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I would get a premium membership if __________ (not land or L$)

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2 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Ageism by the young or old?

Either one.  I think Selene and I are on the same side of both isms, and we've seen ageism evolve as our own cohort has grown older. Elitism in any form can be divisive, regardless of which side of the ism you are on.  I get just as annoyed by my fellow elders who yell, "Get off my lawn!" as I do by the 20-somethings who snicker behind my back and make fun of my beautiful white hair.  Basic and Premium are not castes.  They are membership categories with no value implications added.

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4 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Ageism by the young or old?

Mostly by the young from what I've seen. That doesn't mean it doesn't work both ways.

I have experienced it in RL as well. Again, mostly by young people. 

I grew up in an environment where elders were cared for and respected. Children were also cared for and respected. It's mostly the young adults who are still kind of new to adulthood that don't seem to get it. It's sort of a family thing, you know? Grandparents care and respect for parents, parents care and respect for children, children care and respect for grand children and so on.

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1 hour ago, Rolig Loon said:

Either one.  I think Selene and I are on the same side of both isms, and we've seen ageism evolve as our own cohort has grown older. Elitism in any form can be divisive, regardless of which side of the ism you are on.  I get just as annoyed by my fellow elders who yell, "Get off my lawn!" as I do by the 20-somethings who snicker behind my back and make fun of my beautiful white hair.  Basic and Premium are not castes.  They are membership categories with no value implications added.

Nailed it.

Except my hair hasn't turned yet. /me runs

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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a twist to the question could be what would entice a person to pay for a Premium package that did not include mainland tier

i can think of maybe two

a Builders pack that includes a Experience Key and $US72 worth of L$. L$ rather than x number of assets uploads as mesh upload fees are variable

a Marketplace Merchants pack that includes a capability to skin/brand the marketplace store

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Free mesh and texture uploads for merchants/builders is a good one, while I do upload a lot of content over the course of a year, the total income for LL isn't really anything to write home about vs the commission they get on SLM sales of the uploaded stuffs.

That said, I'm sure LL have the income from uploads on a pie chart somewhere and it's not going to be negligible once everyone is combined.

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11 hours ago, KanryDrago said:

I don't really think she was angry so much as fed up of seeing the same bollocks repeated over and over ad nauseam such as this myth that the labs premium customers are always worth more than basic customers

One of the really great things about SL is that it has managed not to turn into a plutocracy. It might easily have done so, had LL tweaked a few things here and there.

But the fact is that, although there are certainly "haves" and "have nots," when you go to a club here, it's mostly impossible to know who is which. Even PIOF merely indicates that someone has spent some money here, at some point, on something.

A key point that many of the premium elitists here forget (but that LL to its credit remembers) is that SL's engine is a very real, and very complicated, economic and social machine. Without the creators, many of whom are not premium, or the consumers, most of whom are not premium, this place would collapse in a moment. Even the mere contribution of your avatar to concurrency makes SL, in however small a way, a more interesting and worthwhile platform to be a part of.

I'm sure LL would love more residents paying directly into their coffers through premium. But tinker too much with the experience of the 10s of thousands of residents who are not premium, but who are making things, buying things, performing things, or just being here, and you run the risk of the entire edifice crashing down. SL needs everyone, or it becomes a giant and very empty ghost town.

And that's why degrading the experience of non-premium accounts is so potentially dangerous. Alienate me by making this a less rewarding experience, and I'm far more likely to simply leave than upgrade. I need a carrot, not a stick.

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6 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Agree completely, premium needs to be irresistible, not fundamental, to the SL experience as a whole, we don't all want or need the same things.


The trouble is I can conceive of nothing they could sensibly offer that would make me consider premium irresistible. I suspect that goes for a lot of those that remain basic. I have no interest in mainland, don't need the groups, the stipend would barely register in what I spend, never needed support. In fact probably the only thing they could do to is to make it so I couldn't have my house unless premium. Though as I have it if they took it away I would be more likely to just stick a finger up at them and walk away.

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8 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Agree completely, premium needs to be irresistible, not fundamental, to the SL experience as a whole, we don't all want or need the same things.


That gave me an idea (I may need more coffee, so bear with me). What if they made a Premium that one could tailor to suit their needs?

Some would like more prims/a larger lot and not have to add tier on. They don't care about the stipend because either they have enough cash flow in SL itself or just buy the L's that they want anyways. Some would rather have X amount of free uploads a month and not have to worry about it dipping into their L balance. Some are happy renting and getting up and moving whenever they feel and will never have a desire for mainland ownership or a Premium Linden Home. Or they have a private region (I can't remember if you don't have to be premium for this one). Either way, the 1024/Prem Home is of no concern to them. @KanryDrago said that they don't need the extra groups or the extra support that Premium gets.


What if they made a Premium where (for the sake of simplicity here) for your $72usd/yr you can select from a list of perks the ones that you want. Let's say, you can pic 3 (which can be changed once a month (I would say 2x a year, but that would make monthly... interesting). So you can pic 3 from the list. You can pick the same  of certain perks all 3 times if you want, and each time, it gets larger by half of what 1 perk is.

So if you select Land once, you get 1024. Select it again, add 512. A third time gets another 512.

If you pick stipend, you get 500/400/300 (whatever you get now based on avatar rezdate). Pick it again, and you get 250/200/150. A third time gets you another 250/200/150.

Groups? First pick you go from 42 to 60. Second pick you get 9 more, third pick you get another 9. So selecting groups for all 3 nets you 78 groups.

If you pick all 3, you get basically what you have currently for Premium. If you do 2 land + 1 stipend, then your groups stay at the basic 42.


Just an idea, and now my coffee mug is empty.

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6 hours ago, KanryDrago said:

The trouble is I can conceive of nothing they could sensibly offer that would make me consider premium irresistible. I suspect that goes for a lot of those that remain basic. I have no interest in mainland, don't need the groups, the stipend would barely register in what I spend, never needed support. In fact probably the only thing they could do to is to make it so I couldn't have my house unless premium. Though as I have it if they took it away I would be more likely to just stick a finger up at them and walk away.

There is one thing LL could do that would entice me into being premium. Well ok, two things. Two free lifetime memberships. One for me and one for the RL other half. As long as we have been in SL and throwing money we can't really afford at it for over 14 years now... I think we deserve it.

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16 hours ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Agree completely, premium needs to be irresistible, not fundamental, to the SL experience as a whole, we don't all want or need the same things.


Exactly Exactly Exactly.

It has to be "monkey see, monkey want" and it just isn't for me.

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Getting tired and full of cold, but if there was a forum village sim where all forumites had a chalet (even a beach hut) and was only accessible to Premium it would tempt me.

Yeah I love the hangout but its usually deserted, unless there's something going on.

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1 hour ago, BelindaN said:

Getting tired and full of cold, but if there was a forum village sim where all forumites had a chalet (even a beach hut) and was only accessible to Premium it would tempt me.

Yeah I love the hangout but its usually deserted, unless there's something going on.

Should I just quit now before I even get my SL business relaunched? 

Hell, just have LL make it so anyone who doesn't earn at least $50k US annually can't even log in.

There was good reason LL made certain changes years ago and you are no longer required to pay a monthly fee to be able to log in after a two week trial (may have been just a week, don't expect me to remember details from 14 years ago). LL needs to make up its mind as to whether or not SL caters to the "elite". If LL decides it is going to shrink its already niche market even more by making SL "elitist" then I will definitely be gone for good. That is not a world in which I would want to be and I damn sure wouldn't pay for it even if I could afford it.

Edited by Selene Gregoire
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Agreed, I wouldn't be at all upset if LL removed account status information like payment info from profiles too. Shouldn't be anyone's business if you've given credit card details to LL or ever bought L$ on that specific account, and it's definitely not a metric to prejudge anyone by (from either a social or financial perspective).

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23 minutes ago, CoffeeDujour said:

Agreed, I wouldn't be at all upset if LL removed account status information like payment info from profiles too. Shouldn't be anyone's business if you've given credit card details to LL or ever bought L$ on that specific account, and it's definitely not a metric to prejudge anyone by (from either a social or financial perspective).

Personally, I agree. Absolutely.

But very loud objections would emanate from sim owners, because PIOF is seen as "proof" that someone is not a griefer.

That, of course, is a pretty objectionable assumption, because it more or less labels anyone without PIOF as at least a potential troublemaker. It's a lot like racial profiling, or setting your store security guards on someone who looks "scruffy": it's a very very blunt instrument, it assumes guilt before the subject has even done anything, and it does represent a form of inworld "classism."

But I can guarantee you such a move would be opposed fiercely. Mostly by the same people who distrust anyone with alts, and who thought RedZone was a great idea.

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1 hour ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Personally, I agree. Absolutely.

But very loud objections would emanate from sim owners, because PIOF is seen as "proof" that someone is not a griefer.

That, of course, is a pretty objectionable assumption, because it more or less labels anyone without PIOF as at least a potential troublemaker. It's a lot like racial profiling, or setting your store security guards on someone who looks "scruffy": it's a very very blunt instrument, it assumes guilt before the subject has even done anything, and it does represent a form of inworld "classism."

But I can guarantee you such a move would be opposed fiercely. Mostly by the same people who distrust anyone with alts, and who thought RedZone was a great idea.

Elitism at its finest. Didn't do them any good back then. Won't do them any good now. Unlikely to do them any good in the future.

The ones who scream the loudest are the most guilty.

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On 3/29/2019 at 9:14 PM, animats said:
  • Voice morphing. Hasn't worked in months.
  • 1 minute delay on ejection by security orbs.
  • Priority execution for your scripts on overloaded mainland sims.
  • You get to pick the default texture for your prims, instead of the stock plywood. Default to teak or mahogany.

The LAST thing I would want to see is people able to buy the privilege to be able to come and harass folks in their skyboxes for a minute.
Or for griefers to be able to buy priority for particle spam scripts.

Firestorm lets me pick the default texture of a prim.


  • I WOULD pay for the ability to block temp-on-rez objects on the sim I'm on.
  • I'd also pay to have a maximum 'script time' enforced on a sim I was on, and gladly accept it knocking out even my own stuff 'cause that would just tell me to fix my stuff...
  • And I'd pay to have a zoned water sim that bars the use of any buildings or 'prim islands' below 1000m - save for things that look like boathouses and are more than 5m away from any parcel edge anywhere on the sim.
  • I'd pay to have a sim not allow banlines.
  • I'd pay to have a sim where security orbs had a minimum notice time of 15 seconds below 500m, 10 seconds between 501-1000m, 5 seconds between 1001-2999m and 0 above that.
  • I'd pay for a sim to now allow anything to be rezzed below 500m unless it's affixed to the ground and if so affixed no taller than 50m.
  • I'd pay for a sim to not allow anything that was rezzed between 501m-1000m that didn't look like a "floating object" such as a skyship, floating rock, etc.
  • I'd pay for a sim that didn't allow '0' in the autoreturn timer, nor any value above 20, and if the value was above '1' would not allow non-group members to rez, use scripts, or do object entry.
  • I'd pay for the ability to 'return' objects on 'linden' land that were not owned by a linden, mole, or sim parcel owner (ie: clear out 'junk' in old sims).
  • I'd have to think about paying for the ability to return objects on linden land that were owned by people who owned land on that sim - would the benefits outweigh the drama...
  • I'd pay for a sim where sculpty didn't work, even if a worn attachment.
  • I'd pay for the ability to auto-block access to parcels based on the 'complexity' score BUT ONLY if they first put out a white paper showing how the formula is a correct guage of the impact things have on graphics cards. We have them claiming this, but I'd like to see the data... and if it's true, then I'd want that feature.
  • I'd pay for a mainland sim with an 'A' policy on sexual content but a 'G' policy on violent content. I suspect someone else would pay for a matching reverse setting - maybe even me as well for a RP venue... I've always felt we needed two completely different kinds of 'A' rated sims, not grouping these two radically different things together...
  • I'd pay to have my map not show things floating in the sky. I'm sick and tired of the map being logo spam...






Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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