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Curiosity question for those who have alts

Asher Isodo

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I've been in SL for several years and over time I've made several alts.  I have always tried to keep from using items; furnitures, houses, etc., from my different alts to keep from having to explain to anyone.  I was just curious if any of you who have alts as well does this or does it matter to you?  I'm finding recently I'm not so worried about it but was just curious how you handled it.

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Not only do I have alts, other people have alts of me :D


It doesn't matter to me.  My partner has a few alts as well and each is their own and separate entity to me.  They can borrow the house because they are Clover's friends but only Clover lives there. Between build alts, group co-owner alts, freebie alts, cross gender alts or even shopping alts I think you will find almost everyone has a few.

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Asher Isodo wrote:

I've been in SL for several years and over time I've made several alts.  I have always tried to keep from using items; furnitures, houses, etc., from my different alts to keep from having to explain to anyone.  I was just curious if any of you who have alts as well does this or does it matter to you?  I'm finding recently I'm not so worried about it but was just curious how you handled it.

I've made several alts over the years too, and because of your post, I realise that I have only ever bought and rezzed furniture as my main self, although the alts have done the actually browsing before buying part of furnishing the home I used to have.  


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I have alts, one for holding and managing regions when I own them, one for building assistance such as setting couple animations, and one just for fun.  My long time partner knows about them all, as I consider him my partner no matter "who" or where I am and we never keep secrets from each other.  Some of my friends know about the first two.  I'm not trying to hide the first two, but it just hasn't come up with some friends.  I use the third when we want to hide out lol.

All my alts have their own stuff. although the first two mostly have just one set of clothes they wear most all the time.  None has their own home because they don't need one.  If one did and I wanted their identity to not be connected to my main, I would buy them their own house and funiture and things.  I wouldn't worry if some of it's the same as the stuff my main has because after all things are sold to more than one person. 

All of my alts expect me to support them and pay for their SL, although the first two help out some.  The third is just a freeloader though. LOL

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Apparantly I even have alts I don't know about. Some Japanese block with an African accent is my alt, or I am his. I'm not sure which yet. He doesn't know either - which of us is the clone and which is the original.

I need to see if he has a goatee. I hear that is a good test for this.


For most of my alts, I tend to tell friends over time because I don't want to be alone when I'm on them. That or well... they are so absurdly obvious friends se them and just address them as me... Because while each has it's own theme - they all reflect very strong aspects of my sense of things...

I don't try to hide them or anything. You can usually find them, when they're online, in a skybox on my own land... possible sitting on a pose stand having their shape edited... or sorting through a bunch of transfer stuff I sent them because I was too afraid to delete that junk...

Others are a bit obvious because they're in my land group, have the same tag on as me, are using my shape, or have all the same AO anmations as me, or something...

So if I have alts I don't know about though... I have to wonder if any of you are my alts? Or am I your alt? Think about it, maybe I am...


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Apparantly I even have alts I don't know about. 

I know my alt never writes...


I remembered to send a card and a gift for her Rez Day last year, did she do the same for me? What do you think? 

She's such a cow...

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I like to RP so I have alts for different sims. Especially important since my main is an admin in an RP sim and it would look like I was poaching if I went to another sim on her. Each has their own clothing and style, though there is some cross over just because the clothing is too good not to. It also helps make it easier for inventory purposes. It also makes it easier to slip into character with a different avi because of the difference of appearance and wardrobe.

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I don't hide my alts, but don't go around making a production out of it either.   

My first alt (Astrall) was created not long after this account, as I was unable to log into SL. 

I had a builder partner, and he and I were working on building, when suddenly I couldn't login.  It was a huge pain.  After a few days he suggested I make another account.  (Astrall Nightfire)  The build problem wasn't solved though, as this account couldn't give permissions to my new alt!  haha  Finally my main account got back inworld, and all was well.   Astrall is my twin.  

Then a few years later I created another alt, not so much a twin, but related.  (Stellar) She has a sim in SL and her own stuff. My alts do different things and are useful.  But, they aren't secret or anything. 

I sometimes share things between my alts, and I give them all rezz rights, group management and estate manager rights where applicable.  The SL permission system doesn't let people share between accounts on most things, which is a shame.  

At this point I can't imagine just having one account.  *laughing* 

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Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

I don't hide my alts

Neither do I. But I don't remember most of their names so they are hidden from me. I have about 40 of them and I used to have a list of their names but I haven't been able to find the list for ages so I can't use them. I'm reduced to a small list now, and I only have that because I used them for particular things and each has a small bot programme named after it. Passwords aren't a problem because they all have the same one.

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You posted as I was editing my error. For me, passwords aren't a problem because they all have the same one.

My main alt has a different password though. I created her soon after I created me - she cost $5 at that time :) I never use her in public though. She was intended to be a poledancer to earn some money but I never learned how to go about it. She's been very useful over the years for positioning couples animations, testing my security device, and watching the store on another monitor - from a closed room..

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   My alts are all pretty much for utility; land holdings, stipend, etc. One was used for a business partnership. None of  them are used for any appreciable socialization or relationship building. My first account is actually an alt now. It was something I used to step into these waters and wade about for a bit before deciding to swim. It was Iva who decided to stay.

   I also have a few alts I had created just to see what kinds of interesting names I could come up with. LL has since put the kibosh on that kind of fun.

   I don't concern myself with what other people might think of my use of alts. Generally, I don't purchase or create buildings, furniture or other things with alts that don't have to do with avatar customization. This is more from a standpoint of economy and efficiency than from one of privacy.

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