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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

Blush Bravin

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I have a pool ladder with animations that is no modify, and a much prettier pool ladder without. The worst about the no mod, is that it's set to full bright. The eye is always drawn to full bright items.

If I take a copy of the script and the animation and put it in the pretty ladder, the rotation is off, so I walked up on the ladder backside. I make a prim, put the animation and script in it, and then place the prim so the walk up of the pool is correct. Then I link the pretty ladder to it, but so that the new prim is the root prim. I can now use the pretty ladder and walk up correct.

And also, when the new prim is set to conwex hull and phantom, it did not increase the LI for the ladder. The ladder is very low LI. (From What Next Seaclose deck)

The pool ladder is now a natural part of the enviroment, not standing out in every image.

I also found out that I should place a new rug where the pool animations place my avatar on the deck. I can not have furniture on this spot, but a rug works well. The deck does not look so empty now.






Edited by Marianne Little
added one picture for better view
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18 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

Asking for options:

Should I do something with the windows? I think they could be longer, so they almost touch the countertop.

Should I add space between them?

Does it look ok with all the appliances under the stairs? Ovens or fridge moved to the other wall?



IMHO, windows look like they need to be lower - for scale purposes. But I'm judging for my short avatar. If I were standing in front of them, I wouldn't be able to see outside at all.

AS for the appliances, not sure if it matters. Personally I wouldn't put those 2 near each other no matter what. The heat from the stove or an oven would not be the best idea right near the fridge. And it's way too far from the main cooking area. Yea judging by RL standards again LOL. But seriously, seems like there's plenty of space for anyone to configure their kitchen anyway they would choose to, where a galley, U-shape/L-shaped or open plan with an island, etc.  If anything I might  move the fridge to the left of the sink (looking at the photo) and leave the oven as is  with an empty area for a pantry or free standing something else; coffee bar, place for pet bowls, or for art or open shelving on that wall, or whatever else the home owner wants there. 


Edited by Elora Lunasea
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Ugh only had about 25 prims left so I took up my bathroom - I think now it's about 35ish (I have not been able to be inworld for any substantial amount of time in days due to new kitten). Debating if I need to be that realistic or I'd prefer to add more clutter to the rest of the house. Maybe I'll swap back my bathroom for the small laundry/mudroom I did - although I like the idea of the downstairs being completely done.

Do not want to touch the landscaping - I love it too much. I've going over everything and all furniture is pretty low prim etc so I don't have much room to swap anything for other items. Maybe I can capture another 10 or so if I'm brutal about it.

I thought my houseboat would be more challenging but as it turned out, I managed much better with the prims there even with my sailboat always being rezzed. Not so much with the house - the desire for a nice outdoor  space certainly eats away at the indoor and one needs to leave enough behind to at least rez a box.

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1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

Asking for options:

Should I do something with the windows? I think they could be longer, so they almost touch the countertop.

Should I add space between them?

Does it look ok with all the appliances under the stairs? Ovens or fridge moved to the other wall?



I think the windows are OK. Obviously your avatar is taller than @Elora Lunasea 's otherwise you would find the height of the lower cupboards / wortop not comfortable.

What I do not like (and what makes the windows look akward) is the empty space to the left of them. I would place the fridge there or some full height cupboard. The Oven plus fridge white block doesn't look good. Why is that white? Fridge on the window wall oven in a normal under- cupboard would be my idea, best under the cooktop.

You should stretch those under- cuoboards so as to fill both walls completely (exception fridge far left corner)

The microwave could be hanging on the wall. or be in one of the under cupboards.

Will not cost prims if the undercupboards with oven and MW are all just a texture on one block.


Edited by Leora Jacobus
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1 hour ago, Elora Lunasea said:

IMHO, windows look like they need to be lower - for scale purposes. But I'm judging for my short avatar. If I were standing in front of them, I wouldn't be able to see outside at all.

AS for the appliances, not sure if it matters. Personally I wouldn't put those 2 near each other no matter what. The heat from the stove or an oven would not be the best idea right near the fridge. And it's way too far from the main cooking area. Yea judging by RL standards again LOL. But seriously, seems like there's plenty of space for anyone to configure their kitchen anyway they would choose to, where a galley, U-shape/L-shaped or open plan with an island, etc.  If anything I might  move the fridge to the left of the sink (looking at the photo) and leave the oven as is  with an empty area for a pantry or free standing something else; coffee bar, place for pet bowls, or for art or open shelving on that wall, or whatever else the home owner wants there. 


TY for the reply. The benefit of making this add-on, is that I can change the windows for the layout.

So, I think I will change the windows. And move the fridge. One annoying thing with me, is that I can't ignore that the fridge is hinged on the right side, so placing it to the left of the sink would drive me nuts in RL. But it will look much more balanced.

Originally, I had a door out where the ovens are. I took it away because it would be confusing - where to walk in? I already have the Winchester entrance on this side. Even if it would be charming to have a door there, it would also mean to double the entry furniture, coat hangers or something inside the door.

Edited by Marianne Little
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2 minutes ago, Leora Jacobus said:

I think the windows are OK. Obviously your avatar is taller than @Elora Lunasea 's otherwise you would find the height of the lower cupboards / wortop not comfortable.

What I do not like (and what makes the windows look akward) is the empty space to the left of them. I would place the fridge there or some full height cupboard. The Oven plus fridge white block doesn't look good. Why is that white? Fridge on the window wall oven in a normal under- cupboard would be my idea.


Yes, the space there to the left is an alternative place for the fridge. Ot continue the cupboards to the corner. Or place a coffee station there. Under the stairs, I can tint the block, let them go all the way up . They are white by default, but they can be tinted or textured as I want.

This (Domineaux) kitchen has a freestanding oven that I don't love. Maybe I can do something with a cupboard, so I can slide in the Roost oven there. The appliances are from Roost.

I made the windows short, to make sure they should not go under the countertop. I overdone it. They are too high up for me too. But I will be sure of the layout before I take the build back to Blender and start to change it.

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6 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

How about a double window, sink center under the windows, fridge on one side, oven on the other? Not a corner, just a long straight kitchen.

Something else in the nook under the stairs. An armchair and a small table, maybe a shelf?

Maybe a little corner breakfast nook, a booth or something like that?

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48 minutes ago, Marianne Little said:

How about a double window, sink center under the windows, fridge on one side, oven on the other? Not a corner, just a long straight kitchen.

Something else in the nook under the stairs. An armchair and a small table, maybe a shelf?



I like the longer windows for the reasons @Elora Lunasea mentioned. Plus with avatar height discrepancies being what they are in SL taller windows (like the much-hated taller door ways) accommodate for more, depending on whether or not you actually intend on selling the add-on. 

If you are selling it I wouldn't worry about what to do with the space under the stairs and leave the space vacant for others to fill as they see fit. If this is for you and you're looking to fill the space without using too many prims, how about a corner utility room or corner pantry? The pantry itself doesn't need to be filled; a closed door gives the illusion of a room, but just like in real life we don't usually leave every door opened and rooms on display unless we're using it (or at least I don't. Can't speak for everyone of course). But if you did want to fill it you could still do so with relatively few prims by creating your own packaging or a few boxes on shelves for food packaging and cylinder prims for cans. Meshing them as part of a shelf will save you prims, and you can always rez one or two food clutter items amidst it and link to lower LI again as needed for full effect. Beneath the shelves have more taller boxes for vegetables; again they don't need to be anything more than solid shapes; you create the effect of bins and packaging with a few textures. It's pretty basic but doable in SL or in Blender.



To my way of thinking a pantry or utility room could be in any corner, not just the center of the kitchen cabinets. Perhaps here in the bottom right you would have more space if you were move the center counters upwards a fraction closer to the wall/windows? That would help fill that empty space in the center of the kitchen instead of the standard table too if you don't want to have a larger table (or just feel you need to have one to fill the space), meaning you could turn the top left corner into a booth/nook area? Just thinking aloud is all.

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Maybe too early for Halloween decor, but I have seen it one other place. I am very happy with how the L-shaped long flower bed turned out. I made the planter, and used flowers from en earlier 25 Linden Tuesday offer.

I let the leaves spill out on common ground. They blow out there anyway....

Edit: If you wonder why it's a blue wall to the left of the entrance, it's because I have this urge to decorate all the empty spaces I can see. But if I place a wall there, I can't see that the garden behind is empty. The itch to spend prims on a backyard I don't use, is gone. More prim to use on the inside.








Edited by Marianne Little
changed a picture
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Not Lani's place but a neighbor's and SO CUTE I couldn't resist a picture (well "she" couldn't).   And that is a FANTASTIC TREE (by Felix) Felix 1 Prim Mesh 2 Birch and ONE LAND IMPACT.  I am going to get those for sure.


Meanwhile as I suspected the "trailer" that looks the most like a modular home is the "hit" here.   Lani and I chose the wood sided Colorado which will be a challenge for sure.  Challenges are good. Meanwhile a pretty picture.



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