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SL2 and potential losses - the facts

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LOL - very sneaky, Perrie lol. But you're forgetting that gravity on Earth is stronger than on your home planet, and a rock of that size can't bounce from the front end of the car to back end, like it might on Mars, especially when the car itself cushions it's fall..

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Perrie got it right. The big rock bounced at least once. And besides the big rock there were plenty of smaller rocks falling all over the car. The smaller rocks were already cleaned away from the scene. The big rock was left there because there wasn't strong enough machine available to lift the rock.

That's how this "there was no loss" thing happened.

Yes Bouncing-1.gifwe saw it!

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Phil Deakins wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:



That car was clearly very badly damaged before the rock hit it, as can be seen by the state of the front end, which the rock didn't hit. So the owner very definitely had his/her full money's worth out of it. Imo, s/he is now trying to get even more back from it by perpetrating an insurance fraud

And I've seen people adding to their loss all the gasoline they put in the car since they bought it. 

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I know I am definitely looking forward to SL2 as well.   I know as a fact that there are companies out there gunning for better Virtual Worlds (myself included).   It is only a matter of time for the next generation of virtual worlds and no better ship to be on that the LL Ship.


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Coby Foden wrote:

Perrie got it right. The big rock bounced at least once. And besides the big rock there were plenty of smaller rocks falling all over the car. The smaller rocks were already cleaned away from the scene. The big rock was left there because there wasn't strong enough machine available to lift the rock.

That's how this "there was no loss" thing happened.



we saw it!

In that case, I'm very happy that there was no financial loss involved :D

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Vania Chaplin wrote:

Phil Deakins wrote:

Coby Foden wrote:



That car was clearly very badly damaged before the rock hit it, as can be seen by the state of the front end, which the rock didn't hit. So the owner very definitely had his/her full money's worth out of it. Imo, s/he is now trying to get even more back from it by perpetrating an insurance fraud

And I've seen people adding to their loss all the gasoline they put in the car since they bought it. 

They do know how to make things sound really bad, don't they?

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The only site I would go by for actual facts is the SSA site. here is a link that explains the "Ticket to Work" program. It is vague in the explaination of how it works if you work and collect disability, if your work trial pans out, you don't receive the benefits after a short time period while working. The SSA gives you approximately a month to be at your new job before stopping benefits. IF you cannot hold the job, your SSDI case will open back up within a few weeks, so no court hearings, no nothing, you are already enrolled in the program.

The book from the SSA explains it in detail on how long your benefits will keep coming if you choose to work. This comes from the official SSA handbook guide that attorneys and SSA Admiistrative judges use for determintaion. SSDI benefit amounts and rules do not vary from state to state, SSI benefits do.







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  • 2 months later...

i still have a hair across my butt about "stuff" bought and the prospects of losing it. Over 5 years in sl I have invested a good 1 thousand dollars in stuff so what your suggesting is that i just give up that investment (eat it so to speak) with no compensation? Seems rather unfair. Of course Linden labs is not going to offer any form of compensation because they refuse to accept any responsibility financially for our stuff.    Yet it is Linden labs upgrade that will cause the loss so should they not offer some form of compensation to offset my thousand dollar loss? a thousand dollar may not seem to be a lot to you but it is a lot to me and you just through a wave of the hand say o well you used it now give it up. But what your really saying is throw my money away because you and or Linden labs dont care about my financial loss.

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Niecia Davi wrote:

i still have a hair across my butt about "stuff" bought and the prospects of losing it. Over 5 years in sl I have invested a good 1 thousand dollars in stuff so what your suggesting is that i just give up that investment (eat it so to speak) with no compensation? Seems rather unfair.

But you have agreed to the Terms of Service and now you are worried that there will be no compensation. Did you actually read the TOS and understood what it means before spending your money? Second Life has never been an investment. It has clearly been said that it may not last forever.





1.2 The Service exists only as long as and in the form that we may provide the Service, and all aspects of the Service, including your User Content, are subject to change or elimination.


Linden Lab has the right to change, limit access to, and/or eliminate any aspect(s), feature(s) or functionality of the Service (including your User Content) as it sees fit at any time without notice, and Linden Lab makes no commitment, express or implied, to maintain or continue, or to permit open access to, any aspect of the Service. You acknowledge that your use of the Service is subject to this risk and that you knowingly assume it and make your decisions to participate in the Service, contribute Content and spend your money accordingly.

9.2 Linden Lab provides the Service on an "as is" basis, without express or implied warranties, and all Content, Linden Dollars and virtual goods have no guarantee or warranty of any compensable value.





There you have it, we all have agreed to those conditions. It has been our choice to agree or not to agree. When we have agreed there is no point in saying "it's unfair".

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Niecia Davi wrote:

i still have a hair across my butt about "stuff" bought and the prospects of losing it. Over 5 years in sl I have invested a good 1 thousand dollars in stuff so what your suggesting is that i just give up that investment (eat it so to speak) with no compensation? Seems rather unfair. Of course Linden labs is not going to offer any form of compensation because they refuse to accept any responsibility financially for our stuff.    Yet it is Linden labs upgrade that will cause the loss so should they not offer some form of compensation to offset my thousand dollar loss? a thousand dollar may not seem to be a lot to you but it is a lot to me and you just through a wave of the hand say o well you used it now give it up. But what your really saying is throw my money away because you and or Linden labs dont care about my financial loss.

(1) SL won't be shutting down so you won't have any losses when SL2 comes along.

(2) When SL does shut down, and it will eventually, then no, they should not offer any kind of compensation to you for the $1000.you spent buying stuff over more than 5 years. You agreed to the ToS all along, so you knew that it could, and probably would, happen, and yet you accepted it and agreed to it, It's entirely your own doing.

(3) No I am not saying throw your money away. You have used your money already. You spent less than $4 a week on your enjoyment of SL, and the weekly cost for you will get even less as the years of SL roll by. What on earth do you want for such a small amount of money?

(4) I have no sympathy at all for you over this. You had a choice and you chose to do it, knowing full well that you won't get the money back, and that what you buy won't last forever.

In a nutshell, suck it up because you did it to yourself. You didn't have to do it but you chose to do it.

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No one said SL is closing in fact the opposite.  You can continue to use SL, migrate to the new grid when it opens, or use both.

Of course SL will shut down sometime in the future if it becomes unprofitable, but that hasn't changed from the first day SL was open. All things come to an end eventually.  You seriously didn't think that SL would last forever did you?  So what if you spent $1K in SL?  Over 5 years that's only $16.67 a month, less than what a movie ticket and popcorn costs me when I go to the movies and also far less than a meal in a restaurant or a night on the town.  If you hadn't spent it in SL you would have spent it elsewhere on entertainment most likely.  Do you ask for a refund when RL entertainment such as a movie or a meal in a restaurant ends?

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Niecia Davi wrote:

i still have a hair across my butt about "stuff" bought and the prospects of losing it. Over 5 years in sl I have invested a good 1 thousand dollars in stuff so what your suggesting is that i just give up that investment (eat it so to speak) with no compensation? Seems rather unfair. Of course Linden labs is not going to offer any form of compensation because they refuse to accept any responsibility financially for our stuff.    Yet it is Linden labs upgrade that will cause the loss so should they not offer some form of compensation to offset my thousand dollar loss? a thousand dollar may not seem to be a lot to you but it is a lot to me and you just through a wave of the hand say o well you used it now give it up. But what your really saying is throw my money away because you and or Linden labs don't care about my financial loss.

Here is an equal analogy for you...

Twelve years ago i bought the start of a series of novels. I LOVE this series. I must have read them hundreds of times over the years. 14 books in total at $10 USD a piece that's $140. Recently some of them have started to loose their binding. Pages are slipping out, the cover came loose on one of them. Should I call the printer and demand my money back? Was I foolish to believe I could keep these books forever?

SL is not closing anytime soon. If enough people stay in SL, why would they close it? Do you really think merchants will simply shut down and leave SL for the new platform? No, they will do both. Increase profits by having two marketplaces to sell from. At least, that's what i intend to do.

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Niecia Davi wrote:

i still have a hair across my butt about "stuff" bought and the prospects of losing it. Over 5 years in sl I have invested a good 1 thousand dollars in stuff so what your suggesting is that i just give up that investment (eat it so to speak) with no compensation? Seems rather unfair. Of course Linden labs is not going to offer any form of compensation because they refuse to accept any responsibility financially for our stuff.    Yet it is Linden labs upgrade that will cause the loss so should they not offer some form of compensation to offset my thousand dollar loss? a thousand dollar may not seem to be a lot to you but it is a lot to me and you just through a wave of the hand say o well you used it now give it up. But what your really saying is throw my money away because you and or Linden labs dont care about my financial loss.

In July you said it was five thousand dollars. Interesting.

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  • 8 months later...

I for one is looking forward to it... but I hope and pray SL2 wont look so cartoony looking.. one of the things I really hated about SL is how bad the graphics are compared to other graphics used in some mmos.. NOTE.. before I get griefed here... How bad the graphics are COMPARED.. to some mmos...

anyways just my uneducated, moronic, i am nothing but a low person of dirt opinion :)



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Blaine Scorpio wrote:

I for one is looking forward to it... but I hope and pray SL2 wont look so cartoony looking.. one of the things I really hated about SL is how bad the graphics are compared to other graphics used in some mmos.. NOTE.. before I get griefed here... How bad the graphics are COMPARED.. to some mmos...

anyways just my uneducated, moronic, i am nothing but a low person of dirt opinion



Why do people always compare the graphics in SL to that of MMOs? MMOs are optimized for the textures and meshes when they are creating the game.. Each and every thing you see in SL is created by another user of SL, just like you. Nothing is optimized for graphics in SL. You could have 128x128 textures on one part of a build and 1024x1024s on another. People walk around with hundreds of active scripts on. You can set your draw distance to 1024, which i would like to point out is 4 sims wide! Optmize you settings and you will see SL in a much better light.

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  • 2 months later...

so no one loses out because the stuff isnt new? thats a bit short sighted to say the least. i have some beautiful houses and some expensive cars, planes and boats, i use them often and i dont see these as things i want to through away. in fact like bitcoins, whislt they are digital, if linden switches off SL, i would expect compensation for loss of property...no?


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daisycutiepie wrote:

so no one loses out because the stuff isnt new? thats a bit short sighted to say the least. i have some beautiful houses and some expensive cars, planes and boats, i use them often and i dont see these as things i want to through away. in fact like bitcoins, whislt they are digital, if linden switches off SL, i would expect compensation for loss of property...no?


Here's a link to the section of the Second Life Terms of Service (which we all were obliged to accept to gain access to SL) that should dampen your expectation...


And here's the header for section 9.2...

"9.2 Linden Lab provides the Service on an "as is" basis, without express or implied warranties, and all Content, Linden Dollars and virtual goods have no guarantee or warranty of any compensable value."

Like many people, I don't read all the fine print. But I do understand that if I accept the fine print without reading it, I've probably limited my right to redress.

Because I actually have read the fine print in the Second Life ToS, I do not expect compensation for loss of property when (and it's only a matter of time) SL shuts down. And now that you've read it, you shouldn't either!


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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:


I was going to type 'aye' because I agreed with your post, but then realized in this context it was a bad choice.

Instead, I'll also say:

so yes to the no yes



Can I third your motion and bring it up for a vote?

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Perrie Juran wrote:

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

irihapeti wrote:

Dillon Levenque wrote:

Heart Brimmer wrote:


I was going to type 'aye' because I agreed with your post, but then realized in this context it was a bad choice.

Instead, I'll also say:

so yes to the no yes



Can I third your motion and bring it up for a vote?

Oooooooh, I didn't know Martians could make those motions.

... swoons.

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