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hmmm, well lets see


1. with the announcement of SL2 in the works, what can we as residents expect with the new grid as far as an inworld graphical experience? 


2. Over the years SL has grown to a whole new level, that being said, do you expect an even bigger turnout numbers wise once SL2 is released to the general public?

3. and last but not least ( this one is for whirly * snickers * )  will SL hold a world record for how many time whirly changes his or her name inworld? cause alot of em are quite hilarious and brighten my day everytime I watch a firestorm meeting on youtube.


Thanks and hope to hear my questions be answered

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When will the official Second Life viewer get Apple Retina Display support? The Retina Macs have been out for 3 years already and a TPV (Alchemy) already supports Retina Displays. Why is this not an important issue to Linden Lab? Has no one at the lab ran Second Life on a Retina Display? Has no one at the lab seen how blurry everything is on a Retina Display? A fix has been provided in the Open Source Jira (See: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/STORM-2116 ), the lab just needs to implement it. Why is this issue not top priority? 

And how about using Metal (See: https://developer.apple.com/metal/ ), instead of OpenGL? Metal will provide much greater support and performance! Why is it not being implemented? Why are you neglecting the Mac user base?!

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I'm curious as to why there is no oversight on the Marketplace review system. Linden Lab has effectively given sellers the ability to delete any reviews that they don't like (aka, bad reviews). It seems a seller clicking "Flag for review" on a review of their own items will get that review deleted 100% of the time, no matter what the content of the review is or how legitimate the complaint. Is this an automated system, insufficiently staffed, or do the Marketplace administrators simply have incredibly specific rules for what qualifies as a valid review (because apparently nothing ever does)? This has led to very problematic products keeping a 5-star rating on the Marketplace which leads to an overall dramatically poorer experience for customers. Why have the reviews at all if only good ones are kept?

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My question I guess may be pretty simplisitc however it is one that I have heard in many discussion I have had with folks regarding secondlife With the implemtaion of the all mesh platform coming out, will the current platform loose all support? Will it be pulled entirely? Will we have any ability for those of us who have been a part of secondlife for many years have the ability to bring over cherished items or pictures from the current platform to the new..or will just be lost because of an update. I guess this is concerning since I have many items customized for me that I would hate to loose them all..as well as I know of many builders who use others pieces(with permission and ment for building of course) That would loose many items they have spent long hours on since they are not the creators of each item on..but the creator of putting the all together. So I would like to know in general the plan for the current platform. Thank you so much if you take the time to answer my little question. 

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Can you clarify and regularlize your policy on the selling of abandoned land on the Mainland?

Everyone knows there are vast swathes of abandoned land on the Mainland.

Unlike the previous system of the early days, this land doesn't immediately revert to sale -- due to land scanners and land bots, LL removed that ease of purchase because it was unfair, apparently because they couldn't figure out a way to prevent sales of such land by scripted agents.

So you have to file a ticket to Support, and here it seems arbitrary -- sometimes the land you request is put to sale at your request, other times it is put on the auction where you must do battle with land barons and land flippers just to get extra prims in your own sim where you already own land and they don't. 

Sometimes the land isn't put to sale or auctioned because LL is hanging on to it for some mysterious reason -- like the WARR which has been turned into "Linden Right of Way" for a Linden That Never Comes.

There are persistent rumours that LL plans to merge sims with lots of abandoned land, moving existing owners to other sims. Is that true?

Finally, is there some way to get autoreturn automatically always put on abandoned land or land that people have not logged on to for years on end?

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Karsten Rutledge wrote:

I'm curious as to why there is no oversight on the Marketplace review system. Linden Lab has effectively given sellers the ability to delete any reviews that they don't like (aka, bad reviews). It seems a seller clicking "Flag for review" on a review of their own items will get that review deleted 100% of the time, no matter what the content of the review is or how legitimate the complaint. Is this an automated system, insufficiently staffed, or do the Marketplace administrators simply have incredibly specific rules for what qualifies as a valid review (because apparently nothing ever does)? This has led to very problematic products keeping a 5-star rating on the Marketplace which leads to an overall dramatically poorer experience for customers. Why have the reviews at all if only good ones are kept?

Completely incorrect.

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Pamela Galli wrote:

Karsten Rutledge wrote:

I'm curious as to why there is no oversight on the Marketplace review system. Linden Lab has effectively given sellers the ability to delete any reviews that they don't like (aka, bad reviews). It seems a seller clicking "Flag for review" on a review of their own items will get that review deleted 100% of the time, no matter what the content of the review is or how legitimate the complaint. Is this an automated system, insufficiently staffed, or do the Marketplace administrators simply have incredibly specific rules for what qualifies as a valid review (because apparently nothing ever does)? This has led to very problematic products keeping a 5-star rating on the Marketplace which leads to an overall dramatically poorer experience for customers. Why have the reviews at all if only good ones are kept?

Completely incorrect.

That's not a terribly convincing argument you've laid out. I've seen from my own personal experience that they will literally remove every flagged review. I've also watched other listings (not mine) get multiple negative reviews that all disappear after a day or two, leaving nothing but highly rated reviews. This isn't an isolated instance. If they are actually checking all of these flagged reviews, it seems they at least heavily favor the seller. I'd like to hear an explanation of how that process works.

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Is there any chance for a change in the Private Regions land portfolio? Just this last week the SL grid size fell below the 25,000 regions number, since the Homestead Debacle more than 8,500 private region were lost, amongst them many beautifully developed regions that were showcases for what is possible in SL. Private region costs are too high, the region types don't cover the customers demands. I have Homestead customers who plead for some more prims, but the step to a full region is just too steep. A portfolio of full, half and quarter regions at a price tag of $250/125/65 should be possible and even profitable because of higher demand and actually adding more regions instead of losing them.


Or, the smaller and almost cost neutral way: at least add a few more prims to the existing land products! 20,000 for a full region and 5,000 for a Homestead would go a long way already. And even more important: it would send a message to the customers that LL actually listens and understands...

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You say that from your own personal experience that you have witnessed negative reviews get flagged and taken down over and over again.  It seems to me the only way you could have personally witnessed said negative reviews being removed over and over is if you are the one leaving the reviews to prove that all of them are getting taken down.
If that is the case they were not legitimate reviews to begin with and they should have been flagged and taken down because they were fake reviews.  
Now that is something that happens a lot.  People that have personal grievances or sometimes even competitors buy things just so they can leave negative reviews because they are trying to bring someone's ratings down.
I personally think LL should give the right to set bans on who can buy your products on the marketplace and/or you should have the right to choose whether people can review your products or not.  If you choose to not allow reviews, just put a little disclaimer on the product page saying this seller does not allow reviews then it is up to the customer whether or not they still want to buy the product or not.  Simple solution.

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Hi Lab Chatters, I have a very tech question about the heart of the Second Life simulator software:

What type collision is more efficient with the currently used Havok rendering engine: cubes colliding with cubes, or spheres colliding with spheres?

I'd like to use whatever type of object collision requires less computing time in order to create more efficient games in SL. For example: is it more efficient to let a weapon shoot cubes or spheres in SL?



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1- If SL is a game, it is about 'how to make the money'. The last statistics about how many resident made how much money and how they did it, with land ownership, creating hair, bodyparts, furniture etc, are years old. The coming of mesh has no doubt changed these numbers significantly. Can we please have some statistics again?

2- If I'm not mistaken it used to be, tier was 80 percent of the income the Lab got out of Second Life. How is this now? How much of a percentage do the memberships bring in? How much does the percentage of all sales on the Marketplace bring you? Is that growing? Advertisement on the marketplace and inworld, do they bring in any significant money?

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Recently the Firestorm people announced the opening of their community gateway and stated it was a part of linden Lab's community gateway revival yet there has been no official or formal word from LL that this is in fact true. My question: Is Linden Lab bringing back community gateways? And if so, why haven't they announced it yet, and when will they announce it? Who will be allowed to participate? I would like to know more about this gateway program if it is in fact true. Thank you.

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I've seen this phenomenon as well. Please point to a popular item by a well-known creator that has negative reviews that remain to support your argument. For extra credit, start with your own store.

I've noticed another phenomenon on the MP that seems to indicate targeted harassment behavior or over-zealous moderators (who are under-zealous elsewhere): flagging of items for "violations" that in fact consist of completely trivial category placements.

I have a very modest MP store with home-made things that are mainly for themed sims or gags. I don't think I sell  more than a few items a week there. Yet I've had a score of notices lately about "violations" that shows someone is bearing down on this page with the scrutiny of the KGB.

There are also some funny flagging of violations. For example, I categorize an item as "avatar accessories/jewelry and watches" and am reprimanded for not further specifying "necklace".

Another item I had was a citronella candle which I described as a bug repellant as I was making it "like real life". I put it under "gadgets" because I couldn't seem to find anything else that denoted the idea of "bug repellant". But I was reprimanded and told to put it under "candles" although the "virtual" status of a candle in SL makes it open to interpretation as "lighting" or "bug repellant".

That's fine, but one wonders if all these "violations" are collecting somewhere and will be grounds for suspension.


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Indeed. It all seems to boil down to whatever the hell Guy feels like doing at any given time. I literally watched him carve out a 512 parcel roadside for someone out of a larger section of abandoned land. I later had a need/desire for an additional 512 parcel across the road from where I was, and when I made the request, he gave me a pile of BS excuses as to why he was unable to accomodate my request. This after I witnessed him do this exact thing for another customer.

In my years of owning mainland, not once has he or anyone else been inclined to accomodate any of my more than reasonable requests. Instead, I get lectured.

I hope he retires soon. There's nothing he does that couldn't be automated by software, with a much more consistent, reliably fair outcome.

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Sebastian Shelbyville wrote:

You say that from your own personal experience that you have witnessed negative reviews get flagged and taken down over and over again.  It seems to me the only way you could have personally witnessed said negative reviews being removed over and over is if you are the one leaving the reviews to prove that all of them are getting taken down.

If that is the case they were not legitimate reviews to begin with and they should have been flagged and taken down because they were fake reviews.  

Now that is something that happens a lot.  People that have personal grievances or sometimes even competitors buy things just so they can leave negative reviews because they are trying to bring someone's ratings down.

I personally think LL should give the right to set bans on who can buy your products on the marketplace and/or you should have the right to choose whether people can review your products or not.  If you choose to not allow reviews, just put a little disclaimer on the product page saying this seller does not allow reviews then it is up to the customer whether or not they still want to buy the product or not.  Simple solution.

That's not the case at all, I don't think I've ever personally left any reviews. I comment on other people's reviews occasionally, but that's about it, especially when they're left on my own products. You actually can't leave a review on a product you haven't purchased, either. Trust me, I'm not throwing gobs of money at random junk on the Marketplace just to leave reviews on things. I buy things off of Marketplace like twice a year, usually for seasonal decorations.

I've personally had a number of reviews that I've flagged on my own products that have been removed, and I've also seen reviews left by other people (not me) regularly removed from other people's listings (not mine). I've watched particular marketplace listings (again, not mine) and watched bad reviews crop up and then immediately disappear. Reviews that should have stayed on listings that shouldn't have.

Obviously on my own products, I like to think I've only been flagging reviews that deserve to be removed anyway, but I've never been disagreed with even on reviews that I could've seen an arugment both ways (for leaving and for removing).


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Why doesn't Linden Lab respond issue press releases in response to news stories about "new" developments in the broader VR industry?

For example, when AltspaceVR, ConVRge, and Oculus crow about their latest developments-- they're very often pale shadows of what has been available in Second Life for years and years.

The latest case in point would be the somewhat-out-of-touch VR industry getting excited over Oculus' latest "Social Alpha" project, wherein up to five people can log into a virtual space, stay fixed in their "chairs," and watch Vimeo and Twitch. By contrast, we here in Second Life watch movies in virtual movies theaters, twenty people at a time, with full user agency.

Speaking as someone deeply-seated in the neo-VR industry, you need to leverage the fact that from your economic models to user-created content to the systems you've put in place to prop up cottage businesses, Linde Labs is way ahead of its competitors. You have, as a company, done so much for your clients (such as myself) that I will continue to shout myself hoarse singing your praises-- but I'd love to see you doing that for yourselves!


Bonus question: When are we going to get .7 SDK support for the Second Life Project OculusRift that was offered up as a tech experiment a year or so ago? Second Life in stereoscopy is absolutely startling-- Jo Yardley can back me up on this!

If you want to see an example of this, just check out this video on VRideo.com in a Gear VR or Google Cardboard:

Second Life in Stereoscopic Video for Google Carboard, Gear VR, and Rift

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The Lab recently broke the Linux Viewer and then basically stopped supporting the Linux platform. Why is it that Firestorm or Kokua can offer a working Linux Viewer, even in a 64 bit flavour, and the Lab cannot? Can't you pay them a little money, so they can help you with your Linux problems?

But my actual question is about Linux support for Project Sansar. Will it be supported?

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I have mentioned this in every single thread someone at the Lab (eg Ebbe) has started and solicited questions in, and there have been many:

Marketplace search is horribly broken, and the main reason is keyword spam. And it would be SO EASY to fix.  First, reduce the size of the keyword field at least by half, more would be better. Second, give greater weight to the NAME of the item listing, as that will always be more focused. And third, exclude creator names from item search.

This is one of many many easily solved problems with the Marketplace, which merchants have reported over and over, always ignored. 

ETA  I am dumbfounded. I just found this:  https://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Introducing-Marketplace-Search-Beta/ba-p/2978221 


That link doesnt work for some reason, but check the Blog.

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Will Linden Lab ever make a graphical Second Life client for iOS?

Now that the iPad Pro is out with it's desktop level hardware, I don't see any reason for there not to be a graphical Second Life/OpenSim client that runs on iOS.  There has been a functional graphics based client for Android tablets and phones for a while now (Lumiya Viewer) and while it's not great, it does work well enough to move around, buy stuff, teleport, and chat.  There is a Second Life/OpenSim client for iOS currently, but it is text only (Pocket Metaverse).  It's also possible to stream your desktop computer running the Second Life viewer to your tablet with special software, but that is not something the majority of residents are able to set up.

If there are no plans to create a Second Life viewer for iOS (and a first-party viewer for Android), does Linden Lab plan to create graphical clients for mobile devices for Sansar?  Is that something we can expect at launch?

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Hi Ebbe,


A few questions regarding Sansar. With next year not being long away, when will we see the first open beta sign ups for the new platform, and when will we see some more screenies. I've read from you that there will be 'KMs of land'. Could you expand on this please, as given the scale Second Life runs at, 8 regions would be KMs of land. 

Part of the magic of Second Life is how it evolved oragnically and communities such as Blake Sea happened. Regions can be added expodentially, allowing the community to get larger with time. Will this be possible in Sansar?  

Finally with machinima being a popular past time in Second Life, are there any plans to incorporate machinima features or tools into Sansar interface.


Thank you for your time, Cube Republic. 

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Greetings Linden Lab Community Manager (Unnamed).
Unfortunately I never have met the Super Uber God (Ebbe) within Second Life ( I was too late a few times) and I don't have a working e-mail address for Ebbe. I have no idea what I would ask him if I could. I could ask if he likes pizza, but that would not help SL much. So this time I sat down pondering what I could ask in this thread. It took me some time to come up with these questions.

  • Why do I have to pay Linden Research Inc. 180 us$ a year (ex VAT) when I buy 16 sqm of additional land?
  • Why don't LL demand a SL (map) presence if a creator makes a Sansar Experience? (We, the creators of Second Life, have paid ( a lot) for the creation of Sansar and want to see some of that investment back)
  • Why can't I buy shares of Linden Research Inc. (Or Tilia Inc.)? (Or am I wrong, and if so, who do I contact?)
  • Will I ever receive credit from LL for the work I have done?
  • Why do Linden Lab employees "hide" behind their Avatar name? Employees are (very much) not clients but RL representatives of Linden Lab and should wear a RL name (visible in a profile somewhere).
  • What privacy sensitive information is shared, without our explicit consent, with US government "services"? (I.e. why does the NSA probably know who I am in RL?)

There are many many things I'd want but I can't mould them into an answerable question.

Oh, one more. How do I know if a question, or more, are answered?


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