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Second Life looks...tacky

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When I first came to SL Aug 2011, I was a victim of bling.I found all the freebie stores right away and loaded up on clothes and tons of shoes. Just about every pair had bling. Not one person ever said anything to me and I am sure I annoyed at least some. As time went on, I started noticing most girls didn't have flashing shoes (or jewels) and I eventually found better shoes and clothing. I like the sexy stuff, but it has to have class. Most things I wear is classy, elegant, conservative, etc. I am not ashamed of what I wear, if my family sees it, or anything I do in SL. I think it is a matter of taste and everyone has different taste. Sl can be anything you want it to be and if you don't like what you are seeing or where you are going, find other locations and keep looking until you find the style and look you can be happy with. There are so many good designers in SL of clothing, skins, and shoes that I know you will eventually find the look that is perfect for you...and don't worry about what others are wearing...it is their SL too after all. :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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Did not know what you meant by jersey shore look before, but according to that, I probably fall right smack into your categorization. I do not, however, find myself tacky D: 



I also feel the need to defend pouty faces and my pimp's well placed eye blackening smack-arounds :smileytongue:



Ohkaayyy, I know posting a couple of pics isn't really a defense, but I like my ava. You may not. My ava might be tacking up SL for you and if that's the case then you have my most insincere apologies :matte-motes-kiss:

On a separate note, what he heck is wrong with that guy's hair??? (another example of how one person's hawt is another's 'wtf o_O' 

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Charli Infinity wrote:

why so you can attack me for stating my observation?

You've made your point. You and leia don't get that feeling that SL is tacky as I've asked in my initial post . 
Thanks for you input now walk away because you are attacking the poster rather than discussing the topic.

Way to stick to your guns girl! There are a few here who think their opinions are the only ones worthy of posting to the forum and anyone who offers an alternative is attacked with attempted belittlement and degradation.


If you post more often, you might even get stalkers that follow you around the forum just to harass you. Yea, I guess it is like Jersey Shore :matte-motes-wink-tongue:



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Ceka Cianci wrote:

Czari Zenovka wrote:

i thought i was all alone..

I feel ya on this - I felt the same way.  I found my first nice fair-toned skin by seeing an avatar in my rp area whose skin was EXACTLY the shade for which I'd been looking.  It was a Gala Phoenix (now Curio) skin.  The annoying thing was that then people started telling me I was "too pale."  GAH!!!!  "Too pale" for *their* tastes (and coming from the "can-only-see-the-whites-of-their-eyes" due to ultra-tanned skin avatars).  I even had someone drop a darker skin on me because they apparently thought I was wearing a newbie skin.  When I told that person I purchased the skin I was wearing (and how much it cost) I could tell they he was stunned...lol.


Gala's were some of the best looking skins back then..a friend of mine had one of hers..

she never bought another skin ever!! lol

so i couldn't go shopping there out of respect for it beign her favorite skin ever..

but i was really in love with my Celestial skin..

so it really wasn't hard to stay away  either hehehehe


i wonder if Curio is back now..

i haven't really checked  to see if that whole thing that was going on last year ever got settled..

Wow, you two brought back some memories. I was a big Gala wearer back in 2008 and Nominee was my choice for white skins. Ah the old days....


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Pussycat Catnap wrote:

Suspiria Finucane wrote:

Tacky is a perception of course and what you may think is tacky, others may not. One thing great about SL is that diversity reigns supreme. A suggestion if I may, when your friends ask, show them a picture of your AV.

And yet 9 of 10 avatars (exaggeration folks) are that same tall blond super tanned cleavage monster with
'my pimp done smacked me good
' black eyes and a frown, or the male 'beach boy tan' with governator muscles, t-rex arms, and tall enough to make Yao Ming feel like a dwarf.

Diversity is possible in SL. But possible is not the same as actual.


OMG! My ribs are hurting :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:



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Charli Infinity wrote:

I don't know is Carole but her avatar looks pretty cool actually. That look would be tacky in real life but I wouldn't consider her tacky as an avatar. She looks interesting for sl avatars, there aren't that many of carole's type compared to the dime a dozen jersey shore types.



(...and my comment was in the spirit of parody/humor...as is Carole's tacky ; ) 

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Charli Infinity wrote: 
'[...] I admit I embarrassed to say I play second life to anyone in real life because of this reason. Everyone will just think [...]'

'[...] Still...I think even I show anyone my av they would laugh 

If people knew they would be like "hey do you know Charli plays Second Life?" and "Oh, that game where they have cybersex and slutty avatars?" It'll go around as something bad

it is a bit embarassing to admit playing SL


Maybe some of those 'tacky-looking' avatars care a bit too much about what others think, too :smileywink:

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i will say this..out of all the people on jersey shore..pauly is the best ..he  is like a comedian compared to the rest of them..

him and vinnie..the rest are a bunch of drama queens..

those two were enoying it..

i think those two would be a blast to go out and party with..the rest could stay in jersey crying over whaever it is they would be crying over..


he always made fun of thier drama..

he was always saying..i'm getting my popcorn out .shows about to start LOL


i never watched before last year..my nephew was watching it and i seen pauly on there and he just had me cracking up..

so i would watch it for him..the rest was a joke really..unless pauly and vinnie were making fun of it hehehehe


This is about as Jersey shore as i get hehehehe



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Suspiria Finucane wrote:

Charli Infinity wrote:

why so you can attack me for stating my observation?

You've made your point. You and leia don't get that feeling that SL is tacky as I've asked in my initial post . 
Thanks for you input now walk away because you are attacking the poster rather than discussing the topic.

Way to stick to your guns girl! There are a few here who think their opinions are the only ones worthy of posting to the forum and anyone who offers an alternative is attacked with attempted belittlement and degradation.


If you post more often, you might even get stalkers that follow you around the forum just to harass you. Yea, I guess it is like Jersey Shore :matte-motes-wink-tongue:



No one is attacking anyone. If anything Charli is attacking us because he/she says any one who dresses sexy and happens to be tan and large breasted is tacky.  Maybe Charli should worry about what he/she looks like and less time jugding others. It's not reality so have fun. Stop harping on people. If you dont like the "tackiness" of sl. simply dont play or live in a home never going anywhere. 

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jersey shore people befor the show? I  think they would still be called tacky that's why they were picked.

cheap dresses, overdone tan, and those t shirts ang gelled up hair...yeah tacky from any angle.

People that says others judge easily often don't realise they are also judging others easily themselves. If you love it you  why would you even care what other people think.

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I haven't followed this thread, but in response to the original post, I have to agree, at least in terms of presentation.

There's a lot of variety in SL. If you wander the grid you'll see the classy, the creative, the tacky, the gaudy, to the outright obscene. However, if you're someone new to SL, or someone on the outside looking in, it seems like SL is extremly tacky and gaudy when it comes to appearances.

Until recently, this was true of pretty much all of SL's own marketing materials, as well as marketplace listing imagery. When you present a user created world as looking tacky, you're going to skew the community towards one which favours that and push away a lot of potential content creators who would create less tacky content.

Another thing to consider is that the vast majority of content creators are amateurs. Sadly, SL's content creation tools neighter offer the capabilities of more advanced tools but also do not provide the ease of use you'd expect from tools aimed at casual designers. This discourages a more polished look SL should be capable of by making content creation more difficult than it needs to be for the average user and also pushing away potential content creators with more advanced skills. All of which leads to a rougher, less polished look to nearly all content in SL, which adds to the feeling that SL looks tacky.


Again, that's not to say there aren't very talented people making amazing looking content in SL. There's plenty of avatars and places in SL that don't look tacky at all., but they're not the face of SL. They're not what you see when casually browsing the marketplace, or looking at SL screenshots on the SL website or the internet in general. You also don't often see that side of SL when wandering through the areas new users are most likely to wind up first, such as tutorial and infohub areas.

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Charli Infinity wrote:

Female avatars:
tanned skin
, tacky
revealing clothes
(always with cleavage),
dark eye makeup
and male avatars: muscular six pack, also very tan and sometimes greasy, and shirt unbuttoned too low.  Then there are the
and piercings that just makes it look even more tacky.

Snapshot_007 - Copyc.jpg

:matte-motes-big-grin:  :smileytongue:   :smileywink:

Now Charli, show us your looks too.

shrug-1.gif  Where's your photo?








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Charli Infinity wrote:

jersey shore people befor the show? I  think they would still be called tacky that's why they were picked.

cheap dresses, overdone tan, and those t shirts ang gelled up hair...yeah tacky from any angle.

People that says others judge easily often don't realise they are also judging others easily themselves. If you love it you  why would you even care what other people think.

I dont not one bit. If you hate it why do you stay? (btw, I am very chilled, freezing actually. It needs to be summer already so I can complain about how hot it is.. lol)

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