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-Bellisserians Show Off Your Home and Garden-

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28 minutes ago, Armani223 said:

It is the Ashcroft Bed from Aria & Loft and the curtains are from What Next ... I think 🤔, next time I’m in world I will check 

I believe they're the Tarte - Draped Curtains in Ivory.

Edit: Why are the forums so messed up for me anymore. x.x

Edited by s2Pandora
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13 hours ago, Cindy Evanier said:

Can you explain why you have a picture of my future husband on your wall?

mad excuse me GIF by Christine Drawing Krysteen

(I'm sorry but that foot tapping keeps making me laugh, I can practically HEAR it!)

Don't worry, Jason's only... third place just in case Tom Hardy and Ryan Hurst (so long as he keeps the beard) fall through. I mean the chances of that happening are... well, I mean it's always good to have a backup of a backup plan, right? 🤔

And to stay on track, I updated the little half-roof section of my back porch so it better matches the wrap around. Not like it will rain ever in Bellisseria but nice to pretend to need it.


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4 minutes ago, Opal Gustafson said:

I got my very first houseboat a few days ago. Trying out the Windlass style for now, and working with the kitchen corner for the moment.  😄


That looks so cute! Has a country chic feel to me with a touch of Hamptons. I don't even know if that's a "thing" but it works for you. And the animals are so cute too! 👍

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13 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

What bed is that, if you don't mind my asking?  And the curtains?


12 hours ago, Armani223 said:

It is the Ashcroft Bed from Aria & Loft and the curtains are from What Next ... I think 🤔, next time I’m in world I will check 

Pretty sure the curtains are from Tarte. I have those!

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Bear with me!  I don't have home design skills, but I want to share how happy being in this little houseboat in Belli has made me.  My partner and I ha2105107606_Comein.thumb.jpg.764947e59308a8c16648d3258c4c0697.jpgve been languishing in our stale builds for quite a while, and coming to Belli impelled us to downsize our sim (with fabulous results!), gotten us out to meet a few people, run into old friends, and actually MAKE a few things!  I'm very grateful to LL for invigorating our SL.  So i've made my boat into a creative space, surrounded by things friends have made over the years, amazing objects we've found, and a few things I've made. It's a space to be used, not to look at.

That said, please come in 😄

In the morning you may find me at my drafting table [AMAZING object alert]!  You can design alone, there are several tools and activities built in, or collaborate with someone. 

With the lighthouse and morning beams, it's a really nice place to have coffee while you plan your day.

The picture on the wall, incidentally, is a photo of a RL painting my partner made, long ago, that happened to be of one of my favorite RL places.  He painted it many decades before we met, and it's probably the most precious gift he's ever given me.  Except for himself.

The boat has no bedroom, just a crash couch like you'd have in your studio.


The drafting table has a "marine" design set, not only because it's IN a boat, but to remind me to get around to making a custom exterior for my beloved Bandit.



She's named "Imagine" to pay tribute to the SL I joined SO long ago.  One of the first big gridwide themed hunt/giveaways had just ended, and the freebie boxes were stuffed with things called "Not the Only One".  Which mystified me until I realized how perfectly Lennon's "Imagine" fit the vision for SL that Phillip was articulating.  It's easy to get cynical and focus on SL's failings. But here, people can indeed surpass their RL limitations, make friends halfway across the world, make money, and be free.

Why am I wearing mouseketeer ears?  Because I can.

After a long day working, I may relax by taking a plunge off the tire swing on the tree in my not-so-cute wild garden. Yes, you do end up in the water.  The black wolf is actually on a boat two slips away, it's HUGE *laughs*.  And you may notice little white dots around the planter, which are from its sprinklers lol.  Incidentally, i derendered the boat next door just to cut down on visual chaos in these shots; it's a perfectly nice build.  The tire swing was made (I think in a Builder's Brewery class) by a dear man whom we met early on in the Forum Cartel.  Which, incidentally, still exists, is free to join, and is a great way to meet folks who post here.1458586148_2ndphotoshoot_002.thumb.jpg.4ba23c27d316690edcd180ee9f921d5d.jpg

The flag on the right is ours, for our (now downsized) sim.  Below the huge planter, you can see an oval object in a smaller planter.  That is another AMAZING OBJECT, a sound sculpture collaboration between Dizzy Banjo and Eshi Otawara.  It uses physics to create the most lovely ambient ambiance of occasional, deep chimes.  Being physical, I only turn it on occasionally.  It's hypnotic to watch.

Continued in the next post...




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After a plunge, one must clean up, yes?  I made a little addon for a small bathroom, which I show here because I had to make a texture to match LL's walls.  They give you the source texture, Sunflower in this case, but not the baked version.  Since the baking is different for each style of boat, the texture pack would be immense if they gave us all them.  Here, LL's actual wall ends under the picture, near the edge closest to the camera.  That picture, incidentally, is a kinetic light sculpture by a terrific friend we met at Guerilla Burlesque, who is also here in Belli.



Or, perhaps, make a little nosh?  All this furniture is interactive, region residents are I'm sure grateful that we're night owls and few of them are around when we are.  The blue light sculpture on the back wall is kinetic, a wonderful gift from Fallen Gods.  That back wall, actually, is also a prim overlay I made, since it's impossible to get it to match the exterior walls with the trim etc. choices I wanted.


After a long day "working", the sun is setting and it's time to relax, grab a little something in the kitchenette, and maybe sit and chat with a few friends.  Or read a little ... the coffee table picturebook was written by my partner and I, and is a little fable about how we came to our sim, Rosehaven Aislinn.  Since this pic was taken, it has of course been joined by Snow Crash.


Thank you for looking, my friends!

Edited by Nika Talaj
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Ah!  That is from Soy, and that sink/cabinet unit you see here are all there is to it.  The anims are great, and some doors open. Not shown is a cool little minifridge that matches it (not from Soy) and a couple of other appliances on a small room divider that's part of my addon.  I made the backsplash, and the hanging kitchen tools are from a Second Spaces gacha.

Edited by Nika Talaj
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47 minutes ago, Nika Talaj said:

After a plunge, one must clean up, yes?  I made a little addon for a small bathroom, which I show here because I had to make a texture to match LL's walls.  They give you the source texture, Sunflower in this case, but not the baked version.  Since the baking is different for each style of boat, the texture pack would be immense if they gave us all them.  Here, LL's actual wall ends under the picture, near the edge closest to the camera.  That picture, incidentally, is a kinetic light sculpture by a terrific friend we met at Guerilla Burlesque, who is also here in Belli.



Or, perhaps, make a little nosh?  All this furniture is interactive, region residents are I'm sure grateful that we're night owls and few of them are around when we are.  The blue light sculpture on the back wall is kinetic, a wonderful gift from Fallen Gods.  That back wall, actually, is also a prim overlay I made, since it's impossible to get it to match the exterior walls with the trim etc. choices I wanted.


After a long day "working", the sun is setting and it's time to relax, grab a little something in the kitchenette, and maybe sit and chat with a few friends.  Or read a little ... the coffee table picturebook was written by my partner and I, and is a little fable about how we came to our sim, Rosehaven Aislinn.  Since this pic was taken, it has of course been joined by Snow Crash.


Thank you for looking, my friends!

First, hello! It's been a long time since I've seen you and Cee around, please tell him G and I send our best regards!

Second, you did a wonderful job for someone who claims to have no design skills, so I think you were being modest to say the least. Gorgeous job. The houseboats can be so challenging and you've done a terrific job. I love everything about this. Well done!

PS: Where did you get the mermaid on the outside? I have a slew of mermaid items but I've never seen that one. 

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42 minutes ago, Elora Lunasea said:

PS: Where did you get the mermaid on the outside? I have a slew of mermaid items but I've never seen that one. 

It's from Second Spaces.  But I've had it since the beforetimes, so no idea if it's still available.  I think I bought it, not a gacha, at least at that time.

Thank you for your kind words!  We REALLY tried to make it to Ghosty's boat/costume party, but my RL time is not always under my control.  The alt that Cee brought to the alt party spotted you walking your dog in ... was it Oldridge? ... but she's very shy.  And then you hopped onward, and so did we :)

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1 hour ago, Nika Talaj said:

It's from Second Spaces.  But I've had it since the beforetimes, so no idea if it's still available.  I think I bought it, not a gacha, at least at that time.

Thank you for your kind words!  We REALLY tried to make it to Ghosty's boat/costume party, but my RL time is not always under my control.  The alt that Cee brought to the alt party spotted you walking your dog in ... was it Oldridge? ... but she's very shy.  And then you hopped onward, and so did we :)

Yes most likely in Oldridge.  

I've been exploring a LOT. I walk around the neighborhoods quite a bit. G and I have separate homes in SL, as we always have. We have such different decorating styles there'd be no point in even trying to share a house. Let alone, between all our alts...

Right now, I have the houseboat in Isthill and now a house in Edger. The one I had near Oldridge I gave up - the current one is a nicer property overall. I have one more alt that's premium - I keep hoping I'll get luckly and catch a house with sandy terrain so I can round out my decorating styles 😋

If that works out I'll probably give up the private land I've been paying for, it's been many years of happiness and many thousands of prims to play with but I'm really enjoying Bellisseria; it's gotten me out of the bubble I'd been in for a long time, similar to a lot of us oldbies that have gotten a bit complacent. I also have somewhat limited time inworld, long days between commuting to work, being there and back again so I like to make the most of my time when I am here. Bella has renewed my interest ten-fold, for sure.

Next time Ghosty is spinning, come as yourselves! We'd love to see you and know who you guys are next time!

Edited by Elora Lunasea
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On 8/16/2019 at 3:55 PM, Trinity Aironaut said:

Hi All, here is my version of a full Winchester Expansion/Addition. This covers both the original house with texture change walls and a bedroom with bath on the second floor. The largest original room is now a generous kitchen with room for a kitchen table. I'll probably use the original bedroom as a guest room since the new addition has a great room for living and dining as well as a master bedroom with a generous bath and a closet. There is so much room in the addition. I added the addition to the side with the porch since there was a door there and moved the porch to the opposite side of the new addition. I'll do pictures of the changes I made to the original house later. Below are just images of the addition. It comes in at 83 LI without the closet. The closet is an extra 5. Oh, Second Balcony facing the sea too.

Winchester Partition 3 14Winchester Partition 3 2Winchester Partition 3 3Winchester Partition 3 1Winchester Partition 3 4Winchester Partition 3 5Winchester Partition 3 9Winchester Partition 3 6Winchester Partition 3 7Winchester Partition 3 10Winchester Partition 3 11Winchester Partition 3 12Winchester Partition 3 16Winchester Partition 3 13


These are the Images from the Original Part of the Winchester I promised you all.

Winchester 5Winchester 4Winchester 3Winchester 2Winchester 1

All of this comes in at 101 LI but 90 if you don't use the Rose Pergola

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7 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I like that you used the same ceiling lamp in so many rooms. It is very decorative. Where is it from? And when I'm asking, where are the candles on the table from? 😍


Thank you Marianne 😍 coming from you that’s a lovely compliment. The ceiling lights are from Aria & Loft and the candles on the table are from Fancy Decor.

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3 hours ago, Sparkly Rainbow said:

Decided to change houses again and the Continental was the only one I had not tried out yet.  I think it is the most challenging (for me), the rooms downstairs are kind of small.  But I love the porch add-on and I think with a few color changes it will make a cool Halloween house.


I had the same problem when I first started using it. I found it very small, and closed off.  Adding the porch dramatically improved the overall appearance. 

I built a small extra room off the back area, I'm using that as my kitchen. I'm a crappy builder but for now it's working and eventually when I have time I'll learn to put it together properly.

I've recolored the ceiling of the porch, the porch floor and added my own interior wood flooring. I've also  the Pro Paint interior system which has really been a huge help for decorating and tying color schemes in with each other room to room.

I'm putting some finishing touches on the house now, have about 90 prims left to finish off the bedroom & upper hallway and add some clutter around so I *think* I'll be ok. 

I agree this this house is going to make a fantastic Halloween home. I've begun doing an autumn theme and look forward to switching over to full blown spookiness in October!

Here's some current pix in the interim. Probably will be posting final photos later today or in the next couple of days.

Linden Continental House in Edgar


Linden Continental House in EdgarLinden Continental House in Edgar


Edited by Elora Lunasea
corrected creator name for Pro Paint
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39 minutes ago, Elora Lunasea said:

I had the same problem when I first started using it. I found it very small, and closed off.  Adding the porch dramatically improved the overall appearance. 

I built a small extra room off the back area, I'm using that as my kitchen. I'm a crappy builder but for now it's working and eventually when I have time I'll learn to put it together properly.

I've recolored the ceiling of the porch, the porch floor and added my own interior wood flooring. I've also  the Pro Paint interior system which has really been a huge help for decorating and tying color schemes in with each other room to room.

I'm putting some finishing touches on the house now, have about 90 prims left to finish off the bedroom & upper hallway and add some clutter around so I *think* I'll be ok. 

I agree this this house is going to make a fantastic Halloween home. I've begun doing an autumn theme and look forward to switching over to full blown spookiness in October!

Here's some current pix in the interim. Probably will be posting final photos later today or in the next couple of days.

Linden Continental House in Edgar


Linden Continental House in EdgarLinden Continental House in Edgar


That little room on the back is wonderful.  Makes a great place for a kitchen.  I also love the wall in front of the house, not sure if that will work with my location, but may give it a shot after Halloween.  I have plans for the front for Halloween already.

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1 hour ago, Elora Lunasea said:

I had the same problem when I first started using it. I found it very small, and closed off.  Adding the porch dramatically improved the overall appearance. 

I built a small extra room off the back area, I'm using that as my kitchen. I'm a crappy builder but for now it's working and eventually when I have time I'll learn to put it together properly.

I've recolored the ceiling of the porch, the porch floor and added my own interior wood flooring. I've also  the Pro Paint interior system which has really been a huge help for decorating and tying color schemes in with each other room to room.

I'm putting some finishing touches on the house now, have about 90 prims left to finish off the bedroom & upper hallway and add some clutter around so I *think* I'll be ok. 

I agree this this house is going to make a fantastic Halloween home. I've begun doing an autumn theme and look forward to switching over to full blown spookiness in October!

Here's some current pix in the interim. Probably will be posting final photos later today or in the next couple of days.

Linden Continental House in Edgar

I saw this house earlier and it caught my eye so I do what I normally did; started clicking all the things to find out who created it! I was amazed it wasn't linked, thinking that it was a store bought design you just rezzed there. No way are you a crappy builder at all! Truly a great design and such a cute house. Can't wait to see what it looks like when you're finished with it. 😲 ❤️ 👍

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I see so much talent here and I know I will never be like this, but I decided to put a little of my boat confused for everyone to see, it is true that I am having a great time putting and taking things mixing everything I like without any worries, after all Bellisseria It's really taking me out of the bubble and getting me back to live with more people in SL.






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2 hours ago, Sparkly Rainbow said:

That little room on the back is wonderful.  Makes a great place for a kitchen.  I also love the wall in front of the house, not sure if that will work with my location, but may give it a shot after Halloween.  I have plans for the front for Halloween already.

Thank the Lindens for the wall out front.  My last house had really crummy Linden landscaping; it has picket fencing which I like but it was oddly placed plus the flowers they put down were bright pink which I disliked. This design is far superior including the flowering bushes, which are more muted colors. I can  work with these for all seasons (except winter, of course).


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