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Maitreya vs Belleza body

Audrey Obelyn

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I have both, plus an Altamura freebie. I got the Altamura first, and liked it pretty well, but then switched to the Belleza Venus because I wasn't finding that many clothes for the Altamura. There *are* a lot, but I think I came upon a designer I really liked, and they only had Belleza and Maitreya versions of their stuff.

Then I went through the same thing with Belleza. I REALLY REALLY liked another designer, who didn't make Belleza versions, only Maitreya, and I kept having the experience of finding versions of outfits for Belleza Freya and Isis, but not Venus. So I got the Maitreya.

One thing great about all three bodies is that they come with feet. You don't have to buy them extra.

Honestly, I think the best looking body is the Slink Hourglass, but again it's the availability of clothes.

Since I got the Maitreya, I don't think about getting another body, because it's beautiful, and there are so many clothes and shoes for it.

Belleza is nice too, but I don't think its curves are as smooth. And its alpha thingy is hard to use. I often was clicking and clicking and having the wrong part of me disappear.

But honestly, I'd look at the clothes and shoes you like best and see which bodies they're made for, and then decide.

Edited by kershe
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2 hours ago, Audrey Obelyn said:

Maitreya vs Belleza body.. which one is better?

Whichever one you prefer :)

'Best' is subjective, depending on what's being judged about it. Quality of the body itself? Ease of use? Features of the HUD? Most clothes made for it? Etc.

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Skell is right, I really don't get the obsession about trying to figure out what is best. We all have different tastes , desires, thoughts, and so what might be best for me, isn't going to be best for someone else. 

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1 hour ago, Skell Dagger said:

Whichever one you prefer :)

'Best' is subjective, depending on what's being judged about it. Quality of the body itself? Ease of use? Features of the HUD? Most clothes made for it? Etc.

What Skell said.

I have both bodies, and got my Belleza when it included all three.

I prefer the Belleza, but the Maitreya has a lot better alpha slots IMO and the Bento hands!

I can always find clothes ok, but my favourite designer creates for Belleza so it's not a problem

With Belleza, I prefer the breasts to Maitreya's, and the general look

I think you just need to get Demos of them all, think about what you want & then you'll know!

Both are nice bodies, but there're lots more out there too and maybe one of those would suit you more?

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18 hours ago, kershe said:

I have both, plus an Altamura freebie. I got the Altamura first, and liked it pretty well, but then switched to the Belleza Venus because I wasn't finding that many clothes for the Altamura. There *are* a lot, but I think I came upon a designer I really liked, and they only had Belleza and Maitreya versions of their stuff.

Then I went through the same thing with Belleza. I REALLY REALLY liked another designer, who didn't make Belleza versions, only Maitreya, and I kept having the experience of finding versions of outfits for Belleza Freya and Isis, but not Venus. So I got the Maitreya.

One thing great about all three bodies is that they come with feet. You don't have to buy them extra.

Honestly, I think the best looking body is the Slink Hourglass, but again it's the availability of clothes.

Since I got the Maitreya, I don't think about getting another body, because it's beautiful, and there are so many clothes and shoes for it.

Belleza is nice too, but I don't think its curves are as smooth. And its alpha thingy is hard to use. I often was clicking and clicking and having the wrong part of me disappear.

But honestly, I'd look at the clothes and shoes you like best and see which bodies they're made for, and then decide.

Thank you kershe for your nice and detailed  response :) I understood what you meant with changing (switching) bodys depending on a style (designers) you like. I agree with you about the feet. Thank you for telling me about that Belleza detail, the curves aren't as smooth, that is good to know, and about that alpha thing :)

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15 hours ago, Skell Dagger said:

Whichever one you prefer :)

'Best' is subjective, depending on what's being judged about it. Quality of the body itself? Ease of use? Features of the HUD? Most clothes made for it? Etc.

Yes I agree Skell, but I just like to hear other people opinion, the people that were using both know :) Also I agree is a subjective thing, and of course quality is important, but I have no doubt  that both designers are paying attention to that :) but you know its always good to hear opinions, just to be sure ;)

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15 hours ago, Talligurl said:

Skell is right, I really don't get the obsession about trying to figure out what is best. We all have different tastes , desires, thoughts, and so what might be best for me, isn't going to be best for someone else. 

No no im not obsessing :D im just asking a simple question :P

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14 hours ago, Liana Wildmist said:

What Skell said.

I have both bodies, and got my Belleza when it included all three.

I prefer the Belleza, but the Maitreya has a lot better alpha slots IMO and the Bento hands!

I can always find clothes ok, but my favourite designer creates for Belleza so it's not a problem

With Belleza, I prefer the breasts to Maitreya's, and the general look

I think you just need to get Demos of them all, think about what you want & then you'll know!

Both are nice bodies, but there're lots more out there too and maybe one of those would suit you more?

Ok thats good to know about the alpha slots (im still learning), thank you. I just heard from a friend that she didn't like the back and the shoulders of the Maitreya body, also she sad that the nipples were to up pointy xD but i don't think i will mind that lol

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Both bodies are well supported the thing i think you need to consider more than the actual body is the HUD - how easy it is to use and what the skin options are like if your current skin doesn't have an applier, you will be using the HUD a lot. when i went mesh i demoed all the well supported bodies and decided on Maitreya what clinched it for me was i liked the HUD ease of use and more importantly the skin options it was the only body HUD that would colour match with my previous skin. The issue i have with Belleza is the three bodies not all creators that do Belleza create for all three bodies so you need to research if your favourite fashion brands do the body you're planning on getting


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12 hours ago, Audrey Obelyn said:

I just heard from a friend that she didn't like the back and the shoulders of the Maitreya body, also she sad that the nipples were to up pointy xD but i don't think i will mind that lol

Belleza does have more option with s3 bodies and each body having 3 breast positions.  That's a big selling point to many.

It is also commonly mentioned that the Maitreya breasts will start to deform at a slider positions less than 35 while Belleza will remain well shaped all the way to zero.  This is true, but Belleza breasts at 0 are still bigger than Maitreya at 35.

I wear Maitreya.  It is best for me.  For the vast majority of residents, they won't know who is wearing Lara, Venus, Hourglass Curvey or any other well made mesh body without doing some serious perving and comparing.  Anyone will make a fine looking avatar.  Pick the one that has the features YOU want.

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Personally I like Belleza Freya, I changed from Maitreya after years of loyalty, but as I like curves the look on Maitreya breasts when it was on a high slider bugged me constantly and also how the shape sinks into the body when you lower the slider too much like Rhonda said up here /\.

So far I'm in love with Belleza, but I did have to buy vista hands to go with it, I do have slink dynamic hands for some years but the shape is not as cute and delicate as vista hands.

Belleza also offer the 3 breast shapes, like Rhonda also said, but so far I saw only one creator making clothes for them (Sweet Things). I actually think Belleza is way more soft in curves than Maitreya and it allow me to have a plump shape without it looking like I stuffed balloons in my breasts (which is the result I got when trying Hour Glass).

The struggle for clothing is true, but not absurd, there are several creators that make for Maitreya only and it is really sad but the best thing you can do is contact them and suggest they make clothes for your body as well. Lucky enough the big creators make for clothes for the big 3 (slink, belleza, maitreya) so you still have a huge variety of shops to buy from.

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I’m more partial to Belleza, to be honest. I have all three: Maitreya, Slink and Belleza. I’ve worn them all for an extended time, starting with Maitreya. 

In my opinion Maitreya looks nice in a certain range. Once you pass a certain point it doesn’t look right. There’s some shoulder issues too. It has bento hands though. It just...it’s meh to me. It’s generic...in my opinion. The best thing about it is, it’s a complete body. Hands, feet, you get the whole thing.

Slink Hourglass is also nice. It does curvy better than Maitreya does as the name implies. My issue with Hourglass are the feet. You have to take your feet off if you’re wearing heels, you have to take your feet off if you’re wearing flats. It’s annoying and I know you can save a flat footed outfit and a high heeled outfit. It’s just more convenient to click the button on the hud.

Belleza has been like....where have you been all my life and how did I miss you? It responds well to the shape sliders. You can be curvy, you can be slim. Aesthetically, it always looks great. It’s just really well done. I use Belleza Isis and I love it. The only flaw I see is bento hands don’t come with it. That’s the only real issue. You can wear Slink or Vista bento hands with it.

It really does depend on what you like and you’ll find fans of all three.

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Take a look at this:


- Screenshots there comparing the bosom of a number of mesh bodies. Belleza and Maitreya included.

I am strongly in favor of Belleza. I find Maitreya just looks weird. As noted above - it responds well across the whole range of shape dials.

Once you add in avatar physics the difference gets even more in favor of Belleza. Maitreya does not animate for the butt, and maybe also for the belly. And Maitreya animates 'weirdly' for the bosom is... once again, you dial too far from a baseline...

With Belleza I can dial my physics down to zero for tight clothes, and loosen it up as desired for varied clothing... and put the sliders all at full 100 for 'running around naked' - and it still works fine across the whole range.

It is still lacking bento hands... they are supposedly coming out "real soon now"... When they do they will likely be done vastly better than anyone else... that is the Belleza trend after all... but since they are not yet out... no one can guarantee on that.


My review of Belleza is a whole version behind...:


And I stopped in mid-planning for a Maitreya review when I starting finding so many flaws I knew I'd be in for a flame war if I posted it... (but I do still speak my mind on it often).

My opinion IS always open to change though. The above is actually my second Belleza review. The first one widely slammed the body back when it was new. One update later and they flipped everything around and have been top quality since.

I won't link it... but with a little checking you can find my flickr. I won't link it because I mostly post nude shots of my avatar. However for the past several years those have almost all been while wearing Belleza, and because they're mostly nudes you can see the body in a variety of poses and get an idea from there, perhaps, as to why I like it so much.



Edited by Pussycat Catnap
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My current order of preference is Belezza Isis, Slink HG and then Maitreya/Slink. I don't think any body is better than the others though. It just boils down to getting what you want. If you can't achieve a certain look with a certain mesh body then you simply don't choose it. If you want a really curvy body, then you can toss all the regular shaped bodies away. If you really want a certain skin that's only compatible with one body then your choice has been made. I think the best thing you can do is what I did when choosing between a multitude of Catwa head choices. I bought every head demo and tried to make the ideal face that I wanted on my avatar. I think it took me two or three nights of adjusting head shapes. Then I just whittled down my head choices to which I liked most and which I liked least and in the end I had only one obvious choice. So demo.. demo... demo. You can demo almost everything you need to create a full avatar. Try using demos to make your ideal fully dressed avatar and see which mesh body works best with all the other parts of the avatar. 

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The biggest perk with Maitreya is that it has great product support. I also like that her body also includes Bento hands. The HUDs' are IMO very comparable. I might give a slight advantage to Maitreya for her HUD being a tad more responsive and for the alpha pre-selects, but in general; both are easily to use and have most of the same features. When it comes down to the visual look of the body; I prefer Belleza. I don't like the way the butt and mid section look on Maitreya. I am also not a fan of how the shoulder blades look with small shoulders on her body. Support for Belleza is good, so there are definitely a lot of creators making content compatible with it.






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Better is entirely subjective, the only person who can answer that is you after you demo them, and decide for yourself which you like most.


Feature sets at this stage are all very similar, pricing isn't too different between setups given recent changes by places like slink.


I'm a fan of Maitreya, but then I've a very regular figure and I can still wear a lot of system S/M sizing on it.


I'm also wearing Maitreya for me and not for other people, so what they think of my proportions isn't my concern, what I think, is!

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On 3/18/2018 at 1:43 AM, Claireschen Hesten said:

Both bodies are well supported the thing i think you need to consider more than the actual body is the HUD - how easy it is to use and what the skin options are like if your current skin doesn't have an applier, you will be using the HUD a lot. when i went mesh i demoed all the well supported bodies and decided on Maitreya what clinched it for me was i liked the HUD ease of use and more importantly the skin options it was the only body HUD that would colour match with my previous skin. The issue i have with Belleza is the three bodies not all creators that do Belleza create for all three bodies so you need to research if your favourite fashion brands do the body you're planning on getting


Yes i like when the HUD is nice, also nice designed. I will have that in mind, the style of fashion i like and is it supported by a specific body.


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