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And now for something completely different . . .

The Baroness in Mourning (1920)
Oils on canvas
(With apologies to Robert Browning)

Well, Frauke, that is done, and well done too!
My dearest Heinrich laid to rest. A few
Details yet remain, some papers to sign
Servants to release; but all now is mine.
And I have dusted off my mourning dress,
Sad drapes! They little suit, but my distress
At least is on display. So now I play
Grieving widow a while.

                                            And truth to say,
I am not without regrets entire. He
Was, let's confess, a little old to be
A pleasing match, but still a most apt tool
To suit my needs. And though somewhat a fool,
He was a good spouse in his way, a man
Adept in business: his fruitful mind ran
Straight to investments and to trusts; I had
Not otherwise been even half so glad
To accept his hand. And more, he could cut
A fine figure at table or a ball,
Trim if a little dour, not too tall
Nor too squat, and sporting a fine moustache.
And if he much preferred his hands on cash
And horses than on me, well, we both knew
We were suited well in that regard too.

How tragic, then, that he should prove so frail
So soon! None could have thought his heart would fail
So very young. But I, who knew him best
Knew better, did I not? Had he addressed
His drinking, as I so often warned him
He might still live. But his glass to the brim
He would fill! Certainly he should not have downed
That last claret! Then, he had not been found
Cold, alone, upon the smoking room floor . . .

But enough! He is gone, and there's no more
To say of it. We live, and will live well!
This night Herr Blucher dines with me; I'll tell
All in my next, my dear. By then, you'll see
A much merrier widow I can be!


Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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5 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

And now for something completely different . . .

The Baroness in Mourning (1920)
Oils on canvas
(With apologies to Robert Browning)

Well, Frauke, that is done, and well done too!
My dearest Heinrich laid to rest. A few
Details yet remain, some papers to sign
Servants to release; but all now is mine.
And I have dusted off my mourning dress,
Sad drapes! They little suit, but my distress
At least is on display. So now I play
Grieving widow a while.

                                            And truth to say,
I am not without regrets entire. He
Was, let's confess, a little old to be
A pleasing match, but still a most apt tool
To suit my needs. And though somewhat a fool,
He was a good spouse in his way, a man
Adept in business: his fruitful mind ran
Straight to investments and to trusts; I had
Not otherwise been even half so glad
To accept his hand. And more, he could cut
A fine figure at table or a ball,
Trim if a little dour, not too tall
Nor too squat, and sporting a fine moustache.
And if he much preferred his hands on cash
And horses than on me, well, we both knew
We were suited well in that regard too.

How tragic, then, that he should prove so frail
So soon! None could have thought his heart would fail
So very young. But I, who knew him best
Knew better, did I not? Had he addressed
His drinking, as I so often warned him
He might still live. But his glass to the brim
He would fill! Certainly he should not have downed
That last claret! Then, he had not been found
Cold, alone, upon the smoking room floor . . .

But enough! He is gone, and there's no more
To say of it. We live, and will live well!
This night Herr Blucher dines with me; I'll tell
All in my next, my dear. By then, you'll see
A much merrier widow I can be!


This is fabulous. Fabulous. Fabulous. (and also Browning. Ahhh what a guy) But this! The earlier monochrome was really excellent, but this has so much texture and care - even down to the fireplace. I don't know how long it may have taken you to smooth it out (and I know PS can sometimes be fiddly with its effects) but really really well done.

Edited by BranScanlon
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10 hours ago, BranScanlon said:

...Satisfaction brings us back? :) I've seen at least one or two other nekos a week (also @MrsSeren knows quite a few as well as herself!) I'm always happy to see other nekos in the wild, too. I'm glad we didn't go extinct. One of those groups that gives SL its rather unique flavor

As I told you in our in world chat, we are just an endangered species so we need saving a lot and we take catnip as donations! :P  LOL, and I look forward to more chats with you! :) *big hugs* 

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1 minute ago, taisiyakarpenko said:
  1. A work of art . . .

So many of your photos have this incredible sense of glamor and chic. This one is a fantastic example of it. From the pose with the handbag, the matching scarf? I love this consistent running theme you have in all of them. Really really well done!

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2 hours ago, MrsSeren said:

As I told you in our in world chat, we are just an endangered species so we need saving a lot and we take catnip as donations! :P  LOL, and I look forward to more chats with you! :) *big hugs* 

awww yay!!!! :D I look forward to more chats with you too, Seren! I'll have to scour my house for catnip, but I'm sure I'll be able to find at least one or two sachets :) Thanks so much! *big hugs back!*

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23 hours ago, Rowan Amore said:

Early Morning Escape @ Club Roxy


I love this...dress? Hybrid swimsuit? It's so incredibly extra - the sheer (bodysuit? leggings? something?) outer fabric really lends something to the black and white suit underneath, combined with the concrete-and-marble background it really highlights the monochrome dress (dress?). But also -

You do such an amazing job with varying the photos you put up here - there's some great shots with fabulous complimentary backgrounds (that steep hill town shot is Great!) and then you have these primary color (or single color) backgrounds where our focus is all on the subject, and the lighting in each is just lovely. Thanks so much for this one, but also for all the other ones I haven't quoted on!

Edited by BranScanlon
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1 hour ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Tweaked my shape a bit at lunch and updated to Lelutka Nova, which has become my favourite Lelutka head now. Blush, and better eyebrows when I'm on later.


Oh. My. Word. You look more like me than I do! I mean, I haven't gone to mesh, but how you have got your avatar to look is exactly how I would have wanted mine to look, right down to the freckles and the colour of the lipstick (although I would keep to my green eyes I think, I always have green or green/brown eyes). 


Edited by Marigold Devin
Is that Mr Anonymoose mounted on your wall there? I thought he'd gone quiet.
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1 hour ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Tweaked my shape a bit at lunch and updated to Lelutka Nova, which has become my favourite Lelutka head now. Blush, and better eyebrows when I'm on later.


"Blush, and better eyebrows"? Stahp. Stahp. You already look DEVASTATING. You will blot out the sun!

(semi-serious, but still. Ahhh!)

I don't know how many tweaks you've done to the Nova head, but you really have given the shape of it a lot of care and thought. (or...you know...maybe you didn't. Maybe this is just "off-the-rack" I have no idea. But it LOOKS like you've given it a lot of thought, so there :P) It's a great shot. Thanks so much for it!

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On 12/31/2021 at 10:11 AM, MuffinUnsane said:

I loved this thread years ago and I'm glad it's still active! Here's an updated avatar



Ahh! I can NOT believe that I keep thinking to myself I responded to this one and didn't. Rrr.

I LOVE it!!! That amazingly horrifyingly intimidating (sword? gun? what is that awesome thing you're holding?) coupled with the inline skates is a furry that's ready for like...almost everything. The fact that the (gun? sword?) matches your pink fur is just the icing on the cake. Soooo cool!!

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3 minutes ago, Munchie Mysterious said:


Are...are those...GLOWING cat ears??? o.O

I am NOT just praising this because I have a weakness (affinity?) for all things Neko adjacent. (no sir. Not at all.) The cats eye is absolutely inCREDIBLE and the cellphone in the hand lends SUCH a solid sense of the everyday that really enhances the magical nature of the ears and eyes. This is wonderful! Thank you!

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20 hours ago, Walelu Summerwind said:

Can't wait to see what you come up with 🤪 I built a Pussycat Doll look around mine 😃

Project complete! I don't normally wear Lelutka on my human female avie, buuuut the brows have Lel appliers only, soooo. Honestly though? I'm kinda digging it! I need more stuff for Evo X, though. I hardly have anything for it. Couldn't tap into my usual bag of cosmetic and tattoo goodies.

I used Lilly for this, and LOL at not being able to wear eyebrow rings like I normally would because, well...

I'm Not Your Friend
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