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On 4/4/2023 at 7:08 AM, Khadijah Starchild said:

I guess I've been working too much lately, I tripped up on a step and fell off the stairs onto this light beam and my avatar is stuck balancing on one foot. It seems my only option is to TP out this pickle.




Cute, quirky and imaginative!

Also, you should consider suing.

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1 minute ago, Quistess Alpha said:

Whoever stood you up doesn't know what they're missing!

Awwww! Thank you! 💗

I should probably have contextualized this pic which, along with my last few here, are trying to . . . well, here's what I say on Flickr:

"I've become a bit tired with being angry or upset about political and social developments of late. So, I'm doing this new set of pics -- "Yes Her" -- which I hope captures a more positive, optimistic perspective on what it means to be a woman. 

Power needn't just reside in anger."

So, actually, the premise isn't that I've been stood up, but rather that I'm comfortable enough to be with myself, by myself, that I can go on a "date night" alone, and be happy about it. And really, although I am very sociable, I don't need the presence of a "date" to validate myself. (Not that I don't also enjoy dates!)

That could probably be clearer than I've made it though.

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

That could probably be clearer than I've made it though.

Yeah, my second take was that perhaps there was a mirror hidden a bit out of view, which could have evoked a bit more of a 'self love' theme. Great piece regardless!

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I got my G-Train project working today. I took a subway car and gutted it and redecorated, added stage lights and changed the sit poses to dances. G-Train flies up in the air and through parcels, towns, sims. It's amusing, i'll have to get some people to party with me. I'll have to add stops where people can get on and get off.



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16 minutes ago, Khadijah Starchild said:

I got my G-Train project working today. I took a subway car and gutted it and redecorated, added stage lights and changed the sit poses to dances. G-Train flies up in the air and through parcels, towns, sims. It's amusing, i'll have to get some people to party with me. I'll have to add stops where people can get on and get off.



What an awesome idea! What kind of music will there be played?

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3 minutes ago, Sabrina Nebula said:

What an awesome idea! What kind of music will there be played?

i need to work on that lol. would have to be local media player, since we roll through other people properties lol. but i think i know how to do that.

Maybe we should play the OPP song. lol.


Snapshot _ [Theatre], Phyllira (98, 10, 107) - Moderate.png

Snapshot _ [Theatre], Phyllira (132, 54, 131) - Moderate.png

Snapshot _ Aluveaux Technologies - North Riddings, Riddings (16.png

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