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Why Isn't There a Combat Section in the Forums?

Parx Oran

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6 hours ago, Klytyna said:


1. If you go around calling your selves "SL Marine Corps" or "Centauri Stormtroopers" or "Solarian Armoured Space Wombles of Chaotic Doom"... That is "roleplay" bvecause you are NONE of those things. You might be at the extreme opposite end of the RP Spectrum from the equally irritating Elite Para Immersion Novella Writers of Ultimate Boredom, but it's STILL roleplay.

2. There are hundreds of subcultures in SL that outnumber the ePeener vs ePeener brigade by a factor of 10 or more, and basing demands for a subforum of their own based on "look how many people are in these two groups" will automatically put them back of the line behind those larger subcultures, who being 10 times more numerous and popular, will be 10 times more deserving

3. Spurious arguments about how OBVIOUSLY the SL grid was made specifically for them because theres an option for 'LL damage' built into the game engine, coupled with the "we were here first, my account stepped off Welcome Island 15 mins before Philip Linden clicked the new account Join button" attitude, doesn't help their case whatsoever, it just makes them look even more like narrow minded self entitled ePeen vs ePeen jerks

4. The whole "Oh noe! We don't RP because thats way to close to that icky ERP stuff, ewww, we're real gamers here not filthy weirdo-sexual furry bdsm ERPers, like all those deviants who don't ePeen vs ePeen", yeah that makes them look real good doesn't it

5. Automatically claiming that anyone who disagrees with their BS, and doesn't enjoy what they enjoy must be some person who "lost a fight once... hahahahahah" makes them seem so mature and well manners, yes?

6. ePeener vs ePeener fans have the same reputation on EVERY non ePeen vs ePeen based system online. "This place would just get 1000% better if the devs listened to us, gave us our own forum and made spawn camping noob gank compulsorary for everyone!" etc.

Over on STO, the ePeener vs ePeener advocates (all 5 of them) demanded that ePeen vs ePeen should be enabled by default for all new characters, with a hard to find opt out button in the config panel, and there was nothing wrong with the idea of Level 1 noobs being slaughtered on the Earth space Dock Transporter pad by Level 60's, the moment they arrived on their first non tutorial non-combat mission to collect their orders and new ship.

The reason given for this was that "any noob who dislikes being slaughtered 10 or 15 times in their first 10 mins in the game doesn't belong here anyway"...


Lets be realistic here, they are not the pre-eminent subculture in SL, never were, never will be, and are almost certainly back of the line for the "self entitled subforum of your own" waiting list, that LL ignore anyway.


So Call of Duty is a roleplay game because you aren't a trigger happy soldier IRL?

sorry, but the logic is broken. By that thinking, EVERYTHING IN EVERY GAME EVER is roleplay.

There is a difference between roles, and themes and you seem to have gotten them mixed up along the way.


I know this is difficult for you to grasp, but you are getting those definitions mixed up that I was talking about earlier.

Roleplay is acting as a character for the sake of pushing a fictional story forward or developing a character. In a lot of cases in SL, I've noticed people will roleplay as a version of themselves they wish they were IRL. This complicates it and blurs the lines.  This, however, is not the case for anybody in our community. In other combat sims at least, there is combat, then roleplay. 

I implore you to watch that video that I posted earlier and tell me where you spot examples of people acting as their avatars (that isn't for the sake of comedic value... it is chaos indivism after all)

Perhaps we can clear this up, and reach an understanding.


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On 12/4/2017 at 1:05 PM, Tommy Linden said:

Wow, you guys sure have discussed quite a bit around this topic, its great to see conversation taking place! That being said, here are my thoughts on the topic at hand;

If we made a sub-forum for every community, we would have sub-forum's, for days! If we made a sub-forum for even the most active communities, we would still have sub-forums, for days. We have quite a few large, and active communities. I believe that someone in the first page of this thread, gave the best advice on how to go about posting for your particular interest, and it would be the following:

- Games: to talk about combat games
- Events: to advertise specific combat games/event coming up
- Favorite Destinations: To give note to specific Combat sims

Some additional advice, you can start a thread in the General Discussion area, for just talking about Combat related stuff in Second Life, you can make it one massive, long running thread, similar to how Bay City does in the land section and they just post their stuff there. 

There are plenty of places, and ways to engage the combat focused community here on the forums, without the creation of an additional sub-forum.

While I definitely understand the concern, I do feel that a combat subforum would be that last piece this forum needs to have a home for every subject. The slippery slope argument is definitely a concern which I understand the gravity. Combat is done just as much as roleplay is, and the issue is more about the type of exposure roleplay sims get due to their special treatment with a subforum. I do think roleplay definitely deserves its own subject, however, combat is done just as much, and I feel has just as much.

Let me give you an example here.

If I wanted to talk about the benefits of using raycasted explosion grenades over using standard prim explosion and tie it in with the different groups that use raycasted vs non-raycasted, and then wanted input from the VICE sims on how they deal their explosive damage. That wouldn't go in favorite destinations, gaming, roleplay, or anything that currently exists. Matter of fact i'm confident it would get moved to the roleplay section if i were to post it anywhere.

If I wanted to make an instructional post on primjumping (the practice of moving to gain height advantages, some people call it prim parkour) and explain how imperative it is that everybody practice this before doing combat in SL, it'd get moved somewhere it gets misrepresented.

These types of conversations are incredibly common, and usually, people put a lot of weight into subjects like this. Not only is it important for these conversations to be moderated, and public to avoid escelation (things do get heated), but each post acts as a sort of exposure for their respective communities. I feel the game would expand if it had a more public face towards combat just as they do for RP.

     "if we made a subforum for every community"

I agree, however, 'combat' isn't a community just as 'roleplay' isn't a community. It is an activity that is widely participated in. Even in RP. Almost all activities (aside from the obvious) have some form of combat, and I think it's high time that activity has its own place to discuss. 


Thanks for taking the time to respond, I know you didn't have to ^^


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2 minutes ago, Parx Oran said:

If I wanted to talk about the benefits of using raycasted explosion grenades over using standard prim explosion and tie it in with the different groups that use raycasted vs non-raycasted, and then wanted input from the VICE sims on how they deal their explosive damage. That wouldn't go in favorite destinations, gaming, roleplay, or anything that currently exists. Matter of fact i'm confident it would get moved to the roleplay section if i were to post it anywhere.

If I wanted to make an instructional post on primjumping (the practice of moving to gain height advantages, some people call it prim parkour) and explain how imperative it is that everybody practice this before doing combat in SL, it'd get moved somewhere it gets misrepresented


My suggestion for topics such as the ones you mentioned, would be General Discussion, as that is exactly the kind of stuff, among the various other Second Life topics, that I would expect to find there. I am looking forward to seeing some of your posts about combat in Second Life!

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49 minutes ago, Tommy Linden said:

My suggestion for topics such as the ones you mentioned, would be General Discussion, as that is exactly the kind of stuff, among the various other Second Life topics, that I would expect to find there. I am looking forward to seeing some of your posts about combat in Second Life!

I did a post on joining an SLMC group which involved what items, and skills were required. It was moved from general discussion into roleplay when the post doesn't involve roleplay in the slightest. Not a single group in the community the post is related to does any sort of roleplay.

I understand the last thing you all want is to show that somebody who posted on the forums asked for a combat subforum, and ended up getting one. The slippery slope begins from there. But the truth of the matter is nobody knows where to put our posts because combat people usually haven't posted here before. I'm entirely sure that is because we're misrepresented and actually have nowhere to post. 

The question I'm wanting the answer to is why the activity of roleplay is represented when combat (arguably an equally popular activity) is spread amongst the forums in places where "this looks like it maybe possibly could fit here, but I'm not quite certain." 


I'm looking forward to seeing some of my posts, and hundreds of other's posts about combat in the Second Life Combat Subforum as well ^^


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4 minutes ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

What this forum really needs is a toggle to ignore specific threads :(

At least they have ignore user working now tho.  That was a long needed feature.

it does. you can unsubscribe from it ^^

That box at the bottom that says "notify me of replies" should do the trick.

If it doesn't then that is a good suggestion.

There should also be a way to mute me entirely. I'd imagine that would mute all content related to my posting including this thread ^^

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17 minutes ago, Parx Oran said:

it does. you can unsubscribe from it ^^

That box at the bottom that says "notify me of replies" should do the trick.

If it doesn't then that is a good suggestion.

There should also be a way to mute me entirely. I'd imagine that would mute all content related to my posting including this thread ^^

Actually, you can only sort of unsubscribe/unfollow a thread.  If someone quotes you, you will still be notified and it will show in your 'Stream'.  Ditto, if someone that you are following comments in it.

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1 minute ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Actually, you can only sort of unsubscribe/unfollow a thread.  If someone quotes you, you will still be notified and it will show in your 'Stream'.  Ditto, if someone that you are following comments in it.

bah just block me then. Thanks for the discussion ^^

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2 minutes ago, Parx Oran said:

So then why aren't posts that are in "general discussion" or "places and events" or even "make friends" under the roleplay section?

LL's rules.  


Many posts could actually go into a variety of spots and we just pick what we think it best fits.

Actually, there are many things that get posted in the Role Play forum that LL moves to Destinations because they consider it 'advertising a place'.

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ofc it's their rules silly. Those rules are in place for a reason. That is because in those sections there is enough contrast of subjects and discussions to merit a separate section. The rules are "be nice, and post in the proper place"

The issue lies when there is a massive percentage of the game's community that has no "proper place" to post subjects.

The contrast in subjects is there. It's palpable when you try to talk about combat anywhere in this forum currently. The issue has a simple fix, and as Ghost Menjou stated would even take no time, effort, or even server impact to fix. All that is left to see is if the Lindens are willing to (quite literally) lift a finger for their players.

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1 hour ago, Parx Oran said:

I did a post on joining an SLMC group which involved what items, and skills were required. It was moved from general discussion into roleplay when the post doesn't involve roleplay in the slightest. Not a single group in the community the post is related to does any sort of roleplay.

I understand the last thing you all want is to show that somebody who posted on the forums asked for a combat subforum, and ended up getting one. The slippery slope begins from there. But the truth of the matter is nobody knows where to put our posts because combat people usually haven't posted here before. I'm entirely sure that is because we're misrepresented and actually have nowhere to post. 

The question I'm wanting the answer to is why the activity of roleplay is represented when combat (arguably an equally popular activity) is spread amongst the forums in places where "this looks like it maybe possibly could fit here, but I'm not quite certain." 


I'm looking forward to seeing some of my posts, and hundreds of other's posts about combat in the Second Life Combat Subforum as well ^^


You are correct, I went back and read the post that was moved to Role Playing, and it certainly belongs in the gaming section where I have now moved it to, so thank you for that. I will make sure the Moderation staff is also aware of that, so that going forward,  a post of that specific content is moved to the correct location. As you can see, it does have a home!

Also, there will not, at this time, be the creation of a Combat sub-forum. However, going forward, if you feel that one of your current posts, are moved to the wrong existing section, you are welcome to reach out to me,  and I can give it a second look and see if it belongs in one of the other existing sections.

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19 minutes ago, Parx Oran said:

The issue lies when there is a massive percentage of the game's community that has no "proper place" to post subjects.

Who says you are a "massive percentage of the game's community", exactly, and no, you don't count, try somebody official, with real figures.

1 hour ago, Parx Oran said:

when combat (arguably an equally popular activity) is spread amongst the forums

Argued by who exactly?

Don't think that you or a couple of your friends posting/boasting about a few dozen parcels in search, or a couple of hundred names scattered across a handful of groups makes you a "massive percentage", because IT DOES NOT.

If you pulled your head out of your combat for 5 minutes and checked other threads, you'd notice for example that ONE group, devoted to 'snuff' has over 500 members, and it's not the only group on that topic.

Pay attention Mr. "Paladin, Brother Kobi of the Coercon Combine" (yeah no RP there right?)

You've gotten sooooooooo hung up on your crusade to deny your RP, that you still blatantly ignore the fact that in terms of numbers and popularity, you are BACK OF THE LINE in the waiting list for SPECIAL FORUM SNOWFLAKE status.

1 hour ago, Parx Oran said:

If I wanted to talk about the benefits of using raycasted explosion grenades over using standard prim explosion and tie it in with the different groups that use raycasted vs non-raycasted, and then wanted input from the VICE sims on how they deal their explosive damage.

Content creation forums... scripting building, lag related issues, functionality on rez enbled parcels vs non rez enabled etc.

1 hour ago, Parx Oran said:

I do feel that a combat subforum would be that last piece this forum needs to have a home for every subject.

Ahhhh, so once you get your SPECIAL FORUM SNOWFLAKE status THEN the other groups ahead of you in the waiting list, the larger and more popular ones... They can all go jump in a prim lake, because they are not as important to SL as you.


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Glad that we cleared that combat isn't roleplay.

First issue down

The second issue is lol that's still not the right place.


I'd say 'games' is the incorrect section for the same reason the roleplay posts aren't put in the 'games' section. Roleplay of many forms is an activity that many sims take part in, just as Combat of many different forms is an activity that takes place in just as many sims. So the question is now, Why favor roleplay over combat?

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4 minutes ago, Parx Oran said:

Glad that we cleared that combat isn't roleplay.

"We" didn't clear that up, you just ignored reality, playing Medal of Combat/Call of Slaughter/Space Wombles 40K or any other FPS game is RP, you are pretending to be something for fun, thats RP, it may not involve you learning to type para-novella spam, you might confine your RP to screaming "Die! foreign devils DIE!" at your monitor while hammering the strafe button.

The whole RP/Not RP thing is an irrelevant sidetrack, the issue is...

Is your "community" large enough and popular enough to deserve it's own sub forum.

Comparison with other un-forumed groups says HELL NO.

Tommy says HELL NO.

Too bad, how sad, move along, nothing to see here, learn to use the existing categories, like all the other groups more popular than yours do.

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