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Security Orb Creators and Owners

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What doesn't make sense to me is the people who think that just because this is online, they have a right to go traipsing through your home, uninvited, in SL the same as they have the right to go traipsing, uninvited, through your home in RL.

Oh wait. They don't have the right to go traipsing, uninvited, through your RL homes. They don't have that right in SL either. 

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14 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

Oh wait. They don't have the right to go traipsing, uninvited, through your RL homes. They don't have that right in SL either.

Pretty sure you can't just shoot someone for accidentally stumbling into your driveway IRL either.

Navigating SL while lagging is really just like going home drunk, trying to open your door and crash on your couch, while in reality you are 2 blocks off course and trying to open someone's door by pushing a shoe into the mail slot.

Edited by Kyrah Abattoir
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6 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

Pretty sure you can't just shoot someone for accidentally stumbling into your driveway IRL either.

Navigating SL while lagging is really just like going home drunk, trying to open your door and crash on your couch, while in reality you are 2 blocks off course and trying to open someone's door by pushing a shoe into the mail slot.


I killed plenty of other players in some games and in SL. You know what? It's no problem. 😎
Comparisons with RL are completely useless.
If you are at the wrong place due to lag then you get kicked out indirectly by lag - it's nobody elses problem but yours. Just try again or get a coffee - unlike RL thats possible since it's only a kind of online game.


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24 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

Pretty sure you can't just shoot someone for accidentally stumbling into your driveway IRL either.

Navigating SL while lagging is really just like going home drunk, trying to open your door and crash on your couch, while in reality you are 2 blocks off course and trying to open someone's door by pushing a shoe into the mail slot.

Being drunk in RL is an excuse, not a reason. Excuses don't excuse the behavior.

There are trespassing laws in RL. 

If you are lagging so badly in SL that you are "accidentally invading" another person's home, you've got some troubleshooting to do. 

My home is there for my use, in the manner(s) in which I see fit. Not yours or anyone else's. You can have a say when you pay for my internet bill.

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4 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

If you are lagging so badly in SL that you are "accidentally invading" another person's home, you've got some troubleshooting to do. 

Sure, show us how good you are at following the public paths with a boat/airplane/car without ever clipping in another parcel.

Oh right, that was a purely rethorical statement isn't it.

13 minutes ago, Nova Convair said:


And what could possibly give you the impression that I was talking to you?

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When I shared a quarter homestead tropical island with my SL-ex many years ago, we left it wide open. When I logged in to find visitors, that often resulted in lovely conversations and a happy departure. I built a bed for our hut using some freely available sex bed scripts. After several log-ins that resulted in naughtyus-interruptus, I decided to relocate all couples animations except "Spoon" into the dense bushes out back, where nothing they did would be visible unless they risked camming inside each other's bodies. I don't recall if I ever caught visitors in the bushes, but I did lure my sweetie in... once. Her response paid for all the effort.

On the rare occasions (maybe twice?) a visitor refused to leave, I got the opportunity to wield my power rather than my anger. It's difficult for me to get angry when I'm in complete control. One ejection was particularly enjoyable, as I lured close a man who continued to proposition me in the face of polite requests to move along. I explained that the key to my heart lay in his ability to follow my instructions, which had him meander in search of some magic thing. I built suspense over the course of a minute or so, eventually instructing him to touch the random thing he'd found. The moment he touched it... I ejected him.

I lived in Forgotten City, which had no individual security controls, for five years. Only those renters who earned the trust of creators Jenne and Mandy were given region wide admin power. As I do, I earned their trust. Over my five years there, I banned only one individual, who was harassing another renter in public chat and mysteriously vanished when he was unable to solve some riddle I'd made up.

I've posted this several times before in other threads on this topic...Visitors.thumb.jpg.cd29ab2e5e63ba6c78f3eef73e64f851.jpg

I logged in to discover that couple on the sofa in my lighthouse and tried to strike up a pleasant conversation with them. That didn't go well. I politely asked them to explore other parts of Forgotten City for the countless hidden Easter Eggs. That didn't go well, either. So, I grabbed the sofa, flipped it over and shook it violently up and down until they (I imagined) got nauseous and left.

Honestly, how can you not fall in love with a place that provides the opportunity for experiences like this?

The SL to RL house security analogy doesn't work for me. If my RL home were theft,  tamper, and soil proof, and I had the ability to annoy unwanted visitors effortlessly and non-violently, I'd never lock my doors (I often don't) and would probably put a "Welcome Visitors!" sign at the end of my driveway.

SL is a wonder, and I try my best not to get in the way of others' potential to experience that. When I encounter ban lines or security orbs in SL, my heart sinks a little, not because I'm inconvenienced by them so much as because it feels to me like the person who's erected the barricades doesn't feel as safe and curious here as I do. I want everyone to feel that SL is a safe and wonderful world to explore. In my own odd way, I hope I do my part to make it so.

Edited by Madelaine McMasters
Fixed the nonsense that Scylla set in stone by quoting it.
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3 minutes ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

SL is a wonder, and I try my best not to get in the way of others' potential to experience that. When I encounter ban lines or security orbs in SL my sink my heart a little, not because I'm inconvenienced by them so much as because it feels to me like the person who's erected the barricades doesn't feel as safe and curious here as I do. I want everyone to feel that SL is a safe and wonderful world to explore. In my own odd way, I hope I do my part to make it so.

Beautifully said, Maddy.



Mind you, would it be out of place to note that you did display a penchant for incinerating new visitors to your place? In fact, I think you managed to immolate me twice!

Still, you left me feeling a bit crispy, but welcome.

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Back in the days one of my friends enjoyed building elaborate scenes around visitors who had the misfortune to AFK on his land.

There was always a handful who would angrily message him with something like "you think this is funny?".

It really was.


I kinda understand how @Selene Gregoire sees trespassers, it's not that they actually bother her, it's just a matter of principle: standing against any possible balancing of land owner rights with the greater good.

Edited by Kyrah Abattoir
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2 minutes ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

Back in the days one of my friends enjoyed building elaborate scenes around visitors who had the misfortune to AFK on his land.

There was always a handful who would angrily message him with something like "you think this is funny?".

It really was.

@Maureen Boccaccio was the queen of AFK at the Forum Cartel Hangout. It was pure joy to watch her decorate people who'd wandered away from their keyboards.

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1 hour ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

Sure, show us how good you are at following the public paths with a boat/airplane/car without ever clipping in another parcel.

Oh right, that was a purely rethorical statement isn't it.


No, it wasn't. I've been riding motorcycles, horses, hoverbikes, etc and driving cars and boats and flying planes in SL for many years. I also spent over 5 years on the Emerald/Firestorm support team helping people with lag and other issues.

Not my fault I don't have near the issues with SL that others have. And no this isn't a gaming machine. Not with a GTX 1050.

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1 hour ago, Madelaine McMasters said:

SL is a wonder, and I try my best not to get in the way of others' potential to experience that. When I encounter ban lines or security orbs in SL, my heart sinks a little, not because I'm inconvenienced by them so much as because it feels to me like the person who's erected the barricades doesn't feel as safe and curious here as I do. I want everyone to feel that SL is a safe and wonderful world to explore. In my own odd way, I hope I do my part to make it so.

Ah Maddy. You just can't hide that heart of gold can you. If only you could make us all feel safe even in SL. I'm afraid that's not possible, unless you've discovered a way to remove all traces of the experiences. Yet, knowing that there are people like you who do try to make others feel safe, does make a difference. And it can make a huge difference for some. For some of us, ever feeling safe again, is a pipe dream. Be content you don't need to deal with that. Just keep being you. And keep making those small differences. Both are needed.

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On 6/15/2016 at 1:21 PM, Amethyst Jetaime said:

If the avatar is sitting they may be sitting on furniture or a bed not just a vehicle. 

Alwin is right, a land owner is not required to give you leave to "explore the grid" on their property.  They wouldn't have a security orb if that was OK by them.

I remember once thwarting a security orb thing long long long ago by simply sitting on the furniture

Also hello ancient thread resurrected from the crypts! 

Edited by Digit Gears
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That would only work on systems that simply eject you from the land or use a push object to remove you. Systems that teleport you home don't care if you're sitting or not.

Even back in the earlier days (06+)

Edited by Solar Legion
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My home is there for my use, in the manner(s) in which I see fit. Not yours or anyone else's. You can have a say when you pay for my internet bill.

(This is more of a rant at this general sentiment than Selene's post specifically, so I've de-quoted her. I've heard people pull this sort of line countless times, and it's wrong each time.)

You don't own 'your' house. Linden Lab does, they own everyone's house. We're not even tenants, as they have some form of residency rights protected in law; we're more like paying guests in a hotel. We are granted permission to use that room in the manner in which the hotel owner sees fit, subject to rules that can be changed at any time. Even something as simple as privacy is not something that you are entitled to, as the hotel cleaning staff all have a keycard to our room. These rules are not bespoke, they apply to each room and guest equally.

As a fellow guest of the Linden Lab hotel, my opinion on how those rules should change is worth no less than yours. If those rules are changed then it won't just affect me and my hotel room, that change will affect your room too, and your permission or agreement is irrelevant because you do not own 'your' room. More importantly, you agreed to the current and any future regulations when you took up the room. Your only options would be to abide by the new rules, or vacate the room. If the latter, then there's always the luxury villas owned by the same hotel owner that have a more relaxed set of rules for a higher price?

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8 hours ago, Kyrah Abattoir said:

I gotta make up a logical explanation since you aren't providing any.

What makes you think you deserve any explanation logical or not? Land owner gets to set the rules and why they do so is no business of yours. Your reference to the greater good is nothing of the sort what you meant was "I don't care that you pay for your land, I should be able to still use it waaah waaah its not fair I am going to squeal to mommy Linden"

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2 hours ago, KanryDrago said:

Land owner gets to set the rules ...

Those rules are defined by the platform service provider and constrained by Covenant and Estate/Region settings. There's no, like, "property rights" involved here. The "rules" are merely a bunch of options designed to maximize LL's profits by encouraging "land" buyers and reducing the need to deal with governance issues.

This was starkly demonstrated when the Lab completely disabled whitelist banlines on Bellisseria and strictly limited what was permissible scripted security. Of course this is anathema to those owners who revel in "my virtual land, my god-given right to set the rules" but the new continent enjoys demand unmatched since at least 2007.

Granting less control over the fate of trespassers on their land is evidently the overwhelming preference of Premium landowners. Or at the very least, it's not a deal breaker for a huge number of them.

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