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Blush Bravin

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Everything posted by Blush Bravin

  1. Now all this time I thought you were in the UK. Now I need a major mind shift. Not nice to do to an old lady.
  2. I do not like the new category for gacha items, unless that category gets broken up into quite a few sub-categories. I'd love to respond to this but this thread isn't for people's opinions about gachas.
  3. He spelled gacha wrong. If he will do it again, I tested it, the results will be much more to his liking, though not perfect, but much better than when spelling it gatcha.
  4. Love gachas. Please don't mess with them. I don't have a problem with having a toggle to turn it off for those who have trouble using "NOT". But gachas rock!! By the way, I have no vested interest in keeping gachas as is. I do not sell any gachas. But I dearly love shopping for gachas in the MP.
  5. Try -> geralt NOT gacha I think the problem is your spelling gacha wrong.
  6. Personally I limit my fps to 30. Avatar physics do all kinds of wonky stuff at higher than 30. My system can easily get 60, even up to 100, but I don't need it. I still prefer to use complexity numbers over checking fps, as that would be meaningless for me since I limit fps. I agree that complexity is borked, but I still think it at least gives me some indication. I'd rather wear a dress that weighs in at 4k rather than a dress that weighs in at 80k.
  7. It's not a perfect system as it's been noted that the calculations are faulty, but it's all we have, so using the complexity numbers we can see in the viewer is the easiest method for checking complexity. I only use the Firestorm viewer so can't speak to other viewers. There is a preference that lets you turn complexity number on and off. Your complexity rating will show in your tag. You will also see everyone else's number in their tags. Personally, I just watch the complexity numbers that pop up in the corner of my screen as I put on and remove items. If the number jumps too much for what I think it should then I don't buy the clothing/hair/shoes whatever. It's unlikely that your skin will slow you down. It's a texture so it does count toward your overall complexity, but it's minor as nearly all skins used for mesh bodies/heads are 1024 resolution. What can slow you down though is wearing lots of makeup layers or clothing layers that also use 1024 textures. Fortunately, once BoM comes out we will be able to bake all those layers of textures into one texture thus reducing complexity substantially. The only comparison I know of is on the Mesh Body Addicts webpage, but unfortunately, the data hasn't been updated in awhile so keep that in mind if you do use that source.
  8. I log in to a black screen. I have disabled login screens in the FS viewer in preferences. **Shoulda read the whole thread before offering my solution. Oh well, now it's seconded!
  9. I actually believe that making an avatar of a different race and then walking around in that avatar to see how people react to you is an eye-opening experience. I haven't personally made an avatar of color here in SL, but I did in World of Warcraft. I was shocked to see how differently I was treated by some simply because my skin was dark. I think you're getting some of that now with your friend objecting to your having a black avatar.
  10. When I'm bored, and that's way too often, the first thing I do is tear down my home parcel. It's good I have a home parcel, because I'd remodel my shop monthly, and that wouldn't be good.
  11. Jumps up and down and does the happy dance. Thank you so much for the clarification.
  12. Very good point. As a consumer, I know I nearly always will go to the in-world shop to complete my purchase once I find something while window-shopping the marketplace.
  13. I used hair, clothes, jewelry as they are the biggest offenders in the older prim based objects. Of course it doesn't matter what the object is that you are attaching. They ALL affect complexity.
  14. This can be due to older clothing, hair, and jewelry made from a huge number of prims linked together such as flexi skirts and old style flexi hair, but it can just as easily be caused from poorly made mesh with very high complexity. You can see how the numbers are affected as you dress. Watch your complexity count as you add things to your outfit. Part of my demo process, besides being sure that whatever I'm demoing works well while dancing, is to check how the item affects my complexity. I actually have some flexi hair that is lower in complexity than some poorly made mesh hair (I deleted that mesh hair btw).
  15. My thoughts, for what it's worth. If a store owner hasn't logged in for over a year all their products should be pulled. That's one full year of no customer support. Nuff said! As to how often a product sells for me is irrelevant as long as the store owner is active in SL. I have items that sell in spurts. It might be months where I don't see the product selling but then something changes in the market, due to various reasons, and that product will start selling again.
  16. My sentiments exactly. My biggest objection to your argument is that you belittle the real use of the word. Racism is alive and well on planet earth unfortunately, and we do need to deal with that. But your argument makes a mockery of the word.
  17. I have two flickr accounts and neither of them got this announcement. Are you sure it's this isn't a scam of some kind?
  18. This thread is a good place to start reading.
  19. As one of the moderators of the Maitreya Lara Friends group, 20,000+ members, I assure you that Skell's description is also what we see day in and day out. And just as those who provide support in the FS support group, none of us are paid. We are there because we want to help. So, next time when you are asking for help, please use your words more carefully, repeat your question and patiently wait until someone is available to help you.
  20. You will be able to change your first and last name, for a fee, but you will only be able to pick last names from a list provided. So, no, you cannot just pick whatever last name you desire.
  21. I'm dressing up as someone waiting to get into SSP. Great costume, btw.
  22. You sound a bit racist against humans.
  23. I'm so excited about the new Linden homes I'm having a hard time sitting still in my seat. I am going to sell land so I will have the extra 512 to add to my tier so I can give up my 512 Linden home (I use as a workshop) and get the larger new improved model. In fact, if they look as good as what Patch has been showing us, I may use my mainland for my store and workshop and move into the Linden home full time as my SL residence. So yes, I have a hard time believing anyone will want to stay in those antiquated models. But that's my prejudice and I admit it freely.
  24. I apologize was confusing you with Chic Aeon. I will try to remember Rey.
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