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Lol is this for real?

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People actually talk like this in SL?

"Daddy buyed me one ob dese lil while ago. Me totally LUBS dis fing! Icecweam for bweakfas, lunch, dinna, 11sies an jus acuz.. all wif choccie dwizzles, coatins, nuts, spwinkles! MMmmmmm"

Word for word unedited, I'd post the name of the person who speaks like that but unfortunately LL won't be too happy with callouts. I can't resist imagining some 50-yr old hairy dude in his underwear, speaking like that in SL and probably dressed up like some preschooler. I think I'm about to barf.

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And that bothers you....how?  The guy or lady behind the screen is RPing. I know they might get annoying when they spam local chat with their posts, in that case I just mute them and tadá. There's no difference with this people and folks who can't type properly. 

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Sounds like a personal problem.

It's not to my taste - personally. I choose to largely avoid those who speak/roleplay this way, as you're welcome to. Obviously this is "for real," as you've witnessed yourself. You're being awfully judgemental; glass houses, and all. You don't know the person behind the screen, so maybe you shouldn't throw stones.

BTW, as far as I'm aware, it's against policy to share "word for word unedited" chatlogs, with or without names attached. Perhaps simply going your own way and not engaging in this type of conversation yourself would suffice.

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if you get that message in Second Life, than probably that person that have a Second Life account talked like that in that moment in time.

now, do every person that have a Second Life account talks like that always? observing how you write here, being yourself a Second Life account owner, we can come to the conclusion that some talk like that, and some dont.

in case you made up all those words, than no, is not for real.

you seem to have a very negative reception towards that form of talking, and by thus, you attribute characteristics that you may find negative in people, for example you maye find a negative charateristic if someone is 50 years old, or wear underwear, or have hair on their body, or humans that wear preschooler outfits in their lives, adding those charateristics that you feel as negative to that person, maybe help you to increase the negative feeling towards the author of that message, and make you feel more separation from that person, and maybe, you feel better comparing yourself with that person, reinforcing the notion that you are more perfect than s/he is.

it must feel very good to imagine a lot more negative characteristics towards another person and compare yourself, maybe enhances your self esteem, but you have to be aware that those characteistics are fake, and therefore, the gain you obtain from it is fake, if you only use the information that you know as a fact, only the text that s/he wrote to compare yourself with her/him, you will have a more healthy image of yourself.

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Daddy buyed me one ob dese lil while ago. Me totally LUBS dis fing! Icecweam for bweakfas, lunch, dinna, 11sies an jus acuz.. all wif choccie dwizzles, coatins, nuts, spwinkles! MMmmmmm"

Could be worse. They could have used "Lol" non-ironically, as if it were still a thing people say.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Daddy buyed me one ob dese lil while ago. Me totally LUBS dis fing! Icecweam for bweakfas, lunch, dinna, 11sies an jus acuz.. all wif choccie dwizzles, coatins, nuts, spwinkles! MMmmmmm"

Could be worse. They could have used "Lol" non-ironically, as if it were still a thing people say.

Call an ambulance, we have a third-degree burn.

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CadenzaInVivace wrote:

People actually talk like this in SL?

Daddy buyed me one ob dese lil while ago. Me totally LUBS dis fing! Icecweam for bweakfas, lunch, dinna, 11sies an jus acuz.. all wif choccie dwizzles, coatins, nuts, spwinkles! MMmmmmm"

Word for word unedited, I'd post the name of the person who speaks like that but unfortunately LL won't be too happy with callouts. I can't resist imagining some 50-yr old hairy dude in his underwear, speaking like that in SL and probably dressed up like some preschooler. I think I'm about to barf.

As opposed to fifty-year-old hairy futanari-wannabes?

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Drake, I'm right there with you. I've never heard anything other than someone playing at being a child talk like that. Children speak just like anyone else. They may not always get the grammar right, but they are learning. The mispronounciations are usually due to muscles not being developed. In RL, I've always privately gotten after parents that use baby talk to their children.

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Every thing in sl is exageration. Skin, shape, hair, shoes etc etc. So, why not exagerate a child talk if this can enhance and make your character lively and plausible? It is obvious that the person rping a child in sl is a grown up or maybe a geriatric. Chat/text has no emotion thats why we sometimes use emoticons , caps letter etc.

Can we just stop comparing SL to RL? Second life is a platform for creativity  not a real life simulator.

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Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Drake, I'm right there with you. I've never heard anything other than someone playing at being a child talk like that. Children speak just like anyone else. They may not always get the grammar right, but they are learning. The mispronounciations are usually due to muscles not being developed. In RL, I've always privately gotten after parents that use baby talk to their children.

I've also never heard children speak like that. Such silliness is the happy domain of adults. The language cited in the OP is akin to "Parentese", or "Baby Talk" which does have value yet is ripe for parody. Note the "Flirtatious baby talk" section of the baby talk wiki page. I hope it's not a sign of immaturity that I called my ex-husband's private part "Mr. Wiggly". Part of the allure of this may be that it's unexpected.

This works in reverse as well, where we enjoy adult dialog from little children. My Father allowed me to sit in on a business meeting when I was five or so, as Mom was too busy to keep me out of trouble. Everyone at the table doted on me as I nibbled quietly on my cinnamon-sugar bagel. At one point Dad asked what I thought of the discussion so far. I sat back in my chair, put my hands behind my head and calmly said "I don't believe any of you know what the hell you're talking about." My popularity before uttering that proclamation was nothing compared to after.


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Drake, I'm right there with you. I've never heard anything other than someone playing at being a child talk like that. Children speak just like anyone else. They may not always get the grammar right, but they are learning. The mispronounciations are usually due to muscles not being developed. In RL, I've always privately gotten after parents that use baby talk to their children.

I've also never heard children speak like that. Such silliness is the happy domain of adults. The language cited in the OP is akin to "
", or "
" which does have value yet is ripe for parody. Note the "Flirtatious baby talk" section of the baby talk wiki page. I hope it's not a sign of immaturity that I called my ex-husband's private part "Mr. Wiggly". Part of the allure of this may be that it's unexpected.

This works in reverse as well, where we enjoy adult dialog from little children. My Father allowed me to sit in on a business meeting when I was five or so, as Mom was too busy to keep me out of trouble. Everyone at the table doted on me as I nibbled quietly on my cinnamon-sugar bagel. At one point Dad asked what I thought of the discussion so far. I sat back in my chair, put my hands behind my head and calmly said "I don't believe any of you know what the hell you're talking about." My popularity before uttering that proclamation was nothing compared to after.


Channelling your inner Snugs at a young age were we?


on a side note.. can LL fix the damn Forums? I got shunted to the blog section when i hit reply, like 5 times...

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Bobbie Faulds wrote:

Drake, I'm right there with you. I've never heard anything other than someone playing at being a child talk like that. Children speak just like anyone else. They may not always get the grammar right, but they are learning. The mispronounciations are usually due to muscles not being developed. In RL, I've always privately gotten after parents that use baby talk to their children.

I've also never heard children speak like that. Such silliness is the happy domain of adults. The language cited in the OP is akin to "
", or "
" which does have value yet is ripe for parody. Note the "Flirtatious baby talk" section of the baby talk wiki page. I hope it's not a sign of immaturity that I called my ex-husband's private part "Mr. Wiggly". Part of the allure of this may be that it's unexpected.

This works in reverse as well, where we enjoy adult dialog from little children. My Father allowed me to sit in on a business meeting when I was five or so, as Mom was too busy to keep me out of trouble. Everyone at the table doted on me as I nibbled quietly on my cinnamon-sugar bagel. At one point Dad asked what I thought of the discussion so far. I sat back in my chair, put my hands behind my head and calmly said "I don't believe any of you know what the hell you're talking about." My popularity before uttering that proclamation was nothing compared to after.


Channelling your inner Snugs at a young age were we?


on a side note.. can LL fix the damn Forums? I got shunted to the blog section when i hit reply, like 5 times...

Don't blame that on me. That's pure Maddy. The most common phrase uttered in the McMasters household when she was young was "Don't encourage her!"

Nobody listened.

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Drake1 Nightfire wrote:


on a side note.. can LL fix the damn Forums? I got shunted to the blog section when i hit reply, like 5 times...

The BUG has been reported on April 4, 2015. Status is still: "Awaiting Review".

Maybe they have more important things at hand instead of fixing the forums?  Grrr...  :smileymad:  :smileysad:


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