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9 hours ago, ChinRey said:

... and 64 great-great-great-great grandparents. Genes come bundled in 46 chromosones plus some mithocondrial dna that is always passed on from the mother. So although it's possible, it is very unlikely that you have genes from all you ancestors six generations away.

Of course those chromosomes and genes show up in some degree when dealing with hereditary disorders that are passed down through multiple generations. This is where medical genetic testing comes into play.

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16 hours ago, Pussycat Catnap said:

One side of my family has been here and been backwoods long enough to not know when they got here. This is the side who's family story almost completely fails to match our DNA. Given what part of the US these folks lived in before the 1930s - I would not be surprised if some generations back somebody 'hid' and married out... These folks were deeply racist, and the ones still 'back in Appalachia' that we found not long back, still are... If I ran down the list of the people they hate, and then the list of what DNA says they are - there's a very strong correlation, not just with the African parts too... And yes, they claim to be Irish/Cherokee... 9_9 Some few years back I even got into a months long argument on the SL forums with someone over why a Cherokee might not be 'listed' on the native registry but still be Cherokee. The DNA results of 2 years ago for me, sadly tell me the reason was not the one I had been told...


The other side is one generation removed from South America (Quechua are mountain Amazons related to the Inca) and one more from China. This side of my family also hides lineage because being listed as a Quechua Indian can STILL get you targeted by the government down there. But now that I see my grandmother - the story of her being Quechua itself seems fuzzy. I suspect she is the one thing that would have been worse here, but better there: black and Indian together. Parts of South America explain ALL of their social problems with 3 words: too many Indians. Social programs often up with one plan: get rid of some indians.

Mysteries could be in store on both ends.

I grew up in Chicano inner city hoods - and I look more or less latina / mulatto. So I tended to get grouped with them by outsiders and police. By my teens a lot of Central and South Americans were moving in - people I should be 'connected to', but to whom I was culturally cut off from.

I really hope that you can find some answers. I suppose we all have a few unsolved mysteries in our families, and not all of them will be resolved. Here is an article that you may be interested in reading:

The Genetic Ancestry of African Americans, Latinos, and European Americans across the United States

Edited by Kristen Beornssen
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3 hours ago, Kristen Beornssen said:

I really hope that you can find some answers. I suppose we all have a few unsolved mysteries in our families, and not all of them will be resolved. Here is an article that you may be interested in reading:

The Genetic Ancestry of African Americans, Latinos, and European Americans across the United States

Every time I read things like this,it always feels like  we are test subject matter.. Not that I'm complaining or anything,I'm just glad we are not talking about vampires..hehehehe

But when I read this article it just sounded like this to me..

African Americans and European Americans and Latino Americans have this much Indigenous in them.

I'm just waking up and on my first cup of the day and just feeling goofy..



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9 hours ago, Rhonda Huntress said:

I try not to shake my family tree because it it drops is nuts.


True but if you let them stay up in the tree, they just sit up there trying to drop sticks on your head.

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4 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Every time I read things like this,it always feels like  we are test subject matter.

I think it only shows that when you put two or more groups of people close enough together, they will find ways to interbreed regardless of any cultural and social differences and taboos. We don't really need any scientific studies to know that, a rudimentary understanding of human nature is enough. ;)


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49 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

I think it only shows that when you put two or more groups of people close enough together, they will find ways to interbreed regardless of any cultural and social differences and taboos. We don't really need any scientific studies to know that, a rudimentary understanding of human nature is enough. ;)


That's for sure,people will find a way,even if it is against laws..

I guess I just reacted to seeing us throughout the article ,but not included with the ones in the title..

Happens a lot really and I know I shouldn't let it bug me,but sometimes it does.

Probably just tired and cranky is all..


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27 minutes ago, AmandaKeen said:


This kinda ties to all the "sex in SL" posts. Humans have a sex drive and the search for procreation (even a virtual facsimile) crosses all barriers.



The one word that you can whisper in a crowded room that your man will pick up on like he has sonar is..Pregnant..hehehehehe

I remember my husband getting a kick out of scaring me..He would just hump out from nowhere or come up from behind and act like he was an intruder and grab me and cover my mouth..silly things like that that would scare the hell out of me until I would realize it's him..

Finally got even with him one time..

He jumped out from behind the freezer in our utility room..I screamed and then just leaned on the freezer for a moment and yelled,You can't do that to a pregnant woman! Then gave him a shocked look like I let out a secret and then ran to the bedroom..

When he got there and opened the door,he was all Mr serious serious then..I was just standing there laughing and said to him..How does that feel ya jerk?!

Now grow up!

He slowed down some..


Edited by Ceka Cianci
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22 hours ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Every time I read things like this,it always feels like  we are test subject matter.. Not that I'm complaining or anything,I'm just glad we are not talking about vampires..hehehehe

But when I read this article it just sounded like this to me..

African Americans and European Americans and Latino Americans have this much Indigenous in them.

I'm just waking up and on my first cup of the day and just feeling goofy..



Hey, what's  wrong with talking about vampires? :D 

I posted the article in relation to the discussion Pussycat and I were having about people of color "passing" and claiming to be part Indigenous American. So, I thought it would be an interesting read for her.

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26 minutes ago, Kristen Beornssen said:

Hey, what's  wrong with talking about vampires? :D 

I posted the article in relation to the discussion Pussycat and I were having about people of color "passing" and claiming to be part Indigenous American. So, I thought it would be an interesting read for her.

Oh,I wasn't meaning anything towards anything you or her said or did..

I  guess just reading that  seemed  kind of strange at the time.. it gave me the feeling that at any moment someone is gonna run up from behind and rub me for good luck ..

Just kidding xD

Seriously,it just felt strange them talking about Americans and us not make the list I guess..But it was late when I read it,so like a lot of the misunderstanding I have been doing lately..I probably did there as well..:$

I really need it to stop raining here so we can get out of this house and on with our vacation..hehehehe


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On 7/5/2017 at 8:37 AM, Ceka Cianci said:

He would just hump out from nowhere or come up from behind

I am having an interesting time here visualizing this. :$

On 7/5/2017 at 4:55 PM, Ceka Cianci said:

it gave me the feeling that at any moment someone is gonna run up from behind and rub me for good luck ..

I guess the real question is where are they rubbing?


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On 25/06/2017 at 3:59 AM, Phil Deakins said:

@KlytynaI recommend that you follow Kristen's suggestion and "just stop right there". Why? Because you've been on the losing side if this 'discussion' from the start and, since there is nobody else on your side, there is no chance that your side will come through on the rails.

It was mentioned that nobody has chipped in to support you, and that a number of people have chipped in against you. It's a very rare occurence that the majority is wrong in this forum. It has happened but I've only ever seen it once. So you can be absolutely sure that you've lost. The sensible thing for you to do now is "stop right there".

That's funny. My impression is the complete opposite.

Milgram: agentic

Kristen, chose another path or were forced to?


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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎7‎/‎3‎/‎2017 at 2:53 PM, Pussycat Catnap said:

My experience everytime I went to an 'interracial' sim in SL.

Being mixed, before I came to SL, the word 'interracial' to me just meant myself and those like me...

I had no idea it was a kind of racist porn involving white women pretending to be raped by black men...

Now that I see that form of porn all over SL... it's quite disturbing.

And as someone on a black avatar, who is also almost always nude in SL... I worry about being wrapped up in seen as a part of it... I suspect this is played a part in turning me 'off' of the 'SL sex' scene. One of several reasons...

The people in such venues also use a kind of 'fake ebonics / jive' blend talk that is just disgusting to see scroll past on my chat bar...

At least once when someone was lining up an attack on me, I was linked with that - but clearly from someone who didn't even know me, as they stated they hated those people that 'talk funny and act gangster' or something like that... O.o


SL does take to an extreme the issue that happens in RL, which in RL I encounter as an 'hispanic / mulatto' appearing person - that people of color are judged as a category and people who are Caucasian appearing get judged individually for their own conduct and traits.


   I'm of English and German descent and never even considered dating a black guy until I met my current boyfriend Tyree (who is very black). I was five months on the rebound from breaking up with my fiancé when Tyree asked me to go with him to a Christmass party and I accepted. We dated for a month before our relationship became sexual. After breaking up with my fiancé I stopped taking the pill and didn't start back on them again until six days before I had sex with Tyree. Evidently six days wasn't long enough because I fell pregnant with our son. Tyree was in a relationship with someone else at the time and I'm the reason that they broke up. His ex-girlfriend threatened to kick my "big white butt" for about 10 months until our son was born. She has left us alone after that. We've been together for almost three years now and have two sons together.  

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I'm always quietly amused when a particular relative-by-marriage compliments me almost every summer about how well I tan (she's very scandanavian blonde and has some issues with Race). She always is SO nice to me, and I wonder if that would continue if she saw my genetic history and found out why :-)

Probably so, she already knows me :-) She's not hopeless.

23-And-Me genetic testing has cause some people emotional trauma tho :-)

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7 hours ago, CanisMercy said:

I think in SL you are whoever you are and it shouldn't have to matter who you are in the real world.
For example, I am an Opossum in secondlife. 
It should be no concern to anyone else that I may not be in real life.

Embrace your virtual Oppossum-ness!

Edited by AmandaKeen
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