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Anyone rerolling?


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11 hours ago, Abnor Mole said:

This is by no means any sort of rule or anything (if you have more than one premium account by all means you can choose a Linden Home for each of them), but I was wondering since we are in a "supplies are limited" sort of situation for the immediate future if any of you who also have alts with homes had considered just keeping one house so others who missed out might have a chance at one as well? At least until we can bring more online. I had one of the first ones when they opened (primarily as part of confirming the system worked) but I'm faaaar too busy making more Linden Homes to actually use one at this point I think. I abandoned it so one of you could enjoy it instead. It's just a though. Sharing the love is always good karma. :)

I do this - my main has the Houseboat, my alt sits idly by waiting for a new batch of houses as there's no hurry. Because selfish is as selfish does and I like to think I'm not part of that crowd. :D

OH! And not only that, but my houseboat dock is a *public* rez zone for anyone and everyone; all are welcome. In the BOWHEAD region (Northwest corner of the continent). Cannot miss it with a "Rez Zone" sign in the water. I love the community of SL and like to put my money where my mouth is.

Edited by Alyona Su
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4 minutes ago, Alyona Su said:

I do this - my main has the Houseboat, my alt sits idly by waiting for a new batch of houses as there's no hurry. Because selfish is as selfish does and I like to think I'm not part of that crowd. :D

Those of us without(and those still trying) thank you!

I understand some people use their alts quite often, and those ones grabbing one doesn't hurt, but if you only log on an alt maybe 2 days a week.. give those who main(and are on every day) a chance, please.

Edited by s2Pandora
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2 minutes ago, s2Pandora said:

Those of us without(and those still trying) thank you!

I understand some people use their alts quite often, and those ones grabbing one doesn't hurt, but if you only log on an alt maybe 2 days a week.. give those who main a chance, please.

I had contemplated giving my alt premium and trying with her for a better location and would dump Zoya's then.  Then remembered the headache it is for me having one own a house and the other decorating. Ended up just giving Zoya $$ to go shopping with. 

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My two recently premium again alts initially got homes, but both gave them up 2 days ago.  Outside of decorating new homes, they just aren't in world that much, and the traditional style of home wasn't the best fit for their personas, anyway. When they've had LH's other times in the past, they've always had one of the fantasy themed houses, so they're going to wait to see what other themes of houses might come in the future.  In the mean time, I'll enjoy spending the stipends they'll be collecting (and transferring over to me).  

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13 hours ago, Abnor Mole said:

This is by no means any sort of rule or anything (if you have more than one premium account by all means you can choose a Linden Home for each of them), but I was wondering since we are in a "supplies are limited" sort of situation for the immediate future if any of you who also have alts with homes had considered just keeping one house so others who missed out might have a chance at one as well? At least until we can bring more online. I had one of the first ones when they opened (primarily as part of confirming the system worked) but I'm faaaar too busy making more Linden Homes to actually use one at this point I think. I abandoned it so one of you could enjoy it instead. It's just a though. Sharing the love is always good karma. :)

It's my intention to only keep one house, in the end. I was unhappy with the first location I got for my main so tried with my alt, just to see what I'd get... and landed in a spot that I liked quite a bit more! So then I began rerolling my main to see if I could luck out again, and so far haven't yet. I'm holding my alt's home temporarily, as I may decide long term that that is the one I actually want to live in, while I decide what I'll be doing with my main account (keeping, rerolling, giving up). My intention is to keep (and use!) this home for years to come, so I want to be sure that I'm happy with it! I want a home location that brings me as much joy as the continent as a whole does :)

Edited by Teager
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In the beginning I was sure I wanted a houseboat, but now after having a traditional house for a couple of weeks, I think I'll stay put for a while. I struck lucky first time with a nice parcel right on a river, and I've figured out that I can rez my boat in the front garden and "sail" it over the bank into the water from there (and giving heart attacks to real sailors for the damage I'm doing to the hull). Because I have this close access to sailable water already, I'm not in a rush to get a houseboat now. It might have been different if my house was completely landlocked though.

I'm curious what the future alternative styles of home will be; if there's going to be something fantasy, medieval or steampunk I will be all over that in a heartbeat. 

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I really want a houseboat so I can keep my sailboat out and ready for meandering the waterways, so I'll abandon my trad house the minute those new houseboats are available. I have to say tho, I'm really impressed with what a step up this property is over the last gen Linden homes tho.

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I found out these new Linden Homes were available when I opened my Dashboard and read the Blog Feeds.  I quickly abandoned my old 512 Premium and got a Houseboat which we wanted since we first saw them at the Preview!  I'm rather slow decorating though.  I'm just not very good at doing it in RL or SL but my partner is :D  ... and also very patient while I experiment! 

I didn't re-roll and never even thought of trying.  I'm no gambler and not usually very lucky so I'm not tempted at all.  Our houseboat isn't connected by walkable land to the mainland but it is close enough to see easily and enjoy it and our spot on Bowhead is very handy for sailing!  My partner is also Premium but already has a 1024 on Gaeta Mainland and we also have a 4096 on the open navigable southern shore of Corsica so we're in no hurry to grab an extra on Bellissaria in the foreseeable future.  If I was as good at decorating as some of the amazing homeowners who have posted pics here I would probably feel differently :D 

I'm happily impressed everyday at the ingenuity and creativity I've seen and read posted here in the forums and excited everyday as we explore Bellissaria that somehow Karma looked after us and we got to be among the first to live on this beautiful new continent and be part of such a lovely community! 

I think connecting the Premium Housing to the existing Mainland Continents is a wonderful idea and one I hoped for since I first started SL in 2015.  I hope such a well planned and designed introduction to Premium Membership in SL will be contagious and spread to the rest of the Mainland continents ♥  I'm already dreaming of sailing from Corsica to Bellissaria... and beyond!!  🤩

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I want a house near the beach :/ I am also thinking about rerolling because my neighbors had a bot farm above their place. Total black skybox, all dancing in a line with just two speakers. I don't know if they are trying to make it look like a club but boy did I feel the lag when I logged into home. I didn't notice it anywhere else either so I am guess they are bogged down with scripts because when they left it was like a lag fog lifted.

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3 minutes ago, BellisseriaCommunity said:

I want a house near the beach :/ I am also thinking about rerolling because my neighbors had a bot farm above their place. Total black skybox, all dancing in a line with just two speakers. I don't know if they are trying to make it look like a club but boy did I feel the lag when I logged into home. I didn't notice it anywhere else either so I am guess they are bogged down with scripts because when they left it was like a lag fog lifted.

I don’t blame you, I wouldn’t want that lag either. While I was out exploring today some of the sims were pretty laggy, it was like walking in glue. I think Linden Labs needs to put a limit on scripts. 

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9 minutes ago, BellisseriaCommunity said:

I want a house near the beach :/ I am also thinking about rerolling because my neighbors had a bot farm above their place. Total black skybox, all dancing in a line with just two speakers. I don't know if they are trying to make it look like a club but boy did I feel the lag when I logged into home. I didn't notice it anywhere else either so I am guess they are bogged down with scripts because when they left it was like a lag fog lifted.

I would consider AR'ing that, if I were you. I don't feel like linden housing is an appropriate place to be parking a ton of bots (though to be fair, I don't recall seeing a rule against it, either.) 

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3 minutes ago, Teager said:

I would consider AR'ing that, if I were you. I don't feel like linden housing is an appropriate place to be parking a ton of bots (though to be fair, I don't recall seeing a rule against it, either.) 

I did AR them. I don't think there is either but I think there should be though because it kinda hampers residents from having access to the region and bogs it down for legit use. I've seen enough bots on mainland and not a big fan of them here.

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I derendered a farm with growing crops and also chickens. Does derendering help?

I also read a tip from someone, to derender most of the trees. Not the ones you see, but if you have a Draw distance of 98, you can derender as many as possible in the edge of that one and those on Your sim. Evallen has very many trees. I derender 2 out of 3, not in my neighbor's garden, but on the land beyond that.

I am not sure how much it helps. I also go on lower quality graphics unless I take pictures.

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2 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

I derendered a farm with growing crops and also chickens. Does derendering help?

I also read a tip from someone, to derender most of the trees. Not the ones you see, but if you have a Draw distance of 98, you can derender as many as possible in the edge of that one and those on Your sim. Evallen has very many trees. I derender 2 out of 3, not in my neighbor's garden, but on the land beyond that.

I am not sure how much it helps. I also go on lower quality graphics unless I take pictures.

I derender A LOT. I went walking last night after stopping by the Café @ Stine, and spotted a few things that were worthy of the derender button; a tall satellite tower (?), some full bright alpha trees, some cute but Breedable kitties with 50 lines of hovertext above their heads. Even a neighbour had some flying glowing orbs with hovertext (and nothing else in their home or yard) and so I derendered them too... 

I don't know if derendering actually does anything beyond clear my vision. They're technically still there chewing sim resources, I just can't see them. But surely there'd have to be some relief on my end with less for my system to have to render/show? Not entirely sure. I have this nagging feeling in the back of my head that for now we're living in the glory days of Belliseria, because eventually it will go the way of present day Mainland, and that saddens me. But until then, I'll just keep derendering things I don't like and pray the neighbours don't go crazy. For all I know everyone's derendered my set-up so they can't see it, and that's their right.

And I'm with you on the lower graphics settings too. My internet connection is bad anyway, so even sim crossing comes with regular crashes :( 

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I laugh those kittycats were mine with the hover text , really sorry about that just using up inworld food before they go into my cattery ( normaly id only have 2 word kittys) do agree about that pink tree next door , laughing again. I left my house to see if I could get a boat house so now its a coffee shop and I'm homeless . what a crazy week

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1 hour ago, RaeLeeH said:

I derender A LOT. I went walking last night after stopping by the Café @ Stine, and spotted a few things that were worthy of the derender button; a tall satellite tower (?), some full bright alpha trees, some cute but Breedable kitties with 50 lines of hovertext above their heads. Even a neighbour had some flying glowing orbs with hovertext (and nothing else in their home or yard) and so I derendered them too... 


Some smart ones will tell if derendering stops us from "feeling" the scripts.

I am inspired to delete the colorchange and texturechange curtains and carpets now. I can take the minute or two to rez new ones if I will change them. Not that I have a lot of them.

Deleting scripts in chairs, sofa, bed etc. is not going to happen.

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2 hours ago, RaeLeeH said:

I derender A LOT. I went walking last night after stopping by the Café @ Stine, and spotted a few things that were worthy of the derender button; a tall satellite tower (?), some full bright alpha trees, some cute but Breedable kitties with 50 lines of hovertext above their heads. Even a neighbour had some flying glowing orbs with hovertext (and nothing else in their home or yard) and so I derendered them too... 

I don't know if derendering actually does anything beyond clear my vision. They're technically still there chewing sim resources, I just can't see them. ..

Is there no limit to derendering? - There must be a list and maybe in years it might have grown ... 100 ... 1000 ???

Can you clear it? can you RE-render things?

As to rerolling ... at the moment Leora is homeless and residing with her little "sister" (Alt) in a quite agreable parcel.

Only if Leora gets a GREAT one ... realy BETTER ... also on second and third sight! ... little sister will let go!

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36 minutes ago, Leora Jacobus said:

Can you clear it? can you RE-render things?

In Firestorm, you can find the Asset Blacklist under World, and can remove items from it. I just looked at mine, and see that almost all of my list is old and from regions I no longer hang out in. I need to clean that out sometime!

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Everytime I see this topic coming up in the unread Content feed my mind after years and years of conditioning always thinks I'm on the forum of some mmorpg and someone is like usual unhappy with the nerf a class received so they're asking which FOTM (flavor of the month) class they should reroll to. Of course everyone with a brain cell should reroll too because that smidgen of a damage nerf is so utterly catastrophic the dev team might as well just delete the class out of existence.


Okay I'm done :ph34r:

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57 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

In Firestorm, you can find the Asset Blacklist under World, and can remove items from it. I just looked at mine, and see that almost all of my list is old and from regions I no longer hang out in. I need to clean that out sometime!

I did that. It is very practical that it says which place I derendered it in, and also the date.

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5 hours ago, RaeLeeH said:

I have this nagging feeling in the back of my head that for now we're living in the glory days of Belliseria, because eventually it will go the way of present day Mainland, and that saddens me.

I really hope it doesn't become Mainland 2.0 -- that's one of the reasons I didn't initially jump to get a house. After seeing everyone's pictures and wandering around myself over the weekend though, I wish I'd grabbed one when I could! Now I'm just at the mercy of the refresh button/people abandoning (until the new places are released).

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3 minutes ago, xrockinfree said:

I really hope it doesn't become Mainland 2.0 -- that's one of the reasons I didn't initially jump to get a house. After seeing everyone's pictures and wandering around myself over the weekend though, I wish I'd grabbed one when I could! Now I'm just at the mercy of the refresh button/people abandoning (until the new places are released).


This is a fear for a lot of us. Hopefully it won't go this way anytime soon.

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2 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I did that. It is very practical that it says which place I derendered it in, and also the date.

It's kind of fun to look at, really, because I had totally forgotten about some of my travels. It's like a little scrapbook of annoying things I have seen. xD

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6 hours ago, ClaudiaOoOo said:

I laugh those kittycats were mine with the hover text , really sorry about that just using up inworld food before they go into my cattery ( normaly id only have 2 word kittys) do agree about that pink tree next door , laughing again. I left my house to see if I could get a boat house so now its a coffee shop and I'm homeless . what a crazy week

I recognise your name on the radar but since I derendered the kitties I couldn't see they were yours - oops *lol* Um... hi ex-neighbourino. Hope you get a place soon! 😄

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5 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

Some smart ones will tell if derendering stops us from "feeling" the scripts.

I am inspired to delete the colorchange and texturechange curtains and carpets now. I can take the minute or two to rez new ones if I will change them. Not that I have a lot of them.

Deleting scripts in chairs, sofa, bed etc. is not going to happen.

Just stopping scripts seems to help? I could be wrong about that but I tested this out myself earlier tonight. I had a sink and kitchen counter with animations in them, but since I don't use the anims yet I edit>scripts>stop scripts for both. Coincidently I saw my lag meter drop from red to a hesitant green, so that tells me it had to have some effect. That, or maybe it had nothing to do with my objects. But just in case for now I've turned off scripts to those 2 objects, and removed the scripts from others that aren't needed. Even my dining chairs have basic sits now. It's just the bed, sofa and bath that retain original scripts. The bath and the toilet sits can probably be turned off too until I decide to "use" them. Way I see it, can't hurt?

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