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Apparently there is to be a 9th SL Birthday celebration of some sort.

Has anyone gotten any more details?

Am I interpreting the announcement correctly, that there won't be any cluster of dedicated sims as a common venue for SL9B as there has for all previous birthdays, and that instead we just schedule our own events coincident with the birthday timeframe, they get blessed as SL9B events, and so the "party" is a sort of moveable feast (similar to all the events surrounding RFL)?

(I might even like this idea -- haven't decided yet -- but I'm not even sure it's correct.  I might be reading a lot into what may have been an inadvertant omission.)

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I only happened across it, I usually don't look in events. :smileysurprised:

General discussion, as you have choosen, may have been a better category for that thread. :smileywink:

In this thread, you're the Rooster OP 

I'm just one of the chickens.  :matte-motes-tongue:

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Has anyone gotten any more details?

In the above link it says:

"Some events will likely be featured on Second Life social media, so keep an eye on Facebook, Google Plus, Tumblr, Plurk and Pinterest!"


What the heck! Do we have to join all those to be able to keep track of what's going on in Second Life! :smileymad:

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:( This is sad. All the Birthday sims with awesome builds, live music and special events not happening? This is more than sad, this is LR/LL cloistering themselves in a Sterile Corporate Tower and further undermining any feeling of shared Community Spirit. It is becoming "Your World, Your Imagination,: Our Billing, Our Platform." sigh

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Coby Foden wrote:

Qie Niangao wrote:

Has anyone gotten any more details?

In the above link it says:

"Some events will likely be featured on Second Life social media, so keep an eye on


What the heck! Do we have to join all those to be able to keep track of what's going on in Second Life! :smileymad:

Apparently.  The SL Marketplace is currently experiencing major problems and someone reported that the SL CEO commented on it on Twitter, not the Merchant Forums or anywhere here on the SL website that I'm aware of.

If this is the case, I guess I won't be getting any updated news. :matte-motes-angry:

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Cool kids use twit-face, not SL.  LL want to be cool so they have long ignored communication in-world or using their own forum.  In any case, why would they want to talk to us, we're already residents?  They're more interested in the "millions of potential residents" they've been chasing ever since the Zindra debacle.

Plus, of course, SL is no longer LL's focus anyway.  They've got new products to think about.

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Just another indication of how little LL really cares about its customers. They've dealt us a double dose of 'screw you' here; they're washing their hands of yet another chance at community building and customer engagement by bailing on organizing the event and insulting our collective intelligence by trying to spin their abandonment as somehow positive. Shame on them.

If the Lab doesn't have the resources, or simply doesn't want to reallocate limited resources for SL9B, then why not just level with us? I'm getting damned tired of them spitting on me and trying to convince me that it's raining. :smileymad:

(I also posted this in the events thread)

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Not heard of anything on Bday stuff, but I have been so disappointed in the past over SL Bday  stuff it is not even funny.  I was involved in Burning Man for a couple of years, on the periphery, and if the Bday stuff is anything like the pityness  of that ....well, I hope they do cancel it.  The Bday celebrations I have attended in the past were so awful...the things given out looked awful...and were mere geegaws when they could of been really nice and memorable.

But, if I hear anything will let you know.


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Considering that SL was actually launched in 2002, Linden Lab should be doing a major 10-year celebration and marketing campaign. Yet LL is nowhere to be seen. The official blog is almost empty, rarely updated. Most people have fled this GD forum. It's as if Linden Lab has packed up and gone on vacation. Does Torley still work for the company? Does the company still have an office in San Francisco? Who knows?

Compare Linden Lab to CCP. Why can't Linden Lab hold a 3-day 'fanfest'. Why can't Linden Lab make presentations about its current situation and future strategy? Why can't Linden Lab produce Youtube ads for Second Life?

Check out the following video:

Why can't Linden Lab do that?

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Deltango Vale wrote:

Considering that SL was actually launched in 2002, Linden Lab should be doing a major 10-year celebration and marketing campaign. Yet LL is nowhere to be seen.... Does Torley still work for the company?

Compare Linden Lab to CCP. Why can't Linden Lab hold a 3-day 'fanfest'. Why can't Linden Lab make presentations about its current situation and future strategy? Why can't Linden Lab produce Youtube ads for Second Life?

Why can't Linden Lab do that?

It is not Torley, it is the marketing department (if you can call it a department) that has been non existent for some time.  It is more important to support the15 (maybe) vampire posters than that of the entire community.  The mistakes by the marketing department are too many.  The question we should ask is how do they keep their jobs. 

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All the other LL events were dumped too. Burning Life, Winterfest and the snowball fights, Cupid Linden and Kiss-a-Linden, Trickortreat Linden all vanished. The memorial place for lost avatars was frozen, the I-World place disappeared too. Just as well, Lindens were increasingly making great efforts to avoid attending. It's nice they acknowledged that this event is gone too, but it was already super obvious that the company is no longer interested in the community that sustains it.

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  • Community Manager
Having seen the feedback in this thread and elsewhere about the plan for SL9B celebrations, we wanted to elaborate a bit about why we’ve decided to focus on promoting numerous events hosted by the community this year, rather than hosting a centralized celebration as we have in the past.

We want to give the Second Life community more control over the celebrations and to put the focus of the events where we think it really belongs: on you – the landowners, the creators, the artists, the DJs, the musicians, the venue managers – the people who make Second Life great every day.

Many of you have invested both time and money in your own venues inworld, and we think the SL9B celebrations are a good opportunity to introduce new people to the work you’ve put into cultivating a community presence inworld (rather than potentially drawing traffic away from your region to a central event). A collection of decentralized events and exhibits means that not only can many more creators participate, but it should also help us to avoid some of the performance challenges that have lessened the fun for attendees at past SL Birthdays.

As many of you have pointed out, there are pros and cons to the approach we’re taking this year, just as there have been in the past, but we hope you’ll choose to participate and enjoy the celebrations.
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Linden Lab wrote:

Having seen the feedback in this thread and elsewhere about the plan for SL9B celebrations, we wanted to elaborate a bit about why we’ve decided to focus on promoting numerous events hosted by the community this year, rather than hosting a centralized celebration as we have in the past.


We want to give the Second Life community more control over the celebrations and to put the focus of the events where we think it really belongs: on you – the landowners, the creators, the artists, the DJs, the musicians, the venue managers – the people who make Second Life great every day.


Many of you have invested both time and money in your own venues inworld, and we think the SL9B celebrations are a good opportunity to introduce new people to the work you’ve put into cultivating a community presence inworld (rather than potentially drawing traffic away from your region to a central event). A collection of decentralized events and exhibits means that not only can many more creators participate, but it should also help us to avoid some of the performance challenges that have lessened the fun for attendees at past SL Birthdays.


As many of you have pointed out, there are pros and cons to the approach we’re taking this year, just as there have been in the past, but we hope you’ll choose to participate and enjoy the celebrations.

Are you going to set standards for being included as a participant who will be promoted by LL, "we’ve decided to focus on promoting numerous events,"

What does one need to do to get promoted by the Lab in this?

Otherwise you are just going to get every Tom, Dick and Mary adding "come celebrate SL9B with us" and wind up with the same Spamzilla that is happening in the Market Place after the announcement regarding the  "Madstyle" promotion,

http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/madstyle-keyword-spam-apparently/td-p/1491529 ,

in case you were not aware.


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Linden Lab wrote:

Having seen the feedback in this thread and elsewhere about the plan for SL9B celebrations, we wanted to elaborate a bit about why we’ve decided to focus on promoting numerous events hosted by the community this year, rather than hosting a centralized celebration as we have in the past.


We want to give the Second Life community more control over the celebrations and to put the focus of the events where we think it really belongs: on you – the landowners, the creators, the artists, the DJs, the musicians, the venue managers – the people who make Second Life great every day.


Many of you have invested both time and money in your own venues inworld, and we think the SL9B celebrations are a good opportunity to introduce new people to the work you’ve put into cultivating a community presence inworld (rather than potentially drawing traffic away from your region to a central event). A collection of decentralized events and exhibits means that not only can many more creators participate, but it should also help us to avoid some of the performance challenges that have lessened the fun for attendees at past SL Birthdays.


As many of you have pointed out, there are pros and cons to the approach we’re taking this year, just as there have been in the past, but we hope you’ll choose to participate and enjoy the celebrations.

Personally, I have always complained about this very issue, that LL sponsored events took traffic away from the very people these events are said to help. So, I'm happy to see a change.

BUT..... What about the speeches? I always looked forward to hearing and seeing the different speeches. Plus, much like every1 else, what kind of plans LL might have for the future. Heck, we could stream them live across SL, so every1 can see them while partying. Like mass media for SL, for a day, Inside the Lab 2012.

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I still say Epic Fail on this one.


SLxB is a place where folks come together, and hear from LL. No more...

I've made my comments here though:



- Sure xB is a lagfest, but its also a rare moment when folks get out of their corners and see each other and see different kinds of things in SL.

It was franky, one of the few things that was something for all of SL, and one of those rare moments when the place wasn't just behaving like an MMO with an edit button.

But givent the absolute utter lying and betrayal of the community over the last names fiasco, and how they shut down lines of communication even after they said they wanted to talk about it...

- This move for SL9B was kind of innevitable.

They don't want to be seen by us, hear from us, or speak to us, ever again...


Makes you wonder where things are headed next...

Could communication failure get any worse?


Given the insane numbers of improvements they've made to the platform over the last year - this was a great chance to let us all showcase that and have assorted doubters be shown wrong. SL really has gotten a lot better with things like viewer upgrades, mesh, stability, the beginnings of pathing, and so on...

- Yet they're closing the door on all of that opportunity. Opportunities that, to be taken advantage of, need a centralized showcase; an Expo.

For everything they've done right over the last year, they've burned out almost all of their new-gained credibility with this utter communication failure and lack of respect for us. 

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What I'm seeing here is just the same night clubs with maybe a touch of additional decorations and the DJ occasionally saying "Happy nineth birthday SL".  I'll miss the special displays and builds that took place on the celebration sims.  I regret not spending more time checking out the previous two birthday celebrations.

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Linden Lab wrote:

[...] there are pros and cons to the approach we’re taking this year, just as there have been in the past [...]

Thanks for responding.  I'd kind of lost track of this thread, to be honest.

As I mentioned elsewhere, I certainly agree that there are "pros and cons" with this approach.  One of the positives: I'd long lobbied for a "fringe festival" that could permit Moderate and Adult content that might be inappropriate for Linden-sponsored sims; this approach makes that just a natural part of the celebration, so that's very good.

I would just caution that this approach will not reduce Linden resources needed, if this turns out to be successful. In that above-linked post, I mention one easily underestimated cost: the extensive effort to curate SL9B listings for Destination Guide.

There are other ways that Linden costs will be increased by distributing the celebration rather than keeping it centralized. I don't want to expand on that in public other than to note: they really don't have to be much to more than offset the quite limited costs incurred with the old approach.  I mean, a couple dozen sims for a month or so, some Mole labor, part of a Linden's time for coordination... there's just not all that much cost at stake.

No Linden has said that cost savings is a driver for the new approach, and that's good.  There won't be any.

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Now there's an idea!!!!

If you look at all data about where SL is growing, and has always grown, it is adult oriented stuff. Admittedly, I don't make alot for this sector. I really should do more. That said, from LL's standpoint, this is where you really want to get those communities involved. Not involving these communities was a HUGE mistake.

It is also worth pointing out, that without a central location, we don't have to abide by those archaic rules at the SL birthday events. I never understood why selling items was a bad thing. Plus, if they had allowed people to sell items, people would of had alot more fun, and creators would give away alot more items.

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Linden Lab wrote:

Having seen the feedback in this thread and elsewhere about the plan for SL9B celebrations, we wanted to elaborate a bit about why we’ve decided to focus on promoting numerous events hosted by the community this year, rather than hosting a centralized celebration as we have in the past.


We want to give the Second Life community more control over the celebrations and to put the focus of the events where we think it really belongs: on you – the landowners, the creators, the artists, the DJs, the musicians, the venue managers – the people who make Second Life great every day.


Many of you have invested both time and money in your own venues inworld, and we think the SL9B celebrations are a good opportunity to introduce new people to the work you’ve put into cultivating a community presence inworld (rather than potentially drawing traffic away from your region to a central event). A collection of decentralized events and exhibits means that not only can many more creators participate, but it should also help us to avoid some of the performance challenges that have lessened the fun for attendees at past SL Birthdays.


As many of you have pointed out, there are pros and cons to the approach we’re taking this year, just as there have been in the past, but we hope you’ll choose to participate and enjoy the celebrations.

You could at the very least have a Cake and Bear sim with live acts and speakers from LR. What a shame you don't see the added value in this event.

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