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Why Are There So Few Good Mesh Skyboxes?

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Since I started offering skyboxes about 4 years ago, I have studied this field intensively. And recently I had some days off to spend hours pouring over the MP and visiting all kinds of inworld stores to study this problem again. I am always on the lookout for good skyboxes, but so few of them are mesh, and most are sculpty or even prim -- and that means there are some really bad ones out there.

Yes, I do know there are a few very good mesh skyboxes -- I have them. This is a hard discussion to have with the rule that you can't name company names on the forums. Perhaps I'll try to have this discussion on my own blog.

But meanwhile, in studying what makes a good or bad skybox, I've isolated a few reasons that may answer my question --- but I appreciate input.

1. Prims/land impact  A lot of the market for skyboxes is for small parcels, which means the prims have to be kept down. So that means low-prim furniture that even changes like a holodeck or is removeable or changeable. And that means often the craftsmanship goes out the door.

But there's another reason I think lurking underneath -- mesh isn't all that low impact as imagined. You may recall the worry about mesh when it first came out, that creators should not put it on "mod" because users would inevitably expand it, increase the land impact ridiculously, and get mad at the creator instead of their own ignorance. Fortunately, many mesh creators have braved that and put on mod -- and there is never any reason not to put your creation on mod. It doesn't help preserve your copyright, or I might support it more. It prevents users from being able to change textures or remove parts to reduce prims. If you can't stand how your "vision" is going to be distorted in the vasty wastelands of SL low-brow taste, then don't create for SL, as it will be distorted even with "no-mod". No, resizing scripts aren't a solution, as they add to script burden on sims (you either can't remove them or don't always remember to or it's single copy and you don't want to).

But the issue really isn't about expanding prims which don't always become the horror imagined. It's about something else -- mesh takes up land impact, period. It is not a wonder worker. I have long been in quest for terrain that I can use to mix and match with skyboxes I tear apart that either have too high prim counts or ugly, planar trees and stupid waving grasses. Planar trees are a big factor in the ugliness of especially nature skyboxes -- few can make trees look good with this method (but even here, there are exceptions).

So I got a few terrain bases that are good, resizeable, etc. but just one is 37 LI -- and you really need two x 37, because expanding it actually makes the land impact worse than two of them. I found one that was less finally -- but it's 20 LI. You can't expand it too far without messing up textures on it or adding to land impact so you need several. Why does something that looks like "a single prim" seem to take up so much "land impact"? Because it's on physics so you can walk on it, and even walk up and down as if on a hill. Sure, you can try putting an invisible prim underneath, but this is never as good (although a solution sometimes to this vexing problem).

But if you've just used up 20-40 prims/land impact on the terrain base of your skybox only, you can see that it will start to get very high prim very fast after that, especially if you make furniture part of that.

2. Corners -- if you make the skybox square, it inevitable will look like, well, a box. Some creators figure out to make shades of darkness by corners, and disguise the angles with trees but probably those dispensing with squares and making ovals do better. Ovals distort pictures, especially photo-real panoramas, and few creators seem to know how to make those work (but there are some). 

3. Rez-faux -- I've heard it told that mesh creators are reluctant to, or can't, put their creations into rezzer boxes. But surely that can't be true because I have some mesh skyboxes, including some of the very best, that did come in rezzers. So I'd like to understand the full story with that. I do find sometimes these don't rez right and require endless fiddling, but that's more likely because they often come in a standard 64 x 64 which doesn't quite fit a lot, or at least lots are irregular and not always perfectly those dimensions.

4. A secret to a lot of mesh stuff is that it has no back. Fireplaces, tables, cabinets of various types have a good-looking 3-D image when you face them, but if you look in back of them they are clear, or have curved edges. In a round skybox -- which looks better than square -- these are very hard to place to look good. 

5. No incentive -- a mesh creator sells mainly avatar outfits and accessories and furniture and can make fortunes on gatchas, so why mess with a skybox which is just harder to make well? Let someone else bother. Or skyboxes in a gatcha as a rare will ensure people play them like rats pulling the pellet levers so keep them rare!

.No doubt there are other disincentives. But I wish mesh creators would stop making all these ridiculous backdrops, which are good for photo shoots only, and add some walls and make the same things as skyboxes. They would sell.

I'd appreciate it if anyone would IM me inworld with the names of really good mesh skyboxes, especially nature ones. Some criteria:

- Not over $2000 -- I don't want some of those $15,000 paradise skyboxes with the Ming dynasty or Ottoman harems or whatever. $200-500 even better.

- Walkable -- I not only want not to fall through it or be forced to add invisible prims, but I don't want my avatar to bob up and down with mesh problems.

- Preferably non-rezzer -- just because these rubber band, return, don't fit, create headaches.

- No planar trees



Edited by Prokofy Neva
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I see and understand your plight, prok. I still say PRIMS FOR THE WIN.

I am serious: I'll take a high-quality prim build over a similar mesh build, even at a *slight* cost of more LI because prims don't have LOD ISSUES. They REZ FASTER (I repeat: quality-built; optimized textures) and they don't LAG the hell out of your computer, no matter how many V-8 engines under the hood.

Just saying.

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2 hours ago, Alyona Su said:

I see and understand your plight, prok. I still say PRIMS FOR THE WIN.

I am serious: I'll take a high-quality prim build over a similar mesh build, even at a *slight* cost of more LI because prims don't have LOD ISSUES. They REZ FASTER (I repeat: quality-built; optimized textures) and they don't LAG the hell out of your computer, no matter how many V-8 engines under the hood.

Just saying.

Don't forget, prims look more "real" too.

I'll take prims over mesh any day.

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3 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

4. A secret to a lot of mesh stuff is that it has no back. Fireplaces, tables, cabinets of various types have a good-looking 3-D image when you face them, but if you look in back of them they are clear, or have curved edges. In a round skybox -- which looks better than square -- these are very hard to place to look good.

Optimising mesh for SL involves a lot of compromises and guess work as to what's the best choice. Unless it's a simple item, it's pretty much guaranteed that a good choice for many will be a poor choice for someone else. There isn't anyway around that.

Trying to keep LI low really complicates this dance because (depending on the size etc, nothing is straight forward in optimising mesh for SL), there's a ridiculously small number of tris allowed for the lowest LOD, which has the most influence on LI (again depending, because nothing is straightforward). Any less-frequently viewed tris which can be freed up for use in more prominent places helps tremendously.

Round + mesh adds LI. Trust me, I love round things so I know this far too well. My idea files attest to this :), along with my files of abandoned projects :(  Square + mesh is just so much easier. The more curves you add, the more complicated it gets and the harder it is to keep LI down.

You're asking for low LI, curves, backs, and a low cost. Just like us mesh-makers, you're going to have to compromise somewhere.

If I was in your position, I'd try adding a prim to the back of the fireplace or cabinet. It doesn't have to be a perfect match, they often aren't in RL.

As for the skybox, put your scene in a prim sphere or half-sphere to eliminate the corners. One LI, easy to set up and customise and none of the complications of making round mesh.

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I've been living in mesh skyboxes since maybe 2013, and I have this annoying thing where I get an itch to change them out every few months.

So I have stacks of them.

That said our interests are different... I prefer mesh skyboxes that are the interior of a building. Mine are almost always square because of that and because it makes it easier to hang pictures on the walls when they're flat surfaces.  Among those I have, I think one is as low as 3 LI, some are over 100. One of the very nicest was 12 or 14 (I forget) - but these were all studio apartment loft style affairs.

I have recently tried to put a floating island... and I found my choices either limiting in quality or excessive in land impact. Which kind of made since given the style I went looking for...

For both the buildings and the island - I encased them in solid mesh cubes, which are transparent from the inside, and textured on the outside so flyers know they're coming up on something. Again different preferences there.

If what you wanted was more along the lines I'm into, there are many options. But when I have tried to make outdoor scene skyboxes I have found the options very disappointing.



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I always thought "don't name" only applied for negative talk.

Look at the Avatar section, it is xxxx number threads asking "what is the best mesh body, what type of head do you have, what is your favorite stores".

And the moderators let it stand. I can't log in now, and I have so much on my mind that I perhaps forget it.

So I am taking the risk of replying here: Onsu. Their newest skybox is over 80 prims, but their second and third newest 40 - 45 LI.

They fill almost all your criteria. They have a nice exterior, they have with and without surround, they have very much detail for the LI. I am a sucker for actual rooms, not just the one-room skyboxes. They are under 2000 L, They even have a 512 size textures and a 1024 size, floor options as darker and lighter, plus some more. Surround options if the customer should want it. And after can you remove the scripts.

Even if you can't texture and color absolutely all walls individually, many walls allow it, I could color the foyer without coloring the livingroom walls for example. It is nice.

I can try to look closer and see if the door out can be unlinked and added a open/close. I like apartment skyboxes.

I don't remember if they have rez boxes, but I think not.


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1 hour ago, Marianne Little said:

I always thought "don't name" only applied for negative talk.

You are correct. There is no rule even close to "don't mention any names." The closest thing we have is "don't post Interpersonal Disputes or Personal Negative Commentary," aka "don't name-and-shame" which is easily extended to stores/businesses.

It's the consequence and intention that matters and there's no harm in pointing out positive examples, unless it's done in excess like advertising.

That said, I'm also pretty upset by the poor quality of mesh skyboxes. Even when you can demo them inworld (no way I'd buy blind), there's usually no rezzing enabled to try out the floor... I'm primarily concerned with function, so I have no trouble living in a 6 prim box if all else fails.

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To put a building in the sky in a garden context I hollow out two prims and stretch them out to the edge of the platform, with one slightly outside the other. The inner one I texture as a wall and shape it to look like a wall. The exterior one I firstly add an invisible texture to and then apply an alpha texture of trees that will work when using alpha masking to the interior face. With a grass textured platform and a few trees in corners the look is adequate for my needs and achieved in just 3 prims. 

For mesh sky boxes I have a few nice ones. The ones by Skye stand out in my memory for usability, quality of look and low land impact, but there are others worth looking at. I can check my inventory after work today to refresh my memory if that helps. 

Edited by Aethelwine
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after my homestead time i'm also living in, mostly, skyboxes  .. i like severals  :)

a very modern low impact (including furniture!) by Studio Skye, i think Aethelwine might hint on the same one

a timeless cosy one by Dust Bunny, the Flutter skybox .. small, but quite some space, and by smart building it has even 3 very good sized bedrooms

i also use a few from the Builders Box, those aren't for sale seperatly, you need to buy the whole box to get those.
Next to that i use normal houses in the sky on a platform, my latest one is a guesthouse by Roost .. at my 4096 parcel enough space left for a luxury garden.

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For a skybox basement, I recommend trying out the free version of Mystitool. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MystiTool-HUD-Making-your-second-life-easier/136332

I have both the free and the paid for version, since I wanted to support the creator. But the free has the same platform. Rez the platform as described, go up in the sky and remove the chairs. The platform has a nice stone underside and is only 1 LI. It is square/rectangular, but if you texture the railing with a stone wall texture, it looks like a garden with a brick wall. Platform 1 Li, railing 1 Li. Of course you can use any texture, like a picket fence or hedge. Or you can remove the railing and place out 3D mesh fences, but that increases the Li. The square/rectangular shape can be softened with plants. The platform comes in suggested sizes, but you can stretch and shrink it for your needs.

Another creator is Anna Er0tica (replace 0 with o). https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Anna-Erotica-Landscaped-Texture-Changing-Skybox-Platform/7936287

I don't like all her textures and plants, but it is a nice base and it is mod..... That's what matter.

And Schultz Bros. I love their Soho Loft, and it is 14 or 19 Li. (small and large version) It has a brick outside and a huge window. Only thing that annoys me is that the shadow of the window on the floor looks wrong with SL shadows. One shadow from the sun and another shadow baked in the texture. Well, I textured the floor with another wood floor and it works so well.

This box is phantom with inner cube(s) that keep you from going through the floor and walls, something that makes texturing a bit challenging, I had to fly, and turn on transparent and lift the transparent box so I can texture floor and walls, then edit it down.

The Schultz Bros Roosevelt skybox is 2 versions, the one with an exterior has more Li, but is still 36 Li, that is only 9 more Li from the one without exterior details. And more skyboxes, as low as 9 Li but I don't think that one has a door out.

I don't have any problems with skyboxes. I wonder if the ones that fall through the floor has grabbed an invisible floor or wall and accidentally deleted it? I have seen walkable mesh became mesh that you fall through after extreme resizing up and down


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18 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

and there is never any reason not to put your creation on mod.

I can give you a reason why some don't...

1. Download questionable viewer

2. Take persons full perm item

3. Import freshly botted item through that persons full perm item

4. Copied item now appears to be created by the person who's full perm item it was imported through as opposed to the person doing the copying

Edited by Ichi Rexen
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48 minutes ago, Ichi Rexen said:

I can give you a reason why some don't...

1. Download questionable viewer

2. Take persons full perm item

3. Import freshly botted item through that persons full perm item

4. Copied item now appears to be created by the person who's full perm item it was imported through as opposed to the person doing the copying

Can you explain why you would need modify permissions on an item if the "questionable viewer" can ignore permissions? Hint: You don't. That's an excuse, not a reasonable argument. (I'm also not gonna speak more on this because of obvious reasons and it's got little to nothing with the thread.)

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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4 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

Can you explain why you would need modify permissions on an item if the "questionable viewer" can ignore permissions? Hint: You don't. That's an excuse, not a reasonable argument.

Whilst you can export any object regardless of the permissions duplicating an object into someones else name requires you to have a full perm item or at least modify so objects can be created from it to create your copy, if you get me. You don't NEED modify to duplicate something but you do if you want it in someone else name

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4 minutes ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

@Ichi Rexen, do you think the benefits of making everything no-modify is greater than the punishing limit it puts on legitimate, paying customers?

I don't really have an opinion either way on what other developers do in terms of permissions. If a developer chooses to give out their items modify then woo but if they don't then they don't. Its not really something I worry about. I was just giving one reason as to why some avoid it.

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39 minutes ago, Ichi Rexen said:

Whilst you can export any object regardless of the permissions duplicating an object into someones else name requires you to have a full perm item or at least modify so objects can be created from it to create your copy, if you get me. You don't NEED modify to duplicate something but you do if you want it in someone else name

1. There are only a few (particularly unsavory) situations where there's benefit to retaining the original creator's identity as creator of the copy. This is not what the vast majority of creators have any reason to fear.

2. Making an illicit copy appear to be from the original creator might usefull perm item from that creator. That's obviously irrelevant to modify permission on whatever no-transfer product is being illicitly copied. 

3. Good luck doing that with a Mesh item. Defeating this ability server-side, Linden's Mesh developers hopelessly confounded models and object instances, in turn breaking a lot of useful operations available on every other asset class -- including the ability to ever edit them in-world. It damn sure better have been worth it.

4. This is sadly similar to superstitions common among recent-arrival Mesh clothing creators. They've somehow been duped into believing that they're protecting their creations by making them no-mod. It's tragic, really, and that's the main reason we need to keep reminding them that this is utterly ineffective in protecting their intellectual property.


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7 minutes ago, Qie Niangao said:

1. There are only a few (particularly unsavory) situations where there's benefit to retaining the original creator's identity as creator of the copy. This is not what the vast majority of creators have any reason to fear.

2. Making an illicit copy appear to be from the original creator might usefull perm item from that creator. That's obviously irrelevant to modify permission on whatever no-transfer product is being illicitly copied. 

3. Good luck doing that with a Mesh item. Defeating this ability server-side, Linden's Mesh developers hopelessly confounded models and object instances, in turn breaking a lot of useful operations available on every other asset class -- including the ability to ever edit them in-world. It damn sure better have been worth it.

4. This is sadly similar to superstitions common among recent-arrival Mesh clothing creators. They've somehow been duped into believing that they're protecting their creations by making them no-mod. It's tragic, really, and that's the main reason we need to keep reminding them that this is utterly ineffective in protecting their intellectual property.


Im aware of everything your saying including the mesh bit. I wasn't trying to make a thing out of it, just giving one reason as to why some people don't do it. 

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1 hour ago, Qie Niangao said:

3. Good luck doing that with a Mesh item. Defeating this ability server-side, Linden's Mesh developers hopelessly confounded models and object instances, in turn breaking a lot of useful operations available on every other asset class -- including the ability to ever edit them in-world. It damn sure better have been worth it.

It used to be possible with mesh but LL fixed it at the end of 2015.
Possibly people don't realise that hax is fixed now though. The fix for the hax that allowed you to create any mesh at only 1 LI (no matter it's size either) also put paid to spoofing the creator on mesh imports.

Ref: BUG-10253 - Recent viewer-bear commit breaks a lot of content


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18 hours ago, Bitsy Buccaneer said:

Optimising mesh for SL involves a lot of compromises and guess work as to what's the best choice. Unless it's a simple item, it's pretty much guaranteed that a good choice for many will be a poor choice for someone else. There isn't anyway around that.

Trying to keep LI low really complicates this dance because (depending on the size etc, nothing is straight forward in optimising mesh for SL), there's a ridiculously small number of tris allowed for the lowest LOD, which has the most influence on LI (again depending, because nothing is straightforward). Any less-frequently viewed tris which can be freed up for use in more prominent places helps tremendously.

Round + mesh adds LI. Trust me, I love round things so I know this far too well. My idea files attest to this :), along with my files of abandoned projects :(  Square + mesh is just so much easier. The more curves you add, the more complicated it gets and the harder it is to keep LI down.

You're asking for low LI, curves, backs, and a low cost. Just like us mesh-makers, you're going to have to compromise somewhere.

If I was in your position, I'd try adding a prim to the back of the fireplace or cabinet. It doesn't have to be a perfect match, they often aren't in RL.

As for the skybox, put your scene in a prim sphere or half-sphere to eliminate the corners. One LI, easy to set up and customise and none of the complications of making round mesh.

I don't know about you, but I haven't lived inside a textured sphere since 2004. Yes, I realize we have megaprims now, but they don't look any better, those big textured balls. That is, there are a very few that work and I have them if they stick to strange skies but basically, you need something more than a prim ball.

It's interesting to learn that roundness adds LI to mesh. There you go. But of course, the outside dome could be prim and inside a square with perhaps only a few rounded corners. I've seen landscape kits made this way.

It's also important to note that the issue isn't learning that "trying to keep LI low" is "really complicated." That's not the point. The point is that there's this myth about mesh being low-prims -- and it's not.

That is -- I have old antique SL furniture displayed in my B&Bs where there are like 88-prim tables, 57-prim teach pots, 86-prim jar of flowers, etc. -- enough to easily overflow, say a 512 with 175 prims (although in a group you aren't kept to limits thankfully). That is, if I run out of space, I can remove one breakfast table with antiques and someone will have a whole lot. Because the equivalent new mesh things are 3 or 5 or maybe 10 at most -- a fraction of the cost. Not so when landscapes begin to be made, flowers, hills you can walk on, etc. So let's not pretend that all mesh is low prim. It's not. But then, old-school skyboxes of 400 prims or even 198 prims are "retired" by creators and put on sale in the belief that there is something new out there that is better and low prim. There isn't.

As for "trying to add backs," of course I've done that. I remember once spending an hour trying to match two copies of a fireplace together to make a kind of "see-through" fireplace in the middle of the room, with ensuing log and invisible prim issues, but I finally got it. But since not all prim things don't have backs, I'm not sure what the reason is -- perhaps, again, LI count.

I am currently in the process once again of choosing, mixing, matching, adapting, shrinking trying to fit into a place where I am nearing the end of prims. It's a kind of poem I have chiseled at for years.

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11 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I always thought "don't name" only applied for negative talk.

Look at the Avatar section, it is xxxx number threads asking "what is the best mesh body, what type of head do you have, what is your favorite stores".

And the moderators let it stand. I can't log in now, and I have so much on my mind that I perhaps forget it.

So I am taking the risk of replying here: Onsu. Their newest skybox is over 80 prims, but their second and third newest 40 - 45 LI.

They fill almost all your criteria. They have a nice exterior, they have with and without surround, they have very much detail for the LI. I am a sucker for actual rooms, not just the one-room skyboxes. They are under 2000 L, They even have a 512 size textures and a 1024 size, floor options as darker and lighter, plus some more. Surround options if the customer should want it. And after can you remove the scripts.

Even if you can't texture and color absolutely all walls individually, many walls allow it, I could color the foyer without coloring the livingroom walls for example. It is nice.

I can try to look closer and see if the door out can be unlinked and added a open/close. I like apartment skyboxes.

I don't remember if they have rez boxes, but I think not.


I wasn't sure about that but if we are allowed to name names, yes, Onsu has some really great skyboxes, with changing scenes outside the window that really work well (and aren't a textured prim -- or if they are, they are sure more skilfully applied than I can do it, and I have done it). I have them. But I haven't seen any nature skyboxes from them which is what I'm really after now.

My go-to is Felix vonKotwitz Alter -- he has great old-school sculpty items and newer mesh scenes. They are all on mod which is a deal-breaker for me with these things -- and they mod well. Maybe they don't texture so well but then that can't be expected. He mainly has sort of "European" or "Northeastern" scenes and not many "Cliffs of Dover" or Tropical type scenes so that can be limiting but I don't do tropical most of the time, which is overdone in SL.

Headhunters' Island has really well-made tropical items. I always admire them and perhaps I'll get one some day.

There are some unknowns like Meshtron which I find perfectly serviceable. 

One of my favourites for winter scenes is irResistable -- a French creator. Really great sense of place.

I've just discovered an island maker called Leo Designs which I'm very happy with. The creator is KatoYouji. He doesn't do water -- so you have to put his islands with Skye Water which is the most versatile but I still use the old freebie Splash Water as well and there is a new free mesh water.

Emma's ivy walled gardens are really great for low-prim skyboxes although they are sculpty which isn't for everyone.

There are some more I'll add later.

Milk Motion has some really great nature skyboxes. 



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   For my personal home, I've always built my own skybox. It's seen a few versions through the years, but basically it's a 2-room, interior only with a 12 x 24.5 footprint, giving me two 12 x 12 rooms. In its current version it has windows along one side and prim skirting. Windows and doors are mesh, and I'm using textures with materials for all surfaces - 21 LI. One room is my living room, the other room's purposes change from time to time, but have spent a few months gathering dust now since I moved the photo studio to the roof of the skybox.

   Next time I rebuild it I plan to make myself a profiled mesh skirting, remove the windows since, well, there's nothing to look at outside except my neighbors' random floating stuff (not sure why one of them has 20-something carpets in a jumbled mess 3,000 meters into the sky). I'd rather have the wall space to hang pictures. But, I just build it to suit my purposes and aesthetics, I don't need anything bigger.

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3 hours ago, Ichi Rexen said:

I can give you a reason why some don't...

1. Download questionable viewer

2. Take persons full perm item

3. Import freshly botted item through that persons full perm item

4. Copied item now appears to be created by the person who's full perm item it was imported through as opposed to the person doing the copying

Having mod checked off or not checked off is absolutely no protection against a "questionable" viewer -- that makes no sense.

Read what I wrote. I'm saying "no-mod" does not protect you against rogue viewers. I'm not saying "there is protection" against rogue viewers. There isn't. Which is why "no-mod" makes no sense. And copybots if anything WANT the original creator's name to show on the object rather than their own (with mod) so they can re-sell it authentically.

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