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Why do we reinvent the wheel?


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Why are there so many "new" clubs opening in SL? There are so many already! There are not enough people on SL to frequent all of them. Are people power hungry, is that why so many ones are opening, do they just want to say "I own a club in SL" or ? I am not being sarcastic, just trying to understand. I think it would be better for clubs to merge, thoughts? I'm just venting, yes, but I also am curious to find out why there are so many clubs in SL.

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My L$2-worth.

Owning a club is rarely a profitable venture and they close when the owner can no longer justify the expense of running one. And yes, people enjoy the cachet of owning a club. It's a little empire that they can run just as they see fit. So clubs close and new ones open. A small number thrive for various reasons: a rich owner who truly enjoys the experience and or perceived status; wealthy and generous patrons who enjoy the club for its atmosphere or music; or some other quality which consistently draws in tipping guests.

Merging two (or more) failing clubs is no guarantee of creating a successful one, and if you're already successful, why join with someone who's doing badly?

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"Merging two (or more) failing clubs is no guarantee of creating a successful one, and if you're already successful, why join with someone who's doing badly?"

Not merge two bad clubs lol.. but maybe two decent ones. Of course there will be the issues of creative differences. Just saddens me to see so many places in SL with hardly any people in them. I love the variety of sims that are not clubs.. but way too many clubs here. However, as you said, it is mostly because of people realizing that here is no profit to be made in a club, you have to do it for fun and put your heart into it. I guess if you look on the bright side, new clubs opening all the time creates a good profit for the people selling the club merchandise, products, etc.


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I think creative differences would be a big problem. Given the ego required to believe that you can run a successful club when so many have failed, who would want to join up with someone else? Especially if you're already thought of as a 'decent' club. 

Added to that, there's the issue of communication. Got two decent clubs that might do well from a merger? Fine, but there's a good chance they've never heard of each other, even if they were prepared to work together. 


eta: I'm not saying it couldn't be done, just that the obstacles seem like a lot to overcome with no guarantee of any gain. 

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Most new club owners feel it gives them a kind of glamour and/or they think they'll earn some money.  Boy are they wrong!!!!  Very few realize how much hard work is involved.  

Years ago I owned two very successful clubs at different times (with partners) that stayed in the top five in their genre.  Even with partners, it was almost a 24/7 job for me to keep them running and they cost me a lot of money.  I enjoyed it for a time, and earned some profit, but ended up leaving them to pursue other interests.  Of course this was years ago when you could rent out shops in a mall for a good price and most people tipped well.  Far different from today.

The second club partnership tried a few times to work together with other clubs but got no where.  Successful clubs are very competitive and a lot of owners view other owners as their enemies.  It is a cut throat business, in my experience, and most owners would not even talk to each other.   Merging was out of the question.  In fact, I was banned from a number of clubs just because I owned a club, and probably still am lol.  

Most clubs close not long after they open, unless the owner really has deep pockets, knows what they are doing,can attract a good crowd of loyal patrons that will tip well.  It hurts no one if someone wants to give it a go because probably 98% of them fail quickly.

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The same could be asked of any "business" in sl, really. Why do so many think they can simply start one? What is the motivation? The answers to those questions are far too numerous and vast to put here on the forums, I think, lol.

There is no real "right" answer though, mostly becuase of those vast and varied answers. I wouldn't say it's reinventing the wheel, merely someone deciding to create their own wheel, for their own reason(s). Some wheels will sell, and some will sit and collect dust...

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It's not the number of clubs that's the problem, it's that so many of them are dull and identikit. Been to one country place, been to them all. So many places use the same interiors and play the same stale tunes.

The indie and alternative clubs used to be different 6-7 years ago but are now as uniform as the rest.

I don't envy anyone running a SL club though. Seems like a lot of grief with no financial reward. A huge amount of club owners seem to be women with kids - parenting skills come in useful when dealing with the majority of SL DJs, I hear :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

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i think it's not different in any venue, store, club, escort ..or whatever things people do...


most stores you can shoot a gun in all directions and never hit another visitor...

most clubs have more employees than visitors

most escort clubs are full with girls but no customers ( or bots to suggest a good traffic)


should it be merged, or closed?


I don''t think so... next to the moneypits ( thats also a function...good for economics for LL ) it is just FUN to run a place...even for the hard work.

I been DJ and clubowner during 4 years, and it is great to do... building, decor, organising... my place wasn''t big, but never been alone there with employees only. It was fun, and my way to earn a bit to pay for my SL.


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ClariceRose wrote:

Are people power hungry, is that why so many ones are opening, do they just want to say "I own a club in SL" or ?

More a case of "I can do better" for people with experience or "Gee, that looks like fun" for people without.


But ClariceRose, does it really matter? This is how some people have fun, they want to be surrounded by happy people having fun, and for them a club is the best way to do it. That work (and from experience it's a lot of work to do) makes them happy. It is their dream.


People should be able to try to live their dreams in this world - And when that way doesn't work, take all those lessons and do it again from a different direction!

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is similar to the RL club scene. Is a lot more expensive to open a RL than a SL one for sure. The motivation is the same tho, and when people have the resources and desire then they do it

some club ventures are able to sustain themselves for years. Others dont, for all kinds of reasons

some reasons are down to the owners getting in to it, without any management experience to start with. And as they get into further, they find it can turn out to be a bit different to what they once thought. Others simply bc their club/venue p.o.d was based on a passing fad. And other reasons as well

i think is all good tho, that people can open whatever they want. Is the same with shops and parks and gardens and education facilities etc. Just go for it, and I wish people all the best in whatever they choose to do


ps. just as a aside

it could be a whole lot worse (:

like you have to get a license off LL to open a club or shop or other such public venue venture. That would be quite suxy I think, when work thru the ramifications of venture licensing

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You say “play the same stale tunes”.
I don't go to DJ events, but I know at live music shows you can ask them to sing anything you like. Most have song lists with songs numbering close to and some over a thousand. If you would like to hear something, just ask. Some will even tell you, you name it and I'll try it, and most of the time with very good results. And as far as clubs go, I don't pay much attention to clubs, I follow the performer to what ever club they go to. Or I go to a club because of the person singing, to hear someone new.

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ClariceRose wrote:

Why are there so many "new" clubs opening in SL? There are so many already! There are not enough people on SL to frequent all of them. Are people power hungry, is that why so many ones are opening, do they just want to say "I own a club in SL" or ? I am not being sarcastic, just trying to understand. I think it would be better for clubs to merge, thoughts? I'm just venting, yes, but I also am curious to find out why there are so many clubs in SL.

Same thing also happens in real life all the time. People try to fulfil a dream. Sometimes new clubs/shops/rentals push away older places, and all in all this makes the world dynamic and always changing.

To merge is not always a good idea, if the parties do not know each other well ... You know, that if there were only 2 people left in the world, there would still be a risk of battle and war... (just have a look at some marriages) :matte-motes-wink:

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ClariceRose wrote:

Why are there so many "new" clubs opening in SL? There are so many already! There are not enough people on SL to frequent all of them. Are people power hungry, is that why so many ones are opening, do they just want to say "I own a club in SL" or ? I am not being sarcastic, just trying to understand. I think it would be better for clubs to merge, thoughts? I'm just venting, yes, but I also am curious to find out why there are so many clubs in SL.

Like so many clubs, groups, clans or guilds on the internet, people who are boring nobodies in real life want to be important somebodies in cyberspace. You can't do that as a member of someone elses group.

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It is possible for two clubs to merge but it's rare for the merger to be successful And for there to be no creative differences!

Another reason for more clubs popping up is preference like if someome feels there is not enough of a certain thing they like 



Example 1: Theres not enough Soft Rock Clubs in SL i like Soft Rock "creates club".

Example 2:I hate that these  Clubs are PG even Tho child avi's aren't allowed why can't I be the adult i am "creates club where you can be an adult when it comes to song request And language as long as it's not disturbing, hateful, homophobic or racist"

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i like that theres a choice at least. some clubs allow male patrons to harass female ones, and thats not for me at all. sometimes the owner is stuck up, and i hate stuck up people. for me im glad theres so many because i get to choose not to go somewhere if the people there turn out to be less then friendly.

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My view is, some see it profitable, some want the thrill of power, others want to do stuff differently.

In my case, if i decided to run a club, it'd be for running stuff differently. Don't need no bloody staff, let the patrons entertain themselves for free and just overall chill with the rules. Total anarchy would arise with the parcel media but eh, it'd probably be fun.

I ain't got monies tho, sims are expensive yo.

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