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9 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

It summarises a paper presented at the 84th annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists, which took place in 2015.

Can your browser open this Evernote copy ?

Thank you Innula, that link worked just fine. Interesting article, certainly didn't say "white people didn't exist before 8000 years ago' as claimed.

There's no great surprises in the statements that modern Europeans don't look like ancient ones, people have been getting taller and paler for a long time, there is also no surprises in southern Europeans originally being darker skinned. Greece in the era of the Trojan War, 1200-1500 bce was largely darker skinned and dark haired, the paler skin and blond hair generally arrived in the invasion of northern tribes some 8 or 9 centuries bce, Homer, was part of that post invasion culture, the Doric culture, as can be seen from the differences between his description of a war, and what we know about them from archeology..

What got me was the 'no white people' remark, as if having darker skin than a modern Scandinavian automatically makes you 'black sub saharan african' by default.

There is a wide spread systemic failure in the popular reporting of science in America, the 'Discovery Channel Effect" where documentaries are made to sensationalise science while pandering to popular misconceptions and ideol;ogical correctness.

A classic example was a documentary on the arrival of 'cro magnons' in eastern/central Europe, and their encounters with Neanderthals. The producers hired an ALL WHITE cast to play the Neanderthals, all scruffy hair and matted beards and dirt, and hired an ALL BLACK cast to play the Cro Magnons, all neat cornrow braids, and designer nomad leathers, with fringes and beadwork, and all very clean. The white neanderthals were portrayed as too stupid to throw spears, while the black cro magnons were all portrayed as using types of spear thrower not found in European archeology.

The documentary was complete rubbish from start to finish, the talking head academics were generally questionable, the dramatised scenes were outright racist propaganda, but it doubtless played well for the network, pandering to one minority groups misconceptions while outraging another minority group, does wonders for viewing figures and advertising revenue, even if people do kick their tv sets in by the end of the show and start fights based on lies afterwards.


Edited by Klytyna
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9 hours ago, mikka Luik said:

On a personal note, my rather mongrel family can agree on one shared experience - Agicourt Day. As records show we were present on at least four sides

Only search results I can find for 'agicourt' all come up Agincourt or spelling variants which coupled with the reference to fighting  suggests the Battle of Agincourt, in 1415, so, you are saying that your family fought on FOUR sides in a battle which realistically, only had TWO sides...


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3 hours ago, Klytyna said:

Thank you Innula, that link worked just fine. Interesting article, certainly didn't say "white people didn't exist before 8000 years ago' as claimed.

There's no great surprises in the statements that modern Europeans don't look like ancient ones, people have been getting taller and paler for a long time, there is also no surprises in southern Europeans originally being darker skinned. Greece in the era of the Trojan War, 1200-1500 bce was largely darker skinned and dark haired, the paler skin and blond hair generally arrived in the invasion of northern tribes some 8 or 9 centuries bce, Homer, was part of that post invasion culture, the Doric culture, as can be seen from the differences between his description of a war, and what we know about them from archeology..

What got me was the 'no white people' remark, as if having darker skin than a modern Scandinavian automatically makes you 'black sub saharan african' by default.

There is a wide spread systemic failure in the popular reporting of science in America, the 'Discovery Channel Effect" where documentaries are made to sensationalise science while pandering to popular misconceptions and ideol;ogical correctness.

A classic example was a documentary on the arrival of 'cro magnons' in eastern/central Europe, and their encounters with Neanderthals. The producers hired an ALL WHITE cast to play the Neanderthals, all scruffy hair and matted beards and dirt, and hired an ALL BLACK cast to play the Cro Magnons, all neat cornrow braids, and designer nomad leathers, with fringes and beadwork, and all very clean. The white neanderthals were portrayed as too stupid to throw spears, while the black cro magnons were all portrayed as using types of spear thrower not found in European archeology.

The documentary was complete rubbish from start to finish, the talking head academics were generally questionable, the dramatised scenes were outright racist propaganda, but it doubtless played well for the network, pandering to one minority groups misconceptions while outraging another minority group, does wonders for viewing figures and advertising revenue, even if people do kick their tv sets in by the end of the show and start fights based on lies afterwards.


If you are going to quote me, quote it as I wrote it: "Oh and White people as they are currently known, didn't even exist until about 8000-12,000 years or so ago. So, who are "your" people?"

Meaning, as that article states - modern day fair-skinned people of European descent ("pale" or "white people" - the common descriptive term used most often around the world) didn't develop pale skin until much later - which would be as the article states, around 8000 years ago. So, I'm glad that you finally agree.


I find it curious and a bit comical, that after all of your contrived grandstanding and racist posturing, that not one person has come to your defense to say 'No, you are wrong! Klytyna isn't a bigot, nor is she a racist!" - that fact alone speaks volumes about your posting history in this forum and how it has formulated others perceptions of you, more so than the mountains of text you've wasted your time dumping in this thread. You immediately came out of the gate being accusatory - espousing your bigotry and prejudices, with your opinions firmly set against Americans and people of color. Too proud (or is it too stupid) to look beyond your own warped biases and skewed world view, to receive what others were telling you. Your quote to Luna should have read:


Oh so it's ok to be a lying ignorant racist if you hate BLACK people, because 'I believe they deserve it'.

It's a true statement of what you have presented thus far in this thread and right to the point. You do come across as an extremely miserable person who is full of hatred - always prejudging, always taking an aggressive stance. Is it because a huge part of you actually feels quite powerless in RL to change whatever unfortunate circumstances that you currently find yourself in, so you lash out at others online as a form of release from your mental anguish?

Typically, those who practice intolerance as you do - go through the world stuck in perpetual "victim" mode, unable to free themselves from the negative mindset that binds them. In a way, I feel a hint of pity for you, because I know that whether you are in the virtual world of SL or trapped in whatever hell you call a "real life", you are without a doubt one of the most wretchedly unhappy people that I've ever come across. It truly sucks to be you.


Edited by Kristen Beornssen
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14 hours ago, Talligurl said:

Just don't hold it to close to your side


Yep that,s true and that's the way you grab them..By the tail..

when they strike,their neck can reach about the length of their shell out..So they have so good reach..

That one there looks like a young one..

we get some whoppers in our ponds.. We have guys that come every summer and love to fish them out..They then clean and sell the meat..

They whipped some up for us one time and had us try it..it was pretty good..:)

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8 hours ago, Kristen Beornssen said:

I find it curious and a bit comical, that after all of your contrived grandstanding and racist posturing, that not one person has come to your defense to say 'No, you are wrong! Klytyna isn't a bigot, nor is she a racist!" - that fact alone speaks volumes about your posting history in this forum and how it has formulated others perceptions of you, more so than the mountains of text you've wasted your time dumping in this thread

Ah, delightful, claiming you must be right because others agree with you, the same excuse that was used to persecute a number of scientists in ages past, It's the same claptrap that's heard when people say "no, EVERYONE knows that can't be so".

9 hours ago, Kristen Beornssen said:

Your quote to Luna should have read:

Luna... Luna's contribution so far can be summarised as follows

"Don't oppose anti-caucasian racists, join them because whiteys deserve it, Walmart proves it!"


9 hours ago, Kristen Beornssen said:

You do come across as an extremely miserable person

Cynical person, I don't accept bullmanure unchallenged and expect the worst from the typical human because that's what humans are like. Study some history, you might learn this for your self.

9 hours ago, Kristen Beornssen said:

so you lash out at others online as a form of release from your mental anguish

Thank you for your application to enter the "Clueless Amateur Psychologist Wannabe of the Year" contest, unfortunately you have not been selected  due to incompetence, but do feel free to apply again next year.

9 hours ago, Kristen Beornssen said:

It truly sucks to

... have to listen to your whining ego-stroking mealy mouthed bs. 

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17 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

Cynical person, I don't accept bullmanure unchallenged and expect the worst from the typical human because that's what humans are like. Study some history, you might learn this for your self.

While certainly everyone is capable of extremely bad behaviour in particular circumstances, in my experience most people behave decently most of the time, at least while they're sober, unless they're given what they see as a good reason not to.   

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1 minute ago, Innula Zenovka said:

While certainly everyone is capable of extremely bad behaviour in particular circumstances, in my experience most people behave decently most of the time, at least while they're sober, unless they're given what they see as a good reason not to.  

Ah... 'Good Reason'

During WWII some 500 'reserve policement' were transfered from Germany to Occupied Poland, starting at the town of Józefów. 

They were shipped out, apparently without being told why, their 'sealed orders' were delivered to their commander when they arrived to be read out to the men. They were however supplied with large amounts of ammunition and booze.

Out of the 500 men, 12 were allowed to leave after refusing the orders, others, requested that they not be involved with the actual killing, but assigned to non lethal duties in the operation.

I vaguely remember hearing the approximate figures of 25% unwilling to kill, 50% who just obeyed orders and 25% who eagerly embraced the chance to shoot civilians in the head.

They executed 1500 people in 17 hours. 


Let's draw a line under that and move on, modern military training is designed to turn harmless civilians into people who will kill complete strangers on command without needing a reason at all. Based on 50 years of psychological research and experiments in Pavlovian conditioning etc., the training is very effective, the military's official estimates for successfully turning civilian recruits into obedient killers with these programs is over 90%.

Academic studies, where volunteers are asked to push a button that will "adminster an electric shock to a stranger who can't see you" have proved to be equally damning.

I have few illusions about what people will do.


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40 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

Ah... 'Good Reason'

During WWII some 500 'reserve policement' were transfered from Germany to Occupied Poland, starting at the town of Józefów. 

They were shipped out, apparently without being told why, their 'sealed orders' were delivered to their commander when they arrived to be read out to the men. They were however supplied with large amounts of ammunition and booze.

Out of the 500 men, 12 were allowed to leave after refusing the orders, others, requested that they not be involved with the actual killing, but assigned to non lethal duties in the operation.

I vaguely remember hearing the approximate figures of 25% unwilling to kill, 50% who just obeyed orders and 25% who eagerly embraced the chance to shoot civilians in the head.

They executed 1500 people in 17 hours. 


Let's draw a line under that and move on, modern military training is designed to turn harmless civilians into people who will kill complete strangers on command without needing a reason at all. Based on 50 years of psychological research and experiments in Pavlovian conditioning etc., the training is very effective, the military's official estimates for successfully turning civilian recruits into obedient killers with these programs is over 90%.

Academic studies, where volunteers are asked to push a button that will "adminster an electric shock to a stranger who can't see you" have proved to be equally damning.

I have few illusions about what people will do.


I did say, "in my experience," and I am fortunate not to live in a war zone in the middle of a genocidal war.   So, I suspect, are most people you meet in SL, whether in world or in these forums.   In consequence, I don't really see what the point of your anecdote is.    I seem to remember starting with the proviso, "While certainly everyone is capable of extremely bad behaviour in particular circumstances,"  However, the sort of circumstances in which people come to join organisations like the Reserve Police Battalion 101 are mercifully not those under which I (and, I suspect, you) live. 

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1 hour ago, Klytyna said:

Let's draw a line under that and move on, modern military training is designed to turn harmless civilians into people who will kill complete strangers on command without needing a reason at all. Based on 50 years of psychological research and experiments in Pavlovian conditioning etc., the training is very effective, the military's official estimates for successfully turning civilian recruits into obedient killers with these programs is over 90%.


Wouldn't this mean that most people are harmless until trained, therefore contradicting your statement it's wise to expect people to behave negatively?

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Luna... Luna's contribution so far can be summarised as follows

"Don't oppose anti-caucasian racists, join them because whiteys deserve it, Walmart proves it!"


Klytyna, I never said the above.
People of color simply can't do the kind of damage to us (whites) as we can do to them, hence I'm not too concerned about possible prejudice by blacks.

Edited by Luna Bliss
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3 hours ago, Klytyna said:

Let's draw a line under that and move on, modern military training is designed to turn harmless civilians into people who will kill complete strangers on command without needing a reason at all. Based on 50 years of psychological research and experiments in Pavlovian conditioning etc., the training is very effective, the military's official estimates for successfully turning civilian recruits into obedient killers with these programs is over 90%.

Y'know, when I was 18 I decided to really annoy my parents.  I completely skipped out on their "program" for my life (college/family/slow insanity) and enlisted in the US Military.

Embedded EVERYWHERE in my training was the direction that I was not compelled to follow any Unlawful Order.  Unlawful Orders being defined as "heinous crimes against humanity, attacking helpless civilians....." the kind of stuff you'd never want your military to do unless you WANT an evil military.  I was very clear that if I ever decided to follow an order to do something evil; it as on ME and "I was just following orders" was no defense. That's not Hollywood; that was real-life.

The military also gave me a high expectation for my personal conduct and that of those who reported to me. It STRONGLY embedded the concept that my DUTY was to question authority under certain circumstances.

Does that always work; No.  That's because there will always be some asshat or weak-willed person who decides to use the chaos of conflict to do something evil, and then try to rationalize it by claiming they were "just following orders".

But that's not how I was trained.

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4 hours ago, Innula Zenovka said:

I did say, "in my experience," and I am fortunate not to live in a war zone in the middle of a genocidal war.   So, I suspect, are most people you meet in SL, whether in world or in these forums.   In consequence, I don't really see what the point of your anecdote is.    I seem to remember starting with the proviso, "While certainly everyone is capable of extremely bad behaviour in particular circumstances,"  However, the sort of circumstances in which people come to join organisations like the Reserve Police Battalion 101 are mercifully not those under which I (and, I suspect, you) live.

The point was to show that human beings DO NOT need special circumstances to be horrible to each other, it sort of comes naturally.

As for where I live, 18 years ago a girl was shot in the head, less that 400 yards from where i lived then, by accident, because the boys doing the drive-by shooting at the takeaway pizza place couldn't shoot worth a damn. No, where I live isn't some rural and peaceful place.

3 hours ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

Wouldn't this mean that most people are harmless until trained, therefore contradicting your statement it's wise to expect people to behave negatively?

No, it means it's relatively easy to reprogram people to be killing machines, because it more or less comes naturally. 

1 hour ago, AmandaKeen said:

Embedded EVERYWHERE in my training was the direction that I was not compelled to follow any Unlawful Order.  Unlawful Orders being defined as "heinous crimes against humanity, attacking helpless civilians....." the kind of stuff you'd never want your military to do unless you WANT an evil military


I didn't want to turn over specific national rocks but since you did...

Yeah, 'Unlawful Orders', when you joined the US Military, you probably swore an oath to uphold a document, not protect the people, or the country, but a document. As for attacking civilians etc., shall we sidetrack to the Iraq War here or start a new thread,  

How about the abuses carried out by American mercenaries operating in Iraq during the 'golden years' when they were officially not covered by the Military Code because they weren't 'Military' but weren't covered by Iraqi civil law, because the US Military Governor had enacted an 'Order', exempting them from it, with the result that there was no activity they could be prosecuted for anywhere in Iraq.

Well, those were greedy mercenaries,  who LEFT the Military to go private, right? Real Soldiers don't do that stuff...

Or do they... Haditha Massacre, Abu Ghraib prison, Ishaqi.

Then there are the official cover-ups, too damn many to mention, though ONE does stand out for it's utter ineptness.

Once upon a time, some British troops, in armoured recon vehicles, covered in NATO/Coalition Recognition Symbols were overflown by a pair of A-10 warthogs, but they weren't worried as their vehicles were liberally plastered with NATO friend or foe recognition marks, and weren't Russian made iraqi gear, they even waved at the A-10's in a friendly manner. Then the A-10's came back and straffed the hell out of them. Maybe it was the British tea drinking, pushed the American pilots over the edge, 

The investigation into this took years. Britain asked for the in cockpit camera recordings, America said there were none, Britain said 'pull the other one it has bells on' America said there were no videos and Britain couldn't have them if there were, because the cockpit of an A-10 is top secret, Britain said 'yeah thats why you let our kids peer in side at Airshows, 

Eventually the video WAS admitted to exist, AND Britain was allowed to have a copy of them, but only AFTER a British newspaper bought copies from a US source and gave them away free on a DVD with their paper. You can watch it on YouTube now...

Blue-on-Blue, Friendly Fire happens, but rather than man up, and admit some clown from Idaho had gone a bit 'Rambo', and would be disciplined, they covered it up for years. The most ironic part, is that the pilot responsible was PROMOTED to Colonel, and put in charge of teaching other pilots how to attack (allied?) ground troops, and is considered a HERO in his home town. 

According to one newspaper mentioning Blue-on-Blue, in the First Gulf War, 17% of US casualties were caused by US Troops

It's been claimed by people who served in Iraq that American forces exhibited a tendency to shoot anything that moved, including, in 1994, a US Blackhawk helicopter containing 26 members of an official NATO delegation, blown out of the sky by F-15's because "Yo Top Gun!".

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Do you really think 1) you alone are aware that people do bad things, and 2) making a list of those things is proof that most people are evil? 

You sound like an adolescent who has just discovered that people do bad things, and expect everyone else to be as shocked as you are. 

Remember: It is not a requirement to get drunk before posting. 

Edited by Pamela Galli
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11 hours ago, Klytyna said:


Ah, delightful, claiming you must be right because others agree with you, the same excuse that was used to persecute a number of scientists in ages past, It's the same claptrap that's heard when people say "no, EVERYONE knows that can't be so".

Looks around.. Um yeah, you're the ONLY one I see complaining, which means... NOTHING. NEXT!


Luna... Luna's contribution so far can be summarised as follows

"Don't oppose anti-caucasian racists, join them because whiteys deserve it, Walmart proves it!"


Luna has contributed more worthwhile posts to this forum than you ever will. NEXT!


Cynical person, I don't accept bullmanure unchallenged and expect the worst from the typical human because that's what humans are like. Study some history, you might learn this for your self.

No need to study history, you've already led by example and shown us your worst. NEXT!


Thank you for your application to enter the "Clueless Amateur Psychologist Wannabe of the Year" contest, unfortunately you have not been selected  due to incompetence, but do feel free to apply again next year.

Well, Psychology WAS my major in college as I was working towards my degree as a psychotherapist. Something, might I add, you seem in desperate need of atm. But instead of going into that career field, I decided to go in a different direction. However, your motivations here aren't that difficult to decipher, and you are more transparent than you may think. Everyone sees through you, as I've stated before. NEXT!


... have to listen to your whining ego-stroking mealy mouthed bs. 

Yet here you are like a Pavlovian dog - salivating at the mouth and ready to pounce onto each juicy morsel that I post. *rings the bell* This: "whining ego-stroking mealy mouthed bs. " perfectly describes your long-winded pointless drivel.

Edited by Kristen Beornssen
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6 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

Y'know, when I was 18 I decided to really annoy my parents.  I completely skipped out on their "program" for my life (college/family/slow insanity) and enlisted in the US Military.

Embedded EVERYWHERE in my training was the direction that I was not compelled to follow any Unlawful Order.  Unlawful Orders being defined as "heinous crimes against humanity, attacking helpless civilians....." the kind of stuff you'd never want your military to do unless you WANT an evil military.  I was very clear that if I ever decided to follow an order to do something evil; it as on ME and "I was just following orders" was no defense. That's not Hollywood; that was real-life.

The military also gave me a high expectation for my personal conduct and that of those who reported to me. It STRONGLY embedded the concept that my DUTY was to question authority under certain circumstances.

Does that always work; No.  That's because there will always be some asshat or weak-willed person who decides to use the chaos of conflict to do something evil, and then try to rationalize it by claiming they were "just following orders".

But that's not how I was trained.

Chances are Klytyna has never served in the military, but predictably, she will still act as though she knows more about it than you do.

Edited by Kristen Beornssen
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27 minutes ago, Kristen Beornssen said:

Chances are Klytyna has never served in the military, but predictably, she will still act as though she knows more about it than you do.

I come from a Military family. 

A Brother, a Father, an Uncle, a Grandfather, 2 Great Uncles, a Great Grandfather, and numerous cousins, and thats just in the 20th century. My short military career, was quiet and peaceful, and ended I chose to pursue a different path. 

I know that people who claim 'Peace is our Profession' have it wrong, the soldiers profession is death, their own and other peoples.

Contrary to popular hype, many recruits do NOT join because they are patriots or heros, they join because its a steady job, with free accommodation, 3 squares a day, a suit you don't have to share with anyone, regular installments of beer money, and potentially the chance to develop career skills you can use as a civilian. They join because it's what their family has always done.

You bet your life, literally, that you can reach the end of your enlistment period without some damn fool in an expensive suit, saying the wrong thing, starting a war, and getting you killed. Some of the people I knew when I was in the Service, good friends, lost that bet.

So, just stop right there.

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1 hour ago, Pamela Galli said:

Do you really think 1) you alone are aware that people do bad things, and 2) making a list of those things is proof that most people are evil?

Most people are not EVIL, they are just PEOPLE, unfortunately there seem to be some who think people are automatically saintly angelic puppy hugging public minded philanthropists. That simply isn't the case. Saying "Well nobody in my quaint peaceful suburb commits war crimes or dabbles in gang violence etc." doesn't mean that people elsewhere are all like you and your neighbours. 

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16 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

I come from a Military family. 

A Brother, a Father, an Uncle, a Grandfather, 2 Great Uncles, a Great Grandfather, and numerous cousins, and thats just in the 20th century. My short military career, was quiet and peaceful, and ended I chose to pursue a different path. 

I know that people who claim 'Peace is our Profession' have it wrong, the soldiers profession is death, their own and other peoples.

Contrary to popular hype, many recruits do NOT join because they are patriots or heros, they join because its a steady job, with free accommodation, 3 squares a day, a suit you don't have to share with anyone, regular installments of beer money, and potentially the chance to develop career skills you can use as a civilian. They join because it's what their family has always done.

You bet your life, literally, that you can reach the end of your enlistment period without some damn fool in an expensive suit, saying the wrong thing, starting a war, and getting you killed. Some of the people I knew when I was in the Service, good friends, lost that bet.

So, just stop right there.

So, in other words - we should 'expect the worst' from you, because of the Pavlovian conditioning that you received during your brief stint in the military. Gotcha.

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@KlytynaI recommend that you follow Kristen's suggestion and "just stop right there". Why? Because you've been on the losing side if this 'discussion' from the start and, since there is nobody else on your side, there is no chance that your side will come through on the rails.

It was mentioned that nobody has chipped in to support you, and that a number of people have chipped in against you. It's a very rare occurence that the majority is wrong in this forum. It has happened but I've only ever seen it once. So you can be absolutely sure that you've lost. The sensible thing for you to do now is "stop right there".

Edited by Phil Deakins
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6 hours ago, Klytyna said:

Yeah, 'Unlawful Orders', when you joined the US Military, you probably swore an oath to uphold a document, not protect the people, or the country, but a document. As for attacking civilians etc., shall we sidetrack to the Iraq War here or start a new thread,  


Well, two things in response to this;

The Oath of Enlistment mentions; "to protect and defend the constitution of the United States". That document (like any other idealized framework) represents an Ideal standard of behavior wherein Rule of Law is respected, their individual freedoms are respected and they have defenders who will protect those ideals "to the death".

But like Most Idealized frameworks; the Ideals themselves are noble - it's people who muck them up. I have no issue swearing loyalty to the ideals in that particular document . It's a case of Perfect Intentions sometimes being mishandled by Imperfect People.

My second point goes back to my original post; My responsibiiity was to be accountable for what happened on my Watch. I can't take global responsibility for national policy or the actions of people outside my scope of awareness - but I -can- (and did) take responsibility for things that do happen within my awareness. So, I did and somehow managed to keep getting promoted.

i -have- seen what happens when that goes astray; about half my time in service was spent outside the US before 911 and my specific job was "investigating mass graves from other people's  civil wars". I'm very familiar with what humans can do to each other when they choose not to subscribe to any ideals higher than the Law of Fang and Claw. That's when Rape Rooms and Mass Graves become possible. From the Balkans to Africa; those things happened during the period I was assigned to "go find out who", and being sent out on that little road-show is one of the big reasons I choose to spend my time in Second Life. You never quite see people the same way after that.

When I crack wise about needing the Brain Bleach for myself; I am NOT kidding. You can't unsee the aftermath of that; all you can do is try to gather the evidence needed to hopefully find whomever did this and bring them to the Book.

I would probably sleep better if Inhad followed my parents plan for my life, but at 18 I was sure that I knew it all......

I think I'll go back on my self-imposed vacation from Heavy/Serious stuff again now :-) SL is my vacation from Myself, and Myself has too many issues that don't need waking up :-)

Edited by AmandaKeen
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