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Perrie Juran wrote:

The problem with these so called "paid experts employed by LL" is simply this:  They have never had a "Second Life" and hence have no to little understanding of what is needed.

CHUI is the ultimate proof of this.  The fact that CHUI almost went live with out a chat bar and that we had to explain to them why the Chat Bar was needed  was proof enough.

ROFL! I heard about that, but I thought it was just a joke.

This has really been the problem from the beginning, that the people running the show don't use the product. Even today, you'll hear them openly admit it in interviews. Looping animations being broken doesn't matter to them cause they don't use it anyways. Not having a chat box doesn't matter either. Avatars wearing a million polygons doesn't matter.

What gets me is that they work a normal work schedule at the Lab. This means they work 40 hours a week. Yet, none of that time is really spent inworld at all. IMHO, that is just nutty.

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Richardus Raymaker wrote:

Something else i hope Linden Lab is doing it this time good from scratch instead of putting something in and never fix it. because with sansar there are not TP{V viewer that can fix the problem.

A prime example of why the TPVs have more users, is the pie menu. What is crazy about that, is that LL was the 1 that originally developed it. When it was not added to the V2 viewer, we all yelled about it. The pie menu is many times better than the list menus we get now, which are always different, and you can easily accidently delete stuff, as well as other tragic results. With the pie menu, it all works off of muscle memory, and most people can easily click thru them without even thinking. LL changed it because they thought that being more consistent with other software was a good thing. At the very least, like Firestorm, they should have added the option, for the hardcore and experienced user like me.

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Privacy question, could also be a recommendation.

I've been thinking alot about privacy, and I came up with this thought, that imo should be implemented both SL and Sansar:

camera should stick to the avatar, not move freely around. Still, you should be able to move the camera when in build/edit mode. And when in build/edit mode, you shouldn't be able to see other avatars.

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I understand the desire for privacy but this is not going to work.

People need to be able to cam round for many reasons and do so, not just to spy on you.

And even if they are spying on you, sometimes they need to do that too.

If you run a sim with rules now and then you simply need to check if visitors to your sim are following those rules, and running your avatar to them every time someone visits is not something I am willing to do.

What might be a good option is to be able to set parcels to extra privacy, so that people can't see avatars inside that parcel if they aren't inside it themselves.

Right now this option already exists but cutting your region into lots of tiny parcels makes it very difficult to keep track of visitor numbers, to check of who's rezzing what, etc.

Because for some reason you can't get a list of prim users in the entire region, just per parcel.

And with this option even sim owners and admins cant see what is happening in these parcels and sometimes they just have to.

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Condamnante wrote:

Privacy question, could also be a recommendation.

I've been thinking alot about privacy, and I came up with this thought, that imo should be implemented both SL and Sansar:

camera should stick to the avatar, not move freely around. Still, you should be able to move the camera when in build/edit mode. And when in build/edit mode, you shouldn't be able to see other avatars.

I wouldn't worry about it. The computer you have probably won't be able to do much except rez greyish clouds in amongst greyish backgrounds.

Alec - to stop people worrying unnecessarily

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Condamnante wrote:

Privacy question, could also be a recommendation.

I've been thinking alot about privacy, and I came up with this thought, that imo should be implemented both SL and Sansar:

camera should stick to the avatar, not move freely around. Still, you should be able to move the camera when in build/edit mode. And when in build/edit mode, you shouldn't be able to see other avatars.


You just broke Second Life for everyone who takes photographs, makes machinima, cam shops, attends classes, watches movies in SL,  etc etc etc

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Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Condamnante wrote:

Privacy question, could also be a recommendation.

I've been thinking alot about privacy, and I came up with this thought, that imo should be implemented both SL and Sansar:

camera should stick to the avatar, not move freely around. Still, you should be able to move the camera when in build/edit mode. And when in build/edit mode, you shouldn't be able to see other avatars.


You just broke Second Life for everyone who takes photographs, makes machinima, cam shops, attends classes, watches movies in SL,  etc etc etc

Oh come on Whirly .. stop being so judgmental. After all, those folks you named are only Content Creators. *eyeroll*

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Condamnante wrote:

Everything you said can be done in mouselook.

Well, thank you , but there is no way i use the cam movements using shift, ctrl and alt + mousewheel with mouselook.

i have zero interest in spying ppl, but i do photography and also use my cam while im building, creating or even shopping. Other ppl's pricacy is not the center of the world, there are other interests too.

If you want noone can cam on you, you should rather play the Sims. 

If i lose my ability to use my cam whatever it is for my business, for my photography, or just to have a general view of a sim im exploring, SL will no longer be SL, i will no longer enjoy it the way it do today.

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This first-person only thing really isn't going to happen, nor any grid-wide constraints on cam motion. They're not going to cripple the whole virtual world just for a tiny subset of people with a blinker fetish. (Which reminds me: Don't RLV-equipped viewers have something like this?)

That said, some variant of this could be a reasonable extension of Experiences (in SL, Sansar, or both), such that participants voluntarily submit to view a self-contained portion of the world only through a scripted cam. For SL, any such mechanism could always be easily defeated by a third-party viewer (and ultimately for any architecture with rendering not exclusively server-side), but might be interesting for normal displays, if less so for VR a la Head-Mounted Displays.

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Cam controls, especially custom views, zoom levels and similar on a scripted basis, can be quite an enhancement to the SL Experience. (I gave away a freebie for a while that grabbed the "sitter's" camera and zoomed them into a view of The Stars.)

I can absolutely agree that allowing that level of control on anyone and everyone can be a great tool to enhance the concept behind Experiences. But like most things these days, it should have an ample warning ... and can even be set to default Opt In (imo).

As for restricting cam motion on a global grid-wide basis? Yeah .. not gonna happen.


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Condamnante wrote:

camera should stick to the avatar, not move freely around. Still, you should be able to move the camera when in build/edit mode. And when in build/edit mode, you shouldn't be able to see other avatars.

Now I have to figure out how to unsubscribe from a thread.

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Someone, days ago, said Sansar should have 1st person look as a default. Assuming he/she didn't mean to restrict the platform to that mode only, I agree. Sansar is being created to be more immersive and Superman-look-through-walls just isn't realistic. Even using Oculus with visible interface on screen, while it will be possible for practical reasons, it won't make much sense in the direction of immersivity. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying 1st person look should be the only look mode, but I can see when 1st-person-only mode or not being able see through walls could be useful besides privacy (better game experience with games such as those with mazes, haunted houses, solve-the-murder-case etc), but I believe adjusting camera to the content is something now can automatically be done with the Experience feature anyway. As for privacy, Jo Yardley already described perfectly a. WHY someone can not have privacy while on a foreign land and b. HOW can someone have real privacy on owned land. Most (not all) of the other comments were just attacks to someone having a different opinion by bullying with useless sarcasm. Is this the kind of forum we want?

Vick Forcella wrote:

VickForcella wrote:

Found it! Pls continue making useful suggestions.

That was a very useful post. Not.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

That said, some variant of this
be a reasonable extension of Experiences (in SL, Sansar, or both), such that participants voluntarily submit to view a self-contained portion of the world only through a scripted cam..


will work quite good for some uc experiences. RPs, games, etc

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Derek Torvalar wrote:

Having watched the Dr. Phil episode that Ebbe attended I would like to ask Ebbe if Phil is as much of a dick in RL as he appears to be on TV?

Also, Ebbe you looked uncomfortably out of place on the show. Do you often feel uncomfortable in the presence of others?

Derek! You of all people asking qestions in GD . . . Take these enquiries to the Answers section immediately.

Alec - answers too, sometimes

ETA: Ah, my mistake. Linden Lab in the OP said: "you can also add your own questions as well. Ebbe and other Lindens will endeavor to answer as many as we can." Ignoring the redundant duplication of "also" and "as well" and the nasty americanisation of a pretentious synonym for "try" (pr people generally failed English 101) I presume that means that this thread is officially connected by a virtual wormhole to the Answers section .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I´m pretty sure there wasn´t an 'Experiences' tab on the 'About Land' window before, I now noticed on both Firestorm and LL viewer. Did I only miss that somehow, or what´s up with that - I thought 'Experiences' is one of the Sansar buzzwords?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Mr. CEO,

Can you give us more idea what land ownership, usage would look like on the Sansar Platform ? Also, I have a group of SL friends that have been working on the skelatons of an idea, or experience for within the new Sansar project and would like to get feedback on whether it is feasable without putting it out on a public forum. Would there be some way to chat with someone or email the right person ?


Garrett Zero


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am greatly anticipating Sansar and putting all of my usual SL activities on hold while I wait and plot and plan and wait. Ahem.  This may seem like a very minor question, but since Sansar is both a new platform to embrace new tech as well as a kind of redo of things past, here is what I want to know. I stopped reading questions and replies on about page six, so I hope these questions are fresh.

Will Sansar have Groups?

Will it be possible to get Groups with more than ten measely ranks? 

Is it really so hard to allow more than 10 ranks in a group, like is that a coding nightmare?

I would even be willing to pay more to found a group with more ranks, or add more ranks to an existing group, rather than having to stack groups (Marketing Group, Builder Group, Renter Group, Mall Group, Club Group, etc.) to achieve all the tags I need for community coordination and management.

If we get groups, can instances be limited to specific groups or group ranks? Will we still be able to manage location security without using scripted prim item security systems?

Can instances/experiences be linked, like can I walk through a specific "portal" to appear in a new instance designated as the target experience?

And I think this question was asked but I couldn't find the answer: If I create a beautiful experience and want to help recoup costs, can I place a number of cabins in my instance and rent them out? I guess I'm curious how current practices might be translated/transitioned into Sansar.

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