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For everyone in SL who use Flickr

Jeny Howlett

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1 hour ago, elixdude said:

I don't know, but those "blogger" I see who promotes creator's mesh makes me think they do it to get their favourite creator's mesh without paying at all, so the payment is their blog.

Maybe I'm wrong thinking like this, but that's what I thought with all of this "blogging" on flickr.

Not all. When I do, it's for the sheer love of VR photography (and because I know there'll be serious withdrawal symptoms if I don't shoot something) - especially now that it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to photograph beautiful but poorly put together sims with their horrid lag. Thankfully, there's one or two creators amongst my friends who trust me enough to play dress-ups/photographer with their stuff occasionally.

*Edit to add: Also, more often than not, I've already purchased what I photograph, so that shoots that argument down in flames.

Edited by AnyaJurelle
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2 hours ago, elixdude said:

those "blogger" I see who promotes creator's mesh makes me think they do it to get their favourite creator's mesh without paying at all

There is a reason why my inventory is just over 180,000, and it ain't freebies. Once again, from the Review Policy page of my blog:


Would you like me to tell you how many Exile hairstyles I bought over the years, working them into outfits and posting my images in the Exile Flickr group without any thought of getting free stuff, until the designer noticed them and contacted me to ask if I'd like to blog for him? Even now, when I could - if I wanted to - take every single 'free' fatpack that I'm offered on Blogotex and do a half-arsed pic with them just so I can blag the things for nothing, I'll instead go to the event or store and pick up the demo. If I can't work a look around that demo that meets my picky standards and that I'm happy to post on Flickr and/or my blog, then I don't pick up that 'free stuff'.

I don't doubt that some people get into blogging in the hopes of landing a lot of free things. Indeed, we've seen one or two posting here over the years to ask how they can start blogging and if it's worth it for getting free items. They always get the same answer from those of us who blog: do it because you love it, not because you want freebies. If you go into it expecting free stuff, you're going to be sorely disappointed.

I don't pander to the stricter rules of some designers, mainly because I'm into SL fashion for the fun of it, and I'm something of a "don't give a rat's arse" maverick who skates merrily around the fringe of the blogging community. I've even been dropped by brands because I'm not posting their items frequently enough for their liking. I've purchased the vast majority of my inventory, and I credit every review copy that I'm sent. You might be surprised to see how infrequent those review copies are. Practically everything I wear is purchased, not a blogger pack. I get my mesh heads free because I'm a CSR for that brand (and I damn well earn those by working exhaustively inworld for the brand, as well as helping people out on this forum whenever they have a question about or issue with that brand's items), but the only other things I'm down to blog are for: one hair store, one small fantasy store, and one makeup store. Everything else? Purchased with my own money.

However, for many bloggers - especially those with a lot of sponsors - blogging is bloody hard work. Imagine having six random things that you have to weave into a single look or two. They may be completely unrelated and non-cohesive, but you're expected (by those stricter designers) to do it anyway. Sometimes I'll look at something a blogger has put together, and I think to myself, "You really struggled to find a way of putting all of those together, and... it didn't really work too well, but kudos for trying". Hell, even for me - someone for whom blogging is still a fun pastime - it can take two to three hours to put together a cohesive look that I'm happy with, take screenshots, edit them, and post them. Longer if I write a blog post around them, too, since I'm a garrulous bastard who likes to blather on a bit about what I'm wearing.

Free stuff? Yeah, we get free stuff. Do we do it only for the free stuff? Hell no.

Edited by Skell Dagger
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I blog for fun, my love of fashion, poses and sim exploration; recently in last month been blogging for a designer however only real rule said designer has is 3 outfits a month so I shouldn't hit 1000 just yet (I'm currently at 367) however I will go Pro for a year then it done for a year and will renew but shall wait till finances are bit more less empty so it in the short term plan.  Long term plans; who knows :D but I'm still having fun when I feel inspired and if it stops being fun then I will stop.

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1 hour ago, Skell Dagger said:

There is a reason why my inventory is just over 180,000, and it ain't freebies. Once again, from the Review Policy page of my blog:


...Free stuff? Yeah, we get free stuff. Do we do it only for the free stuff? Hell no.

You always word things far better and more comprehensively than I could, Skell, but my attitude is the same. Pretty sure you speak for many of us here. It ticks me off no end when people make jealousy-based assumptions and refuse to consider that we do what we do for the love of it.

Never mind daring to entertain the reality of just how much of our own L$ some of us have spent doing it in the first place because we love it. *grumble, snarl*

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@Fionalein: Nope. Not generally. People tend to look at photos and skip the blah, blah, blah. Really don't like the blah, blah, blah. Not really a blah, blah, blah kind of person when it comes to photography. Shouldn't photos speak for themselves anyway? 

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35 minutes ago, AnyaJurelle said:

You always word things far better and more comprehensively than I could, Skell, but my attitude is the same. Pretty sure you speak for many of us here. It ticks me off no end when people make jealousy-based assumptions and refuse to consider that we do what we do for the love of it.

Part of the problem is that there are bloggers out there that behave badly. Certainly not all, but enough that anyone who's active in the Flickr community will be tired of the worst parts of the bloggerati.

There are bloggers that blindly follow thousands upon thousands of accounts in the hope of getting enough followbacks to raise the profile of their "brand". There are those that will add every single photo to every single group, regardless of appropriateness, making mountains of work for group admins and rendering some groups almost useless. There are those that are only interested in racking up the faves and the views, to translate that into e-fame and free stuff.

And then there are bloggers that clearly care about their work, who do what they do out of raw passion, who don't fall into the monopoly-millionaire trap of thinking that followers and views are the only things that matter, and who do show groups half an ounce of respect. 

It's not really fair to brand bloggers as saints or sinners; it's a pretty big community, there are plenty of both. Painting everyone with the same broad strokes is pretty meaningless.

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Thank you guys for those who replying to me to give explanation about my statement. I do understand that blogging a hard work and not just putting picture and text and BOOM! "I'm blogging as well! Now sponsor me! ?"

Also I'm quite thankful with the blogs out there because I can find the store to shop for. So yeah, not all blogs are bad. Just those who over edit the outfit that gives false advertisement is wrong to me. My 2 linden dollars.  ?

Edited by elixdude
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/1/2018 at 5:29 PM, Skell Dagger said:

It depends on what you need it for. Personally, I blog, and I like to use high-quality images. I also like to be able to link large images. I'll put some comparisons between Instagram and Flickr behind a spoiler tag...


  Reveal hidden contents


Crop of my entire (1920x1080) screen, showing an Instagram shot at the biggest size it will go to:


Crop of the same image on Flickr, using Lightbox mode:


The same image on Flickr, at fullscreen size (I can't even fit the whole thing in!)


And, if I go to the original size (2500 pixels) on the download page, well...


That's all I can fit on the screen. ;)


this is gonna be a tiny skoche off topic but.. How do you make a spoiler in the forums!?!?!?!? 

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