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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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On September 12, 2017 at 10:51 AM, Madelaine McMasters said:

...calls on @Talligurl for a post Irma status check. She's logged in recently, but not posted. Do we know of anyone else who was in harm's way? Let's get all our friends accounted for.

ETA: This goes for Harvey as well. Are any of our Texas friends unaccounted for? Mexico?

My power came on at home last night, as of noon, I still had no internet at home, there is one spot at work with a wifi signal, where I can sneak on for a few seconds as long as the boss doesn't find me, like he did yesterday when I logged on, he called me away before I could post.

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2 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

My power came on at home last night, as of noon, I still had no internet at home, there is one spot at work with a wifi signal, where I can sneak on for a few seconds as long as the boss doesn't find me, like he did yesterday when I logged on, he called me away before I could post.

I hope you are well Talli and what Maddy said. I hope you are all well!



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*pounces Talli* yay!

I asked in one of my store groups about the owner who was in the path of Irma and the responses were "Didn't she evacuate?" and "Well they did lose power so probably won't hear from them soon."

smh. No power and evacuation aren't the point. Something else *could* have happened. Where has the compassion of the human race gone?

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Good morning All! Happy Thursday! I flew over Club Wildwood where I live with the drone last night to look for roof damage.  The park seems to have fared well. Only some damage and not serious.  Here us the video of the flyover.  Have a great day everyone! The weekend is almost upon us!


Edited by Hippie Bowman
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<begin whine>

I'm soooooooooooo tired this morning.  I was up until 12:30 am working on one of my database servers and my alarm goes off at 5:00 am.  Typically, I would have slept in after night work and then WFH, but this entire week is full of long sessions with a vendor working on a bunch of installs of a new product, so I have to be at the office.  There is not enough coffee to make this better.  It is a good thing I really like what I do, because some days I am really just so over it all.

<end whine>

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oh yes let´s have some mopey whiney time....

I really miss having a home... and I miss my SL sis... I told her I wouldn´t be returning to SL when I poofed 2.5yrs ago so she unfriended me there.... I´ve been strolling around  for weeks trying to muster up the strength to poke her...

I´m so NOT proud of it but I stalked her profile earlier and went to the RP sim she plays in now... they have this cute house for rent at 625L/week... for 250 prims (well it´s a bargain but still it sums up to 10€ a month for me.... ) 250 is nothing but... meh ... better than a friggin sandbox to change and set up- take pics and clean... ARGH

I can´t really work in SL cos I don´t have regular on times and my online times will decrease next month when my job training starts (still on a tight budget then)...

meh... just needed to rant cos I had 1/8 homesteads and 1/4 corner parcels and stuff and even a full homestead for a month and I SO MISS THAT TIME *pouts*

I know it will be back but ... running around, having to clean up, all those compromises really lower the fun.... spech if you got time to kill like I do today... busy again tomorrow... but... yeah time doesn´t really want to go by  today....

does anybody have an idea for a style or colour I could use as an outfit inspiration? Asked the bf but he doesn´t have any either... I need to change Kasha but ... yeah

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2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

<begin whine>

I'm soooooooooooo tired this morning.  I was up until 12:30 am working on one of my database servers and my alarm goes off at 5:00 am.  Typically, I would have slept in after night work and then WFH, but this entire week is full of long sessions with a vendor working on a bunch of installs of a new product, so I have to be at the office.  There is not enough coffee to make this better.  It is a good thing I really like what I do, because some days I am really just so over it all.

<end whine>

Have a cup of coffee.  Let me know if that is enough coffee!




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2 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

<begin whine>

I'm soooooooooooo tired this morning.  I was up until 12:30 am working on one of my database servers and my alarm goes off at 5:00 am.  Typically, I would have slept in after night work and then WFH, but this entire week is full of long sessions with a vendor working on a bunch of installs of a new product, so I have to be at the office.  There is not enough coffee to make this better.  It is a good thing I really like what I do, because some days I am really just so over it all.

<end whine>

Have a cup of coffee.  Let me know if that is enough coffee!




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5 hours ago, Hippie Bowman said:

Good morning All! Happy Thursday! I flew over Club Wildwood where I live with the drone last night to look for roof damage.  The park seems to have fared well. Only some damage and not serious.

I was expecting worse, Hippie. I'm glad you were spared and wish everyone had been.

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43 minutes ago, Talligurl said:

Power on

internet on

husband sick

i just want to scream right now.


Glad you're back - and safe - and have all the essentials.  Sorry about you're husband being sick.  In my experience, when my husband gets sick, he is always sicker than anyone else is (or ever was).  Hopefully your's is not that bad and he recovers soon. 

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