Washington and that hunk of a Comanche, Red Harvest played by Martin Sensmeier are in it..

Omg when he showed up I was like  O.O😍:x

Oh ya, Plus the rest of the cast.. Both movies were just packed with greats I think. :)

I loved both movies though and both stories.. It's also fun seeing the older movies and seeing actors when they were younger.. Charles Bronson was such a HUNK!!

Anyways, not to make this any longer than it needs to be, here are the two we watched this weekend and the order that we watched them..

I swear I'm loving doing this each weekend :)

The older version


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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On episode 3. It's terrible what some greedy people did to these innocent postmasters. A British scandal....never heard of it before:



Edited by Luna Bliss
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I just tried watching Dazed & Confused, for the first time since high school.  I was in high school when it came out, in 1993, and I remember it being a massive blockbuster back then.  Now I'm looking at it going... how?  It's kinda cool to see big stars just getting their start in Hollywood, but the movie is just so bad.  It's like they took all the worst parts of teen movies from the 70s and 80s and put them all into one horrible, stupid film.


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On 4/28/2024 at 11:26 AM, Ceka Cianci said:

We've  been doing something recently that we used to do the other way around.. We used to always watch an original version of a move before watching the newer versions..

Now we're finding it really enjoyable watching the newer versions before seeing the originals..

Last week it was these two which are both just amazing well made movies.. I can't imagine how hard it had to be  to have made the original as it seems like it would have been so far ahead of anything else in it's time.. There was so much detail that went into the making of it and it still just looks so well made today.. It has held up the test of time I guess is what I mean. I was amazed by the sets and the wardrob and details and the size of everything..

The newer one having  a feeling of more , I don't know really, maybe more detail in story and more realism  in a way, but still very well made as well.. I liked the newer way they did it where they seemed more human than like reading from books with the language, although I do enjoy that as well from the first movie..

Anyways enough gabbing about these two..

Here is the newer and then the older trailer, in the order that we watched them..

Exodus: Gods and Kings


The 10 Commandments



Omg I did that last week too...exact same movies!!!

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I've been watching this fun channel called TRYBALS.

It's tribal people reacting to rock songs..

The first one is them reacting to Led Zeppelin's Stairway to heaven and the next one is them reacting to AC/DC's Highway to hell

The great thing about this channel for me, is their reactions and perspectives on the songs and their explanations of things in general.. It's very outside the box looking in Eye opening  and I love  just listening to them.. As well as I laugh sometimes with how complimentary they are.. Not laughing at them, but just how it makes such sense.. Plus it's fun just seeing them enjoy rock  and find things in it that really I've over looked when listening to music..

It really is a good refreshing channel for me and very enjoyable..

I hope whoever watches these enjoys it as well :)



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