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If Linden Labs had created Second Life 2.0...


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6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Assuming you are talking about Phil's posts, please explain how that falls into the category of "unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others", as I am not seeing it.


Ok, so I'm in bed as I have to go work tomorrow. Ok, so that post by Pamela I didn't like it either, and I felt that the 6 foot guy was being put down unnecessarily. And the way he reacted to the post suggested that he felt the put down. I believe Phil saw this too, as he reacted in much the same way I would have wanted to  it was that power thing that Luna was talking about in another thread. Pamela had the power, being well known and popular, and the guy is newish in comparison. So, Phil was defending him with his posts, and at his own expense, because he had nothing to gain but something to lose as shown by the lack of support he got, and even being called out on it by Love. He was being altruistic. Goodnight



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16 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:
38 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

I really hope it becomes uncool to make fun of those with autism, even if only referencing their characteristics.

I’m fairly certain it’s already uncool.

Depends on where you go really...I still see it frequently..."aspie"....."tism"......and the like.

Glad it doesn't fly well here...

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No, this question is wrong...we are IN the hell that is Second Life 2.0...

We need to return to Second Life 1.0. Roll back the clock to late 2009 and celebrate the grid, instead of trying to be what is not...

I thought that the system was stacked against newcomers 9 years ago, when I suggested my 'welfare for noobs' scheme (let's not set off a troll alert again on that score! 'Forum Cartel' - RIP and good riddance). But looking at how things are now, I'd say they were good times.

Get back to what you know, not what you think you know.

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1 hour ago, Rya Nitely said:

 So, Phil was defending him with his posts, and at his own expense, because he had nothing to gain but something to lose as shown by the lack of support he got, and even being called out on it by Love. He was being altruistic. 

Knowing Phil, I'm pretty sure you totally misunderstood his motives.  He was really arguing the language and not specifically sticking up for anyone.

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36 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Knowing Phil, I'm pretty sure you totally misunderstood his motives.  He was really arguing the language and not specifically sticking up for anyone.

Then you are completely wrong. My posts actually show it. You don't know me as well as you think you do, but you could if you didn't read with biased eyes ;)

Edited by Phil Deakins
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1 hour ago, Rya Nitely said:

Ok, so that post by Pamela I didn't like it either, and I felt that the 6 foot guy was being put down unnecessarily. And the way he reacted to the post suggested that he felt the put down. I believe Phil saw this too, as he reacted in much the same way I would have wanted to  it was that power thing that Luna was talking about in another thread. Pamela had the power, being well known and popular, and the guy is newish in comparison. So, Phil was defending him with his posts, and at his own expense, because he had nothing to gain but something to lose as shown by the lack of support he got, and even being called out on it by Love. He was being altruistic.

Well here's how I interpret the conflict:

JJack said:
 "Male 5'9" ?! Never !!! I am proud of my RL 6'2" ! Want me to be 5'9" in SL, you want me to be a midget ?! The hell with that !"

And so Pamela gave him a little slapback since she didn't like him insulting shorter people. 'Midget', though an accurate discription of short people in Medieval times, is seen as an insult today. And so she asserted her values...that she thinks it's better to be proud of what one achieves rather than be proud of the way one pops out of the womb, basically. I don't see her as suddenly criticizing someone out of the blue at all.
BTW, Pamela never said one could NOT be proud of characteristics not based on merit...she only said this is her ethical system. So not sure why Phil felt the need to come in with his definitions.

Anyway, I see your valid concern with the fact that Jjack is newer with only 29 posts, but I also take into consideration that he seems confident in asserting his position here, in fact perhaps overly so. And so in such cases for me that can take precendence over newness in how I tailor my response.

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13 hours ago, PhantomPixel said:

Troll : One who seeks to gain a reaction from an individual or group of people. I dont believe I did that.

The insult troll is a pure hater, plain and simple. And they don't even really have to have a reason to hate or insult someone. These types of trolls will often pick on everyone and anyone – calling them names, accusing them of certain things, doing anything they can to get a negative emotional response from them – just because they can. In many cases, this type of trolling can become so severe that it can lead to or be considered a serious form of cyberbullying.

source: https://www.lifewire.com/types-of-internet-trolls-3485894

While you may not be a pure hater, you were definitely calling names. Having taught many students with autism and having a nephew with severe autism, I find this statement extremely hurtful and unkind. Perhaps a little sensitivity training is in order.

Edited by Blush Bravin
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22 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Well here's how I interpret the conflict:

JJack said:
 "Male 5'9" ?! Never !!! I am proud of my RL 6'2" ! Want me to be 5'9" in SL, you want me to be a midget ?! The hell with that !"

And so Pamela gave him a little slapback since she didn't like him insulting shorter people. 'Midget', though an accurate discription of short people in Medieval times, is seen as an insult today. And so she asserted her values...that she thinks it's better to be proud of what one achieves rather than be proud of the way one pops out of the womb, basically. I don't see her as suddenly criticizing someone out of the blue at all.
BTW, Pamela never said one could NOT be proud of characteristics not based on merit...she only said this is her ethical system. So not sure why Phil felt the need to come in with his definitions.

Anyway, I see your valid concern with the fact that Jjack is newer with only 29 posts, but I also take into consideration that he seems confident in asserting his position here, in fact perhaps overly so. And so in such cases for me that can take precendence over newness in how I tailor my response.

Just to make it absolutely clear, since a couple of people are making incorrect guesses, I thought it was wrong of Pamela to judge someone by suggesting that the only things he has to be proud of are things over which he has no control.

That's all there was to it.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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6 minutes ago, Magnek Fang said:

Whoa, that escalated quickly.

Anyways, what I'd like to see? In-world texture painting. I tried making handwraps that one time, it took me 6 times to get it to look vaguely like handwraps (thank gods for texture previews).

In the FS viewer, perhaps others I don't use those, you can use local textures. I love that because I can see real time changes to the texture on whatever I've applied it to each time I make a change and save the change in Gimp, or whatever photo imagining software you use.

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1 hour ago, Blush Bravin said:

While you may not be a pure hater, you were definitely calling names. Having taught many students with autism and having a nephew with severe autism, I

I too have taught students who struggled being differently abled, such as kids on the spectrum, and with severe physical disabilities. How cloddish does one have to be to insult them — And to take credit for not being one of them?

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14 hours ago, PhantomPixel said:

Were you not around when SL had clouds?. They weren't animated mesh floaty things you know, it was a full on cloud mist that was around 500m upwards and extended for maybe another few hundred more. It was seriously neat. Plus whats wrong exactly with a weather system. I know lets just stay static and never progress in anything and remain stagnant. I created a village once inside the cloud and it was like having literal mist moving around you, something I have yet to see from windlight.


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The same thing happened to the guy who started this thread. He got lynched because some people with doubtful motive, use everything they can to amplify it into drama. I don't come often here but i noticed there is a strong little clique of the same people spending their life in this forum, con"troll"ing the debates with emotivism, consolidating their pseudo virtuous position with emoticons of their likemind. I don't really care about it because you can add up as much "LIKE" you want, it doesn't make the argument true. Like you can see with my agressor always trying to justify he is not wrong, always quotting "no i am right, no i am right, when some other people telling he wasn't so right. Some people have over inflated ego and its a waste of time arguing with them. They are rabid dogs.


Thank to the people who spoke on my behalf, i appreciate it. I did my own reply but got deleted and got my first warning ;)

What worry me the most is how weak people become in the 21th century, no wonder why Clint Eastwood call it the "***** generation". I walked among men and i am very proud of it. Very proud not to be so weak and neurotic as those people are.

The main lesson i learn from this thread, never apologize to rabid dogs, they do not know the value of an apology. But its also ok, that the way we can spot those pseudo virtuous people, since themsleve are not capable of apology, they will hang to their "pseudo rightous" argument even when proven wrong. But then, we can see their true face.

Sorry for my english, it is not my main language so its useless trying to correct me in this forum.

Its terrible to see how a simple innocent comment can drive the main topic far far away because of a single or an handful of people with mental issue.

Edited by JJack Montreal
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4 minutes ago, JJack Montreal said:

The same thing happened to the guy who started this thread. He got lynched because some people with doubtful motive, use everything they can to amplify it into drama. I don't come often here but i noticed there is a strong little clique of the same people spending their life in this forum, con"troll"ing the debates with emotivism, consolidating their pseudo virtuous position with emoticons of their likemind. I don't really care about it because you can add up as much "LIKE" you want, it doesn't make the argument true. Like you can see with my agressor always trying to justify he is not wrong, always quotting "no i am right, no i am right, when some other people telling he wasn't so right. Some people have over inflated ego and its a waste of time arguing with them. They are rabid dogs.


Thank to the people who spoke on my behalf, i appreciate it. I did my own reply but got deleted and got my first warning ;)

What worry me the most is how weak people become in the 21th century, no wonder why Clint Eastwood call it the "***** generation". I walked among men and i am very proud of it. Very proud not to be so weak and neurotic as those people are.

The main lesson i learn from this thread, never apologize to rabid dogs, they do not know the value of an apology. But its also ok, that the way we can spot those pseudo virtuous people, since themsleve are not capable of apology, they will hang to their "pseudo rightous" argument even when proven wrong. But then, we can see their true face.

Sorry for my english, it is not my main language so its useless trying to correct me in this forum.

Your English is not so bad!

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I would update the 'classic' avatar system to give smoother joints etc.  I'd also introduce more sliders so that people could alter the basic stance of their avatar.  For example, if you want a really fat avatar, you could set the arms so they hang further out from the body.  

A land rental option that is integral with the LL land purchase system, which would do away with third party rent boxes.

A mesh building system that's either in-world (ideally) or off-grid but easy to learn and optimised for SL.

Edited by Conifer Dada
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1 hour ago, JJack Montreal said:


What worry me the most is how weak people become in the 21th century, no wonder why Clint Eastwood call it the "***** generation". I walked among men and i am very proud of it. Very proud not to be so weak and neurotic as those people are.

The main lesson i learn from this thread, never apologize to rabid dogs, they do not know the value of an apology. But its also ok, that the way we can spot those pseudo virtuous people, since themsleve are not capable of apology, they will hang to their "pseudo rightous" argument even when proven wrong. But then, we can see their true face.

Its terrible to see how a simple innocent comment can drive the main topic far far away because of a single or an handful of people with mental issue.

Perhaps you should apologize, JJack, for referring to a short person in a derogatory way. Even if English is not your native tongue, and you were not aware that 'midget' is a derogatory way to refer to a short person, it doesn't hurt to say "oh sorry, I didn't know that was an insult".

You call this a 'weakness'..this effort to help the disadvantaged to have equal rights, and call those who speak up for them neurotic. Maybe you're the weak one...not being able to cope with the fact that you, as a straight white male, is now not getting the ability to continue calling the shots and taking all the power. Isn't that why this group of the so-called 'strong' people felt the need to develop an insulting label for those who want some power too....and begain calling those who demand rights too a "social justice warrior".

Yes, there is such a thing as a 'social justice warrior'....a person who doesn't really care about the disadvantaged people they are supposedly defending, and behaving in this way so they can feel virtuous and superior. But I don't see it here. I see teachers who dealt with autistic individuals and kids most likely being called names like 'midget', and they and have sympathy for these oppressed groups, and don't want to see them insulted in public. And myself, I've worked with autistic people before in a community home, and my daughter is still working with students with learning disabilities, many of them autistic. I went to school for Social Work and studied the various problems certain groups have in society and how we can help them.

In other words, be careful who you call a social justic warrior, accusing them of being pseudo-virtuous and neurotic, because there are actually real people who care and don't like seeing vulnerable people trashed in public....especially people who were simply born with whatever disability or difficulties they have.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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