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Where do you live in SL

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So we have a thread where we share the place in RL where we sit and log on from, but in SL that isn't where we live, So this thread is to share the place in SL where out home is. I live in a house on an island in Seduction Harbor, it is my SL brother in law's island he just lets me and his brother, and his SL daughter live there with him to keep him company.

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My main home is in Goodelli on the Heterocera Atoll.  I have a house and a little farm there.  I also have my little ''city" house, in Bay City - Morton. I have, a few times, traveled from my house on the atoll to Bay City without TP'ing - a combination of driving, sailing, and then driving again.  It took awhile, but it was a fun accomplishment :)

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Coniston, Hidden Lake District, Sansara.

I stumbled across that hidden gem of mainland SL when I was helping a friend searching for land to buy and we both instantly fell in love with it. When she decided a full sim was too much, I had to buy it myself. Since then I have been buying land in the bordering sims mainly to keep the eyesores away and today I have more than two sims' worth of continuous land there. It's all part of a group of eight sims protected by Linden waters on two sides and the Linden Village on one side and all the other active landowners there are wonderful people who tend to have the same basic ideas how they want their land to look and try to respect each other so together we've been able to develop it into a whole that is bigger and far more satisfying than an isolated island or skybox or a small plot hemmed in by claustrophobic privacy screens. We all have quite a few builds that won't fit the overall atmosphere but we've put them all on sky platforms way out of sight from the ground.

It has cost me a lot of money over the years but it's still fairly cheap compared to many other hobbies and today I cover almost half the tier with rental income and the rest from my sales so it's not too bad.

Ummm... I thought maybe I should add a picture here but it's hard to choose which. Is a link to Flickr ok?

Greater Coniston photo album ( a bit outdated)


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48 minutes ago, moirakathleen said:

I have, a few times, traveled from my house on the atoll to Bay City without TP'ing - a combination of driving, sailing, and then driving again.  It took awhile, but it was a fun accomplishment :)

I was once visiting a place and looked on the map and noticed it was about seven sims away from my apartment, at that time I was living on mainland, and so I told my friend I was with, lets walk, so we did. We found a few interesting things along the way, and yes it was an interesting accomplishment to go that far in SL on foot.

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I live five sims east from the Ivory tower of prims ;) there is my shop and my home is on a platform above it. I don't have a bed, room or even a building because I enjoy the feeling of freedom the platform gives me, there are not many people around me so the sky is clean. 

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A lot of my SL I've lived in the Skybeam community..Heck even when I had my own sim I still kept my land there..

The owner of the sims,Charlene Trudeau has just been awesome the whole time..

She does all kinds of activities with the community and does the change of seasons to the land..

I don't know if they do it anymore,but they used to have these fun snail races..They would video them and I just loved watching those..

I really lucked out finding that place early in my SL..:)


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My modus operandi is to rent a small parcel which has one of those rental boxes. I rent for a week to see how I like it and then I rent a month at a time. I have an alt who does the renting and has all the furniture. I honestly dont remember the last sim I was living in. 

Just looked up my old landmarks. I lived in Pahto and Whych. Some other places too.

Edited by Bree Giffen
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When I first entered SL as Madelaine Marbach nine years ago, I was a nomad and found myself attracted to open fields. My first "home" was someone's dandelion patch, right along the ocean. Every few minutes, a seed would pop out of the field and drift away on the wind. I'd wonder what strange land would become its home. That field soon closed and I found others, finally settling at AM Radio's "The Far Away". I struggled to drag the locomotive out of the wheat field until friends gave me use of a corner of their island in exchange for my scripting and building expertise. My first real SL build was a lighthouse with a dance floor near the top that emitted beams of light upon which couples could cuddle. I stayed there until I obtained a partner, much to the consternation of my friends. Their wisdom was invisible to me at the time.

I moved into my partner's house, which was pure magic. It was two stories and you moved between floors via closets that teleported you through blue glowing fog. The bathroom had a commode, complete with a sit animation that placed you,"Thinker" style,  hovering above a tree in the backyard. I was mesmerized... by both SL and my partner.

When she went missing, I rented a cottage in a cute little village near Bogart's Jazz Club. I found a path from my front door to the club that could be navigated in Arcadia Asylum's Metro Grunge Bus. My parter reappeared. We celebrated. Dressed in ball gowns I drove her to Bogart's, killing a poor fella who'd been standing on the sidewalk in front of of the club. His mood improved when I noted that he could tell all his friends he'd been "hit by a bus".

We then moved to a tropical island where I landscaped my little heart out. I made an upscale hut out of hand planed cherry, with a fireplace and a clay tile roof. I made palm trees that dropped coconuts and arranged a little chat spot near the beach so that conversations with my partner would be punctuated by coconuts hitting her on the head. No amount of beaning could knock sense into her and she vanished once again. I was so heartbroken over the experience that I set my avatar afloat on a burning raft and left SL, never to return.

Five weeks later I was back as Ms. McMasters, and set down in Forgotten City. There I was the keeper of the lighthouse for more than five years, drawing unwary sailors to their death on the rocks below my bedroom window. I repurposed my hut as a skybox and opened up a soul cleansing service, burning away sins in the fireplace. Life was good until Forgotten City succumbed to poor economics.

For the last year and a half, I've been struggling to steal the locomotive by day, and sleeping inside it by night...


Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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24 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

For the last year and a half, I've been struggling to steal the locomotive by day, and sleeping inside it by night...

You might as well give up. That locomotive is covered with 2048x2048 textures so it's actually even heavier than it seems.

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9 hours ago, Ziggy Starsmith said:

I live on Wellington Road on the mainland continent of Jeogeot in a treehouse. I have great neighbours in a small area surrounded by abandoned land long the roadway. I cannot stand living on private sims because living on the Mainland feels like the whole grid is my backyard.

I have lived on private islands at times, but have always come back to mainland.  For some reason I always feel isolated living on a private sim.  I enjoy living alongside a road - there's just something about that which makes me feel that I can head out anywhere :).  I live on one of the Pod routes, and when I walk down to a little beach parcel I have on the edge of the next sim (where I have a little dock to set off sailing from) I often see a pod going by.  

Every so often, I will TP to land for sale alongside a road on one of the continents, and then spend some time exploring what's along the road in that area. 

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1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

When I first entered SL as Madelaine Marbach nine years ago, I was a nomad and found myself attracted to open fields. My first "home" was someone's dandelion patch, right along the ocean. Every few minutes, a seed would pop out of the field and drift away on the wind. I'd wonder what strange land would become its home. That field soon closed and I found others, finally settling at AM Radio's "The Far Away". I struggled to drag the locomotive out of the wheat field until friends gave me use of a corner of their island in exchange for my scripting and building expertise. My first real SL build was a lighthouse with a dance floor near the top that emitted beams of light upon which couples could cuddle. I stayed there until I obtained a partner, much to the consternation of my friends. Their wisdom was invisible to me at the time.

I moved into my partner's house, which was pure magic. It was two stories and you moved between floors via closets that teleported you through blue glowing fog. The bathroom had a commode, complete with a sit animation that placed you,"Thinker" style,  hovering above a tree in the backyard. I was mesmerized... by both SL and my partner.

When she went missing, I rented a cottage in a cute little village near Bogart's Jazz Club. I found a path from my front door to the club that could be navigated in Arkady Asylum's Metro Grunge Bus. My parter reappeared. We celebrated. Dressed in ball gowns I drove her to Bogart's, killing a poor fella who'd been standing on the sidewalk in front of of the club. His mood improved when I noted that he could tell all his friends he'd been "hit by a bus".

We then moved to a tropical island where I landscaped my little heart out. I made an upscale hut out of hand planed cherry, with a fireplace and a clay tile roof. I made palm trees that dropped coconuts and arranged a little chat spot near the beach so that conversations with my partner would be punctuated by coconuts hitting her on the head. No amount of beaning could knock sense into her and she vanished once again. I was so heartbroken over the experience that I set my avatar afloat on a burning raft and left SL, never to return.

Five weeks later I was back as Ms. McMasters, and set down in Forgotten City. There I was the keeper of the lighthouse for more than five years, drawing unwary sailors to their death on the rocks below my bedroom window. I repurposed my hut as a skybox and opened up a soul cleansing service, burning away sins in the fireplace. Life was good until Forgotten City succumbed to poor economics.

For the last year and a half, I've been struggling to steal the locomotive by day, and sleeping inside it by night...


What an amazing place..I wish I had found it sooner..

I remember he was giving stuff away before it closed and I just remember being amazed so much..I think I grabbed everything I could just in case I got another sim..

I completely forgot about that place..

That place made me feel like I was in some place other than SL..it looked wide open for miles..

Amazing picture:)

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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1 hour ago, ChinRey said:

You might as well give up. That locomotive is covered with 2048x2048 textures so it's actually even heavier than it seems.

There also a bit of magic in the wheat stalks. In the image below, you see the stalks close up in the left half, and at a distance in the right...


The stalks themselves are mostly off-white, but there is a hint of gold around the edges. As you cam away, the drawing algorithms cause the edge pixels to become disproportionally represented, shifting the color towards gold. The degree of color shift depends on the distance and angle of the texture with respect to the camera. The net effect is a variation in color across the scene, giving it much more visual interest. You see this in my previous photo with the locomotive. I subsequently created fields of my own using this technique. They were equally pleasing.

55 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

What an amazing place..I wish I had found it sooner..

That place made me feel like I was in some place other than SL..it looked wide open for miles..

Ceka, from "hearing" you over the years, I'm not surprised you love wide open spaces. I think "The Far Away" is the only remaining example of AM Radio's work. He also had a winter scene called "The Quiet". And there was a two sim "Expansion and The Far Away" which contained a corner gas station, a barn housing a vintage biplane and a giant rubber band airplane you could wear to fly around the sim. Under a large tree (I think it was in the middle of the road) was a room that exposed the roots and some vintage objects floating in air. There was also a sim with a half buried locomotive, one with a burning house, a collection of radio telescopes ("Superdyne"?) and a lake with a ferry. Every one of his creations would, I think, be best described as "atmospheric". You really did feel different inside his worlds.

I had a long chat with AM one evening that left me a little confused. He's too young to have experienced the things he depicts and doesn't have the sense of nostalgia that permeates his work. It seemed to me that he'd created worlds he himself wasn't able to fully comprehend.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
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I live on the private sim Five Islands which is owned by Crap Mariner. I'm on the East Nowheresville portion.  The Listening Room music venue is part of the sim. I've known most people that live there for quite some time, some I have developed out-of-Sl relationships with also.  

Crap is an excellent landlord, and space is hard to come by because of it.  It's rare for anyone to leave. He's extremely fair and generous with prims and pricing. Everyone has a say in what happens, everyone's ideas are taken into consideration. I've been there about 2 years or so now, I think.  Prior to that I had more houses on more parts of SL than I can remember.  I used to pick up and move a lot but there's just no way I'd leave FI.  

People think Ghosty and I live together but we don't in-world, just in RL :D where we've lived with each other for many years.  We have very different styles of living virtually and he can't handle my constant decorating, landscaping and redoing it on a whim.  

Pretty much perfect except I like winter to last longer than everyone else there lol. 


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17 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

There also a bit of magic in the wheat stalks. In the image below, you see the stalks close up in the left half, and at a distance in the right...

Oh yes, I've always admired that clever trick. There is a name for the effect. I looked it up after I saw the Faraway for the first time but I can't remember what it's called - it was so long ago. What happens is that up close all the white pixels of the straw texture are prominent while the yellow line down the center of each straw is so narrow you hardly notice it. But when you get further away, your computer has merge those pixels because there isn't room for them all on the screen and then the yellow color becomes more prominent.


1 hour ago, Ceka Cianci said:

What an amazing place..I wish I had found it sooner..

It's one of the Great Classics of SL. AM Radio released the it under a Creative Commons license too and Vanish Seriath grabbed the opportunity, downloaded it and published it as a free OAR file. That great to know since it means that even if it vanishes from SL some day like AM Radio's other works, it will never be lsot and can always be reuploaded somewhere else.

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I remember checking out all the places He had back then..

I remember in the older forums someone saying it would be closing soon or something..Then seen the pictures..

There was this one spot that was so cool,ideal wise.. there was a ladder in the middle of this corner of a field that you climbed..If I remember right,at the top of the ladder you could turn on a lightbulb..I may be off some ,but I think I remember something  up there..I remember some sort of wire up there..

it was outside ,which I thought was just so cool..hehehe

Then the rail cars and the one with all the snow..

I took pictures in all the ones that were there..I just have to remember what hard drive from which computer..I think I am on my third computer since back then..hehehe


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Sometimes I wonder how it would feel for a creator of a place like this, like any of these you describe here, to read how people write memories and detailed descriptions of their creations, it must be a hell of a feeling!


4 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

When I first entered SL as Madelaine Marbach nine years ago...

For the last year and a half, I've been struggling to steal the locomotive by day, and sleeping inside it by night...


sorry I cut your post, didn't want to quote everything one more time, just want to say that its a beautiful story! It has deep emotions and humor and some really, really clever ideas -> LOL ->


4 hours ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

punctuated by coconuts hitting her on the head


It reminded me of my first home in SL, while I was really homeless, was on a sim called Lost world where I was starting and finishing my daily adventures, teleporting my friends to chat, wandering around and even taking baths lol. Thats the place where I discovered a gallery high in the sky and decided that one day I will become a photographer in SL ;) 

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13 minutes ago, Tamara Artis said:

Sometimes I wonder how it would feel for a creator of a place like this, like any of these you describe here, to read how people write memories and detailed descriptions of their creations, it must be a hell of a feeling!

With 3,900 followers on Flickr, you must have some idea what it's like to have your work appreciated by others, Tamara!

I have made a few little things in SL, and I have greatly enjoyed watching people's reaction to them. To inject a thought or feeling into someone else's mind, particularly if that results in happiness, can be very rewarding. I recall reading somewhere that someone who'd had suicidal thoughts changed their mind after visiting "The Far Away". I've no idea if it's true, but it seems plausible. That place certainly has a beneficial effect on me.

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