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Why Are Nicks Allowed on the Forums?

Prokofy Neva

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11 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

My point is that we cannot create just a forum account which does not have corresponding inworld account. We must create the normal Second Life account; and we use that account inworld and in the forums. Just now I created new account just to see does it have inworld profile without logging in. It does.


Oops, I was wrong. Thank you!

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1 hour ago, Coby Foden said:

My point is that we cannot create just a forum account which does not have corresponding inworld account. We must create the normal Second Life account; and we use that account inworld and in the forums. Just now I created new account just to see does it have inworld profile without logging in. It does.



However, for the testing account that I just created (and did not log in with), I went into the web profile and set the privacy so that nobody except friends could see anything.  I then checked and using the SL Viewer, which only uses web profiles, the avatar did not show in search.  In Firestorm, the person shows under the Legacy People search, but not via the Websearch.

Prok uses SL Viewer only.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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2 minutes ago, Fionalein said:

but doesn't prok use the vanilla SL viewer - which has web profiles now ?

Yep - and the web profile is the one that did NOT show show me the profile of the test alt account that I created.  The only way to see the profile of that new account is to use a viewer that shows the Legacy People search for profiles (and that would not be the SL viewer)

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

However, for the testing account that I just created (and did not log in with), I went into the web profile and set the privacy so that nobody except friends could see anything.  I then checked and using the SL Viewer, which only uses web profiles, the avatar did not show in search.  In Firestorm, the person shows under the Legacy People search, but not via the Websearch.

It's not even necessary to set those privacy settings for new account which has never logged inworld. Just like my new CeciliaLorenzo account, not logged inworld, no privacy settings have been set and it does not show in the inworld web search. Only Firestorm legacy search will find the profile. Perhaps it's so that it will show in the inworld web search only after the account has logged once inworld?



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24 minutes ago, Coby Foden said:

It's not even necessary to set those privacy settings for new account which has never logged inworld. Just like my new CeciliaLorenzo account, not logged inworld, no privacy settings have been set and it does not show in the inworld web search. Only Firestorm legacy search will find the profile. Perhaps it's so that it will show in the inworld web search only after the account has logged once inworld?



Interesting - Going to the actual web profile page via a browser showed me my alt's profile before I changed the settings.   

And yours shows via a browser also - https://my.secondlife.com/CeciliaLorenzo



I would have expected the Firestorm websearch to show what the browser shows.



Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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28 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I would have expected the Firestorm websearch to show what the browser shows.

Hmm... maybe Linden Lab should rethink what shows where and when, and how to make everything showing the same things. :S
It appears that things are not consistent all over the places. "You can see something here, but hey, you cannot see the same thing there." xD

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1 hour ago, Coby Foden said:

It's not even necessary to set those privacy settings for new account which has never logged inworld. Just like my new CeciliaLorenzo account, not logged inworld, no privacy settings have been set and it does not show in the inworld web search. Only Firestorm legacy search will find the profile. Perhaps it's so that it will show in the inworld web search only after the account has logged once inworld?


I believe (although I could be wrong) it takes a certain amount of time for the web search to show a new account regardless of settings. It's similar to how the in-world map isn't updated instantly.

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@Coby Foden Once again, then you can't account for how people right in this thread have nicks on the forums but no avatar inworld visible, in any kind of inworld or outworld search of any kind. Try them and you'll see. Once again, these distinctions but legacy blah blah are about INWORLD and I'm talking about simple GOOGLE.

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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22 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:

Some people are so full of bitterness and hatred that even posting on their main avatars doesn't stop their vitriolic diatribe.

When it comes down to this forum, the main offender in the category you wish to ban is the token Trumpette we suffer with, the one who loves to post their off-topic, anti-lefist dross into any thread they can. They have even admitted to using that nick to avoid an in-world ban.

Wow you'd ban me for not parroting the leftist group think that is required from everyone in this country to avoid being denounced as a "hater"?

Free speech isn't dead, but it's on life support, and it's probably terminal.

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I really see more smoke than fire with this


You talk about harassers and trolls yet you dont realise just how easy is for them to use an alt to do such if they dont wanna use their real nick


so i really fail to see just what exactly your suggestion is meant to solved other than giving fuel to primitive "mob justice" systems

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You have had multiple users explain how the search system works, how the forum system/software works ... and yet you keep yammering on, trying to move the goalposts and pretending not to understand what you are being told.

If someone is posting in the forum, the name being used is an actual Second Life account name - period, no exceptions. Not everyone can be searched - Linden Lab web based, legacy search or Google - period. 

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15 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Lindens link forums speech with removal of inworld property when they wish; but they allow decoupling of forums speech from any consequence whatsoever in the inworld community. That's wrong.

People can and have been banned in world for forum speech. The "red-haired, rabbit-eared girl" with the southern-USA-like first name comes to mind. A thread over on the other SL forums went and elucidated the reason for that ban, it was justified.

So, I am not sure how you claim "they allow decoupling of forums speech from any consequence whatsoever in the inworld community"

They don't. If someone acts up here then there can be a consequence in-world.

However, that bar is set pretty high from what we learnt. Harrasment by putting reactions to someone's post is a venial sin in our Linden God's eyes, while engaging in alt-reich hate-speech would cause it.

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7 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

@Coby Foden Once again, then you can't account for how people right in this thread have nicks on the forums but no avatar inworld visible, in any kind of inworld or outworld search of any kind. Try them and you'll see. Once again, these distinctions but legacy blah blah are about INWORLD and I'm talking about simple GOOGLE.

I already explained why many people's Second Life information won't show up in Google. Admittedly, in the post of yours that I was replying to you said "you can't explain..."

It's perfectly accurate to say that someone "can't explain" something to a person who won't listen.

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8 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

@Coby Foden Once again, then you can't account for how people right in this thread have nicks on the forums but no avatar inworld visible, in any kind of inworld or outworld search of any kind. Try them and you'll see. Once again, these distinctions but legacy blah blah are about INWORLD and I'm talking about simple GOOGLE.

In your op, you wrote, "It's not that people have let their old account lapse inworld and still chat on the forums; it's that names are used that have no equivalent inworld." That is a plain and clear statement. There is no mention of Google anywhere in your op. Instead, you wrote "inworld", so that's what you must have meant. Several people here, including me, have proved that your statement is wrong. Accept it. Claiming that you meant they can't be found in Google doesn't work, because you'd have said that if it's what you meant. Heck you didn't even mention search. You said "no equivalent inworld", and you were wrong.

I find it quite astonishing that, after all the evidence that all accounts have equivalents inworld, you can write that. You say "people right in this thread have nicks on the forums but no avatar inworld visible" and "Try them and you'll see". You need to name at least one of them. The only one that's had a mention is Phorumities, and s/he shows up inworld. So give us a name please.

The bottom line is that nobody has an account name here in the forum without having an inworld equivalent. You were wrong.

Incidentally, when you search for an account, use the SL search and not Google. LL does not employ Google to keep a database of SL accounts.

ETA: To post in this forum, you have to have an SL account. If you have an SL account, you show up inworld, and, therefore, have an equivalent inworld, regardless of whether or not you've ever logged into SL. It's as clear-cut as that.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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5 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

You have had multiple users explain how the search system works, how the forum system/software works ... and yet you keep yammering on, trying to move the goalposts and pretending not to understand what you are being told.

If someone is posting in the forum, the name being used is an actual Second Life account name - period, no exceptions. Not everyone can be searched - Linden Lab web based, legacy search or Google - period. 

Exactly. I myself used to post on the forums using a different second life account. I retired from posting in the forums, but missed everyone so much  I decided to come back. Of course LL knows who my main is, I log in to the second life website on my main, then bring up the forums and I'm logged in on this account.

Everyone will be pleased to know that since I returned, I have received only one informal notice warning me about arguing with people, and that was after I reported another persons post for harassment, and they decided to remove both our posts.

This is a free open forum. As long as I obey the TOS, I'm free to post on any topic I wish, and make any replies I wish. 

Unfortunately, lots of people love to cry TROLL when you disagree with them.

I'm sure some here wish this was solely a forum for leftist sycophants, but like I said freedom of speech is not dead so I'll continue to post about the evils of socialism, and our glorious revival under the hope and change I was waiting for, President Trump.

Instead of people whining butthurt to LL because they don't like what I write, they should do what they are told to do inworld, mute, ignore, move on, and everyone will be happier.

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9 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

@Coby Foden Once again, then you can't account for how people right in this thread have nicks on the forums but no avatar inworld visible, in any kind of inworld or outworld search of any kind. Try them and you'll see. Once again, these distinctions but legacy blah blah are about INWORLD and I'm talking about simple GOOGLE.

Wrong! You were not talking about people having nicknames in the forum but "no avatar inworld visible", or about "simple GOOGLE". Read your op again and remind yourself what you were talking about. You were talking about "no equivalent inworld", not "no avatar inworld visible".

(1) You actually believed that nicknames (not alts) are allowed in this forum, and that we can't relate them to any SL avatar (inworld equivalent). We've shown you that that is not true. And they are all visible inworld anyway.

(2) You weren't talking about any kind of search - not web search, not legacy search, and not "simple GOOGLE". We brought search up, because that's where you can find the inworld equivalents for all names that are used in the forum.

Your were mistaken in your op. You need to accept it, instead of beating about the bush, trying to find something to cling on to.

Edited by Phil Deakins
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8 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

@Coby Foden Once again, then you can't account for how people right in this thread have nicks on the forums but no avatar inworld visible, in any kind of inworld or outworld search of any kind. Try them and you'll see. Once again, these distinctions but legacy blah blah are about INWORLD and I'm talking about simple GOOGLE.

Google does not know everything what there is to know.
The proven fact is that anybody who posts in these forums will have an avatar account inworld with the same name what is used in the forums.
That account's inworld profile can be found immediately after the account has been created (but not with 'simple Google').

There are no "nicknames" in the forums. Forum poster's name is exactly the same as their avatar's name is.
If a person has many accounts (often referred to as "alts") naturally they can post in the forums with any account what they have.
But those alternative accounts are not "nicks", each one will have inworld profile and an avatar.

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I'm wondering if the OP has made the same mistake that I used to make, and that I've seen others make here. I used to misread the name Phorumities as Phorumites, not realising that it has an i near the end. And I've seen it written as Phorumites in posts. Searching for Phorumites brings nothing up. I wonder if the OP did that and jumped to the wrong conclusion.

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20 hours ago, Prokofy Neva said:

@Wulfie Reanimator Yes, I don't think the Lindens have trouble tracking miscreants but another effect occurs -- that people's mouthing off on the forums is not tied to any inworld reputation and that's a negative. That's what matters. And we don't know how much LL really follows up on the capacity they seemingly have.

I don't think that's a realistic expectation even for people who do use their main accounts to post on the forum.

The userbase here is a fraction of the amount of people who go in-world. More so, the majority of the people who do post here, do it rarely, or they do it only occasionally and in their niche subforum.

The regulars of the forum who read and post all over are a fraction of a fraction, but even then I don't think their forum rep (and I don't mean points, I mean social reputation) has any effect on them in-world unless they happen to hang around the same places as whoever they have a negative rep with, which is relatively unlikely.

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I get what Prok is saying about someone making an alt to post to the forums and that alt not really being present in-world. What I don't get is why does it matter. Shouldn't we be grown up enough to not want to exact some kind of revenge on someone in-world just because we don't like what they are saying in the forums. Personally I think it's a shame that some feel as though they must make an alt to post on the forums. Life would be pretty boring if we all had the same opinions. Why can't we just respect each other and agree to disagree?

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8 minutes ago, Blush Bravin said:

Why can't we just respect each other

Because respect is earned?

This thread... Comes from somebody who once publicly accused me of being a 'dummy account' because she couldn't find me with search in the SL Inferiority Viewer (largely because I set privacy settings to avoid being spammed by people).

I responded to that accusation by pointing out that not only do I have a feed on my.secondlife.com, but that the feed has SNAPSHOTS, that can only be uploaded by TAKING THEM INWORLD.

I pointed out that the thread creator had made them selves look like a clueless buffoon.

I don't and will not respect such a person, nor yet another of their Storm-in-a-Tea-Thimble threads about how there's a vast LL organised conspiracy of Demopublican Voting Techno-Commie Griefer Coppybotter Alts out to get her, and thus end civilisation as we know it...

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2 hours ago, Blush Bravin said:

I get what Prok is saying about someone making an alt to post to the forums and that alt not really being present in-world. What I don't get is why does it matter. Shouldn't we be grown up enough to not want to exact some kind of revenge on someone in-world just because we don't like what they are saying in the forums. Personally I think it's a shame that some feel as though they must make an alt to post on the forums. Life would be pretty boring if we all had the same opinions. Why can't we just respect each other and agree to disagree?

She wasn't saying that. She thought that nicknames were being used in the forum, and that they cannot be related to any avatar/account inworld. She was wrong. She may have incorrectly used the word 'nick' (nickname) when actually thinking of alts, but it doesn't make any difference, since there are no avatar names in the forum that can't be found inworld.

I agree with you about "why does it matter". It's difficult to come up with a reason, but, since it's not true, the question doesn't arise. My guess is that the op wanted to find out about someone who had been negative to her in the forum, but she didn't know how to do it.

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