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Breedables - Yea or Nay?

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Anyone know if the Fawn market is healthy? Might get into them.


I've had Meero and Fennux on a large scale before as well as those house cats (not kittycats) that went through an owner change and I think are now called Stray Cats or something like that?

Either way, to me it was so much fun to breed them and hope for a good offspring, there was nothing better to log in and see five new babies and checking their stats and auctioning them or selling them on one of the breedable market sims after figuring out their value.

The sheer joy when an offspring was rare and you knew you could make a couple thousand with it. Or breed it further!
I made quite a bit of Linden, too. Enough to cover the rent for land and new pets as well as to have extra. One of my cats once sold for 18.000 Linden and that's nothing compared to some people selling Meeroo's for 100.000+ Linden back in their hayday when a new trait was discovered (I distinctly remember the Long Ears trait going for insane amounts).

All three breedables were profitable and I am wondering if now, years later they could still be? At least to cover the cost of food/land? Anyone got any overview? I am highly interested to get back into a breedable on a small scale again but not really if you can't sell anything, being able to do auctions/sales is part of the fun.


I know Amaretto Horses are still popular what about the others market wise? KittyCats? Fawns? Is there a new breedable that's come out over the past years that's super popular that I haven't named yet? I do know Fennux crashed hard as did the StrayCats. Meeroo's seem quite out of fashion too but to which extend?

Any breedable lover is more than welcome to directly contact me in world to talk about anything breedables!

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12 hours ago, MegaRose said:

I've considered getting into breedables, I even have some unopened KittyCatS from the SLB14 event gifts, but there's always ONE thing that stops me.  Either I'm researching in the wrong places, or nobody actually wants to tell you what happens when you don't feed your cats.  Do they just stop breeding, or is there a death state?  What would death even look like in an SL breedable?  They can't force delete an object from your inventory, can they?

I don't want to get invested in something if it's gonna trap me.

Please see the response to LittleMe below.

11 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

If you don't feed the animal, it dies.  However, I think the clock only ticks when the animal is rezzed.  Thus it won't die in inventory.  Since I've never played the 'breedables' thing, I'm not totally sure on that.  Anytime I rez a gift of any sort that ends up being a breedable, I promptly delete the item. 

It depends on the breedable: KittyCatS do not die and many of their special release Cats are already PermaPets. From what I have seen, much the same can be said of the pet makers that have released a Firestorm related pet.

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2 hours ago, Solar Legion said:

It depends on the breedable: KittyCatS do not die and many of their special release Cats are already PermaPets. From what I have seen, much the same can be said of the pet makers that have released a Firestorm related pet.

So the KittyCats don't have to be fed and won't die?  I thought that was part of what made them a breedable.  I mean, if you don't have to feed it and such, is it still a breedable?

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10 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

So the KittyCats don't have to be fed and won't die?  I thought that was part of what made them a breedable.  I mean, if you don't have to feed it and such, is it still a breedable?

All the feeding does is keep up their energy and allow them to breed. The most that happens if you don't feed a PermaPetted one is that they become 'sick'.

The PermaPetted ones cannot be bred.

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2 minutes ago, Solar Legion said:

All the feeding does is keep up their energy and allow them to breed. The most that happens if you don't feed a PermaPetted one is that they become 'sick'.

The PermaPetted ones cannot be bred.

Well, a sick pet doesn't sound too thrilling to me either, so I think I'll stick with something else.

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I breed KittyCats off and on because they're cute and it can be fun to try for different color combinations. I've never had more than two pairs at the same time though, and I don't have any rezzed right now. The food costs add up fast.

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Thanks to everyone who has clarified some of the breedable logistics for me. I have a long history of getting waaaay too involved in virtual pets so the prospect of having some in second life has been both a positive and a negative appeal for me. I've been considering buying land, but I'm not committed yet and knowing that at least kittycats won't die if I rez them and leave for a while is a relief. 

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  • 1 month later...

I say "yay!". Because honestly, if you have nothing better to do, then why not? When I'm not working I love coming onto SL.

When I first found SL I was looking for some fishing places, then came across a LE Fennux, it was reasonably priced and I thought it was adorable, so I had to get it (it was already petted too, so it didn't need food at least.)

That account is long gone, so unfortunately I don't have that Fennux anymore. However during my adventures I've collected new ones and began breeding them. It can be quite fun and they are still worth quite a bit depending on traits. One of mine sold for 400L at an auction. If you work hard at breeding them, you can end up making good profit, but it's better to breed them for fun mostly. The only costly thing to worry about is land and food costs. xD

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I'll vote nay.  I have neither the time nor the inclination to actually breed and sell them, so there's no point. I have a normal non-breeding mesh cat that doesn't need feeding and has no maintenance cost. 

I did actually look at the Wild Kajaera tigers, because I want a pet tiger, but when I actually went to see some I didn't like the way they looked. So I guess I'll get a normal non-breeding one of those too.

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Back in the days there used to be  a region dedicated to some simple life-type creatures, there was plants that had would shoot spores and new plants would sprout from those spores, i supposed it's some kind of breedable, but it wasn't really a money scheme, just a fun experiment.

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I bred meeroos for a while.  But they cost a lot in food, and I couldn't figure out the genetics - which was what interested me.  So in the end I closed it down and just keep two favourites as MeePets (free food, no offspring).

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3 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

Back in the days there used to be  a region dedicated to some simple life-type creatures, there was plants that had would shoot spores and new plants would sprout from those spores, i supposed it's some kind of breedable, but it wasn't really a money scheme, just a fun experiment.

Svargo, and they are still growing today.

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There absolutely NOTHING wrong with Breedables..


... That can't be fixed by stripping the Breeder naked, dragging them into the street, hand cuffing them to a streetlight and then...

Publicly flogging them with Razor Wire  as an example to the others...

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On 5/23/2018 at 6:42 PM, Dillon Levenque said:


As it happens I saw something on the Marketplace today I didn't know existed: breedable PLANTS! Seriously. Potted plants that interact with you (creepy, n'est pas?). They will IM you when they need watering. Yikes.

I know I've mentioned this in the past, but did you ever see the breedable shoes? Yes, you read that correctly, SHOES. That was a few years ago. The creator was an acquaintance, and tried to get me to invest. Weird, just weird, lol! 

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